Investigation-Based Crash Data Studies

OMB 2127-0706

OMB 2127-0706

Crash Investigation Sampling System (CISS) data will be used to describe and analyze circumstances, mechanisms, and consequences of high severity motor vehicle crashes in the United States. These descriptions and analyses in turn will help to describe the magnitude of vehicle damage and injury severity as related to traffic safety problems. It will give motor vehicle researchers an opportunity to specify areas in which improvements may be possible, design countermeasure programs, and evaluate the effects of existing and proposed safety measures. Users include virtually every program area in NHTSA, other federal agencies such as the Federal Highway Administration, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, state and local governments, domestic and foreign motor vehicle manufacturers, insurance and consumer organizations, safety research organizations, universities, foreign government agencies, and individual citizens.

The latest form for Investigation-Based Crash Data Studies expires 2022-04-30 and can be found here.

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