Reports by Carriers on Incidents Involving Animals During Air transport

OMB 2105-0552

OMB 2105-0552

Department of Transportation issued a final rule on July 3, 2014 amending the requirement for air carriers to report incidents involving the loss, injury, or death of an animal during air transport. The final rule: (1) expands the reporting requirement to U.S. carriers that operate scheduled service with at least one aircraft with a design capacity of more than 60 seats ("covered carriers"); (2) expands the definition of "animal" to any warm- or cold-blooded animal which, at the time of transportation, is being kept as a pet in a family household in the United States and any dog or cat which, at the time of transportation, is shipped as part of a commercial shipment on a scheduled passenger flight, including shipments by trainers and breeders; (3) requires covered carriers to file a calendar-year report through December; (4) requires covered carriers to include in the calendar-year report the total number of animals that were lost, injured, or died during air transport in the calendar year, including a requirement to file a negative report if the carrier did not have any reportable incidents during the calendar year; (5) requires covered carriers to provide in their calendar-year reports the total number of animals transported in the calendar year; and (6) requires a certification signed by an authorized carrier representative affirming that the report is true, correct, and complete. Additionally, the final rule moved the reporting requirement out of 14 CFR Part 234 to avoid further confusion regarding which entities are required to submit a report. The reporting requirement is now codified at 14 CFR Part 235.

The latest form for Reports by Carriers on Incidents Involving Animals During Air transport expires 2021-10-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Monthly Reports by Carriers on Incidents Involving Animals During Air transport

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Transportation - Air Transportation

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