Survey of NRC Materials Licenses to Support Rulemaking for NRC's Small Size Standards

OMB 3150-0242

OMB 3150-0242

The NRC has its own standards for categorizing small business size entities that are noted in section 2.810 of title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, “NRC size standards.” The agency’s standards differ from those used by the Small Business Administration (SBA) because it is difficult to align NRC licensees with SBA size standards and the Omnibus Budget Reconciliations Act of 1990 requirement for NRC to recover 90 percent of the annual budget through fees. Since the agency has not surveyed its materials licensees since 1993, the staff will conduct a survey to gather financial data to determine if a change to the size standards is needed. Without conducting a survey, the NRC staff does not have the data needed to determine the impact of shifting from the current nuclear industry-specific standards. The results of the analysis will be used to provide a recommendation to the Commission that is backed with sound empirical data.

The latest form for Survey of NRC Materials Licenses to Support Rulemaking for NRC's Small Size Standards expires 2022-11-30 and can be found here.

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