Study Area Boundary Data Reporting in Esri Shapefile Format, DA 12-1777 and DA 13-282

OMB 3060-1181

OMB 3060-1181

The Commission requires all incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) to file shapfile maps of their service territories in a state (study area). State commissions can also submit these data voluntarily for ILECs in their state. Shapefiles are a commonly used, digitized, geographic information system (GIS) format. Accurate and accessible maps are essential to the legitmate distribution of universal service support to rural, high cost carriers. After the shapefiles are uploaded into a web interface provided by the Commission, each ILEC (or state) must certify the accuracy of its study area maps. Filers must also submit updated shapefile maps if their study area boundaries change, and must recertify the accuracy of the map every two years.

The latest form for Study Area Boundary Data Reporting in Esri Shapefile Format, DA 12-1777 and DA 13-282 expires 2022-05-31 and can be found here.

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Federal Enterprise Architecture: Economic Development - Business and Industry Development

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