Form FEMA Form 90-150 FEMA Form 90-150 Internet On-Line Registration Phone Survey

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Individual Assistance Customer Satisfaction Surveys

FF90-150 Internet On-Line Registration Survey 20070718

Internet On-Line Registration Phone Survey

OMB: 1660-0036

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(March 14, 2007)

Hello, I’m calling from FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency. My name is _______. I would like to speak with the person who registered over the internet ____ days ago to get their opinions about the quality of FEMA’s service. Is that [Name of person who filed application]. Is [He/She] available?

If not available: Is there a better time tonight when I may call back? Thank you for your time and have a good evening. Code as “Call Back”, add a General Comment with a time to call back and select New Survey:

If the applicant did not do the Internet Registration but the person who answered did: Are you a member of the household? May I ask your name?

If not member of the household code attempt: I apologize for taking up your time. We are trying to speak only with Applicants who registered themselves on the Internet. Thank you and have a nice evening.

If not the Applicant and not the person who answered the phone: Is that person a member of their household and available right now?

If not available: Is there a better time when I may call back? Whom may I ask for?

Code as “Call Back”, add a General Comment with a time to call back, and select a new Survey.

If no, document the Attempt Field as “Decline”: Okay, (applicant name), that’s all we needed today. Thank you for your time and have a nice evening.

If yes: (Applicant name or the name of the person who completed the registration over the Internet), would you volunteer to take 10-15 minutes to answer some questions right now?

If no, document the Attempt Field. Okay, thank you for your time and have a nice evening.

Good. The following questions have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget under number 1660-0036. Please be assured your responses will in no way affect the outcome of your application for FEMA assistance.


All right, (Applicant’s name), We’ll start with a very general question about the service you received from FEMA.


Response Options

  1. Overall, how would you rate the information and support you’ve received from FEMA since the disaster occurred? Would you say it‘s been…………………………..

(READ list)

(If “Below average” or “Poor”, go to Q. 1a, otherwise skip to Q.2.)

  • Excellent

  • Good

  • Satisfactory

  • Below average, or

  • Poor

  • (DO NOT read) Don’t know / No opinion

1a. And why is that?

(DO NOT read list)

  • Did not receive financial/enough ASSISTANCE

  • Helpdesk Tech had poor ATTITUDE

  • Application process too COMPLICATED

  • Programs not EXPLAINED clearly

  • Helpdesk Tech didn’t seem INTERESTED in helping me

  • Took too LONG to complete application

  • Difficulty ACCESSING

  • Was not treated with RESPECT by Helpdesk

  • Other (Specify)


While registering on line, did you call the Internet Technical Helpdesk? Yes or No.


Response Options

2 Thinking only about your call to the Technical Helpdesk, how would you rate the way the Technician handled your call? Would you say

(READ list)

  • Excellent

  • Good

  • Satisfactory

  • Below Average, or

  • Poor

  • (DO NOT read) Don’t know / No opinion

2a. In what way was it [below average/poor?)

(DO NOT read list. Mark all that apply.)

  • Helpdesk phone was busy or on hold too long

  • Helpdesk Tech had poor ATTITUDE

  • Internet Application process too COMPLICATED

  • Didn’t EXPLAIN programs clearly

  • Didn’t seem INTERESTED in helping me

  • Didn’t take time to LISTEN to me

  • Took TOO LONG

  • Helpdesk Tech couldn’t answer QUESTIONS

  • Didn’t treat me with RESPECT

  • Other (Specify)

You may have already answered some of these questions; but, just to make sure I understand your opinions, I’m going to ask some specific questions about the Helpdesk Technician you spoke with.


Response Options

2b. How would you rate the Technician on showing a genuine interest in your call?

(Read list )

  • Excellent

  • Good

  • Average

  • Below average, or

  • Poor

  • (DO NOT read) Don’t know / No opinion

2c. On taking to time to listen to the details of your situation?

  • Excellent

  • Good

  • Average

  • Below average, or

  • Poor

(DO NOT read) Don’t know / No opinion

2e. On treating you with respect?

(Read list AS NEEDED)

  • Excellent

  • Good

  • Average

  • Below average, or

  • Poor

  • (DO NOT read) Don’t know / No opinion

  • Average

  • Below average, or

  • Poor

  • (DO NOT read) Don’t know / No opinion

2f. How would you rate the Technician’s overall attitude during your call?

(Read list)

If “below average / poor” go to Q.2g, otherwise skip to Q2h.

  • Excellent

  • Good

  • Satisfactory

  • Below Average, or

  • Poor

  • (DO NOT read) Don’t know / No opinion

2g. In what way was it [Below Average/Poor?]

(DO NOT read List)



  • RUDE / Discourteous

  • Tone of VOICE

Other (Put specific response in comments box)


Response Options

2h. How would you rate the Helpdesk Technician on answering your questions? Would you say ….

(READ list)

  • Excellent

  • Good

  • Satisfactory

  • Below average, or

  • Poor

  • (DO NOT read) Don’t know / No opinion

2i. What question was the Technician unable to answer?

(DO NOT read list)

  • FEMA programs/policies

  • Screen navigation

  • Internet Browser

  • Error message

  • System response time

  • Data field terms/descriptions

  • Other (Put specific response in comments box)


Now, I’d like to ask you some general questions about FEMA.


Response Options

3. After the disaster, how did you hear about FEMA?

(DO NOT read List)

(If only Friends/Relatives is checked skip to Q4)

Probe once: How else did you hear about FEMA?

  • Newspaper

  • Television

  • Radio

  • FEMA Employees

  • Community Groups

  • Friends / Relatives

  • Flyers

  • Church

  • Other (Put specific response in comments box)

3a. How would you rate the effectiveness of the communications in helping you get the information you need?

Would you say it was………………..

(READ list)

  • Excellent

  • Good

  • Satisfactory

  • Below Average, or

  • Poor

  • (DO NOT read) Don’t know / No opinion

3b. What made the communication ineffective?

(DO NOT read List)

  • The information did not ACCURATELY represent the services provided by FEMA

  • The information was CONFUSING

  • There was INSUFFICIENT information to help

  • The information was too LATE

  • Had to SEEK out information on my own

  • Other (Put specific response in comments box)

Accessing Individual Assistance Center

Now I’d like you to think about the disaster assistance registration process you’ve recently completed over the internet.


Response Options

  1. When you registered on the Internet did you have any difficulty accessing Individual Assistance Center?

  • Yes

  • No

4a. What problems did you have?

(DO NOT read. If multiple responses, probe for most difficult problem:)

  • Website not available on previous attempt

  • Registration Button hard to find

  • Unable to access Registration on previous attempt

  • Not confident my registration was saved/received by FEMA

  • Other (Put specific response in comments box)

Ease of Applying over through the Individual Assistance Center


Response Options

5. Overall how would you rate FEMA’s Internet Registration System on making it easy to apply for disaster Assistance? Would you say it was…

(READ list)

If “below average/poor”, go to Q5a, otherwise skip to Q6

  • Excellent

  • Good

  • Satisfactory

  • Below Average, or

  • Poor

  • (DO NOT read) Don’t know / No opinion

5a. What difficulties did you have?

  • Terms or instructions Too complicated

  • Took too much time

  • Other (Put specific response in comments box)



Response Options

Now I’d like you to think about the Inspection FEMA conducted to assess your damages.

I see you had multiple inspections. Which one would you like to be surveyed about?

6a. How many days after your call did FEMA conduct the


  • [______]Initial inspection

  • [______]Second inspection

  • [______]

6b. How would you rate the amount of time between your call and the inspection? Would you say the amount of time was…….

(READ list)

  • Excellent

  • Good

  • Satisfactory

  • Below Average, or

  • Poor

  • (DO NOT read) Don’t know / No opinion

6c. Overall, how satisfied are you with the inspection FEMA conducted?

(READ list)

If “less than satisfied ” / “not at all satisfied”, go to Q.6d,

otherwise skip to Q.7

  • Extremely satisfied

  • Very satisfied

  • Satisfied

  • Less than satisfied, or

  • Not at all satisfied

  • (DO NOT read) Don’t know / No opinion

6d. Why were you dissatisfied with the inspection?

(DO NOT read List)

  • Poor Customer Service

  • Did not look at all my damages

  • Not qualified, no financial assistance or not enough financial assistance

  • Did not answer my questions

  • Did not come at scheduled time

  • Did not take enough time, did not listen to me

  • Other (Put specific response in comments box)



Response Options

Next, I’d like you to think about the image FEMA has in your community.

7. Based on what you have seen, read, and heard, as well as your personal opinion, how would you rate FEMA’s overall reputation in your community? Would you say it is ……..

(READ list)

  • Excellent

  • Good

  • Satisfactory

  • Below Average, or

  • Poor

  • (DO NOT read) Don’t know / No opinion

7a. What do you think the reason would be?

(DO NOT read list, check all that apply)

  • Poor ATTITUDE of FEMA personnel

  • Application process too COMPLICATED

  • No CONSISTENCY in amount awarded

  • FEMA didn’t seem INTERESTED in helping

  • Took too LONG to get assistance

  • Disaster assistance information MIS-COMMUNICATED

  • Not enough MONEY awarded

  • Was told I did not QUALIFY for assistance

  • Too much RED TAPE to get assistance

  • Representative didn’t treat me with RESPECT

  • Other (Put specific response in comments box)



Response Options

8. While registering over the internet, were you referred to other agencies that may also be able to provide you with assistance?

  • Yes (Go to 8a)

  • No (Skip to 8b)

  • Don’t Remember (Skip to 8b)

8a. Which agencies were you referred to?

(Check highlighted agencies that respondent can recall. Blue indicates NEMIS referrals or requests additional referrals, then go to 8b.)

(If the respondent has not contacted insurance company, explain importance of filing claim and supplying FEMA with a letter of denial or settlement information.)












8b. Based on your internet registration, you may have been referred to (read highlighted referrals that applicant did not identify in 8a). Would you like me to give you the information so you can contact them when you have an opportunity?

  • Yes (Give contact info from NEMIS)

  • No (Go to Q. 9)



Response Options

For this next question, FEMA is interested in getting your opinion on what we could do to improve our service.

9. What suggestions would you

like to pass on to FEMA?


Type in applicant response.


CUSTOM QUESTIONS: for special usage to benefit planning, program changes, future enhancements, etc.

CUSTOM QUESTIONS – Registration Intake Phone Survey or Helpline Phone Survey Re:

On-Line Registration Attempt


Response Options

This question is about the On-Line Internet Registration available at the website. This allows you to enter your Registration over the internet and is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

CQ IAC-Reg#1. Did you personally, attempt to do your Registration over the Internet?

If no go to Question CQ IAC-Reg#1a.

If yes go to Question CQ IAC-Reg#1b.

If Don’t remember, go to Next Question

  • Yes

  • No

  • (DO NOT read) Don’t remember

CQ IAC-Reg#1a. What were your reasons for not using the internet?

(DO NOT Read List, listen and mark all that apply)

  • Don’t have a COMPUTER

  • Don’t have Internet ACCESS

  • Computer DAMAGED

  • Limited computer SKILLS

  • SECURITY Concerns

  • WEBSITE was not accessible

  • Wanted to TALK to FEMA

  • DIDN’T KNOW I could register on-line

  • UTILITIES were out could not use computer

  • Other (Specify)

CQ IAC-Reg#1b. Why were you unable to complete your registration over the Internet?

(Do not read list; listen and mark all that apply.)

  • Did not have compatible BROWSER

  • Unable to NAVIGATE

  • GENERAL instructions not clear

  • SPECIFIC instructions for entering data not clear

  • Too COMPLICATED / difficult to use

  • Not confident so ALSO registered over the phone

  • Unable to ACCESS the site of page

  • Difficulty with characters on SECURITY SCREEN

  • Response time too slow

  • Could not complete due to TECHNICAL problems

  • HELP DESK could not answer to technical questions

  • Took TOO LONG

  • Other (Specify)

CUSTOM QUESTIONS – Registration Intake Phone Survey or Helpline Phone Survey Re:

Internet Inquiry or Update


Response Options

This question is about the Internet Individual Assistance Center on the website where you may view your account 24 hours a day 7 days a week. This includes checking your eligibility and inspection status, correspondence or making minor changes to insurance or contact information.

CQ IAC-Inq # 1. Did you try to use the website to check on your application?

If no, go to CQ IAC-Inq#1a

If yes go to Question CQ IAC-Inq #1b

If don’t remember, Go to Next Question

  • Yes

  • No

  • (DO NOT read) Don’t remember

CQ IAC-Inq#1a What were your reasons for not using the internet?

  • Don’t have a computer

  • Don’t have internet access

  • Computer damaged

  • Limited computer skills

  • Security concerns

  • Website was not accessible

  • Wanted to talk to FEMA

  • Didn’t know about the on-line service

  • Utilities were out; could not use computer

CQ IAC-Inq #1b. Why were you unable to use the Individual Assistance Center Website to inquire into your case?

  • Did not have compatible browser

  • Unable to navigate

  • Instructions were not clear

  • Could not complete due to technical problems

  • Helpdesk could not answer technical questions

  • Not confident changes were made / called Helpline to verify

  • Unable to access the site or page

  • Difficulty with logon, pin, password

  • Response time too slow

  • Too complicated / difficult to use

  • Information I wanted was not available

  • Took too long to view / edit my information

  • Other (Specify)

CUSTOM QUESTIONS – Auto Dialer Feature

Another feature FEMA uses to keep you informed is an auto dialer which calls you to let you know that FEMA has received your fax, your letter or your mail was returned. (It may also used to let you know when we have sent a letter so that you can be expecting it in the mail.)


Response Options

(Ask CQAD#1 only if the information is not available electronically).

CQAD#1. Did you receive a recorded message from FEMA stating your correspondence or fax was received or mail was returned? (Or a message explaining you will be receiving a letter from FEMA in the mail?)

If No or Do Not Remember, go to “Next Question” at the bottom of the screen. If yes, go to CQAD#1a

  • Yes

  • No

  • Do not Remember

(DO NOT read list)

(Ask CQAD#1a only if the information is not available electronically).

CQAD#1a. What document did the recording refer to?

(DO NOT read list. Mark all that apply.)

Continue to CQAD#1b if 4-6 selected;

Otherwise, continue to CQAD#1c:

  • 1) Fax or Correspondence received at FEMA

  • 2) App’s Mail Returned to FEMA

  • 3) FEMA Letter to App - X

  • 4) FEMA Letter to App - Y

  • 5) FEMA Letter to App – Z

  • 6) EFT

  • 7) Registration received

  • 8) Inspection Scheduled

  • 6) Do not Remember

  • 7) Other (specify)

If 3) or 4) or 5) from CQAD#1a, ask

CQAD#1b. Did you receive the automated message before you received your letter in the mail?

  • Yes

  • On the same Day

  • No

  • Do not remember

CQAD#1c. How many times did you receive the same message?

  • 0 number of times

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

  • More than 5

CQAD#1ca. Was that ____ (number) just right, okay or too many?

  • Just right

  • Okay

  • Too many

CUSTOM QUESTIONS – Auto Dialer Feature


CQAD#1d How did you feel about the time of day you received the recording. Was it convenient for you?

If no, go to CQAD #1da , if Yes or Don’t Know, go to CQAD#1

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know/No opinion

CQAD#1da What time of day did you receive the recording?

  • _______ cst

  • on a ____day

CQAD#1e. How helpful was that recording?

(Read list.)

(If Somewhat helpful, Not very helpful or Not at all helpful, go to CQAD#1ea)

  • Extremely helpful

  • Very helpful

  • Somewhat helpful

  • Not very helpful

  • Not at all helpful

  • (do not read) Don’t know/No opinion

CQAD#1ea. In what way?

(DO NOT read list. Mark all that apply.)

  • Confusing

  • Not sure which document the recording referred to

  • Did not understand what I was to do next

  • Sound was not clear

  • Received the same message over and over again

  • Message came too late, I already knew about the information

  • Had already called the HL

  • Had to call the HL (record Yes in CQAD#1f)

  • Other (specify)

For all responses from CQAD#1e

CQAD#1f. Did you need to call the FEMA Helpline after you heard the recording?

If yes, go to CQAD#1fa

  • Yes

  • No

  • Do not Remember

CQAD#1fa. What help did you need?

(DO NOT read list. Mark all that apply.)

  • Clarification of the auto dialer message

  • To hear the auto dialer message repeated

  • To change my address, phone number, etc.

  • To ask what to do next

  • To appeal (or ask how to appeal)

  • To ask what my funds covered

  • To ask what the letter I received referred to

  • Other (specify)

CUSTOM QUESTIONS – Auto Dialer Feature


If CQAD#1f is Yes:

CQAD#1g. Was the HL representative knowledgeable about the recorded message you received?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Do not Remember

CQAD#1h. What suggestions do you have to improve this recorded message feature? [If any, enter the suggestion]

CUSTOM QUESTIONS – Automated Information System (IVR)



Response Options

Another service FEMA has is an automated information system to let applicants check the status of their application over their phone.

(Ask CQIVR#1 only if the information is not available electronically).

CQIVR#1. Have you used this automated method to check the status of your case?

(Do not READ list)

If No or Do not Remember, go to Next Question.

If yes to CQIVR#2

  • Yes

  • No

  • Do not Remember

CQIVR#2. Were the instructions on the automated system easy to understand?

(Do not READ list)

If No, go to CQIVR#2a. If Yes or Do not Remember, go to CQIVR#3.

  • Yes

  • No

  • Do not Remember

CQIVR#2a. What made it difficult?

(Do not READ list. Check all that apply)

  • Terminology was confusing

  • Did not know what it meant

  • Did not know what to do next

  • Could not hear due to hearing issues

  • Could not hear due to phone issues

  • Could not hear due to recording not clear

  • Language or dialect issues

  • Other

CQIVR#3. How helpful was the automated system in providing you the information you needed?

(READ list)

If Somewhat, Not very, or Not at all Helpful, ask CQIVR#3a. Otherwise, go to CQIVR#5.

  • Extremely Helpful

  • Very Helpful

  • Somewhat Helpful

  • Not very Helpful

  • Not at all Helpful

  • (DO NOT read) Don’t know / No opinion

CUSTOM QUESTIONS – Automated Information System (IVR)



Response Options

CQIVR #3a. Tell me a little about that experience.

(Do not Read the list. Check all that apply.)

  • Confusing terminology

  • Could not navigate

  • Could not skip through

  • Did not understand the status

  • Instructions not clear

  • Instructions too long

  • Had to contact Helpline (record Yes in CQIVR#4)

  • Had to punch too many numbers

  • Had to start over

  • Needed additional information

  • No way to repeat the needed instruction

  • No way to go back to the beginning

  • Not confident the status was accurate

  • Poor sound quality

Other (record specific reason)

For all responses:

CQIVR#4. After you used the automated system, did you need to speak to a FEMA Helpline Representative for additional information or clarification?

If yes, go to CQIVR#4a If No or Do not Remember, go to CQIVR#5.

  • Yes

  • No

  • Tried but was not able to Reach the HL

  • Do not Remember

CQIVR#4a: At the beginning of the automated message, you were prompted to select specific numbers. After you made your menu selections, was your call transferred correctly and were you able to speak to a Helpline agent?

If No, go to CQIVR#4b

If Yes, go to CQIVR#4c

  • Yes

  • No

  • Do not Remember

CQIVR#4b: What happened to your call?

  • Got the wrong selection

  • Had to start over

  • Could not skip through the prompts

  • Had to wait for the Spanish script to end

  • Spoke too fast

  • Other

CUSTOM QUESTIONS – Automated Information System (IVR)



Response Options

CQIVR#4c. What additional information did you need?

(Do not Read the list. Check all that apply.)

  • To be sure the automated message was correct

  • To understand the status

  • To ask how to appeal

  • To ask what to do next

  • To ask what my funds covered

  • To ask when my funds would be received

  • To ask if the funds would come by check or EFT

  • To ask what the letter I received referred to

  • To ask which of my documents had been received

  • To ask if my documents had been received

  • Other (specify)

CQIVR#4d. Was the HL representative knowledgeable about the message you heard on the automated information system?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Do not Remember

CQIVR#5: If you needed to, would you use the automated system again?

  • Yes

  • No

CQIVR#6. What suggestions do you have to improve the automated system? [If any, enter the suggestion]

SPECIAL NEEDS CUSTOM QUESTION – Through “yes” response to NEMIS RI question about Support Loss for Special Needs: "Did you, your spouse, or any dependents have help or support doing things like walking, seeing, hearing, or taking care of yourself before the disaster and have you lost that help or support because of the disaster?” A “yes” response indicates the applicant had help or support and have lost that help or support because of the disaster including the following: Mobility, Hearing/Speech, Cognitive/Mental Health, Vision an Other. OR Data provided by Special Needs Coordinator when disaster specific needs are identified; such as, over age 60 or Community Relations, DRC, ISC, EOC or another Agency identifies a need, or the Long Term Recovery Committee has exhausted all resources.

Rev 5-24-07

We are calling Applicants who indicated they have additional needs and who have been contacted by a FEMA Special Needs Caseworker (from the JFO) to see if assistance is available:




Has a FEMA Special Needs Caseworker given you a courtesy call about your needs for support after the disaster?

If Yes: What was the name of the FEMA person who contacted you?______ (If not do remember, leave blank and skip CQSN#2)

If Do Not Remember: Skip to the next Custom Question



Do not Remember

(Use of JFO database will provide this answer. Skip to CQSN#1a)


Overall, how would you rate the way the Special Needs Caseworker handled that call? Would you say ____/the disaster worker was…




Below Average


Do not know/no opinion


If Below Average or Poor: In what way was the contact [below average/poor]?

(NOTE: Do not read the list, listen and mark all that appl.)

Didn’t receive financial assistance

Didn’t receive enough financial assistance

Process was too complicated

Took too long to receive assistance

Rep didn’t seem interested in helping me

Rep didn’t take time to listen to me

Rep didn’t treat me with respect

Rep had poor attitude

Rep didn’t explain programs clearly

Could not contact the Rep to ask additional questions



Page 2




How would you rate _____/ (the Special Needs Caseworker) on clearly explaining the disaster assistance programs and services available to you? Would you say…




Below Average


Do not know/no opinion


If Below Average or Poor: What programs and services were ___/ (the Special Needs Caseworker) not able to explain?

(NOTE: Do not read the list, listen and mark all that apply.)




Housing Assistance, specify: ____

Other Needs Assistance, specify: ____



During this contact, were you referred to another agency (or agencies) for assistance?

If no (This concludes the SN questions, go to next Custom Question)

If yes, go to CQSN#5


Which one(s)? ______, _______, _______

(Use of JFO database will provide this answer. Skip to CQSN#5)



Did you contact that agency (those agencies)?

If yes, go to CQSN#6

If any other response, go to next Custom Question



Tried but was not able

Decided not to

Do not Remember


Page 3




For the 1st Agency: How would you rate the overall assistance provided by ________ (agency)?




Below Average


Do not know/no opinion


If Below Average or Poor: In what way was the assistance [below average or poor]?

Didn’t receive any assistance

Didn’t receive enough assistance

Process was too complicated

Took too long to receive assistance

Rep was not knowledgeable

Rep had poor customer service



For the 2nd Agency you were referred to: How would you rate the overall assistance provided by ________ (agency)?

(Use multiple referral questions as needed.)




Below Average


Do not know/no opinion


If Below Average or Poor: In what way was the assistance [below average or poor]?

Didn’t receive any assistance

Didn’t receive enough assistance

Process was too complicated

Took too long to receive assistance

Rep was not knowledgeable

Rep had poor customer service



Page 4




For the 3rd Agency: How would you rate the overall assistance provided by ________ (agency)?




Below Average


Do not know/no opinion


If Below Average or Poor: In what way was the assistance [below average or poor]?

Didn’t receive any assistance

Didn’t receive enough assistance

Process was too complicated

Took too long to receive assistance

Rep was not knowledgeable

Rep had poor customer service




Response Options

CQCL-1 If FEMA were to provide internet access at a centralized location, how likely would you be to go to that location to use the internet and other services provided?

(READ list)

  • Extremely likely

  • Very likely

  • Somewhat likely

  • Not very likely, or

  • Not at all likely

  • (DO NOT read) Don’t know / No opinion

CQCL-2. Next, I’d like to get your opinion on which types of services you feel would be helpful to you if you went to a

centralized location. Using a rating scale of Not Important, Somewhat Important or Very Important, please tell me the level of importance you place on each of the following services: (READ list)

Type of service



Somewhat Important














access to disaster assistance program information

apply for disaster assistance over the internet

learn about documentation you’ll need to apply

look up the status of your case

make minor corrections to your application

access a telephone

have E-Mail capability

have Faxing capability

make copies of needed documents

access to a printer

What else do you think FEMA should provide at that location?

CUSTOM QUESTIONS – Disaster Recovery Center 5-24-07 modification


Response Options

CQDRC#1 (was CQ#3). Following the disaster, did you have an opportunity to visit FEMA’s Disaster Recovery Center?

(If “YES”, go to CQDRC#2, otherwise skip to the next Custom Question.)

  • Yes

  • No

  • Would have gone but there were none located in my area

  • (DO NOT read) Do Not Remember

CQDRC#2 What was the reason you visited the Recovery Center?

(Do not read list, check all that apply)

  • To Register

  • To get general information

  • Check on my FEMA Case

  • Check on my ONA Case

  • Deliver Paperwork for FEMA/ONA

  • Fix the Problems on my Case

  • Visit SBA

  • Get Hazard Mitigation Information

  • Visit other Agencies. Which ones?___ (ARC, Unemployment, etc)

  • Other

CQDRC#3 Were your needs met during that visit?

(If no or not completely, go to CQDRC#4)

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not Completely

CQDRC#4 Why not?

  • No phones to register

  • No internet to register

  • Computers were not set up

  • Needed to furnish additional information

    • Proof of Ownership

    • Proof of Identity

    • Receipts or Estimates

  • Agency I needed was not available that day: Which agency? ____ (ARC, Unemployment, Mitigation, etc.)

  • Center was too busy

  • Center was too noisy

  • No privacy

  • FEMA Rep could not answer my questions

  • SBA Rep could not answer my questions

  • Other

CUSTOM QUESTIONS – Disaster Recovery Center, continued 5-24-07 modification

CQDRC #5 (was #3a). Overall, how would you rate the quality of service you received at that Center? Would you say it was…

(READ list)

(If Excellent, Good or Satisfactory, go to CQDRC#6)

(If “Below average” / “Poor”, go to CQ#7)

  • Excellent

  • Good

  • Satisfactory

  • Below average, or

  • Poor

  • (DO NOT read) Don’t know / No opinion

CQDRC#6 If Excellent, Good, Satisfactory: Could you tell me a little about that experience? (If any remarks, enter text)

CQDRC #7. Why do you feel that way?

(DO NOT read list, Mark all that Apply)

  • Difficulty finding DRC

  • Hours of Operation were not convenient

  • Computer System was down

  • Staff had poor attitude

  • Staff didn’t treat me with respect

  • Staff gave no explanation of programs

    • Probe for clarity and

    • Which Programs ? _____

  • Staff tried but could not explain the programs

    • Probe for clarity and

    • Which Programs? ____

  • Staff didn’t take time to listen to me

  • Staff didn’t seem interested in helping me

  • Took too long to get assistance at the DRC

  • Had to return numerous times to provide documentation

  • My documents were lost by the DRC

  • Other (Specify)

CQDRC #8 What was the location of the Center?

  • _______ (specify)

CQDRC #9 What suggestions do you have to improve the service at the Recovery Center? If any, enter the text



Response Options


(DO NOT read list)

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know / No opinion



Response Options


(DO NOT read list)


  • True

  • False

  • Don’t know / No opinion



Response Options


(READ list)

  • Extremely likely

  • Very likely

  • Somewhat likely

  • Not very likely, or

  • Not at all likely

  • (DO NOT read) Don’t know / No opinion



Response Options


(READ list)

  • Excellent

  • Good

  • Satisfactory

  • Below average, or

  • Poor

  • (DO NOT read) Don’t know / No opinion



Response Options

All right, (Applicant’s Name), I have only one more question for you.

10. FEMA is very interested in the quality of service we provide you. May we call you at a later date to ask you some additional questions?

  • Yes

  • No


If Yes: Thank you very much for your patience and cooperation in answering our questions. Have a good evening.

If “No: ” I understand. Thank you very much for taking the time to talk to me! Have a good evening

Paperwork Reduction Act Notice: Public reporting burden for this survey is estimated to be an average of 15 minutes per response. The burden includes the total time for answering the questionnaire. Although voluntary, you are not required to respond to this collection of information unless a valid OMB control number is presented to you during the interview. Send comments regarding the accuracy of the burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing the burden to: Paperwork Reduction Act Project (1660-0036), Information Collections Management, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security, 500 C St. SW, Washington, DC 20472.

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FEMA Form 90-150

File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorMandy Harshman
Last Modified Byclim
File Modified2007-07-18
File Created2007-07-18

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