Importation of On-highway Vehicles and Nonroad Engines, Vehicles, and Equipment (Renewal)

OMB 2060-0717

OMB 2060-0717

The Clean Air Act requires that on-highway vehicles and motorcycles, and nonroad vehicles, engines and equipment imported into the U.S. either comply with applicable emission requirements or qualify for an applicable exemption or exclusion. The Compliance Division (CD) in the EPAs Office of Air and Radiation maintains and makes available instruments to importers to help facilitate importation of products at U.S. Borders. EPA Form 3520-1 is used by importers of on-highway vehicles and motorcycles, and EPA Form 3520-21 is used by importers of nonroad vehicles, engines and equipment. In addition, this ICR covers the burden of EPA Form 3520-8 which is used to request final importation clearance for Independent Commercial Importers (ICIs) of on-highway vehicles who are required to bring the on-highway vehicles into compliance and provide emissions test results.

The latest form for Importation of On-highway Vehicles and Nonroad Engines, Vehicles, and Equipment (Renewal) expires 2023-06-30 and can be found here.

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