American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act: Effects of Temporary Duty Suspensions and Reductions on the U.S. Economy

OMB 3117-0231

OMB 3117-0231

The United States International Trade Commission (Commission) is conducting an investigation for the purpose of preparing the report required by Section 4 of the American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act of 2016 (AMCA), which directs the Commission to submit “a report on the effects on the United States economy of duty suspensions and reductions enacted pursuant to this Act.” The AMCA directs the Commission to include in its report “a broad assessment of the economic effects of such duty suspensions and reductions on producers, purchasers, and consumers in the United States, using case studies describing such effects on selected industries or by type of article as available data permit.” The AMCA also directs the Commission to solicit and append to its report “recommendations with respect to those domestic industry sectors or specific domestic industries that might benefit from permanent duty suspensions and reductions, either through a unilateral action of the United States or [through] negotiations for reciprocal tariff agreements, with a particular focus on inequities created by tariff inversions.” The Commission will issue a questionnaire to firms to collect vital information for this report.

The latest form for American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act: Effects of Temporary Duty Suspensions and Reductions on the U.S. Economy expires 2022-02-28 and can be found here.

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