Technical Assistance Needs Assessments (TANAs) at Superfund Remedial or Removal Sites (Renewal)

OMB 2050-0211

OMB 2050-0211

This ICR covers the usage of TANAs with members of the impacted community in order to determine how the community is receiving technical information about a Superfund remedial or removal site; whether the community needs additional assistance in order to understand and respond to site-related technical information; and whether there are organizations in the community that are interested or involved in site-related issues and capable of acting as an appropriate conduit for technical assistance services to the affected community. The TANA will help ensure the community's needs for technical assistance are defined as early in the remedial/ removal process as possible and enable meaningful community involvement in the Superfund decision-making process. Additionally, the TANA process produces a blueprint for designing a coordinated effort to meet the community's needs for additional technical assistance while minimizing the overlap of services provided.

The latest form for Technical Assistance Needs Assessments (TANAs) at Superfund Remedial or Removal Sites (Renewal) expires 2022-05-31 and can be found here.

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