OMB No.: xxxx
Expiration date: xxxx
Region III Head Start Administration for Children and Families
Evaluation of the I am Moving, I am Learning Enhancement
Site Visit Interview Guide for Teacher/Home Visitor Focus Groups
Fall 2007
(Estimated focus group time: 90 minutes)
Thank you very much for agreeing to participate in this discussion. Your participation is very important to the study. My name is [X], I am a [TITLE] at Mathematica Policy Research. Mathematica is a nonpartisan research firm that has extensive experience conducting both early childhood and nutrition research. The Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE) under the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) contracted with MPR to conduct an implementation evaluation of the I am Moving, I am Learning (IM/IL) enhancement in Region III. This study will examine to what extent grantees are implementing IM/IL after attending the spring 2006 Regional Training for Trainers (TOT) events.
During this discussion, we will be following up on the information your program shared with us during a survey conducted in winter 2007 and phone interviews conducted in spring 2007. We will want to discuss how IM/IL is being implemented in your program last program year; what changes were made after year 1; how these changes were implemented; and what initial successes and challenges have been encountered. As part of this evaluation, we are now conducting site visits to 16 grantees. During these visits, we will be talking to program directors, program managers, teachers, and parents.
I am going to moderate the discussion. It is very important for everyone to speak up so we can have a lively and informative discussion.
We ask that you respect each other’s point of view. There are no right or wrong answers. You are the experts—we want to learn from you.
It will be helpful if you speak one at a time, so everyone has a chance to be heard.
We have many topics to cover during the discussion. At times, I may need to move the conversation along to be sure we cover everything.
Everything you say will be kept private to the extent permitted by law. No staff member will be quoted by name. Our report on the site visits will describe the range of views expressed by staff across programs, but specific comments will not be attributed to specific individuals or programs. We also ask that you not repeat any of the discussion you’ve heard after you leave today.
I would like to tape-record our discussion so I can listen to it later, when I write up my notes. No one besides our research team will listen to the tape. After my notes are finalized, I will erase/destroy the tape. If you want to say anything that you don’t want taped, please let me know and I will be glad to pause the tape recorder. Does anybody have any objections to my taping our discussion?
The discussion will last about 90 minutes, and we will not take any formal breaks. But please feel free to get up at any time to stretch or use the restroom.
Once again, thank you for coming today. Are there any questions before we get started?
Let’s start by going around the room and introducing ourselves.
Please tell me your first name (or the name you would like to be called), the name of the center where you teach, and how long you have been with this Head Start (or Early Head Start) program.
How many children are in your classroom? What are their ages (mixed-age classroom or one age group)?
How many families do you work with as a home visitor?
Does your classroom operate a full-day session or half-day sessions? [N.B. Omit for home visitors.]
How many other adults work in your classroom, such as teacher’s assistants or parent volunteers? How often are they in the classroom (for example, every day all day, 3 hours per week)? [N.B. Omit for home visitors.]
What percentage of children in your classroom [OR children in your home visiting caseload] speak a language other than English at home? What languages do they speak?
What percentage of children [in your classroom OR children in your home visiting caseload] have an Individual Education Plan (IEP)?
Have the goals of IM/IL changed since it was started last program year? If so, how? Why were these changes made?
Were you involved in making or suggesting any of these changes? If so, what role did you play?
What was your initial reaction to the idea of implementing an IM/IL enhancement? Were you excited, or hesitant? Why? Is your reaction the same now as it was initially? Why or why not?
How receptive were families to participating in the IM/IL enhancement over the course of last program year?
How did you reinforce IM/IL goals and go about getting ongoing buy-in from parents last program year (2006-2007)? Community organizations? In other words, how do you keep the momentum moving forward?
Were you able to implement the enhanced IM/IL activities in your classroom as planned last program year (2006-2007)?
How did you track or monitor implementation?
How has actual implementation differed from your initial plans? In actual activities? Duration? Intensity? In who receives services?
What caused a change from the original vision of what the IM/IL enhancement would look like in your classroom?
Will you make any adjustments this year to facilitate implementation? If so, what adjustments? If not, why not?
Are you implementing these same activities in your classroom this program year?
IF NO: What prevented you from implementing these activities this year? (Time? Interest? Experiences last year? Other?)
IF YES: Did you/are you going to make any changes to these activities? If so, please describe the changes. Why are you going to make these changes?
What MVPA and Structured Movement enhancement activities did you provide in your classroom during last program year (2006-2007)?
Did you begin or increase MVPA for your classroom? Did you have a target amount (Daily? Weekly?)? If so, what is the target? Do you reach the target? Did you increase the amount of unstructured MVPA (such as supervised outdoor play time) or structured MVPA (such as group activity you led or modeled)? Both?
Did you begin or increase the amount of intentionally scheduled, structured movement activities? Did you have a daily or weekly target amount? If so, what was the target? Did you reach the target?
What kinds of structured MVPA activities did you facilitate? Can you give some examples of games or tasks?
What kinds of structured movement activities do you facilitate? Can you give some examples of games or tasks?
Did you use vocabulary from the Choosy training materials in classroom routines, including Action Awareness (what my body can do); Effort Awareness (how my body moves); Space Awareness (where my body moves); Relationship Awareness (to myself, others, or objects, like body parts or shapes)? Did you find this helpful? Are you still using it?
Were you able to implement these activities as planned? Why or why not?
Describe one structured movement and/or MVPA enhancement activity you did that was successful. In your opinion, why was this activity successful?
Describe one structured movement and/or MVPA enhancement activity that you thought you would be able to do, but that did not work. Why did it not work? What could you have done differently that might have made the activity more successful?
Are you implementing these same activities this program year?
IF NO: What prevented you from implementing these activities this year? (Time? Interest? Experiences last year? Other?)
IF YES: Did you/are you going to make any changes to these activities? If so, please describe the changes. Why are you going to make these changes?
Did you integrate structured movement and MVPA activities into your existing curriculum? How did you do this? Have you incorporated movement activities into literacy and early mathematics activities? Transitions? Other? If so, please describe? If not, why has this been challenging?
What Healthy Eating enhancement activities did you provide in your classroom during last program year (2006-2007)?
Did you try to increase the time spent on educating children about good nutrition and healthy foods? Did you have a target amount? Did you reach the target?
Did you incorporate healthy eating enhancement activities into mealtime (Family-style meals? Staff eating with children? Staff eating same meals as children? Regulating portion sizes or number of servings? Introducing new foods?) Were these new activities?
Did you integrate healthy eating enhancements into your existing curriculum? How did you do this? Have you incorporated healthy eating activities into literacy and early mathematics activities? Transitions? Other? If so, please describe. If not, why not?
Were you able to implement these activities as planned? Why or why not?
Describe one healthy eating enhancement activity you did that was successful. Why do you think it was successful?
Describe one healthy eating enhancement activity that you thought you would be able to do but that did not work. Why did it not work? What could you have done differently that might have made the activity more successful?
Are you implementing these same activities this program year?
IF NO: What prevented you from implementing these activities this year? (Time? Interest? Experiences last year? Other?)
IF YES: Did you/are you going to make any changes to these activities? If so, please describe the changes. Why are you going to make these changes?
Are you required to spend a specific amount of time each week or month on the IM/IL enhancement? If so, are you typically able to meet these requirements? What barriers, if any, make it difficult for you to meet these requirements?
Did you use any materials and resources to implement the IM/IL enhancement during last program year (2006-2007)? If so, what did you use? If so, did your program purchase these materials and resources? Why did your program choose to purchase materials and resources?
Choosy Action Plans (lesson plans) or activity sheets, such as the Open Space Activity Cards or the Creative Arts Activity Cards
Lesson plans or activity ideas from other organizations, such as USDA’s MyPyramid website, Fit WIC, Smart Moves activities books, and SPARK Early Childhood Physical Activity Curriculum
Balloons, bean bags, balls ropes, scarves, foam noodles, balance beams, and so on
Choosy song sheets, CDs, videos, DVDs
Are you using these materials and resources to implement the IM/IL enhancement again this program year (2007-2008)?
IF NO: Why not? (Time? Interest? Experiences last year? Usefulness? Other?)
IF YES: Did you or are you going to make any changes to how you use these materials and resources? If so, please describe the changes. Why did you make or are you going to make these changes?
Last program year (2006-2007), did you make any of the materials by hand using the Choosy Homemade Toys & Props handout from the regional TOT event, or any other resources?
For example, did you make a jump-rope or balance beam out of bread bags?
Are you going to use these materials again this program year? If not, why not?
Are you going to make these materials again this year? Why or why not?
Did your program implement any IM/IL enhancements for staff? (Incentives to increase physical activity? Health club incentive? Weight loss challenge? Other?)
Describe the enhancements. Who is involved? Who is leading the efforts?
Are you participating in the enhancements? (Voluntary? Mandatory?) Why or why not?
Have you set any personal/staff goals specific to the IM/IL enhancements? If so, how much progress do you feel you have made toward meeting those goals? Are you or someone else tracking your progress toward meeting those goals?
Did you modify the IM/IL enhancement activities for certain children?
For children whose home language is something other than English?
For children with IEPs or IHPs?
Have you consulted any special resources for directing the IM/IL enhancement to these children? If so, which ones? Were these resources helpful?
What aspects of making these modifications were successful? What aspects were challenging?
Have you observed or experienced challenges in getting children to do any of the activities? For example, if you introduce unfamiliar fruits and vegetables to children at mealtime, are children unwilling to try the foods? If you introduce structured movement activities during transitions, are children unwilling to participate?
Did you expect this variation? What factors affect some children’s buy-in/participation more than others?
What do you do to encourage buy-in/participation? How do you respond to children that are unwilling to participate?
Do you have concerns about the weight of any children in your classroom or on your caseload?
What percentage of children would you say are overweight? Underweight?
Do these children seem embarrassed by their weight? How can you tell?
Have you ever spoken to the parents about your concerns regarding their children’s weight? If so, how did you bring up the subject, and what did you talk about? How did they react?
Was it awkward to talk to them about their child’s weight? If so, why?
If you have not spoken to these parents about your concerns, why haven’t you?
How common is it for the children in your classroom to make food choices that make it difficult to maintain a healthy weight? About what proportion of the children make these kind of food choices?
How common is sedentary behavior (i.e. little or no physical activity) among the children in your classroom, such as high levels of television viewing or living in a place that is not conducive to outside play? About what proportion of the children have limited physical activities outside of Head Start?
Of the health problems affecting children in your classroom/caseload, how would you rank these three conditions: __ Asthma, __ Obesity, and __ Oral Health (tooth decay and cavities)?
Did you incorporate IM/IL goals into Children’s IEPs? Children’s Individual Health Plans (IHPs)?
Have you shared information about IM/IL with the families’ health care professionals, such as a description of planned activities or any data collected?
Have you shared information about IM/IL with Part B providers, such as a description of planned activities or any data collected?
IF YES TO Q22, Q23, OR Q24:
Will you use these strategies again this program year (2007-2008)? Why or why not?
How pervasive are poor eating habits (not consuming enough healthy foods) among the children in your classroom or on your caseload? About what percentage of children have poor eating habits?
Do you see yourself as a role model for children to teach them about the importance of physical activities and healthy eating? Why or why not?
Compared to this time last year, do you see yourself as a better role model? Why or why not?
Has the IM/IL enhancement changed any aspects of your own personal health related to diet and physical activity? If so, which ones?
Has the IM/IL enhancement changed any aspects of your own family’s health related to diet and physical activity? If so, which ones?
Has the IM/IL enhancement provided any motivation or incentives (such as staff challenges with prizes) for you to change your own health behaviors related to diet and physical activity?
Is there a way you think you could be a better role model?
Were there any factors that hindered MVPA, structured movement, or healthy eating activities in the past (for example, inadequate indoor space during inclement weather, or no time in schedule)?
What outreach strategies were used last year to promote the IM/IL enhancement to families?
How, if at all, did you first communicate with families about your IM/IL enhancement? Are you using the same strategy this year? If not, why not?
How do parents initially react? Are they excited, or hesitant? Why? Has their reaction or involvement changed over time?
Were there any parent education activities centered on the IM/IL enhancement during last program year (2006-2007)?
IF YES: Did you have a role? If so, what did you do? Were activities targeted at improving children’s behaviors related to healthy eating and physical activity, parents’ behaviors, or both? Were parents engaged? Will there be continued activities and support for parents this year? Why or why not?
IF NO: What prevented your program from providing parent education activities? Are parent activities not part of your program’s IM/IL goals? No time? Lack of interest among parents?
Did you do anything to encourage parents to make healthy food choices, or to educate them about good nutrition in general? If so, what? Was this targeted at improving children’s behaviors related to healthy eating, parents’ behaviors, or both? Was this successful? Has this been continued?
Did you use different vocabulary and/or teach nutritional messages from Choosy or other sources—like Crave Your F.A.V., Shop the Sides, Think Tiny Tummies, other? If so, how was this reinforced? Did you find this helpful? Are you still using it?
Have you observed or experienced challenges in getting families to do any of the activities? What challenges have you experienced? (For example, if you sponsor cooking classes to teach family members about easy-to-prepare, nutritious meals, are parents interested in trying new foods/recipes or not?)
Did you expect these challenges? What factors affect some families’ participation/buy-in more than others? Is your program doing anything to encourage participation/buy-in?
What factors prevent higher activity levels?
Have you or the program used any strategies to encourage participation/buy-in over time?
To what extent are parents reinforcing components of the IM/IL enhancement at home? How can you tell?
Do home visitors incorporate IM/IL-related activities into the home visits?
Do group socializations reinforce the IM/IL messages?
Do you conduct informal surveys with parents about what they eat or how much they exercise?
Have you received formal training on the IM/IL enhancement so far this program year?
IF YES: How was this
different from what you did last year?
developed the training activities?
Who provided the training?
When was the training provided? During pre-service training? As
an in-service?
How many and which types of staff participated? Were any
volunteers trained?
How long did it last?
What was the format of the training? What topics were covered?
Which types of activities were included? Lecture? Modeling?
Breakout sessions? Role play?
Were written materials distributed, such as a manual, curriculum,
lesson plan, or list of resources to be used during implementation?
If so, please describe them.
Were you trained on how to monitor progress made by children, such
as observations of structured movement or tracking body mass index
and height/weight?
Which parts of training did you find most helpful, and why?
Was there anything about the training that wasn’t helpful?
If so, why?
Was this training similar to the training you received during the
first year of implementation (2006-2007)? If it wasn’t, how
was it different?
Since there hasn’t been any formal training this year, did you receive any special preparation to implement the IM/IL enhancement this program year?
Last program year, did you receive ongoing training and/or technical assistance to support the IM/IL enhancement? Is any planned for this year?
What kind of support did you receive?
What topics were covered? How often is T/TA provided?
Who provides the training and/or TA? For example, is it provided by staff within your Head Start program, by the Region III TA System, or by an outside consultant?
Was this T/TA helpful? Why or why not?
How frequently were these IM/IL topics included during in-service days?
Do you participate in the listserv created by Region III? If so, how often? Is the listserv helpful? If it is, why is it? If you don’t use the listserv, why don’t you?
Is there any additional training or support you need but have not received yet?
IF YES: What types of support do you need? Are there specific plans in place to meet these support needs?
Last year, did you track IM/IL implementation and measure outcomes?
IF YES: What specific items do you track? For example, do you periodically measure height and weight of children? Observe progress made in structured movement using Choosy Assessment of Motor Patterns (CAMP) tools? Other? Are you measuring any child outcomes like aspects of children’s movement or diet?
How often do these activities take place?
Have you used the results of these assessments to inform individual or group education and/or health goals? If so, how? If not, why not?
IF NO: What prevents you from measuring outcomes? Are there any plans in place to do so in the future?
To what degree do children, staff, and parents incorporate the IM/IL vocabulary into their daily routines?
Do you teach children about structured movement vocabulary, such as “What my body does,” “How my body moves,” and “Where my body moves”? If not, why not?
Do you teach and use any nutrition slogans in classrooms and with parents, like “Crave Your F.A.V.” or “Think Tiny Tummies”? Are children and parents picking up this vocabulary and using it? If not, why aren’t they?
If so, do you routinely use this vocabulary with children? Are children picking up and using this vocabulary?
Do other adults in the classroom (such as teaching assistants, aides, and volunteers) use this vocabulary on a regular basis?
In your opinion, how much progress do you think your program has made toward meeting its goals and objectives for the IM/IL enhancement?
How much progress have you made toward meeting the goals and objectives you planned for your classroom?
How do you track the progress you have made toward meeting the goals and objectives you planned for your classroom?
What have been the most important successes of the IM/IL enhancement so far?
Can you give an example?
What factors led to that success?
What are the most significant implementation challenges associated with the IM/IL enhancement so far?
What strategies have you used to address these challenges?
How well do you think these strategies worked?
What are the most important lessons you have learned so far about implementing an IM/IL enhancement?
What aspects of the IM/IL enhancement do children like the most? What do they like the least? How was this changed over time and why?
What aspects of the IM/IL enhancement do families like the most? What do they like the least? How was this changed over time and why?
What aspects of the IM/IL enhancement do you like the most? What do you like the least? How was this changed over time and why?
What changes, if any, do you think should be made to the IM/IL enhancement?
Changes in scope? Training? Activities? T/TA? Staffing? Involvement of outside organizations or experts? Other?
What advice would you give to another Head Start program that is thinking about implementing an IM/IL enhancement like the one at your program? Another Head Start teacher?
Is there anything else you would like to add before we end the discussion?
N.B. MPR should have already received a set of documents from the program in advance of the telephone call, such as daily classroom schedules (pre and post spring 2006 TOT event) and templates of any assessment tools. If we have not received them, then ask for specific outstanding items as appropriate.
Thank you very much for speaking with me and sharing your experiences and feedback on the IM/IL enhancement at your program.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | MEMORANDUM |
Author | Patricia A DelGrosso |
Last Modified By | Cindy McClure |
File Modified | 2007-02-26 |
File Created | 2007-02-23 |