FERC-1T, Annual Report of Major Electric Utilities, Licensees and Others --Modifications to Form 1 due to Final Rule in Docket No. RM19-12

OMB 1902-0311

OMB 1902-0311

Annual Report of Major Electric Utilities, Licensees and Others Modifications to Form 1 due to Final Rule in Docket No. RM19-12. This temporary info. collection no. (FERC Form No. 1T) is needed due to pending renewal work for the Form 1. The NOPR in Docket No. RM19-12 (RIN 1902-AF58) was submitted to OMB in Form 1, and was published in the Fed. Reg. on 2/4/2019 (84 FR 1412). That information is included in metadata below under 60-day notice; information related to the Final Rule is included below under 30-day notice. In Docket RM19-12, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is revising its electronic filing format for certain data collections to make it easier for filers to submit and data users to analyze information. By modernizing FERC’s data collections and making them more accessible, today’s final rule will increase efficiency in regulatory filings and business information processing, further the goal of transparency, and decrease the costs, over time, of preparing the necessary data for submission. The rule adopts eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL), a nonproprietary, open technology standard, as the new filing format. XBRL will enhance system compatibility and security, and allow efficient sharing of data across different information systems. Industry groups broadly supported the move to the new standard, which will be used for filing Form Nos. 1, 1-F, 2, 2-A, 3-Q electric, 3-Q natural gas, 6, 6-Q, 60 and 714. The next step is for FERC staff to develop a draft XBRL taxonomy that will be discussed at a future technical conference. The Commission will collect additional comments. [FERC Form No. 1 is a comprehensive financial and operating report submitted for electric rate regulation, market oversight analysis, and financial audits. Major pertains to utilities and licensees that have, in each of the three previous calendar years, sales or transmission services that exceed one of the following: (1) one million megawatt hours of total annual sales; (2) 100 megawatt hours of annual sales for resale; (3) 500 megawatt hours of annual power exchanges delivered; or (4) 500 megawatt hours of annual wheeling for others (deliveries plus losses).]

The latest form for FERC-1T, Annual Report of Major Electric Utilities, Licensees and Others --Modifications to Form 1 due to Final Rule in Docket No. RM19-12 expires 2022-08-31 and can be found here.

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