Pediatric Shoulder Response in Frontal Loading

OMB 2127-0743

OMB 2127-0743

This is to request the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) review and approval of a new National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) information collection request (ICR) titled “Pediatric Shoulder Response in Frontal Loading.” This research is primarily observational in nature and voluntary, in which members of the public perform a light push/pull exercise activity (similar to rowing) while their shoulder movements are observed using a motion capture system. . A signature granting consent is required because the study participants will be minors (age 6 – 14). The study details of what their child will be doing and how the observational data is used will be clearly delineated on the consent form per Institutional Review Board (IRB) requirements. The parent/guardian will be on site for the testing and in view of the participant throughout the testing, which is expected to take approximately one hour, including check-in, participant measurements, and motion capture setup tasks. The participant’s name must be included on the consent form per IRB. This is the only place their name will be collected. A test ID number will be assigned and used henceforth to document the participant’s age (from birthdate), sex, and size (from anthropometry measurements made by researchers). The consent form will be a hard copy, while all other measurements will be entered electronically via computer (associated with a test ID number). The observational aspect of this research includes a fun, low-intensity activity or game where the participant’s shoulder movement is tracked with motion capture software while resisting forces generated by the test apparatus are collected using a data acquisition system. The activity, which resembles a rowing motion, will simulate the shoulder motions experienced in a crash event, but at a much lower intensity. The forces generated with respect to the movements are used to develop a “response target” that serves as design guidance for the relevant crash dummy component. The age/sex/anthropometry collection will provide contractor/NHTSA researchers with independent variables for the purpose of binning and normalizing the experimental responses to a particular child dummy size. For example, responses from males age 6 – 8 that have a shoulder breadth in a certain range may be compared with responses from males age 9 – 11 having the same shoulder breadth range to determine if there is a statistical difference between those cohorts. If there is no statistical difference between cohorts, then observational data from both cohorts may be combined to create the response target for the LODC.

The latest form for Pediatric Shoulder Response in Frontal Loading expires 2022-08-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Anthropometry measurement

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Transportation - Ground Transportation

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