Center for Education Statistics
Department of Education
of Education Sciences
2005–008 |
Enrollment of |
2005 |
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National Center for Education Statistics Grover J. Whitehurst Acting Commissioner |
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the primary federal entity for collecting, analyzing, and reporting data related to education in the United States and other nations. It fulfills a congressional mandate to collect, collate, analyze, and report full and complete statistics on the condition of education in the United States; conduct and publish reports and specialized analyses of the meaning and significance of such statistics; assist state and local education agencies in improving their statistical systems; and review and report on education activities in foreign countries.
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Suggested Citation
Kleiner, B., and Lewis, L. (2005). Dual Enrollment of High School Students at Postsecondary Institutions: 2002–03 (NCES 2005–008). U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics.
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The authors wish to thank the many individuals who contributed to the development of the “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students” survey and this report. The survey was requested by the Office of Vocational and Adult Education of the U.S. Department of Education. Bernie Greene was the NCES Project Officer.
Westat’s project director was Laurie Lewis, and the survey manager was Brian Kleiner. Debbie Alexander directed the data collection efforts, assisted by Ratna Basavaraju and Anjali Pandit. Nazik Elgaddal, Alla Belenky, and Robert DelFierro were the programmers, Carol Litman was the editor, and Sylvie Warren was responsible for formatting the report.
The NCES staff who reviewed the report and provided valuable suggestions include Val Plisko, Shelley Burns, Jeff Owings, James Griffith, Carol Chelemer, and Robert Lerner. Reviewers outside of NCES included Susan Henderson from the University of Minnesota, and Tom Nachazel, Pia Peltola, Zeyu Xu, Kevin Bromer, and Geeta Kotak of the Education Statistics Services Institute, American Institutes for Research. The report was also reviewed by Duc-Le To of the Institute of Education Sciences.
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Table of Contents
Acknowledgments iii
List of Tables vi
List of Figures x
Summary 1
Background 1
Selected Findings 4
Prevalence of and Enrollment in Dual Enrollment Programs and College-Level Courses 4
Prevalence of Dual Enrollment Programs and College Coursetaking 4
Enrollment of High School Students in Dual Enrollment Programs and College-Level Courses 7
Characteristics of Dual Enrollment Programs 9
Course Location and Type of Instructors 9
Curriculum and Coursetaking Patterns 10
Credit Award 11
Academic Eligibility Requirements 11
Funding 13
Dual Enrollment Programs Specifically for Students at Risk of Education Failure 14
References 19
Tables of Estimates and Standard Errors 21
Appendix A: Technical Notes A-1
Appendix B: Questionnaire B-1
List of Tables
Table Page
1 Percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with any high school students taking courses for college credit, within and outside of dual enrollment programs, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 22
1-A Standard errors of the percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with any high school students taking courses for college credit, within and outside of dual enrollment programs, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 23
2 Number of high school students who took college-level courses through Title IV degree-granting institutions, within and outside of dual enrollment programs, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 24
2-A Standard errors of the number of high school students who took college-level courses through Title IV degree-granting institutions, within and outside of dual enrollment programs, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 25
3 Percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating the location of courses taken by high school students in the dual enrollment programs, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 26
3-A Standard
errors of the percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with
dual enrollment programs indicating the location of courses taken by
high school students in the dual enrollment programs, by institution
type and size:
12-month academic year, 2002–03 27
4 Number of Title IV degree-granting institutions reporting at least some courses taught on a high school campus, and the percentage distribution of institutions indicating the type of course instructors who taught these courses, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 28
4-A Standard errors of the number of Title IV degree-granting institutions reporting at least some courses taught on a high school campus, and the percentage distribution of institutions indicating the type of course instructors who taught these courses, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 29
5 Number of Title IV degree-granting institutions reporting at least some courses taught by high school instructors, and the percentage distribution of institutions indicating the minimum qualifications for high school instructors who taught these courses, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 30
List of Tables (continued)
Table Page
5-A Standard
errors of the number of Title IV degree-granting institutions
reporting at least some courses taught by high school instructors,
and the percentage distribution of institutions indicating the
minimum qualifications for high school instructors who taught these
courses, by institution type and size:
12-month academic year,
2002–03 31
6 Percentage
distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual
enrollment programs indicating the typical pattern of high school
enrollments per academic term, by institution type and size: 12-month
academic year,
2002–03 32
6-A Standard errors of the percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating the typical pattern of high school enrollments per academic term, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 33
7 Percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating the maximum number of allowable courses per academic term, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 34
7-A Standard errors of the percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating the maximum number of allowable courses per academic term, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 35
8 Percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating whether the curriculum of programs was specially designed for high school students or the same as for regular college students, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 36
8-A Standard errors of the percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating whether the curriculum of programs was specially designed for high school students or the same as for regular college students, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 37
9 Percentage
distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual
enrollment programs indicating when high school students were
generally awarded college credit for courses taken, by institution
type and size:
12-month academic year, 2002–03 38
9-A Standard errors of the percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating when high school students were generally awarded college credit for courses taken, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 39
List of Tables (continued)
Table Page
10 Percentage
distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual
enrollment programs indicating the level at which credit was earned,
by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
10-A Standard errors of the percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating the level at which credit was earned, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 41
11 Percent
of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment
programs that had academic eligibility requirements for high school
students to participate in the dual enrollment program and what those
academic eligibility requirements were, by institution type and size:
12-month academic year,
2002–03 42
11-A Standard errors of the percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs that had academic eligibility requirements for high school students to participate in the dual enrollment program and what those academic eligibility requirements were, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 43
12 Percent
of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment
programs that had a minimum high school grade point average
requirement to participate in the dual enrollment program, and the
percentage distribution of the minimum GPA requirement, by
institution type and size: 12-month academic year,
12-A Standard errors of the percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs that had a minimum high school grade point average requirement to participate in the dual enrollment program, and the percentage distribution of the minimum GPA requirement, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 45
13 Percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs that had academic eligibility requirements for high school students to participate in the dual enrollment programs, and the percentage distribution of institutions indicating whether those requirements were the same or different than the institution’s admissions standards for regular college students, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 46
13-A Standard errors of the percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs that had academic eligibility requirements for high school students to participate in the dual enrollment programs, and the percentage distribution of institutions indicating whether those requirements were the same or different than the institution’s admissions standards for regular college students, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 47
List of Tables (continued)
Table Page
14 Percent
of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment
programs indicating the grade levels of students eligible for the
dual enrollment programs,
by institution type and size:
12-month academic year, 2002–03 48
14-A Standard errors of the percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating the grade levels of students for the dual enrollment programs, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 49
15 Percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating which sources paid tuition for college-level courses taken in the dual enrollment programs, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 50
15-A Standard errors of the percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating which sources paid tuition for college-level courses taken in the dual enrollment programs, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 51
16 Percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating the type of payment generally made by parents and students for courses taken in the dual enrollment programs, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 52
16-A Standard errors of the percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating the type of payment generally made by parents and students for courses taken in the dual enrollment programs, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 53
17 Number
and percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual
enrollment programs geared specifically toward high school students
at risk of education failure, by institution type and size: 12-month
academic year,
2002–03 54
17-A Standard
errors of the number and percent of Title IV degree-granting
institutions with dual enrollment programs geared specifically toward
high school students at risk of educational failure, by institution
type and size:
12-month academic year, 2002–03 55
18 Standard errors for figures: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 56
A-1 Number and percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions in the study, and the estimated number and percent in the nation, for the total sample and for institutions that had any dual enrollment, by institution type and size: 2004 A-5
A-2 Number of cases with imputed data in the study sample, and number of cases with imputed data the sample represents, by questionnaire items: 2004 A-6
List of Figures
Figure Page
1 Percentage
distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with any high
school students taking courses for college credit, by whether courses
were taken within dual enrollment programs only, outside of dual
enrollment programs only, or both within and outside of programs:
12-month academic year,
2002–03 5
2 Percentage
distribution of high school students taking courses for college
credit within or outside of dual enrollment programs: 12-month
academic year,
2002–03 7
3 Percentage distribution of high school students taking courses for college credit, by institution type: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 8
4 Percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs for at-risk high school students, by primary focus of such programs: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 15
5 Percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs for at-risk high school students, by typical patterns of enrollments in such programs: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 16
6 Percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs for at-risk high school students that had extra support services, by specific extra support services: 12-month academic year, 2002–03 17
This report provides data from a nationally representative survey of Title IV degree-granting postsecondary institutions on the topic of dual enrollment of high school students. Dual enrollment, also known as “dual credit,” “concurrent enrollment,” and “joint enrollment,” refers to the participation in college-level courses and the earning of college credits by high school students. Dual enrollment is viewed as providing high school students benefits such as greater access to a wider range of rigorous academic and technical courses, savings in time and money on a college degree, promoting efficiency of learning, and enhancing admission to and retention in college. By providing a pathway for students to move seamlessly between K–12 and postsecondary systems, dual enrollment is thought to promote greater support for students’ college aspirations and greater collaboration between high schools and colleges (Bailey and Karp 2003; Clark 2001). In an effort to prepare high school students for college, 38 states have enacted dual enrollment policies that support the development of programs that promote a smoother transition between high school and postsecondary education (Karp et al. 2004). However, at present, there is no existing national source of information on dual enrollment of high school students at postsecondary institutions. The “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students” survey, undertaken by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Institute of Education Sciences, was designed to provide policymakers, researchers, educators, and administrators with baseline information on the prevalence and characteristics of dual enrollment programs. While the majority of the survey’s questions focused on dual enrollment programs, several key questions also revealed the prevalence of college coursetaking outside of dual enrollment programs by high school students. The survey was requested by the Office of Vocational and Adult Education, U.S. Department of Education.
The front page of the survey included a definition and description of dual enrollment (see appendix B). For this study, dual enrollment was defined as high school students who earn college credits for courses taken through a postsecondary institution. The definition specified that courses could be part of a dual enrollment program, or courses could be taken outside of a dual enrollment program. A dual enrollment program was defined as an organized system with special guidelines that allows high school students to take college-level courses. The guidelines might delineate entrance or eligibility requirements, funding, limits on coursetaking, and so on. High school students who simply enrolled in college courses and were treated as regular college students were not considered to be participating in a dual enrollment program. Credit for courses could be earned at both the high school and college level simultaneously or only at the college level, and credit could be earned immediately or upon enrollment at the postsecondary institution after high school graduation. Courses could be taught on a college campus, on a high school campus, or at some other location. The time frame for the survey was the 2002–03 12-month academic year, including courses taken during summer sessions.1 The survey definition also specified that information about summer bridge programs for students who had already graduated from high school should not be included.
This survey was conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) using the Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS).2 PEQIS is a survey system designed to collect small amounts of issue-oriented data from a previously recruited, nationally representative sample of institutions, with minimal burden on respondents and within a relatively short period of time. Questionnaires for the survey “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students” were mailed in February 2004 to the PEQIS survey coordinators at the approximately 1,600 Title IV degree-granting postsecondary institutions in the 50 states and the District of Columbia that compose the PEQIS panel. Coordinators were informed that the survey was designed to be completed by the person(s) at the institution most knowledgeable about the institution’s dual enrollment programs and courses. Respondents were given the option of completing the survey online. Data were adjusted for questionnaire nonresponse and weighted to yield national estimates that represent all Title IV-eligible, degree-granting institutions in the United States.3 The unweighted response rate was 92 percent, and the weighted response rate4 was 93 percent. Detailed information about the survey methodology is provided in appendix A, and the questionnaire can be found in appendix B.
Survey respondents at selected postsecondary institutions were asked to report on the prevalence of college coursetaking by high school students at their institutions during the 2002–03 12-month academic year, both within and outside of dual enrollment programs. Among institutions with dual enrollment programs, additional information was obtained on the characteristics of programs, including course location and type of instructors, program and course curriculum, academic eligibility requirements, and funding. Institutions with dual enrollment programs were also asked whether they had programs specifically geared toward high school students at risk of education failure; if they answered yes, they were asked a series of questions about the features of such special programs.
The primary focus of this report is to present national estimates on dual enrollment. In addition, selected survey findings are presented by the following institution characteristics:
Institution type: public 2-year, private 2-year, public 4-year, and private 4-year. Institution type was created from a combination of level (2-year and 4-year) and control (public and private). Two-year institutions are defined as institutions at which the highest level of offering is at least 2 but less than 4 years (below the baccalaureate degree); 4-year institutions are those at which the highest level of offering is 4 or more years (baccalaureate or higher degree). Private institutions comprise private nonprofit and private for-profit institutions; these institutions are reported together because there are too few private for-profit institutions in the survey sample to report them as a separate category.
Size of institution: less than 3,000 students, 3,000 to 9,999 students, and 10,000 or more students. These are referred to in the text as small, medium, and large institutions, respectively.
In general, comparisons by these institution characteristics are presented only where significant differences were detected and follow meaningful patterns. It is important to note that the characteristics of type and size are related to each other. For example, private institutions tend to be smaller than public ones. However, this E.D. TAB report focuses on bivariate relationships between the analysis variables (institution type and size) and questionnaire variables rather than on more complex analyses.5
All specific statements of comparison made in this report have been tested for statistical significance through t-tests and are significant at the 95 percent confidence level. However, only selected findings are presented for each topic in the report. Throughout this report, differences that may appear large may not be statistically significant due to the relatively large standard errors surrounding the estimates (because of the small sample size). A detailed description of the statistical tests supporting the survey findings can be found in appendix A.
Interested readers may refer to a companion E.D. TAB report, published by NCES, entitled Dual Credit and Exam-Based Courses in U.S. Public High Schools: 2002–03 (Waits, Setzer, and Lewis 2005). The companion report describes nationally representative findings from a complementary high-school-level survey requested by the Office of Vocational and Adult Education and conducted by NCES through the Fast Response Survey System (FRSS). Unlike the survey for the current report, which focused more broadly on dual enrollment, the FRSS survey focused on dual credit, where dual credit was defined as a course or program where high school students can earn both high school and postsecondary credits for the same course.
The findings in this report are organized as follows:
Prevalence of and enrollment in dual enrollment programs and college-level courses outside of dual enrollment programs;
Characteristics of dual enrollment programs and courses, such as location, instructors, curriculum, eligibility requirements, and funding; and
Dual enrollment programs specifically geared toward students at risk of education failure.
The survey asked whether institutions had any high school students who took courses for college credit during the 2002–03 12-month academic year. Institutions that did were then asked whether high school students took college-level courses outside of any dual enrollment program, followed by a question on whether any high school students took courses for college credit that were part of a dual enrollment program. If any high school students took courses outside of or within dual enrollment programs, institutions were asked to provide the number of students who did so.
During the 2002–03 12-month academic year, 57 percent of all Title IV degree-granting institutions had high school students taking courses for college credit within or outside of dual enrollment programs (table 1). Forty-eight percent of institutions had dual enrollment programs for high school students taking college courses, and 31 percent of institutions had high school students taking college courses outside of such programs.
Of the 57 percent of institutions that had high school students who took courses for college credit during the 2002–03 12-month academic year, 85 percent had high school students taking courses for college credit in dual enrollment programs, and 55 percent had students who took college courses outside of dual enrollment programs (table 1).
Of those institutions with any high school students taking courses for college credit, 45 percent had high school students taking college-level courses within dual enrollment programs only, 15 percent had high school students taking college-level courses outside of dual enrollment programs only, and 40 percent had high school students taking college-level courses both within and outside of those programs (figure 1).
Ninety-eight percent of public 2-year institutions had high school students taking courses for college credit during the 2002–03 12-month academic year, compared to 77 percent of public 4-year institutions, 40 percent of private 4-year institutions, and 17 percent of private 2-year institutions (table 1).
Figure 1. Percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with any high school students taking courses for college credit, by whether courses were taken within dual enrollment programs only, outside of dual enrollment programs only, or both within and outside of programs: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
NOTE: Percentages are based on the 2,410 institutions with any high school students taking courses for college credit (see table 1). Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Among all institutions, a greater percentage of public 2-year institutions than public 4-year and private 4-year institutions had high school students taking college-level courses within dual enrollment programs (93 percent versus 64 and 29 percent, respectively) (table 1). Similarly, a greater percentage of public 2-year institutions than public 4-year and private 4-year institutions had high school students taking college-level courses outside of dual enrollment programs (63 percent versus 40 and 18 percent, respectively).
Among institutions with high school students taking college-level courses, a higher percentage of public 2-year institutions than public 4-year and private 4-year institutions had high school students taking courses within dual enrollment programs (95 percent versus 83 and 73 percent, respectively) (table 1). Similarly, among those institutions with high school students taking college-level courses, a higher percentage of public 2-year institutions than public 4-year and private 4-year institutions had high school students taking courses outside of dual enrollment programs (64 percent versus 52 and 45 percent, respectively).
Forty-four percent of small institutions had high school students taking courses for college credit, compared to 83 percent of medium institutions and 94 percent of large institutions (table 1).
Based on all institutions, a lower percentage of small institutions than medium and large institutions had high school students taking courses for college credit within dual enrollment programs (36 percent versus 74 and 79 percent, respectively) (table 1). In addition, based on all institutions, a lower percentage of small institutions than medium and large institutions had high school students taking courses outside of dual enrollment programs (22 percent versus 51 and 50 percent, respectively).
Overall, approximately 813,000 high school students took college-level courses through postsecondary institutions, either within or outside of dual enrollment programs, during the 2002–03 12-month academic year (table 2). This number represents about 5 percent of all high school students. In fall 2001 (the last year for which data are available), there were over 15 million students enrolled in public and private high schools in the United States (U.S. Department of Education 2003).
Approximately 680,000 high school students took courses for college credit within dual enrollment programs (table 2). Fewer high school students (approximately 133,000) took college-level courses outside of dual enrollment programs. Thus, 84 percent of high school students who took courses for college credit through postsecondary institutions did so as part of a dual enrollment program (figure 2).
Figure 2. Percentage distribution of high school students taking courses for college credit within or outside of dual enrollment programs: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
NOTE: Percentages are based on the 812,700 high school students who took college-level courses at the 2,410 Title IV degree-granting institutions with any high school students taking courses for college credit during the 2002–03 12-month academic year (see table 1 and table 2). Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Public 2-year institutions had more high school students who took college-level courses than public 4-year and private 4-year institutions during the 2002–03 12-month academic year (619,000 versus 122,000 and 67,000, respectively) (table 2). Thus, 77 percent of high school students who took college-level courses were in public 2-year institutions, versus 15 percent in public 4-year and 8 percent in private 4-year institutions (figure 3).
Public 2-year institutions also had more high school students than public 4-year and private 4-year institutions within dual enrollment programs (517,000 versus 100,000 and 60,000, respectively) and outside of dual enrollment programs (102,000 versus 22,000 and 7,000, respectively) (table 2).
Small institutions had fewer high school students taking college-level courses than medium and large institutions during the 2002–03 12-month academic year (171,000 versus 308,000 and 333,000, respectively) (table 2). Similarly, small institutions had fewer high school students taking college-level courses than medium and large institutions, both within dual enrollment programs (149,000 versus 249,000 and 282,000, respectively) and outside of dual enrollment programs (23,000 versus 59,000 and 51,000, respectively).
3. Percentage distribution of high school students taking courses for
college credit,
by institution type: 12-month academic year,
NOTE: Percentages are based on the 812,700 high school students who took college-level courses at the 2,410 Title IV degree-granting institutions with any high school students taking courses for college credit during the 2002–03 12-month academic year (see table 1 and table 2). Data for private 2-year institutions are not reported in a separate category because too few private 2-year institutions in the sample had any dual enrollment of high school students in 2002–03 to make reliable estimates. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Those institutions that reported having high school students who took courses for college credit within dual enrollment programs were asked about the characteristics of their programs. The topics explored in the survey included course location, course instructors, program curriculum, academic eligibility requirements, and funding.
Institutions with dual enrollment programs were asked whether high school students in the dual enrollment programs took courses on the campus of the institution, on a high school campus, or at some other location. Institutions with courses taught on a high school campus were also asked whether the courses in the dual enrollment programs were taught by college instructors only, high school instructors only, or by both high school and college instructors. If institutions indicated that at least some courses were taught by high school instructors, they were asked how the minimum qualifications for high school instructors who taught the courses compared to the qualifications required for college instructors.
Among institutions with dual enrollment programs, 80 percent offered courses taken by high school students on their college campus, 55 percent offered courses on a high school campus, and 12 percent offered courses at some other location6 (table 3).
A greater percentage of public 2-year than public 4-year and private 4-year institutions offered the courses taken by high school students on a high school campus (73 percent versus 47 and 28 percent, respectively) (table 3).
Of those institutions with dual enrollment programs with courses taught on a high school campus, 26 percent reported that the courses were taught by college instructors only, 32 percent reported high school instructors only, and 42 percent reported both college and high school instructors (table 4).
A smaller percentage of private 4-year institutions had the courses taught on a high school campus taught by college instructors only, compared to public 2-year and public 4-year institutions (10 percent versus 28 and 31 percent, respectively) (table 4).
Of those institutions with dual enrollment programs with at least some courses taught by high school instructors, 86 percent said that the minimum qualifications for high school instructors were the same as those required for college instructors, compared to 6 percent that said that the minimum qualifications were different (table 5). Four percent of institutions said that they had no set policy with respect to minimum qualifications, and 5 percent said that it varied.
A higher percentage of public 2-year institutions than public 4-year institutions reported the same minimum qualifications for high school instructors as for college instructors with respect to teaching college-level courses (90 percent versus 73 percent) (table 5).
Institutions were asked several questions regarding dual enrollment program curriculum and coursetaking patterns, including the typical coursetaking pattern for high school students and the maximum number of courses allowed per academic term. Institutions were also asked whether the curriculum for courses taken in the programs was specially designed for high school students.
Among institutions with dual enrollment programs, 48 percent of institutions responded that one course per academic term most closely resembled the typical high school enrollment pattern during the 2002–03 12-month academic year, compared to 19 percent that responded two courses per academic term, and 4 percent that responded three or more courses per academic term (table 6). Twenty-eight percent of institutions said that it varied.7
A higher percentage of public 4-year and private 4-year institutions than public 2-year institutions reported one course per academic term as the typical pattern of high school enrollments (56 and 64 percent, respectively, versus 36 percent) (table 6). A higher percentage of public 2-year institutions than public 4-year and private 4-year institutions reported that the typical pattern varied (37 percent versus 28 and 12 percent, respectively).
Fourteen percent of institutions with dual enrollment programs said that one course was the maximum number allowed per academic term, 30 percent reported allowing a maximum of two courses per academic term, and 25 percent reported allowing three or more courses per academic term (table 7). Another 31 percent of institutions said that there was no maximum number of courses per academic term.
A greater percentage of private 4-year institutions than public 2-year and public 4-year institutions allowed a maximum of one course per academic term (33 percent versus 5 and 11 percent, respectively) (table 7). Thirty-eight percent of public 2-year institutions had no maximum number of courses per academic term, compared to 31 percent of public 4-year and 19 percent of private 4-year institutions.
A smaller percentage of large institutions allowed a maximum of one course per academic term, compared to small and medium institutions (8 percent versus 18 and 11 percent, respectively) (table 7).
Eighty-nine percent of institutions said that the curriculum of the college-level courses taken by high school students as part of their dual enrollment programs was the same as for regular college students, compared to 3 percent of institutions that said that the curriculum was specially designed for high school students, and 8 percent that said it varied (table 8).8
Institutions were asked about when high school students were generally awarded college credit for courses taken, and whether they earned credit at the high school level for courses taken.
Ninety-four percent of institutions with dual enrollment programs awarded college credit for courses immediately after course completion, compared to 3 percent that awarded credit upon enrollment of students at their institutions and another 3 percent that awarded credit in some other way (table 9).9
Fifty-nine percent of institutions with dual enrollment programs indicated that credit for college courses was earned at both the high school and college level, compared to 6 percent where credit was earned at the college level only, and 21 percent where it varied (table 10).10 Fourteen percent of institutions did not know whether credit was earned at the high school level.
A greater percentage of respondents at private 4-year institutions than at public 2-year and public 4-year institutions did not know whether credit for courses was earned at the high school level (25 percent versus 9 and 14 percent, respectively) (table 10).
Institutions with dual enrollment programs were asked a series of questions pertaining to academic eligibility requirements for high school students to participate in the dual enrollment programs. Institutions were asked whether they had academic eligibility requirements, what were the requirements, and whether their academic eligibility requirements were the same or different than their institutions’ admissions standards for regular college students. In addition, institutions were asked to identify the grade levels at which high school students were eligible to take courses in dual enrollment programs.
Prevalence and Type of Requirements
Among institutions with dual enrollment programs, 85 percent had academic eligibility requirements for high school students to participate (table 11). A higher percentage of public 4-year institutions than public 2-year and private 4-year institutions had academic eligibility requirements (93 percent versus 83 and 81 percent, respectively).
A higher percentage of institutions with dual enrollment programs that had academic eligibility requirements had a minimum high school grade point average (GPA) requirement, compared to other kinds of requirements (66 percent versus 16 to 45 percent) (Table 11). Forty-five percent of the institutions used a minimum score on a standardized test, 44 percent used a college placement test, and 16 percent used minimum high school class rank as academic eligibility requirements for high school students to participate in dual enrollment programs. Thirty-one percent had some other academic eligibility requirements, including recommendations or permission (from a high school principal, guidance counselor, or a parent/guardian), course prerequisites, strong high school attendance, junior or senior grade level, or an essay or written letter.
Public 4-year and private 4-year institutions used minimum high school GPA as an academic eligibility requirement more frequently than 2-year institutions (79 and 86 percent, respectively, versus 46 percent). A higher percentage of public 2-year institutions than public 4-year and private 4-year institutions required passing a college placement test (73 percent versus 22 and 13 percent, respectively) (table 11).
A greater percentage of public 4-year institutions than public 2-year and private 4-year institutions required a minimum score on a standardized test (60 percent versus 43 and 37 percent, respectively) and a minimum high school class rank (28 percent versus 8 and 19 percent, respectively) (table 11).
Minimum High School GPA
Of those institutions with dual enrollment programs that had a minimum high school GPA requirement, the highest percentage (44 percent) required a minimum GPA between 2.75 and 3.24, compared to 7 percent that required between 1.75 and 2.24, 10 percent that required between 2.25 and 2.74, 22 percent that required between 3.25 and 3.74, and 3 percent that required a minimum GPA of 3.75 or above (table 12). Fourteen percent of institutions said that it varied.11
A lower percentage of public 2-year institutions than public 4-year and private 4-year institutions required a minimum GPA between 3.25 and 3.74 (15 percent versus 27 and 29 percent, respectively) (table 12).
Comparability of Admissions Standards
Of the 85 percent of institutions with dual enrollment programs that had academic eligibility requirements for high school students to participate, 38 percent indicated that their requirements were the same as admissions standards for regular college students, while 62 percent indicated that their requirements were different from admissions standards for regular college students (table 13).
Fifty-five percent of public 2-year institutions reported that their academic eligibility requirements were the same as admissions standards for regular college students, compared to 21 percent of public 4-year and 27 percent of private 4-year institutions (table 13).
Eligible Grade Levels
Among institutions with dual enrollment programs, 96 percent allowed grade 12 high school students to take courses in the programs,12 86 percent allowed grade 11 students, 28 percent allowed grade 10 students, 16 percent allowed grade 9 students, and 2 percent allowed students in grades lower than grade 9 (table 14).
A greater percentage of public 2-year institutions than public 4-year and private 4-year institutions allowed grade 9 (21 percent versus 15 and 12 percent, respectively) and grade 10 high school students (35 percent versus 26 and 18 percent, respectively) to take courses in dual enrollment programs (table 14). A smaller percentage of private 4-year institutions allowed grade 11 high school students to take courses in dual enrollment programs, compared to public 2-year and public 4-year institutions (76 percent versus 93 and 89 percent, respectively).
A greater percentage of large than of small or medium institutions allowed grade 9 (26 percent versus 14 and 16 percent, respectively), grade 10 (40 percent versus 23 and 30 percent, respectively), and grade 11 (93 percent versus 83 and 88 percent, respectively) high school students to take courses in dual enrollment programs (table 14).
Institutions with dual enrollment programs were asked two questions relating to sources of funding for courses taken by high school students in their programs. The first addressed the various sources for tuition payment, and the second addressed how much high school students (and their parents) generally paid out of pocket for the college-level courses taken as part of dual enrollment programs.
Sixty-four percent of institutions with dual enrollment programs reported that parents and students were a source for tuition for courses taken as part of the programs (table 15). Thirty-eight percent of institutions indicated that their own postsecondary institution was a source for tuition (including both actual contributions and tuition waivers), 37 percent said that high schools and public school districts were a source, and 26 percent said that their state was a source for tuition.13 Nine percent indicated that there was some other source(s) for tuition. The most commonly cited other sources included various federal and county grants, as well as scholarships from local businesses and nonprofit organizations.
A lower percentage of private 4-year institutions than public 2-year and public 4-year institutions indicated that high schools/public school districts (21 percent versus 45 and 41 percent, respectively) and the state (15 percent versus 31 and 25 percent, respectively) were sources for tuition for courses taken in their dual enrollment programs. However, a higher percentage of private 4-year institutions than public 2-year and public 4-year institutions said that their own institution was a source for tuition (50 percent versus 33 percent each) (table 15).
A smaller percentage of public 2-year institutions reported that parents and students were a source for tuition for courses taken in dual enrollment programs, compared to public 4-year and private 4-year institutions (56 percent versus 72 and 71 percent, respectively) (table 15).
Twenty percent of institutions with dual enrollment programs indicated that students and parents generally paid full tuition for college-level courses taken in their dual enrollment programs (table 16). Another 20 percent said that students and parents generally paid partial tuition. Twenty-three percent said that students and parents generally paid for books and/or fees only, and 19 percent said that students and parents generally paid nothing for courses in the dual enrollment programs. Nineteen percent of institutions reported that the amount paid out of pocket by students and parents varied.14
A greater percentage of public 4-year institutions than public 2-year and private 4-year institutions indicated that students and parents generally paid full tuition for courses taken in dual enrollment programs (28 percent versus 20 and 13 percent, respectively) (table 16). Thirty-eight percent of private 4-year institutions said that students and parents generally paid partial tuition out of pocket, compared to 10 percent of public 2-year and 17 percent of public 4-year institutions.
Some postsecondary institutions have developed programs for at-risk students as a way of promoting high school retention as well as enthusiasm for education among a population of students at risk of complete withdrawal from the education system. Institutions with dual enrollment programs were asked whether they had a formal dual enrollment program geared specifically toward high school students who were at risk of education failure. If there was a dual enrollment program for at-risk high school students, institutions were then asked about features of that program, such as the number of students in the program, the primary focus of the program, the typical pattern of enrollments, and any extra support services provided to the at-risk students.
Among the estimated 2,050 institutions with dual enrollment programs, approximately 110 (5 percent) had dual enrollment programs specifically geared toward high school students at risk of education failure (table 17). Two percent of all institutions had such programs.
During the 2002–03 12-month academic year, there were approximately 6,400 students enrolled in dual enrollment programs geared specifically toward high school students at risk of education failure (not shown in tables).15
Thirty-nine percent of institutions with dual enrollment programs geared toward students at risk of education failure reported that the primary focus of the program was career/technical (figure 4). Thirty-four percent said that the primary focus was academic, and 21 percent said that the primary focus was equally academic and career/technical. Six percent reported some other primary focus.
4. Percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions
with dual enrollment programs for at-risk high school students, by
primary focus of such programs:
12-month academic year, 2002–03
NOTES: Percentages are based on the 110 institutions that had dual enrollment programs for at-risk high school students (see table 17). Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Forty percent of institutions with dual enrollment programs for at-risk students indicated that the most common pattern of enrollments in such programs was one course per academic term, 14 percent reported two courses per academic term, 8 percent reported three or more courses per academic term, and 38 percent reported that the number of courses students took varied considerably (figure 5).
Figure 5. Percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs for at-risk high school students, by typical patterns of enrollments in such programs: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
NOTES: Percentages are based on the 110 institutions that had dual enrollment programs for at-risk high school students (see table 17). Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Sixty percent of institutions with programs for at-risk students provided extra support services specifically for the students in the program, such as tutoring, academic advising, study skills workshops, and precollege counseling (not shown in tables).16
Of those institutions with programs for at-risk students that provided extra support services, 84 percent provided academic advising, 82 percent provided tutoring, 76 percent provided study skills workshops, 75 percent offered college application/selection counseling, 62 percent offered financial aid counseling, and 38 percent offered other support services (figure 6). Mentoring and career counseling were commonly cited as other support services.
Figure 6. Percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs for at-risk high school students that had extra support services, by specific extra support services: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
NOTES: Percentages are based on the 60 institutions that had dual enrollment programs for at-risk high school students and provided extra support services to students.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
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Bailey, T.R., and Karp, M. (2003). Promoting College Access and Success: A Review of Credit-Based Transition Programs. U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: Office of Adult and Vocational Education.
Clark, R.W. (2001). Dual Credit: A Report of Programs and Policies That Offer High School Students College Credits. Seattle, WA: Institute for Educational Inquiry.
Karp, M., Bailey, T.R., Hughes, K.L., and Fermin, B.J. (2004). State Dual Enrollment Policies: Addressing Access and Quality. U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: Office of Adult and Vocational Education.
Knapp, L.G., Kelly, J.E., Whitmore, R.W., Wu, S., Gallego, L.M., and Grau, E. (2001). Postsecondary Institutions in the United States: Fall 2000 and Degrees and Other Awards Conferred: 1999–2000 (NCES 2002–156). U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics.
U.S. Department of Education. National Center for Education Statistics. (2003). Digest of Education Statistics, 2003. Retrieved February 24, 2005, from
Waits, T., Setzer, J.C., and Lewis, L. (2004). Dual Credit and Exam-Based Courses in U.S. Public High Schools: 2002–03 (NCES 2005–009). U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics.
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Tables of Estimates and Standard Errors
1. Percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with any high
school students taking courses for college credit, within and outside
of dual enrollment programs,
by institution type and size:
12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
Total number of institu-tions |
Institutions with any high school students taking courses for college credit |
with any high school students taking courses within |
with any high school students taking courses outside of |
Number |
Percent |
Number of institutions |
Percent based on all institutions |
Percent based on institutions with any high school students taking courses for college credit |
Number of institutions |
Percent based on all institutions |
Percent based on institutions with any high school students taking courses for college credit |
All institutions |
4,240 |
2,410 |
57 |
2,050 |
48 |
85 |
1,310 |
31 |
55 |
Institution type |
Public 2-year |
1,090 |
1,070 |
98 |
1,020 |
93 |
95 |
680 |
63 |
64 |
Private 2-year |
660 |
110 |
17 |
‡ |
‡ |
‡ |
‡ |
‡ |
‡ |
Public 4-year |
630 |
490 |
77 |
400 |
64 |
83 |
250 |
40 |
52 |
Private 4-year |
1,860 |
750 |
40 |
550 |
29 |
73 |
340 |
18 |
45 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
2,940 |
1,290 |
44 |
1,070 |
36 |
83 |
660 |
22 |
51 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
870 |
730 |
83 |
640 |
74 |
89 |
450 |
51 |
61 |
10,000 or more |
420 |
400 |
94 |
340 |
79 |
84 |
210 |
50 |
54 |
‡Reporting standards not met. Data for private 2-year institutions are not reported because too few private 2-year institutions in the sample had any dual enrollment of high school students in 2002–03 to make reliable estimates. Data for private 2-year institutions are included in the totals and in analyses by institution size.
NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding or because too few cases were reported for a reliable estimate for private 2-year institutions.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 1-A. Standard errors of the percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with any high school students taking courses for college credit, within and outside of dual enrollment programs, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
Total number of institu-tions |
Institutions with any high school students taking courses for college credit |
with any high school students taking courses within |
with any high school students taking courses outside of |
Number |
Percent |
Number of institutions |
Percent based on all institutions |
Percent based on institutions with any high school students taking courses for college credit |
Number of institutions |
Percent based on all institutions |
Percent based on institutions with any high school students taking courses for college credit |
All institutions |
† |
47.6 |
1.1 |
48.8 |
1.2 |
1.2 |
52.0 |
1.2 |
2.3 |
Institution type |
Public 2-year |
3.1 |
11.3 |
1.0 |
14.8 |
1.3 |
0.9 |
26.4 |
2.4 |
2.5 |
Private 2-year |
17.9 |
25.4 |
3.8 |
‡ |
‡ |
‡ |
‡ |
‡ |
‡ |
Public 4-year |
4.4 |
15.4 |
2.3 |
15.6 |
2.4 |
1.8 |
15.6 |
2.5 |
2.8 |
Private 4-year |
18.0 |
32.5 |
1.8 |
33.9 |
1.8 |
3.5 |
29.9 |
1.7 |
3.6 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
17.3 |
46.6 |
1.6 |
47.0 |
1.6 |
2.1 |
49.2 |
1.6 |
4.0 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
17.6 |
15.0 |
1.5 |
17.5 |
1.7 |
1.8 |
18.1 |
2.1 |
2.3 |
10,000 or more |
5.1 |
5.1 |
0.1 |
4.8 |
0.3 |
0.2 |
3.0 |
0.2 |
0.1 |
†Not applicable. The PEQIS sample was poststratified to current IPEDS frame counts, and so the weighted total number of institutions reproduces the IPEDS frame counts and is not subject to sampling error.
‡Reporting standards not met. Data for private 2-year institutions are not reported because too few private 2-year institutions in the sample had any dual enrollment of high school students in 2002-03 to make reliable estimates. Data for private 2-year institutions are included in the totals and in analyses by institution size.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 2. Number of high school students who took college-level courses through Title IV degree-granting institutions, within and outside of dual enrollment programs, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
High school students who took courses within and outside of dual enrollment programs |
school students who took courses within
dual |
High school students who took courses outside of dual enrollment programs |
All institutions |
812,7001 |
679,500 |
133,100 |
Institution type2 |
Public 2-year |
619,100 |
516,900 |
102,200 |
Public 4-year |
121,600 |
99,600 |
22,000 |
Private 4-year |
66,600 |
59,900 |
6,800 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
171,300 |
148,800 |
22,500 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
308,200 |
249,000 |
59,200 |
10,000 or more |
333,200 |
281,700 |
51,500 |
1This number represents about 5 percent of all high school students. In fall 2001 (the last year for which data are available), there were over 15 million students enrolled in public and private high schools in the United States (U.S. Department of Education).
2Data for private 2-year institutions are not reported in a separate category because too few private 2-year institutions in the sample had any dual enrollment of high school students in 2002–03 to make reliable estimates. Data for private 2-year institutions are included in the totals and in analyses by institution size.
NOTE: High school students may have been counted twice if they took courses both within and outside of dual enrollment programs at the same institution. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding or because too few cases were reported for a reliable estimate for private 2-year institutions.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 2-A. Standard errors of the number of high school students who took college-level courses through Title IV degree-granting institutions, within and outside of dual enrollment programs, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
High school students who took courses within and outside of dual enrollment programs |
school students who took courses within
dual |
High school students who took courses outside of dual enrollment programs |
All institutions |
24,800 |
20,390 |
11,930 |
Institution type |
Public 2-year |
16,660 |
15,700 |
5,750 |
Public 4-year |
11,460 |
5,850 |
9,280 |
Private 4-year |
9,000 |
8,970 |
1,160 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
15,240 |
14,860 |
3,740 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
18,470 |
13,300 |
11,130 |
10,000 or more |
8,030 |
6,590 |
1,150 |
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 3. Percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating the location of courses taken by high school students in the dual enrollment programs, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
A college campus |
A high school campus |
Some other location1 |
All institutions |
80 |
55 |
12 |
Institution type2 |
Public 2-year |
79 |
73 |
16 |
Public 4-year |
81 |
47 |
11 |
Private 4-year |
83 |
28 |
8 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
79 |
49 |
10 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
82 |
63 |
13 |
10,000 or more |
83 |
57 |
16 |
1Locations besides college or high school campuses included community centers, vocational/technical schools, and hospitals. Respondents also included online courses as “other locations.”
2Data for private 2-year institutions are not reported in a separate category because too few private 2-year institutions in the sample had any dual enrollment of high school students in 2002–03 to make reliable estimates. Data for private 2-year institutions are included in the totals and in analyses by institution size.
NOTE: Percentages are based on the 2,050 institutions with dual enrollment programs (see table 1). Percentages do not sum to 100 because courses could have been offered by institutions at multiple locations.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 3-A. Standard errors of the percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating the location of courses taken by high school students in the dual enrollment programs, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
A college campus |
A high school campus |
Some other location |
All institutions |
1.9 |
2.3 |
1.2 |
Institution type |
Public 2-year |
2.4 |
2.6 |
1.9 |
Public 4-year |
2.5 |
2.6 |
1.6 |
Private 4-year |
2.9 |
3.6 |
3.0 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
3.4 |
4.1 |
2.0 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
2.0 |
2.4 |
2.1 |
10,000 or more |
0.0 |
0.3 |
0.1 |
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 4. Number of Title IV degree-granting institutions reporting at least some courses taught on a high school campus, and the percentage distribution of institutions indicating the type of course instructors who taught these courses, by institution type and size:
12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
Total number of institutions with dual enrollment programs with at least some courses taught on a high school campus |
Percentage distribution of institutions indicating the instructors of the college-level courses taught on high school campuses |
instructors |
school |
college and |
All institutions |
1,120 |
26 |
32 |
42 |
Institution type1 |
Public 2-year |
740 |
28 |
26 |
47 |
Public 4-year |
190 |
31 |
36 |
33 |
Private 4-year |
150 |
10 |
51 |
39 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
530 |
28 |
35 |
37 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
400 |
22 |
30 |
48 |
10,000 or more |
190 |
29 |
30 |
42 |
1Data for private 2-year institutions are not reported in a separate category because too few private 2-year institutions in the sample had any dual enrollment of high school students in 2002–03 to make reliable estimates. Data for private 2-year institutions are included in the totals and in analyses by institution size.
NOTE: The last three columns of table 4 are based on the 1,120 institutions with dual enrollment programs that had at least some college-level courses taught on a high school campus (55 percent). Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding or because too few cases were reported for a reliable estimate for private 2-year institutions.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 4-A. Standard errors of the number of Title IV degree-granting institutions reporting at least some courses taught on a high school campus, and the percentage distribution of institutions indicating the type of course instructors who taught these courses, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
Total number of institutions with dual enrollment programs with at least some courses taught on a high school campus |
Percentage distribution of institutions indicating the instructors of the college-level courses taught on high school campuses |
instructors |
school |
college and |
All institutions |
41.7 |
2.2 |
2.5 |
2.7 |
Institution type |
Public 2-year |
27.9 |
2.8 |
2.5 |
2.5 |
Public 4-year |
13.2 |
4.0 |
4.0 |
4.3 |
Private 4-year |
20.6 |
3.6 |
8.5 |
7.6 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
38.0 |
4.3 |
4.6 |
4.8 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
18.2 |
2.8 |
3.4 |
4.0 |
10,000 or more |
3.6 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 5. Number of Title IV degree-granting institutions reporting at least some courses taught by high school instructors, and the percentage distribution of institutions indicating the minimum qualifications for high school instructors who taught these courses, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
Total number of institutions with at least some courses taught by high school instructors in dual enrollment programs |
Percentage distribution of institutions indicating minimum qualifications for high school instructors teaching courses for college credit |
as those required for |
than |
No set policy |
It varied |
All institutions |
830 |
86 |
6 |
4 |
5 |
Institution type1 |
Public 2-year |
540 |
90 |
4 |
4 |
2 |
Public 4-year |
130 |
73 |
14 |
2 |
11 |
Private 4-year |
140 |
81 |
5 |
6 |
8 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
380 |
86 |
7 |
4 |
3 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
320 |
88 |
4 |
3 |
5 |
10,000 or more |
140 |
83 |
4 |
5 |
9 |
1Data for private 2-year institutions are not reported in a separate category because too few private 2-year institutions in the sample had any dual enrollment of high school students in 2002–03 to make reliable estimates. Data for private 2-year institutions are included in the totals and in analyses by institution size.
NOTE: The last four columns of table 4 are based on the 830 institutions with dual enrollment programs that had at least some courses in the program taught by high school instructors (74 percent). Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding or because too few cases were reported for a reliable estimate for private 2-year institutions.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 5-A. Standard errors of the number of Title IV degree-granting institutions reporting at least some courses taught by high school instructors, and the percentage distribution of institutions indicating the minimum qualifications for high school instructors who taught these courses, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
Total number of institutions with at least some courses taught by high school instructors in dual enrollment programs |
Percentage distribution of institutions indicating minimum qualifications for high school instructors teaching courses for college credit |
as those required for |
than |
No set policy |
It varied |
All institutions |
40.8 |
1.8 |
1.1 |
0.9 |
1.0 |
Institution type |
Public 2-year |
26.4 |
2.0 |
1.3 |
1.2 |
0.9 |
Public 4-year |
12.4 |
4.4 |
4.2 |
0.2 |
3.5 |
Private 4-year |
20.4 |
5.3 |
3.0 |
3.1 |
3.8 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
35.9 |
3.2 |
2.2 |
1.6 |
1.7 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
20.4 |
2.9 |
1.3 |
1.2 |
1.9 |
10,000 or more |
2.5 |
0.2 |
0.1 |
0.0 |
0.1 |
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 6. Percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating the typical pattern of high school enrollments per academic term, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
Typical pattern of high school enrollments in dual enrollment programs |
One course per academic term |
Two courses per academic term |
or more courses per |
It varied1 |
All institutions |
48 |
19 |
4 |
28 |
Institution type2 |
Public 2-year |
36 |
23 |
3 |
37 |
Public 4-year |
56 |
12 |
3 |
28 |
Private 4-year |
64 |
16 |
4 |
12 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
51 |
19 |
4 |
23 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
44 |
19 |
3 |
33 |
10,000 or more |
48 |
17 |
2 |
31 |
1The “it varied” response could indicate that there was no typical pattern of high school enrollments within a single program, or else that multiple programs within an institution had different typical patterns.
2Data for private 2-year institutions are not reported in a separate category because too few private 2-year institutions in the sample had any dual enrollment of high school students in 2002–03 to make reliable estimates. Data for private 2-year institutions are included in the totals and in analyses by institution size.
NOTE: Percentages are based on the 2,050 institutions with dual enrollment programs (see table 1). Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding and because the 1 percent of institutions with dual enrollment programs that responded that there was “some other pattern” of high school enrollments are not presented in this table.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 6-A. Standard errors of the percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating the typical pattern of high school enrollments per academic term, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
Typical pattern of high school enrollments in dual enrollment programs |
One course per academic term |
Two courses per academic term |
or more courses per |
It varied |
All institutions |
2.0 |
1.5 |
1.0 |
1.4 |
Institution type |
Public 2-year |
2.6 |
2.5 |
1.0 |
2.4 |
Public 4-year |
2.7 |
1.7 |
0.7 |
2.5 |
Private 4-year |
5.2 |
3.1 |
2.1 |
2.0 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
3.4 |
2.5 |
1.8 |
2.2 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
2.8 |
2.3 |
0.8 |
2.5 |
10,000 or more |
0.2 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 7. Percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating the maximum number of allowable courses per academic term, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
Maximum number of courses for high school students per academic term |
One course per academic term |
Two courses per academic term |
or more courses per |
No maximum |
All institutions |
14 |
30 |
25 |
31 |
Institution type1 |
Public 2-year |
5 |
30 |
26 |
38 |
Public 4-year |
11 |
32 |
27 |
31 |
Private 4-year |
33 |
28 |
20 |
19 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
18 |
27 |
23 |
31 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
11 |
30 |
27 |
32 |
10,000 or more |
8 |
36 |
28 |
28 |
1Data for private 2-year institutions are not reported in a separate category because too few private 2-year institutions in the sample had any dual enrollment of high school students in 2002–03 to make reliable estimates. Data for private 2-year institutions are included in the totals and in analyses by institution size.
NOTE: Percentages are based on the 2,050 institutions with dual enrollment programs (see table 1). Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 7-A. Standard errors of the percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating the maximum number of allowable courses per academic term, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
Maximum number of courses for high school students per academic term |
One course per academic term |
Two courses per academic term |
or more courses per |
No maximum |
All institutions |
1.8 |
1.9 |
1.5 |
1.7 |
Institution type |
Public 2-year |
1.7 |
3.1 |
2.3 |
2.7 |
Public 4-year |
2.1 |
2.7 |
2.2 |
2.7 |
Private 4-year |
5.2 |
3.0 |
3.8 |
4.1 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
3.3 |
3.4 |
2.4 |
3.1 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
1.5 |
2.3 |
2.6 |
1.8 |
10,000 or more |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.2 |
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 8. Percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating whether the curriculum of programs was specially designed for high school students or the same as for regular college students, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
The same as for regular college students |
designed |
It varied1 |
All institutions |
89 |
3 |
8 |
Institution type2 |
Public 2-year |
88 |
2 |
10 |
Public 4-year |
92 |
‡ |
7 |
Private 4-year |
87 |
7 |
7 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
90 |
3 |
7 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
86 |
3 |
11 |
10,000 or more |
93 |
1 |
6 |
‡Reporting standards not met. Too few cases for a reliable estimate.
1“It varied” could mean that the curriculum varied within a single program (e.g., was the same as for regular college students for some courses, but different for others), or else that the curriculum varied across multiple programs within an institution (i.e., was the same as for regular college students in one program, but specially designed for high school students in another program).
2Data for private 2-year institutions are not reported in a separate category because too few private 2-year institutions in the sample had any dual enrollment of high school students in 2002–03 to make reliable estimates. Data for private 2-year institutions are included in the totals and in analyses by institution size.
NOTE: Percentages are based on the 2,050 institutions with dual enrollment programs (see table 1).
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 8-A. Standard errors of the percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating whether the curriculum of programs was specially designed for high school students or the same as for regular college students, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
The same as for regular college students |
designed |
It varied |
All institutions |
1.4 |
0.7 |
1.2 |
Institution type |
Public 2-year |
2.2 |
0.9 |
1.7 |
Public 4-year |
1.6 |
‡ |
1.5 |
Private 4-year |
3.2 |
2.3 |
2.1 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
2.4 |
1.2 |
2.1 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
1.7 |
0.7 |
1.5 |
10,000 or more |
0.1 |
# |
# |
‡Reporting standards not met. Too few cases for a reliable estimate.
#Rounds to zero.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 9. Percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating when high school students were generally awarded college credit for courses taken, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
after |
enrolling |
Other |
All institutions |
94 |
3 |
3 |
Institution type1 |
Public 2-year |
92 |
4 |
4 |
Public 4-year |
97 |
2 |
‡ |
Private 4-year |
96 |
‡ |
3 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
93 |
3 |
4 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
93 |
4 |
3 |
10,000 or more |
98 |
‡ |
1 |
‡Reporting standards not met. Too few cases for a reliable estimate.
1Data for private 2-year institutions are not reported in a separate category because too few private 2-year institutions in the sample had any dual enrollment of high school students in 2002–03 to make reliable estimates. Data for private 2-year institutions are included in the totals and in analyses by institution size.
NOTE: Percentages are based on the 2,050 institutions with dual enrollment programs (see table 1). Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 9-A. Standard errors of the percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating when high school students were generally awarded college credit for courses taken, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
after |
enrolling |
Other |
All institutions |
0.8 |
0.7 |
0.7 |
Institution type |
Public 2-year |
1.6 |
1.2 |
1.3 |
Public 4-year |
1.6 |
1.1 |
‡ |
Private 4-year |
1.9 |
‡ |
1.8 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
1.5 |
1.1 |
1.3 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
1.0 |
1.0 |
1.0 |
10,000 or more |
# |
‡ |
# |
‡Reporting standards not met. Too few cases for a reliable estimate.
# Rounds to zero.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 10. Percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating the level at which credit was earned, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
school and |
College level only |
It varied1 |
Don’t know2 |
All institutions |
59 |
6 |
21 |
14 |
Institution type3 |
Public 2-year |
66 |
3 |
22 |
9 |
Public 4-year |
52 |
7 |
27 |
14 |
Private 4-year |
53 |
10 |
13 |
25 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
65 |
6 |
13 |
16 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
57 |
4 |
28 |
11 |
10,000 or more |
46 |
8 |
30 |
16 |
1The “it varied” response could indicate that credit was earned in various ways within a single program, or else that credit was earned in different ways across multiple programs within an institution.
2Respondents answered “Don’t know” if they were not sure whether credits were earned at the high school level (in addition to the college level).
3Data for private 2-year institutions are not reported in a separate category because too few private 2-year institutions in the sample had any dual enrollment of high school students in 2002–03 to make reliable estimates. Data for private 2-year institutions are included in the totals and in analyses by institution size.
NOTE: Percentages are based on the 2,050 institutions with dual enrollment programs (see table 1). Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 10-A. Standard errors of the percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating the level at which credit was earned, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
school and |
College level only |
It varied |
Don’t know |
All institutions |
2.1 |
0.9 |
1.6 |
1.4 |
Institution type |
Public 2-year |
2.5 |
0.7 |
2.0 |
1.9 |
Public 4-year |
3.0 |
1.2 |
2.5 |
1.6 |
Private 4-year |
4.5 |
2.6 |
2.1 |
3.4 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
3.6 |
1.6 |
2.4 |
2.5 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
2.9 |
1.1 |
2.8 |
1.6 |
10,000 or more |
0.2 |
0.0 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
11. Percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual
enrollment programs that had academic eligibility requirements for
high school students to participate in the
dual enrollment
program and what those academic eligibility requirements were,
institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
type |
Institutions with dual enrollment programs that had academic eligibility requirements for high school students1 |
Academic eligibility requirements2 |
Minimum high school GPA |
score |
a college placement |
Minimum high school class rank |
Other academic eligibility requirement(s)3 |
All institutions |
85 |
66 |
45 |
44 |
16 |
31 |
Institution type4 |
Public 2-year |
83 |
46 |
43 |
73 |
8 |
28 |
Public 4-year |
93 |
79 |
60 |
22 |
28 |
36 |
Private 4-year |
81 |
86 |
37 |
13 |
19 |
34 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
83 |
66 |
43 |
43 |
17 |
29 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
85 |
63 |
46 |
52 |
15 |
30 |
10,000 or more |
88 |
69 |
49 |
34 |
19 |
40 |
1Percentages are based on the 2,050 institutions with dual enrollment programs (see table 1).
2Percentages are based on the 1,730 institutions with academic eligibility requirements.
3Other eligibility requirements considered to be academic by some institutions included recommendations or permission (from the high school principal, guidance counselor, or a parent/guardian), course prerequisites, strong high school attendance, junior or senior grade level, or essays or written letters.
4Data for private 2-year institutions are not reported in a separate category because too few private 2-year institutions in the sample had any dual enrollment of high school students in 2002–03 to make reliable estimates. Data for private 2-year institutions are included in the totals and in analyses by institution size.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 11-A. Standard errors of the percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs that had academic eligibility requirements for high school students to participate in the dual enrollment program and what those academic eligibility requirements were, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
type |
Institutions with dual enrollment programs that had academic eligibility requirements for high school students |
Academic eligibility requirements |
Minimum high school GPA |
score |
a college placement |
Minimum high school class rank |
Other academic eligibility requirement(s) |
All institutions |
1.7 |
1.8 |
1.9 |
1.9 |
1.3 |
2.3 |
Institution type4 |
Public 2-year |
2.3 |
3.0 |
2.7 |
2.8 |
1.7 |
3.3 |
Public 4-year |
1.5 |
3.0 |
3.3 |
2.6 |
2.8 |
2.9 |
Private 4-year |
4.0 |
3.7 |
3.9 |
3.4 |
3.4 |
4.0 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
3.1 |
3.0 |
3.4 |
3.4 |
2.2 |
4.1 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
1.9 |
2.3 |
2.5 |
2.6 |
2.0 |
3.2 |
10,000 or more |
0.1 |
0.3 |
0.4 |
0.4 |
0.2 |
0.1 |
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
12. Percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual
enrollment programs that had a minimum high school grade point
average requirement to participate in the
dual enrollment
program, and the percentage distribution of the minimum GPA
requirement, by institution type and size: 12-month academic
year, 2002–03
type |
Institutions with dual enrollment programs that had a minimum high school GPA requirement1 |
Minimum GPA requirement2 |
Between 3.25 and 3.74 |
3.75 or above |
It varied3 |
All institutions |
66 |
7 |
10 |
44 |
22 |
3 |
14 |
Institution type4 |
Public 2-year |
46 |
9 |
16 |
38 |
15 |
2 |
21 |
Public 4-year |
79 |
5 |
7 |
46 |
27 |
4 |
12 |
Private 4-year |
86 |
4 |
8 |
46 |
29 |
3 |
11 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
66 |
7 |
10 |
48 |
21 |
3 |
11 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
63 |
7 |
11 |
41 |
19 |
3 |
18 |
10,000 or more |
69 |
8 |
9 |
38 |
27 |
4 |
14 |
1Percentages are based on the 1,730 institutions with academic eligibility requirements.
2Percentages are based on the 1,140 institutions with a minimum GPA requirement.
3“It varied” could indicate that the minimum GPA varied within a single program, or else that the minimum required GPA was different across multiple programs within an institution.
4Data for private 2-year institutions are not reported in a separate category because too few private 2-year institutions in the sample had any dual enrollment of high school students in 2002–03 to make reliable estimates. Data for private 2-year institutions are included in the totals and in analyses by institution size.
NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
12-A. Standard errors of the percent of Title IV degree-granting
institutions with dual enrollment programs that had a minimum high
school grade point average requirement to participate in the dual
enrollment program, and the percentage distribution of the minimum
GPA requirement, by institution type and size:
academic year, 2002–03
type |
Institutions with dual enrollment programs that had a minimum high school GPA requirement |
Minimum GPA requirement |
Between 3.25 and 3.74 |
3.75 or above |
It varied |
All institutions |
1.8 |
1.7 |
1.3 |
2.5 |
2.0 |
1.0 |
1.6 |
Institution type |
Public 2-year |
3.0 |
2.3 |
2.8 |
4.2 |
3.4 |
1.0 |
3.0 |
Public 4-year |
3.0 |
1.7 |
2.1 |
3.6 |
3.1 |
1.0 |
2.4 |
Private 4-year |
3.7 |
2.7 |
2.5 |
4.6 |
4.0 |
1.0 |
3.0 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
3.0 |
3.1 |
2.1 |
4.5 |
3.4 |
1.9 |
2.5 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
2.3 |
1.6 |
2.3 |
3.5 |
2.9 |
1.1 |
3.0 |
10,000 or more |
0.3 |
0.2 |
0.1 |
0.2 |
0.2 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 13. Percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs that had academic eligibility requirements for high school students to participate in the dual enrollment programs, and the percentage distribution of institutions indicating whether those requirements were the same or different than the institution’s admissions standards for regular college students, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
Institutions with dual enrollment programs that had academic eligibility requirements for high school students1 |
Academic eligibility requirements were:2 |
same as |
from |
All institutions |
85 |
38 |
62 |
Institution type3 |
Public 2-year |
83 |
55 |
45 |
Public 4-year |
93 |
21 |
79 |
Private 4-year |
82 |
27 |
73 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
83 |
38 |
62 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
86 |
41 |
59 |
10,000 or more |
88 |
34 |
66 |
1Percentages are based on the 2,050 institutions with dual enrollment programs (see table 1).
2Percentages are based on the 1,730 institutions with academic eligibility requirements.
3Data for private 2-year institutions are not reported in a separate category because too few private 2-year institutions in the sample had any dual enrollment of high school students in 2002–03 to make reliable estimates. Data for private 2-year institutions are included in the totals and in analyses by institution size.
NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
13-A. Standard errors of the percent of Title IV degree-granting
institutions with dual enrollment programs that had academic
eligibility requirements for high school students to participate in
the dual enrollment programs, and the percentage distribution of
institutions indicating whether those requirements were the same or
different than the institution’s admissions standards for
regular college students,
by institution type and size:
12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
Institutions with dual enrollment programs that had academic eligibility requirements for high school students |
Academic eligibility requirements were: |
same as |
from |
All institutions |
1.7 |
2.0 |
2.0 |
Institution type |
Public 2-year |
2.3 |
2.9 |
2.9 |
Public 4-year |
1.5 |
2.4 |
2.4 |
Private 4-year |
4.0 |
4.8 |
4.8 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
3.1 |
3.6 |
3.6 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
1.9 |
2.7 |
2.7 |
10,000 or more |
0.1 |
0.3 |
0.3 |
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
14. Percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual
enrollment programs indicating the grade levels of students eligible
for the dual enrollment programs,
by institution type and size:
12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
Less than grade 9 |
Grade 9 |
Grade 10 |
Grade 11 |
Grade 12 |
All institutions |
2 |
16 |
28 |
86 |
96 |
Institution type1 |
Public 2-year |
2 |
21 |
35 |
93 |
96 |
Public 4-year |
2 |
15 |
26 |
89 |
97 |
Private 4-year |
‡ |
12 |
18 |
76 |
97 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
‡ |
14 |
23 |
83 |
96 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
3 |
16 |
30 |
88 |
96 |
10,000 or more |
2 |
26 |
40 |
93 |
97 |
‡Reporting standards not met. Too few cases for a reliable estimate.
1Data for private 2-year institutions are not reported in a separate category because too few private 2-year institutions in the sample had any dual enrollment of high school students in 2002–03 to make reliable estimates. Data for private 2-year institutions are included in the totals and in analyses by institution size.
NOTE: Percentages are based on the 2,050 institutions with dual enrollment programs (see table 1).
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 14-A. Standard errors of the percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating the grade levels of students for the dual enrollment programs, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
Less than grade 9 |
Grade 9 |
Grade 10 |
Grade 11 |
Grade 12 |
All institutions |
0.4 |
1.5 |
2.0 |
1.8 |
0.8 |
Institution type |
Public 2-year |
0.6 |
1.9 |
2.5 |
1.6 |
1.3 |
Public 4-year |
1.2 |
1.9 |
2.4 |
1.2 |
0.7 |
Private 4-year |
‡ |
2.8 |
3.4 |
4.3 |
1.4 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
‡ |
2.6 |
3.5 |
3.4 |
1.2 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
0.9 |
1.4 |
2.4 |
1.5 |
1.3 |
10,000 or more |
# |
0.2 |
0.3 |
0.1 |
# |
‡Reporting standards not met. Too few cases for a reliable estimate.
# Rounds to zero.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 15. Percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating which sources paid tuition for college-level courses taken in the dual enrollment programs, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
Parents/ students |
Postsecondary institution1 |
High schools/ public school districts |
The state |
Some other source2 |
All institutions |
64 |
38 |
37 |
26 |
9 |
Institution type3 |
Public 2-year |
56 |
33 |
45 |
31 |
10 |
Public 4-year |
72 |
33 |
41 |
25 |
7 |
Private 4-year |
71 |
50 |
21 |
15 |
8 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
63 |
37 |
35 |
25 |
11 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
67 |
36 |
42 |
24 |
7 |
10,000 or more |
60 |
46 |
29 |
31 |
8 |
1Postsecondary institution includes the institution’s contributions and/or tuition waivers.
2The most commonly cited other sources included various federal and county grants, as well as scholarships from local businesses and nonprofit organizations.
3Data for private 2-year institutions are not reported in a separate category because too few private 2-year institutions in the sample had any dual enrollment of high school students in 2002–03 to make reliable estimates. Data for private 2-year institutions are included in the totals and in analyses by institution size.
NOTE: Percentages are based on the 2,050 institutions with dual enrollment programs (see table 1). Percentages do not sum to 100 because tuition could be paid by multiple sources.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 15-A. Standard errors of the percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating which sources paid tuition for college-level courses taken in the dual enrollment programs, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
Parents/ students |
Postsecondary institution |
High schools/ public school districts |
The state |
Some other source |
All institutions |
2.0 |
2.1 |
1.4 |
1.9 |
1.2 |
Institution type |
Public 2-year |
3.4 |
2.7 |
2.7 |
2.6 |
2.0 |
Public 4-year |
3.0 |
2.8 |
3.7 |
2.6 |
1.2 |
Private 4-year |
3.1 |
4.1 |
3.1 |
2.4 |
2.3 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
3.3 |
3.7 |
2.2 |
3.4 |
2.1 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
3.3 |
2.5 |
2.8 |
2.2 |
1.3 |
10,000 or more |
0.3 |
0.2 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.0 |
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 16. Percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating the type of payment generally made by parents and students for courses taken in the dual enrollment programs, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
Full tuition |
Partial tuition |
Books and/or fees only |
Nothing |
It varied1 |
All institutions |
20 |
20 |
23 |
19 |
19 |
Institution type2 |
Public 2-year |
20 |
10 |
25 |
22 |
23 |
Public 4-year |
28 |
17 |
19 |
18 |
17 |
Private 4-year |
13 |
38 |
18 |
15 |
16 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
16 |
24 |
21 |
21 |
18 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
24 |
16 |
23 |
15 |
22 |
10,000 or more |
24 |
13 |
26 |
18 |
19 |
1“It varied” could indicate that the amount paid out of pocket by students and parents varied within a single program, or else that the amount paid varied across multiple programs within an institution.
2Data for private 2-year institutions are not reported in a separate category because too few private 2-year institutions in the sample had any dual enrollment of high school students in 2002–03 to make reliable estimates. Data for private 2-year institutions are included in the totals and in analyses by institution size.
NOTE: Percentages are based on the 2,050 institutions with dual enrollment programs (see table 1). Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
16-A. Standard errors of the percentage distribution of Title IV
degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs indicating
the type of payment generally made by parents and students for
courses taken in the dual enrollment programs,
by institution
type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
Full tuition |
Partial tuition |
Books and/or fees only |
Nothing |
It varied |
All institutions |
1.6 |
1.2 |
1.6 |
1.6 |
1.7 |
Institution type |
Public 2-year |
2.0 |
2.0 |
2.4 |
3.0 |
2.6 |
Public 4-year |
2.8 |
1.8 |
2.5 |
2.5 |
2.3 |
Private 4-year |
3.4 |
4.0 |
2.8 |
2.6 |
3.1 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
2.8 |
2.0 |
2.7 |
2.8 |
2.9 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
2.3 |
1.7 |
2.3 |
2.0 |
2.4 |
10,000 or more |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.2 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 17. Number and percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs geared specifically toward high school students at risk of education failure, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
Number of institutions |
based on |
Percent based on institutions with dual enrollment programs2 |
All institutions |
110 |
2 |
5 |
Institution type |
Public 2-year |
90 |
8 |
9 |
Private 2-year |
‡ |
‡ |
‡ |
Public 4-year |
10 |
2 |
2 |
Private 4-year |
‡ |
‡ |
‡ |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
40 |
1 |
4 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
40 |
4 |
5 |
10,000 or more |
30 |
7 |
9 |
‡Reporting standards not met. Too few cases for a reliable estimate.
1Percentages are based on the 4,240 Title IV degree-granting institutions in the nation.
2Percentages are based on the 2,050 institutions that had dual enrollment programs (see table 1).
NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 17-A. Standard errors of the number and percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual enrollment programs geared specifically toward high school students at risk of educational failure, by institution type and size: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
Institution type and size |
Number of institutions |
based on |
Percent based on institutions with dual enrollment programs |
All institutions |
17.5 |
0.4 |
0.9 |
Institution type |
Public 2-year |
16.7 |
1.5 |
1.7 |
Private 2-year |
‡ |
‡ |
‡ |
Public 4-year |
2.8 |
0.5 |
0.7 |
Private 4-year |
‡ |
‡ |
‡ |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
15.6 |
0.5 |
1.5 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
7.7 |
0.9 |
1.2 |
10,000 or more |
0.9 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
‡Reporting standard not met. Too few cases for a reliable estimate.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Table 18. Standard errors for figures: 12-month academic year, 2002–03
Item |
Estimate |
Standard error |
1. Percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting
institutions with any high |
Within programs only |
45 |
2.3 |
Outside of programs only |
15 |
1.2 |
Both within and outside of programs |
40 |
1.9 |
2. Percentage distribution of high school students taking courses
for college credit |
High school students taking courses within dual enrollment programs |
84 |
1.3 |
High school students taking college courses outside of dual enrollment programs |
16 |
1.3 |
3. Percentage distribution of high school students taking
courses for college credit, |
High school students taking college courses at public 2-year institutions |
77 |
1.6 |
High school students taking college courses at public 4-year institutions |
15 |
1.2 |
High school students taking college courses at private 4-year institutions |
8 |
1.0 |
4. Percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting
institutions with dual |
Career/technical focus |
39 |
8.8 |
Academic focus |
34 |
5.5 |
Equally academic and career/technical focus |
21 |
8.6 |
Other focus |
6 |
2.5 |
5. Percentage distribution of Title IV degree-granting
institutions with dual |
One course per academic term |
40 |
9.0 |
Two courses per academic term |
14 |
4.1 |
Three or more courses per academic term |
8 |
2.5 |
Number of courses varied considerably |
38 |
8.9 |
6. Percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions with dual
enrollment programs |
Academic advising |
84 |
6.6 |
Tutoring |
82 |
5.3 |
Study skills workshops |
76 |
7.1 |
College application/selection counseling |
75 |
6.3 |
Financial aid counseling |
62 |
8.0 |
Other support services |
38 |
7.6 |
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Appendix A
Technical Notes
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Technical Notes
The Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS) was established in 1991 by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), U.S. Department of Education (ED). PEQIS is designed to conduct brief surveys of postsecondary institutions or state higher education agencies on postsecondary education topics of national importance. Surveys are generally limited to three pages of questions, with a response burden of about 30 minutes per respondent. Most PEQIS institutional surveys use a previously recruited, nationally representative panel of institutions. The PEQIS panel was originally selected and recruited in 1991–92. In 1996, the PEQIS panel was reselected to reflect changes in the postsecondary education universe that had occurred since the original panel was selected. A modified Keyfitz approach was used to maximize overlap between the panels; this resulted in 80 percent of the institutions in the 1996 panel overlapping with the 1991–92 panel. The PEQIS panel was reselected again in 2002. A modified Keyfitz approach was used to maximize the overlap between the 1996 and 2002 samples; 81 percent of the institutions overlapped between these two panels.
At the time the 1991–92 and 1996 PEQIS panels were selected, NCES was defining higher education institutions as institutions accredited at the college level by an agency recognized by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education. However, ED no longer makes a distinction between higher education institutions and other postsecondary institutions that are eligible to participate in federal financial aid programs. Thus, NCES no longer categorizes institutions as higher education institutions. Instead, NCES now categorizes institutions on the basis of whether the institution is eligible to award federal Title IV financial aid, and whether the institution grants degrees at the associate’s level or higher. Institutions that are both Title IV-eligible and degree-granting are approximately equivalent to higher education institutions as previously defined. It is this subset of postsecondary institutions (Title IV-eligible and degree-granting) that are included in the 2002 PEQIS sampling frame.
The sampling frame for the 2002 PEQIS panel was constructed from the 2000 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Institutional Characteristics file. Institutions eligible for the 2002 PEQIS frame included 2-year and 4-year (including graduate-level) institutions that are both Title IV eligible and degree granting, and are located in the 50 states and the District of Columbia: a total of 4,175 institutions. The 2002 PEQIS sampling frame was stratified by instructional level (4-year, 2-year), control (public, private nonprofit, private for-profit), highest level of offering (doctor’s/first-professional, master’s, bachelor’s, less than bachelor’s), and total enrollment. Within each of the strata, institutions were sorted by region (Northeast, Southeast, Central, West) and by whether the institution had a relatively high minority enrollment. The sample of 1,610 institutions was allocated to the strata in proportion to the aggregate square root of total enrollment. Institutions within a stratum were sampled with equal probabilities of selection. The modified Keyfitz approach resulted in 81 percent of the institutions in the 2002 panel overlapping with the 1996 panel. Panel recruitment was conducted with the 300 institutions that were not part of the overlap sample. During panel recruitment, 6 institutions were found to be ineligible for PEQIS. The final unweighted response rate at the end of PEQIS panel recruitment with the institutions that were not part of the overlap sample was 97 percent (285 of the 294 eligible institutions). There were 1,600 eligible institutions in the entire 2002 panel, because 4 institutions in the overlap sample were determined to be ineligible for various reasons. The final unweighted participation rate across the institutions that were selected for the 2002 panel was 99 percent (1,591 participating institutions out of 1,600 eligible institutions). The weighted panel participation rate was also 99 percent.
Each institution in the PEQIS panel was asked to identify a campus representative to serve as survey coordinator. The campus representative facilitates data collection by identifying the appropriate respondent for each survey and forwarding the questionnaire to that person. Data are weighted to produce national estimates, and the sample size allows for limited breakouts by classification variables. However, as the number of categories within the classification variables increases, the sample size within categories decreases, which results in larger sampling errors for the breakouts by classification variables.
The sample for the survey consisted of all of the institutions in the 2002 PEQIS panel. In February 2004, questionnaires (see appendix B) were mailed to the PEQIS coordinators at the institutions. Coordinators were told that the survey was designed to be completed by the person at the institution most knowledgeable about the institution’s dual enrollment programs and courses. Respondents had the option of completing the survey online. Telephone follow-up of nonrespondents was initiated in mid-March 2004; data collection and clarification were completed in June 2004. Before and during data collection for the PEQIS dual enrollment survey, 23 institutions were determined to be ineligible for the panel. For the eligible institutions, an unweighted response rate of 92 percent (1,461 responding institutions divided by the 1,587 eligible institutions in the sample for this survey) was obtained. The weighted response rate for this survey was 93 percent. The unweighted overall response rate was 91 percent (99.4 percent panel participation rate multiplied by the 92 percent survey response rate). The weighted overall response rate was 92 percent (99.3 percent weighted panel participation rate multiplied by the 93 percent weighted survey response rate). Of the institutions that completed the survey, 51 percent completed it online, 32 percent completed it by mail, 9 percent completed it by fax, and 8 percent completed it by telephone. Following data collection on the PEQIS 2004 dual enrollment survey, a poststratification weighting adjustment was made to the totals in the 2002 IPEDS Institutional Characteristics file. The weighted number of eligible institutions in the survey represent the estimated universe of approximately 4,240 Title IV-eligible degree-granting institutions in the 50 states and the District of Columbia (see table A-1).
Table A-1. Number and percent of Title IV degree-granting institutions in the study, and the estimated number and percent in the nation, for the total sample and for institutions that had any dual enrollment, by institution type and size: 2004
Institution type and size |
Total sample |
Had any dual enrollment during the 2002–03 12-month academic year |
Responding institutions (unweighted) |
National estimate (weighted) |
Responding institutions (unweighted) |
National estimate (weighted) |
Number |
Percent |
Number |
Percent |
Number |
Percent |
Number |
Percent |
All institutions |
1,461 |
100 |
4,240 |
100 |
1,085 |
100 |
2,410 |
100 |
Institution type |
Public 2-year |
491 |
34 |
1,090 |
26 |
487 |
45 |
1,070 |
44 |
Private 2-year |
85 |
6 |
660 |
16 |
15 |
1 |
110 |
5 |
Public 4-year |
392 |
27 |
630 |
15 |
326 |
30 |
490 |
20 |
Private 4-year |
493 |
34 |
1,860 |
44 |
257 |
24 |
750 |
31 |
Size of institution |
Less than 3,000 |
580 |
40 |
2,940 |
69 |
304 |
28 |
1,290 |
53 |
3,000 to 9,999 |
489 |
33 |
870 |
21 |
413 |
38 |
730 |
30 |
10,000 or more |
392 |
27 |
420 |
10 |
368 |
34 |
400 |
16 |
NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
Weighted item nonresponse rates ranged from 0 to 2 percent for all items. Although item nonresponse for key items was very low, data were imputed for all missing questionnaire data. These 20 items are listed in table A-2. The missing items included both numerical data such as counts of students in dual enrollment programs or outside of programs, as well as categorical data such as which sources paid tuition for courses taken by high school students in dual enrollment programs. The missing data were imputed using a “hot-deck” approach to obtain a “donor” institution from which the imputed values were derived. Under the hot-deck approach, a donor institution that matched selected characteristics of the institution with missing data (the recipient institution) was identified. The matching characteristics included PEQIS stratum (defined by sector, highest level of offering, and enrollment size) and whether the institution offered courses inside or outside of a dual enrollment program. Once a donor was found, it was used to derive the imputed values for the institution with missing data. For categorical items, the imputed value was simply the corresponding value from the donor institution. For numerical items, the imputed value was calculated by taking the donor’s response for that item (e.g., enrollment in dual enrollment programs) and dividing that number by the total number of students enrolled in the donor institution. This ratio was then multiplied by the total number of students enrolled in the recipient institution to provide an imputed value. All missing items for a given institution were imputed from the same donor whenever possible.
Table A-2. Number of cases with imputed data in the study sample, and number of cases with imputed data the sample represents, by questionnaire items: 2004
Questionnaire item |
Responding institutions (unweighted) |
National estimate (weighted) |
3. |
How many high school students took courses outside of any dual enrollment program? |
35 |
50 |
5. |
How many high school students took courses that were part of a dual enrollment program? |
8 |
14 |
9. |
How did the qualifications for high school instructors compare to those for college instructors? |
1 |
1 |
10. |
Which of the following most closely resembles the typical pattern of high school enrollments? |
2 |
3 |
12. |
When were high school students generally awarded college credit for courses taken? |
2 |
2 |
13. |
Were there academic eligibility requirements for high school students? |
1 |
1 |
14A. |
Was minimum high school grade point average an academic eligibility requirement? |
1 |
2 |
14B. |
Was minimum score on a standardized test, such as the SAT an academic eligibility requirement? |
1 |
2 |
14C. |
Was minimum high school class rank an academic eligibility requirement? |
2 |
3 |
14D. |
Was passing a college placement test given by your institution an academic eligibility requirement? |
2 |
3 |
14E. |
Were there some other academic eligibility requirement(s)? |
1 |
2 |
15. |
was the minimum high school GPA (on a 4-point scale) required for
the dual enrollment |
2 |
5 |
16. |
academic requirements for high school students the same or
different than for regular college |
1 |
2 |
18. |
the curriculum specifically designed for high school students or
the same as for regular |
3 |
4 |
19B. |
Which sources paid tuition for courses taken? The state |
1 |
3 |
19C. |
Which sources paid tuition for courses taken? High schools/public school districts |
1 |
3 |
19D. |
Which sources paid tuition for courses taken? Parents/students |
1 |
3 |
19E. |
Which sources paid tuition for courses taken? Some other source(s) |
2 |
4 |
20. |
What did high school students (and their parents) generally pay out of pocket for courses? |
5 |
13 |
22. |
How many at-risk high school students were enrolled in the program? |
1 |
1 |
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQIS), “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students,” PEQIS 14, 2004.
While the “Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students” survey was designed to account for sampling error and to minimize nonsampling error, estimates produced from the data collected are subject to both types of error. Sampling error occurs because the data are collected from a sample rather than a census of the population, and nonsampling errors are errors made during the collection and processing of the data.
The responses were weighted to produce national estimates (see table A-1). The weights were designed to adjust for the variable probabilities of selection and differential nonresponse. The findings in this report are estimates based on the sample selected and, consequently, are subject to sampling variability. General sampling theory was used to estimate the sampling variability of the estimates and to test for statistically significant differences between estimates.
The standard error is a measure of the variability of an estimate due to sampling. It indicates the variability of a sample estimate that would be obtained from all possible samples of a given design and size. Standard errors are used as a measure of the precision expected from a particular sample. If all possible samples were surveyed under similar conditions, intervals of 1.96 standard errors below to 1.96 standard errors above a particular statistic would include the true population parameter being estimated in about 95 percent of the samples. This is a 95 percent confidence interval. For example, the estimated percentage of Title IV degree-granting institutions with any dual enrollment is 56.9 percent and the standard error is 1.1 percent (see tables 1 and 1a). The 95 percent confidence interval for the statistic extends from [56.9 – (1.1 x 1.96)] to [56.9 + (1.1 x 1.96)], or from 54.7 to 59.1 percent. The 1.96 is the critical value for a statistical test at the 0.05 significance level (where 0.05 indicates the 5 percent of all possible samples that would be outside the range of the confidence interval).
Because the data from the PEQIS dual enrollment programs and courses survey were collected using a complex sampling design, the variances of the estimates from this survey (e.g., estimates of proportions) are typically different from what would be expected from data collected with a simple random sample. Not taking the complex sample design into account can lead to an underestimation of the standard errors associated with such estimates. To generate accurate standard errors for the estimates in this report, standard errors were computed using a technique known as jackknife replication. As with any replication method, jackknife replication involves constructing a number of subsamples (replicates) from the full sample and computing the statistic of interest for each replicate. The mean square error of the replicate estimates around the full sample estimate provides an estimate of the variance of the statistic. To construct the replications, 50 stratified subsamples of the full sample were created and then dropped 1 at a time to define 50 jackknife replicates. A computer program (WesVar) was used to calculate the estimates of standard errors. WesVar is a stand-alone Windows application that computes sampling errors from complex samples for a wide variety of statistics (totals, percents, ratios, log-odds ratios, general functions of estimates in tables, linear regression parameters, and logistic regression parameters).
Nonsampling error is the term used to describe variations in the estimates that may be caused by population coverage limitations and data collection, processing, and reporting procedures. The sources of nonsampling errors are typically problems like unit and item nonresponse, differences in respondents’ interpretations of the meaning of questions, response differences related to the particular time the survey was conducted, and mistakes made during data preparation. It is difficult to identify and estimate either the amount of nonsampling error or the bias caused by this error. To minimize the potential for nonsampling error, this study used a variety of procedures, including a pretest of the questionnaire with individuals at postsecondary institutions deemed to be the most knowledgeable about the dual enrollment programs and courses at their institutions. The pretest provided the opportunity to check for consistency of interpretation of questions and definitions and to eliminate ambiguous items. The questionnaire and instructions were also extensively reviewed by NCES and the data requestor at the Office of Vocational and Adult Education. In addition, manual and machine editing of the questionnaire responses were conducted to check the data for accuracy and consistency. Cases with missing or inconsistent items were recontacted by telephone to resolve problems. Data were keyed with 100 percent verification for surveys received by mail, fax, or telephone.
Institution type: public 2-year, private 2-year, public 4-year, private 4-year. Type was created from a combination of level (2-year, 4-year) and control (public, private). Two-year institutions are defined as institutions at which the highest level of offering is at least 2 but less than 4 years (below the baccalaureate degree); 4-year institutions are those at which the highest level of offering is 4 or more years (baccalaureate or higher degree).17 Private comprises private nonprofit and private for-profit institutions; these private institutions are reported together because there are too few private for-profit institutions in the sample for this survey to report them as a separate category.
Size of institution: less than 3,000 students; 3,000 to 9,999 students; and 10,000 or more students.
For more information about the Postsecondary Education Quick Information System or the Survey on Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses for High School Students, contact Bernie Greene, Early Childhood, International, and Crosscutting Studies Division, National Center for Education Statistics, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, 1990 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006; e-mail: [email protected]; telephone (202) 502-7348.
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Appendix B
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FORM APPROVED O.M.B. No.: 1850–0733 EXPIRATION DATE: 09/2006 |
This survey is authorized by law (P.L. 103-382). While participation in this survey is voluntary, your cooperation is critical to make the results of this survey comprehensive, accurate, and timely. |
Definition of Dual Enrollment
For the purposes of this survey, dual enrollment refers to high school students who earn college credits for courses taken through a postsecondary institution. Different institutions have different names for dual enrollment, including “dual credit,” “concurrent enrollment,” “joint enrollment,” etc. Please use the definition provided here when completing the survey, regardless of how your institution refers to high school students taking college-level courses. Please note that:
Courses may be part of a dual enrollment program, or courses may be taken by students outside of any such program.
“Dual enrollment program” is defined here as an organized system with special guidelines that allows high school students to take college level courses. The guidelines might have to do with entrance or eligibility requirements, funding, limits on coursetaking, and so on.
High school students who simply enroll in courses through your institution, and are treated as regular college students, should not be considered as participating in a dual enrollment program.
Credit for courses may be earned at both the high school and college level simultaneously or only at the college level. Credit may be earned immediately or upon enrollment at your institution after high school graduation.
Courses may be taught on a college campus, on a high school campus, or at some other location.
The time frame for this survey is the 2002–03 12-month academic year, including courses taken during summer sessions. Do not include information about summer bridge programs for students who had already graduated from high school.
This survey should be completed by the person(s) most knowledgeable about dual enrollment at your institution.
Name of person completing form: Telephone:
Title/position: E-mail:
Best days and times to reach you (in case of questions):
WESTAT Brian Kleiner
Attention: 7166.30—Kleiner 800–937–8281, ext. 4469 or 301–294–4469
1650 Research Boulevard Fax: 800–254–0984
Rockville, Maryland 20850 E-mail: [email protected]
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information is 1850–0733. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collected. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20202–4651. If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write directly to: National Center for Education Statistics, 1990 K Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006
PEQIS Form No. 14, 01/2004
During the 2002–03 12-month academic year, did any high school students take courses for college credit through your institution? (This may include students who took courses within a dual enrollment program or on their own, outside of any program—see definition on the front of the survey.)
Yes 1 (Continue with question 2.) |
No 2 (Stop. Complete respondent section on front and return survey.) |
During the 2002–03 12-month academic year, did any high school students take college-level courses through your institution outside of any dual enrollment program? (These are generally high school students who simply enroll in and pay for college courses on their own and are treated the same as regular college students. See definition.)
Yes 1 (Continue with question 3.) |
No 2 (Skip to question 4.) |
During the 2002–03 12-month academic year, how many high school students took college-level courses through your institution outside of any dual enrollment program? (Please provide unduplicated head counts, i.e., do not count students more than once if they took more than one course.)
Number of students
College-Level Courses Taken by High School Students Through Your Institution’s
Dual Enrollment Program(s)
“Dual enrollment program” is defined here as an organized system with special guidelines that allows high school students to take college-level courses. The guidelines might have to do with entrance or eligibility requirements, funding, limits on coursetaking, and so on.
High school students who simply enroll in courses through your institution, and are treated as regular college students, should not be considered as participating in a dual enrollment program.
During the 2002–03 12-month academic year, did any high school students take courses for college credit through your institution that were part of a dual enrollment program? (See definition.)
Yes 1 (Continue with question 5.) |
No 2 (Stop. Complete respondent section on front and return survey.) |
During the 2002–03 12-month academic year, how many high school students took college-level courses in the dual enrollment program(s) through your institution? (Please provide unduplicated head counts, i.e., do not count students more than once if they took more than one course.)
Number of students
Did the high school students who took courses for college credit in the dual enrollment program(s) also receive credit at the high school level for those courses? (Circle only one.)
Yes 1
No 2
It varied 3
Don’t know 4
Where were the courses that were taken by high school students in the dual enrollment program(s) taught? (Circle one on each line.)
Yes No
a. Your college campus 1 2
b. A high school campus 1 2
c. Some other location(s) (specify) 1 2
If you answered “yes” to 7b (“a high school campus”), then continue with question 8. If not, skip to question 10.
Who were the instructors of the college-level courses in the dual enrollment program(s) that were taught on a high school campus? (Consider a high school instructor as someone primarily employed by a school district, and a college instructor as someone primarily employed by your institution.) (Circle only one.)
College instructors only 1 (Skip to question 10.)
High school instructors only 2 (Continue with question 9.)
Both high school and college instructors 3 (Continue with question 9.)
How did the minimum qualifications for high school instructors who taught college-level courses as part of the dual enrollment program(s) compare to those required for college instructors at your institution? (Circle only one.)
The same as those required for college instructors 1
Different than those required for college instructors 2
There was no set policy with respect to minimum qualifications 3
It varied 4
Which of the following most closely resembles the typical pattern of high school enrollments in the dual enrollment program(s)? (A course is equivalent to 3 or 4 credits. An academic term could be a semester, quarter, or trimester.) (Circle only one.)
High school students took one college course per academic term 1
High school students took two college courses per academic term 2
High school students took three or more college courses per academic term 3
The number of college courses high school students took varied considerably 4
Some other pattern (specify) 5
What was the maximum number of courses per academic term (e.g., semester, quarter) a high school student was allowed to take as part of the dual enrollment program(s)? (Circle only one.)
One course per academic term 1
Two courses per academic term 2
Three or more courses per academic term 3
No maximum number per academic term 4
When were high school students generally awarded college credit for courses taken through the dual enrollment program(s)? (Circle only one.)
Immediately upon completion of courses 1
Upon enrolling at your institution after high school graduation 2
Other (specify) 3
there academic eligibility requirements for high school students to
participate in your institution’s dual enrollment program(s)?
Yes 1 (Continue with question 14.) |
No 2 (Skip to question 17.) |
What were the academic eligibility requirements for high school students to participate in your institution’s dual enrollment program(s)? (Circle one on each line.)
Yes No
a. Minimum high school grade point average 1 2
b. Minimum score on a standardized test, such as the SAT 1 2
c. Minimum high school class rank 1 2
d. Passing a college placement test given by your institution 1 2
e. Some other requirement(s) (specify) 1 2
If you answered “yes” to 14a (a minimum GPA), then continue with question 15. If not, skip to question 16.
What was the minimum high school GPA (on a 4-point scale) required by your institution for high school students to take courses in the dual enrollment program(s)? (Circle only one.)
Between 1.75 and 2.24 1
Between 2.25 and 2.74 2
Between 2.75 and 3.24 3
Between 3.25 and 3.74 4
3.75 or above 5
It varied 6
Were the academic requirements for high school students to be eligible to participate in your institution’s dual enrollment program(s) the same or different than your institution’s admissions standards for regular college students? (Circle only one.)
The same 1 Different 2
Which grade levels of high school students were eligible to take college-level courses as part of the dual enrollment program(s)? (If you had more than one program, include grade levels across all programs.) (Circle all that apply.)
9th 10th 11th 12th Some other grade(s) (specify)
Was the curriculum (i.e., syllabus, books, exams, course length) for the college-level courses taken by high school students as part of the dual enrollment program(s) specially designed for high school students, or was it the same as for regular college students? (Circle only one.)
Specially designed for high school students 1
The same as for regular college students 2
It varied 3
Which sources paid tuition for the college-level courses taken by high school students in the dual enrollment program(s)? (Circle one on each line.)
Yes No
a. Your institution (including both your institution’s contributions and/or tuition waivers) 1 2
b. The state 1 2
c. High schools/public school districts 1 2
d. Parents/students 1 2
e. Some other source(s) (specify) 1 2
What did high school students (and their parents) generally pay out of pocket for college-level courses taken in the dual enrollment program(s)? (Circle only one.)
Full tuition 1
Partial tuition 2
Books and/or fees only 3
Nothing—tuition, books, and fees were paid in full by other sources 4
It varied 5
During the 2002–03 12-month academic year, did your institution have a formal dual enrollment program geared specifically toward high school students who were at risk of educational failure? (This program may have been included in dual enrollment programs already covered above. Only include programs in which at-risk high school students could earn college credit for courses taken.)
Yes 1 (Continue with question 22.) |
No 2 (Stop. Complete respondent section on front and return survey.) |
the 2002–03 12-month academic year, how many at-risk high
school students were enrolled in that dual enrollment
program? Number
of students
What was the primary focus of the dual enrollment program for at-risk high school students? (Circle only one.)
Academic (e.g., mathematics, English, social studies, foreign languages) 1
Career/technical (e.g., computer systems networking, culinary arts, metallurgy) 2
Equally academic and career/technical 3
Some other primary focus (specify) 4
Which of the following most closely resembles the typical pattern of enrollments in the dual enrollment program for at-risk high school students? (An academic term could be a semester, quarter, or trimester.) (Circle only one.)
High school students took one college course per academic term 1
High school students took two college courses per academic term 2
High school students took three or more college courses per academic term 3
The number of college courses high school students took varied considerably 4
Did your institution provide extra support services specifically for the at-risk high school students in the dual enrollment program (e.g., tutoring, academic advising, study skills workshops, precollege counseling)? (Only include support services beyond those usually provided to students taking courses through your institution.)
Yes 1 (Continue with question 26.) |
No 2 (Stop. Complete respondent section on front and return survey.) |
What extra support services were specifically offered to the at-risk high school students in the dual enrollment program? (Only include support services beyond those usually provided to students taking courses through your institution.) (Circle one on each line.)
Yes No
a. Tutoring 1 2
b. Academic advising 1 2
c. Study skills workshops 1 2
d. College application/selection counseling 1 2
e. Financial aid counseling 1 2
f. Some other support service(s) (specify) 1 2
1 The summer session included in the 2002–03 12-month academic year (i.e., the summer session of 2002 or the summer session of 2003) was whichever one each institution considered to be part of that 12-month academic year.
2 More information about PEQIS may be found at
3Institutions participating in Title IV federal student financial aid programs (such as Pell grants or Stafford loans) are accredited by an agency or organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, have a program of over 300 clock hours or 8 credit hours, have been in business for at least 2 years, and have a signed Program Participation Agreement with the Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE), U.S. Department of Education. Degree-granting institutions are those that offer an associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, or first-professional degree (Knapp et al. 2001).
4All weighted response rates were calculated using the base weight (i.e., the inverse of the probability of selection).
5 E.D. TAB reports focus on the presentation of selected descriptive data in tabular format. This report did not control for the interrelationships between the analysis variables of institution type and size.
6 The percentage of institutions with courses for high school students offered on their college campus, on a high school campus, or at some other location sum to more than 100 percent because institutions may have offered courses at more than one location. Other locations included community centers, vocational/technical schools, and hospitals. Respondents also included online courses as “other locations.”
7 The “it varied” response could indicate that there was no typical pattern of high school enrollments within a single program, or else that multiple programs within an institution had different typical patterns.
8 “It varied” could mean that the curriculum varied within a single program (e.g., was the same as for regular college students for some courses, but different for others), or else that the curriculum varied across multiple programs within an institution (i.e., was the same as for regular college students in one program, but specially designed for high school students in another program).
9 Of the roughly 20 “other ways” cited by respondents, about half noted that credits were awarded after high school graduation. The remaining responses varied.
10 The “it varied” response could indicate that credit was earned in various ways within a single program, or else that credit was earned in different ways across multiple programs within an institution.
11 “It varied” could indicate that the minimum GPA varied within a single program, or else that the minimum required GPA was different across multiple programs within an institution.
12 Four percent of institutions did not allow grade 12 students to participate in dual enrollment programs, while they did allow students in other grades (predominantly grade 11) to participate in dual enrollment programs.
13 Multiple sources could have been selected.
14 “It varied” could indicate that the amount paid out of pocket by students and parents varied within a single program, or else that the amount paid varied across multiple programs within an institution.
15Standard error = 1,110.
16 Standard error = 8.4. Respondents were asked to include only those support services beyond those usually provided to students taking courses through their institution.
17 Definitions for level are from the data file documentation for the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Institutional Characteristics file, U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics.
File Type | application/msword |
Author | Sylvie Warren |
Last Modified By | DoED |
File Modified | 2006-08-04 |
File Created | 2006-08-04 |