Combined Federal Campaign

OMB 3206-0269

OMB 3206-0269

The CFC regulations set forth at 5 CFR § 950.204(b)(1) states: An organization must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the LFCC of the appropriate local campaign, that it has a substantial local presence in the geographical area covered by the local campaign, a substantial local presence in the geographical area covered by an adjacent local campaign, or substantial statewide presence. Eligibility to participate in an adjoining campaign on the basis of adjacency or statewide presence may be discontinued upon implementation of appropriate electronic technology that allows removal of the need for geographic restrictions on giving as determined by the [U.S. Office of Personnel Management] Director. Universal giving allows donors to access an online search of all 24,000+ participating charities and make a pledge regardless of the geographic locations of the donor and the charity whereas, previously, donors could only give to the charities participating in their local campaign.

The latest form for Combined Federal Campaign expires 2022-11-30 and can be found here.

Latest Forms, Documents, and Supporting Material
OMB Details

Combined Federal Campaigns

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Community and Social Services - Social Services

Form OPM 1647-ANational International Independent OrganizationFillable Fileable SignableForm and instruction
Form OPM 1647-ECFC FSYAFillable Fileable SignableForm and instruction
Form OPM 1647-BNational International FederationFillable Fileable SignableForm and instruction

Review document collections for all forms, instructions, and supporting documents - including paper/printable forms.

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