Sections 1.49 and 1.54, Forbearance Petition Filing Requirements

OMB 3060-1138

OMB 3060-1138

Carriers may petition for "forbearance" from provisions of the Act and/or the FCC rules. Under the statute the FCC must make 3 complex determinations within 1 year. To act within 1 year, and to present a stable petition for comment, the FCC requires forbearance petitioners to state with specificity all relevant provisions, rules, carriers, services, geographic areas, and other factors; to apply each statutory criterion to each rule; to identify needed data that the petitioner lacks; to meet routine filing requirements at 47 C.F.R §1.49; and to send the petition to [email protected], together with supporting data (including market data) and any supporting statements.

The latest form for Sections 1.49 and 1.54, Forbearance Petition Filing Requirements expires 2022-04-30 and can be found here.

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