Intermittent Survey of Businesses

OMB 7100-0302

OMB 7100-0302

The survey data are used to gather information specifically tailored to the Federal Reserve’s policy and operational responsibilities. Currently, this event-generated survey is approved to operate in two ways. First, under the guidance of Board staff, the Reserve Banks survey business contacts as economic developments warrant. Although each survey is contemplated to have approximately 2,400 business respondents (about 200 respondents per Reserve Bank), surveys in recent years have had far fewer respondents; occasionally, state and local government officials are surveyed rather than business, in which case there are also far fewer respondents. It is necessary to conduct these surveys to provide timely information to the members of the Board, and to the presidents of the Reserve Banks. Usually, these surveys are conducted by Reserve Bank economists telephoning or e-mailing purchasing managers, economists, or other knowledgeable individuals at selected, relevant businesses. Reserve Bank staff may also use online survey tools to collect responses to the survey. The frequency and content of the questions, as well as the entities contacted, vary depending on developments in the economy. The draft reporting form provides a sample of the types of questions used in a previous survey to illustrate the format of these surveys. Second, economists at the Board survey business contacts by telephone, inquiring about current business conditions. Board economists conduct these surveys as economic conditions require, with approximately ten respondents for each survey.

The latest form for Intermittent Survey of Businesses expires 2023-02-28 and can be found here.

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Supporting Statement B
Supporting Statement A
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