Family Unification Program/Family Self-Sufficiency Demonstration Evaluation

OMB 2528-0327

OMB 2528-0327

The Family Unification Program/ Family Self-Sufficiency (FUP/FSS) Demonstration, authorized in HUD’s FY 2015 appropriations, was designed to test whether combining FUP and FSS for eligible youth would result in beneficial outcomes. The demonstration program was first announced in January 2016, and a total of 51 PHAs are participating in the demonstration as of 2019. As a part of the demonstration, the time limit on rental assistance was extended to match the maximum allowable five-year FSS contract (at the start of the demonstration, this was an increase from 18 months, although FUP-Youth vouchers were extended to 36 months shortly after the time the demonstration was announced). No funds or additional FUP vouchers were allocated for the demonstration, although certain regulatory requirements were relaxed for participating Public Housing Agencies (PHAs), with the aim of better aligning the existing programs into the new approach. As a result, all participating PHAs already had FUP allocations. Participating PHAs can choose to modify their FSS programs to better meet the needs of youth participants. The most recent FUP awards (FY17 and FY18) require partnership with a local Continuum of Care (CoC), which can increase referrals of eligible youth through coordinated entry.

The latest form for Family Unification Program/Family Self-Sufficiency Demonstration Evaluation expires 2023-08-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Web-based Agency Survey – PHA

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Community and Social Services - Community and Regional Development

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