The FR 2835 collects interest rates on loans for new vehicles and loans for other consumer goods and personal expenses from a sample of commercial banks and the FR 2835a collects interest rates, finance charges, and loan balances for credit card accounts from a sample of commercial banks. The data from these reports help the Federal Reserve analyze current household financial conditions and the implications of these conditions for household spending and, as such, these data provide valuable input to the monetary policymaking process. The data are also used to create aggregate statistics on consumer loan terms that are published in the Federal Reserve’s monthly statistical releases G.19, Consumer Credit, and G.20, Finance Companies; and in the Federal Reserve Bulletin. Some of the aggregates are used by the Federal Reserve in the calculation of the aggregate household debt service and financial obligations ratios for the Federal Reserve’s quarterly Financial Obligations statistical release and by the Bureau of Economic Analysis to calculate interest paid by households as part of the National Income and Product Accounts.
The latest form for Quarterly Report of Interest Rates on Selected Direct Consumer Installment Loans; Quarterly Report of Credit Card Plans expires 2021-05-31 and can be found here.
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Federal Enterprise Architecture: Economic Development - Financial Sector Oversight
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