Section 54.703, USAC Board of Directors Nomination Process and Sections 54.719 through 54.725, Review of Administrator's Decision

OMB 3060-0876

OMB 3060-0876

Pursuant to 47 CFR Section 54.703 industry and non-industry groups may submit to the Commission for approval nominations for individuals to be appointed to the USAC Board of Directors. 47 CFR Sections 54.719-54.725 contain the procedures for Commission review of USAC decisions, including the general filing requirements pursuant to which parties must file requests for review. The information is used by the Commission: (1) to select USAC's Board of directors; and (2) to ensure that requests for review are filed properly with the Commission.

The latest form for Section 54.703, USAC Board of Directors Nomination Process and Sections 54.719 through 54.725, Review of Administrator's Decision expires 2021-09-30 and can be found here.

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Section 54.703, USAC Board of Directors Nomination Process and Sections 54.719 through 54.725, Review of Administrator's Decision

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