Cooperation with States at Commerical Nuclear Power Plants and Other Nuclear Production and Utilization Facilities, Policy Statement

OMB 3150-0163

OMB 3150-0163

States and federally recognized Indian Tribes are involved and interested in monitoring the safety status of nuclear power plants and other nuclear production and utilization facilities. This involvement is, in part, in response to the States' and Tribes' public health and safety responsibilities and, in part, in response to their citizens' desire to become more knowledgeable about the safety of nuclear power plants and other nuclear production and utilization facilities. States and Tribes have identified NRC inspections as one possible source of knowledge for their personnel regarding NRC licensee activities, and the NRC, through the policy statement, “Cooperation with States at Commercial Nuclear Power Plants and Other Nuclear Production or Utilization Facilities” (57 FR 6462; February 25, 1992), has been amenable to accommodating States' and Tribes' needs in this regard. The NRC uses the information collected under this information collection requirement to allow States and federally recognized Indian Tribes to participate in or observe inspections at NRC-licensed facilities. The types of information collected include written requests identifying specific inspections States and Tribes wish to observe; identification-related information required for site access to NRC-licensed facilities; training and qualifications of State and Tribal personnel participating in inspections; information required to define inspection roles for States and Tribes; and information to coordinate NRC and State and Tribal inspections.

The latest form for Cooperation with States at Commerical Nuclear Power Plants and Other Nuclear Production and Utilization Facilities, Policy Statement expires 2022-09-30 and can be found here.

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