Mortgage Record Change

OMB 2502-0422

OMB 2502-0422

The servicing of insured mortgages must be performed by a mortgagee that is approved by HUD to service insured mortgages. The Mortgage Record Change information is used by FHA-approved mortgagees to comply with HUD requirements for reporting the sale of a mortgage between investors and/or the transfer of the mortgage servicing responsibility, as appropriate. The information is collected electronically through Business-to-Government, Electronic Data Interchange and via FHA Connection. The information required is used to update HUD's Single Family Insurance System and other related systems. Current data is necessary to establish mortgage premium liability, forward annual premium mortgage data to the appropriate mortgagee/servicer, and maintain premium receivables and program data regarding investors/servicer activity

The latest form for Mortgage Record Change expires 2021-01-31 and can be found here.

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