Generic Clearance for NARA Public and Education Program Registration

OMB 3095-0074

OMB 3095-0074

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) offers a variety of tours, training, and events throughout the country. Advance registration allows NARA offices to schedule the tours, training, and events to maximize the participants’ time and to accommodate the participants in the space. The information collected from our customers and stakeholders will help ensure that users have an effective, efficient, and satisfying experience with our programs, in compliance with E.O. 12862. Without the ability to collect this information NARA would not be able to effectively organize events, resulting in possibly turning away members of the public from events that might be overbooked.

The latest form for Generic Clearance for NARA Public and Education Program Registration expires 2021-05-31 and can be found here.

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