EPA Information Collection Request # 1711.05
OMB No 2090-0019
Expires: 8/31/09
The purpose of this survey is to learn how well Quality Staff-produced training and guidance meets customer expectations and to ensure that these products continue to achieve high measured levels of customer satisfaction. We would like you to take approximately eight minutes to answer 20 questions. Question 21 provides an opportunity for additional comments.
Welcome to the EPA Survey
There are 21 questions in this survey.
Demographics & Experience
Please tell us about yourself, generally, so that we can use the information to measure sector-specific trends in customer satisfaction.
Where do you work?
Choose only one of the following
Choose only one of the following
National Program Office
Office of Research and Development
Regional Office
Other governmental
Choose only one of the following
Private sector
Choose only one of the following
What is your primary area of responsibility?
Check any that apply
Quality Assurance Manager/Director/Coordinator
Project Manager/Principal Investigator/Project Officer
Technical Staff (e.g., scientists, information technology personnel)
Administrative Staff
How long have you participated in Quality Assurance activities?
Check any that apply
Less than 1 year
1 to 5 years
6 to 10 years
More than 10 years
What is your role in Quality Assurance activities?
Choose only one of the following
Participate in project planning or design
Prepare, review, and/or approve QA Project Plans
Prepare, review, and/or approve Quality Management Plans
Prepare, review, and/or approve Standard Procedures
Perform oversight assessments (technical, management system, etc.) of work/projects
Conduct data review/data validation/data assessment/peer review
Issue/disseminate information or data (e.g., issue reports, post information on a Web site)
All of the above
None of the above
Guidance and Training Materials on EPA Quality System Web Site
Accessibility of Guidance and Training materials on the EPA Quality System Web site http://www.epa.gov/quality
How satisfied are you with the ease of locating Quality System guidance and training information on the Quality System Web site?
Choose only one of the following
Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
I have not visited the Quality System Web site
How satisfied are you with the feedback mechanisms (e.g., e-mail links, contact information) available on the Quality System Web site?
Choose only one of the following
Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
I have not visited the Quality System Web site
Guidance Documents
This component of the survey asks about your satisfaction with EPA Quality System guidance documents.
How often do you refer to Quality System guidance documents and training materials?
Choose only one of the following
Frequently (more than three times per year)
Somewhat (one to two times per year)
Rarely (less than once per year)
I did not know that guidance and training materials were available.
How satisfied are you with the use of "plain English" writing style in EPA Quality System guidance documents?
Choose only one of the following
Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
I have not read and of the EPA Quality System guidance documents
Which document style would best satisfy your Quality System guidance needs?
Choose only one of the following
In depth guidance documents with examples and case studies (more than 25 pages in length)
In depth guidance documents with examples and case studies supplemented with training
Brief overview documents (less than 25 pages in length)
Brief overview documents supplemented with case studies and training
Guidance Documents with multi-media (eg. video, audio, picture, integration) presentation of case studies and training
No preference
Which delivery method(s) enhances your satisfaction with the EPA Quality System guidance documents?
Choose only one of the following
Posted on the Quality System Web site in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF) for download
Available as a Web page (HTML) with links (printable by chapter or topic)
Questions 11, 12 and 13 will assist the Quality Staff prioritize and allocate resources to the products most likely to increase customer satisfaction.
Which of the following EPA Quality System guidance documents have you used? Check any that apply
EPA Requirements for Quality Management Plans (QA/R-2)
EPA Requirements for QA Project Plans (QA/R-5)
Overview of the EPA Quality System for Environmental Data and Technology
Guidance for Developing Quality Systems for Environmental Programs (QA/G-1)
Guidance on Assessing Quality Systems (QA/G-3)
Guidance on Systematic Planning using the Data Quality Objectives Process (QA/G-4)
Systematic Planning: A Case Study for Hazardous Waste Site Investigations.
Decision Error Feasibility Trials (DEFT) Software (QA/G-4D)
Guidance for Quality Assurance Project Plans (QA/G-5)
Guidance for Geospatial Data Quality Assurance Project Plans (QA/G-5G)
Guidance on Choosing a Sampling Design for Environmental Data Collection (QA/G-5S)
Guidance for Quality Assurance Project Plans for Modeling (QA/G-5M)
Guidance for Preparing Standard Operating Procedures (QA/G-6)
Guidance on Technical Audits and Related Assessments for Environmental Data Operations (QA/G-7)
Guidance on Environmental Data Verification and Data Validation (QA/G-8)
Data Quality Assessment: A Reviewer’s Guide (QA/G-9R)
Data Quality Assessment: Statistical Tools for Practitioners (QA/G-9S)
Guidance for Developing a Training Program for Quality Systems (QA/G-10)
Guidance on Quality Assurance for Environmental Technology Design, Construction and Operation (QA/G-11)
All of the above
Do you use quality system guidance documents on a regular basis?
Choose only one of the following
Which of the following do you use on a regular basis:
Check any that apply
EPA-wide Quality System guidance documents
EPA program specific guidance (Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER), Office of Air and Radiation (OAR), Office of Water (OW), etc.)
Your organization's standard procedures
Other published guidance
Training Program
These questions will benchmark current training practices for future reference, permitting comparison of customer practices over time which will help the EPA Quality Staff increase customer satisfaction of Quality System products.
What types of training would best satisfy your Quality System training needs?
Check any that apply
Basic, introductory courses (overviews, general quality systems concepts and tools)
Specialized, advanced training (data assessment, data validation, statistical concepts and tools)
How does your organization satisfy its Quality System training needs?
Check any that apply
In-house training courses
Training provided by U.S. EPA
Training provided by other organizations
On-the-job training
Which of the following regarding the EPA Quality System training program would best satisfy your needs?
Choose only one of the following
No changes – existing training tools and events are adequate
More instructor-led training events
Training available via the internet
Live Web-hosted training events
Training courses available on CD
Which adult learning presentation strategy or combination of strategies will best satisfy your learning preferences?
(Choose up to 2 of the options below)
Auditory: Learn best through hearing, using their ears and voices.
Visual: Learn best through seeing.
Kinesthetic: Learn best through doing, touching
Given varying degrees of content/complexity, the ideal length for you to complete a computer-based training course at your workstation is:
Choose only one of the following
1-2 hours
3-4 hours
5 or more hours
How important to you is the ability to receive a certificate upon completion of training?
Choose only one of the following
Yes, receiving a training certificate is required upon completion of training?
No, receiving a training certificate is not important
Receiving a certificate is nice, but is not required by my organization.
The U.S. EPA Quality Staff offers Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for some quality system training courses presented at training events. Does the ability to receive CEUs for training increase your satisfaction with the training?
Choose only one of the following
Yes, CEUs are an important aspect of training
No, CEUs make no difference in choosing training events.
Neither yes or no, CEUs are nice, but not critical to me
If you could offer a one sentence suggestion for how Quality System guidance and training could be improved, what would you write?
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Quality System – Needs Assessment Survey – 2006 |
Author | LDoucet |
Last Modified By | CThoma04 |
File Modified | 2006-10-30 |
File Created | 2006-10-30 |