Assessment Rate Adjustment Guidelines for Large and Highly Complex Institutions

OMB 3064-0179

OMB 3064-0179

The guidelines determine how adjustments can be made to the total scores that are used in calculating the deposit insurance assessment rates of large and highly complex insured institutions, under the methodology of the Amended Assessment Regulations. These amended regulations eliminated risk categories for large institutions and combined CAMELS ratings and forward-looking financial measures into one of two scorecards, one for highly-complex institutions and another for all other large institutions. Each of the two scorecards produces two scores-a performance score and a loss severity score-that are combined into a total score, which cannot be greater than 90 or less than 30. The FDIC can adjust a bank's total score up or down by no more than 15 points, but the resulting score cannot be greater than 90 or less than 30. The score is then converted to an initial base assessment rate, which, after application of other possible adjustments, results in a total assessment rate. The total assessment rate is multiplied by the bank's assessment base to calculate the amount of its assessment obligation.

The latest form for Assessment Rate Adjustment Guidelines for Large and Highly Complex Institutions expires 2021-09-30 and can be found here.

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