Merit Principles Survey

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Merit Principles Survey

Merit Principles Survey

OMB: 3124-0014

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RCS# MSPB-2007-001 Expires December 31, 2007

OMB Control # 3124-00XX

Dear Federal Colleague,

Your opinion counts! The U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) asks that you take a few minutes to participate in our Merit Principles Survey 2007—a Government-wide survey of Federal employees that covers a variety of workforce issues, including supervision, employee development, performance management, and more. Because you are part of a random sample of Government employees, your views about your work and work environment will represent those of the larger Federal workforce. The information you share will make a positive difference! This is an opportunity for you to inform policy by voicing your opinions and concerns about workforce issues.

This survey is an important part of MSPB’s responsibility to assess the soundness of Federal merit systems. Your responses will help us recommend to the President, Congress, agency leaders, and other decision makers how to improve the Federal workplace.

Your responses to this survey are voluntary and strictly confidential. Only MSPB staff and our survey support contractor staff will have access to the surveys and no data will be disclosed to anyone that could be used to identify individual participants.

On average, the survey will take about 20 minutes for employees to complete and about 30 minutes for supervisors. It may be completed at your work site or at home. Additional information is available by clicking “STUDIES” on MSPB’s website ( If you have questions about this survey, please email us at [email protected] or call our survey hotline at 1-888-260-4798 or 202-653-8896 (V/TDD). Thank you! We appreciate your help.


Steve Nelson

Director, Policy and Evaluation

Privacy Statement

MSPB wants to assure survey participants that your involvement in the Merit Principles Survey 2007 is both voluntary and confidential. This Privacy Statement identifies MSPB’s authorization to conduct this survey and explains how we will manage the data we receive.

  • In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-579), your responses to this survey are completely voluntary. There is no penalty if you choose not to participate. However, we encourage your participation to ensure that our data is complete and representative of the Federal workforce.

  • Collection of the information is authorized by Section 1204 of Title 5, US Code.

  • This survey has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget in accordance with Part 1320 of 5 CFR.

  • The purpose of collecting this information is to study how well the Federal Government is managing its workforce in adherence to the merit system principles. The results of the survey will be shared with the President, Congress, and other Federal decision-makers to be used in developing policy that supports both merit and mission accomplishment.

  • Only MSPB staff and our survey support contractor staff will have access to individually completed surveys. In any public release of survey results, no data will be disclosed that could be used to identify individual participants.

  • Your agency may receive the raw data to be analyzed by agency staff, but MSPB will cleanse the data in such a way as to ensure that whatever data we give to agencies cannot be used to identify individual participants.

Definitions of Survey Terms

Executives are members of the Senior Executive Service or equivalent.

Leaders are an agency's management team. This includes anyone with supervisory or managerial duties including supervisors, managers, and executives.

Managers are those individuals in management positions who typically supervise one or more supervisors.

Organization means an agency, office, or division.

Supervisors are first-line supervisors who do not supervise other supervisors; typically those who are responsible for employees' performance appraisals and approval of their leave.

Team leaders are those who provide employees with day-to-day guidance in work projects, but do not have supervisory responsibilities or conduct performance appraisals.

Work unit means an employee’s immediate work unit headed by the employee’s direct


Agency and Supervisory Status

Please select your agency or agency component.

  1. Agriculture – Forest Service

  2. Agriculture – other than Forest Service

  1. Commerce

  1. Defense – Air Force

  2. Defense - Army

  3. Defense Logistics Agency

  4. Defense - Navy

  5. Defense (other than Air Force, Army, Navy, or Defense Logistics Agency)

  1. Education

  1. Energy – Headquarters Staff and Support Offices

  2. Energy – Power Marketing Administrations

  3. Energy – The Under Secretary

  4. Energy - The Under Secretary for Science

  5. Energy – The Under Secretary for Nuclear Security (NNSA)

  1. Environmental Protection Agency

  1. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

  1. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

  1. General Services Administration

  1. Health & Human Services

  1. Homeland Security – Coast Guard

  2. Homeland Security – Customs & Border Protection (CBP)

  3. Homeland Security – Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

  4. Homeland Security – Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE)

  5. Homeland Security – Secret Service

  6. Homeland Security – Transportation Security Administration

  7. Homeland Security – Other than Coast Guard, CBP, FEMA, ICE, Secret Service, or TSA

  1. Housing and Urban Development

  1. Interior

  1. Justice – Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives

  2. Justice – Bureau of Prisons

  3. Justice – Civil Division

  4. Justice – Justice Management Division

  5. Justice – Office of Justice Programs

  6. Justice – Other than Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, Bureau of Prisons, Civil Division, Justice Management Division, & Office of Justice Programs

  1. Labor – Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

  2. Labor – Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA)

  3. Labor – Employment Standards Administration (ESA)

  4. Labor – Employment and Training Administration (ETA)

  5. Labor – Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)

  6. Labor – Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

  7. Labor – Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management (OASAM)

  8. Labor – Other

  1. Merit Systems Protection Board

  1. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) – Ames Research Center

  2. NASA – Dryden Flight Research Center

  3. NASA – Glenn Research Center

  4. Goddard Space Flight Center

  5. NASA – Headquarters

  6. NASA – Johnson Space Center

  7. NASA – Kennedy Space Center

  8. NASA – Langley Research Center

  9. NASA – Marshall Space Flight Center

  10. NASA - Stennis Space Center

  11. NASA Shared Service Center

  1. National Archives and Records Administration

  1. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

  1. Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board

  1. Office of Personnel Management

  1. Securities & Exchange Commission

  1. Smithsonian

  1. Social Security Administration

  1. State

  1. Transportation – Federal Aviation Administration

  2. Transportation – Other than Federal Aviation Administration

  1. Treasury – Internal Revenue Service

  2. Treasury – Other than Internal Revenue Service

  1. Veterans Affairs

2. What is your supervisory status?

    1. Non-supervisor (You do not supervise other employees)

    2. Team Leader (You are not an official supervisor; you provide employees with day-to-day guidance in work projects, but do not have supervisory responsibilities or conduct performance appraisals.

    3. Supervisor (You are responsible for employees’ performance appraisals and approval of their leave, but you do not supervise other supervisors)

    4. Manager (You are in a management position and supervise one or more supervisors)

    5. Executive (Member of the Senior Executive Service or equivalent)

Part 1: My Job

Instructions: For each question, please place a check in the box under your response choice.




Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree

  1. My agency is successful in accomplishing its mission.

  1. I would recommend my agency as a place to work.

  1. The workforce has the job-relevant knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish organizational goals.

  1. My work unit is able to recruit people with the right skills.

  1. Employees have a feeling of personal empowerment with respect to work processes.

  1. I like the kind of work I do.

  1. My workload is reasonable.

  1. My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment.

  1. My talents are used well in the workplace.

  1. I know how my work relates to the agency’s goals and priorities.

  1. The work I do is important.

  1. The people I work with cooperate to get the job done.

Rarely or Never

Usually Not

Some of the Time

Most of the Time

Always or Almost Always

  1. How often can at least one of your co-workers fill in for you when you are not at work?

  1. How often do you have the resources you need to do your job well?

  1. How often do you receive the information and guidance you need to do your work efficiently and effectively?

  1. How often do you do more than your fair share of work because of the poor performance or low productivity of one or more of your co-workers?

Very Satisfied


Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied


Very Dissatisfied

  1. Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your job?

  1. How satisfied are you with your involvement in decisions that affect your work?

Part 2: My Immediate Supervisor

Instructions: For each question, please place a check in the box under your response choice.




Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree

  1. My supervisor communicates high performance expectations to employees.

  1. My supervisor talks with me or assists me when I need help.

  1. My supervisor treats me with courtesy and respect.

  1. My supervisor compliments me when I do a good job.

  1. My supervisor explains the reasons for work changes before they take place.

  1. My supervisor works hard to maintain and improve our work unit’s performance.

  1. My supervisor follows through on commitments.

  1. My supervisor speaks up for employees.

  1. I have trust and confidence in my supervisor

  1. My supervisor makes decisions based on what is personally best for him or her rather than what is best for the organization.




Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree

  1. My supervisor demonstrates a high level of integrity.

  1. My supervisor has a good understanding of my job performance and accomplishments.

  1. My supervisor supports my need to balance work and family issues.

  1. Discussions with my supervisor/team leader about my performance are worthwhile.

  1. About how often do you meet individually with your supervisor to discuss the progress of your work?

  1. Weekly or more often

  2. Every two weeks

  3. Monthly

  4. Quarterly

  5. Twice per year

  6. Annually

  7. Less than once per year

  1. The frequency with which my supervisor meets with me to discuss the progress of my work is:

  1. Not often enough

  2. About right

  3. Too often

  1. How often do you typically receive formal or informal feedback from your supervisor?

  1. Weekly or more often

  2. Every two weeks

  3. Monthly

  4. Quarterly

  5. Twice per year

  6. Annually

  7. Less than once per year

18. How helpful is your supervisor’s feedback in helping you improve or enhance your performance?

  1. Very Helpful

  2. Somewhat Helpful

  3. Not Helpful

  4. Harmful

19. What does your supervisor do (or not do) that helps you do your best work? Please list one to three actions or behaviors. If your supervisor does not help you do your best work, write “none”.




20. What does your supervisor do (or not do) that makes it difficult for you to do your best work? Please list one to three actions or behaviors. If your supervisor does not make it difficult for you to do your best work, write “none”.




21. Overall, how good a job do you feel is being done by your immediate supervisor/team leader?

  1. Very Good

  2. Good

  3. Fair

  4. Poor

  5. Very Poor

Part 3: Performance Management

  1. Do you have written individual performance goals that clearly define the results you are expected to achieve during the performance period?

    1. No (skip to Question 5)

    2. Yes

    3. Don’t Know (skip to Question 5)

  1. Have your individual performance goals been developed, reviewed, updated, or discussed with your supervisor for the current performance period (or if your performance period just ended, answer for your goals for the previous performance period)?

    1. No

    2. Yes

    3. Don’t Know

  1. Are your individual performance goals clearly linked to organizational or work unit goals?

    1. No

    2. Yes

    3. Don’t Know

  1. Do your individual performance goals accurately define what is currently expected of you?

    1. No

    2. Yes

    3. Don’t Know




Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree

5. I am held accountable for achieving results in the sense that if I achieve the expected work results, I experience positive consequences.

6. I am held accountable for achieving results in the sense that if I do NOT achieve the expected work results, I experience negative consequences.

7. Appropriate, objective measures are used to evaluate my performance.

8. My performance appraisal is a fair reflection of my performance.

9. In my most recent performance appraisal, I understood what I had to do to be rated at different performance levels (e.g., Fully Successful, Outstanding).

10. In my work unit, steps are taken to deal with a poor performer who cannot or will not improve.

11. I am rewarded for providing high quality products and services to my customers (internal and/or external).

12. Recognition and rewards are based on performance in my work unit.

13. In my work unit, differences in performance are recognized in a meaningful way.

14. Creativity and innovation are rewarded.

15. Pay raises depend on how well employees perform their jobs.

Very Satisfied


Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied


Very Dissatisfied

16. How satisfied are you with the recognition you receive for doing a good job?

17.Promotions in my work unit are based on merit.

18. How satisfied are you with your opportunity to get a better job in your organization?

19. Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your pay?

Part 4: Managers and Executives in My Agency

Instructions: For each question, please place a check in the box under your response choice.




Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree

    1. The information collected in surveys and other forms of employee input is used to make improvements in my organization.

    1. I have a high level of respect for my organization’s senior leaders.

    1. In my organization, leaders generate high levels of motivation and commitment in the workforce.

    1. Managers and executives demonstrate consistency between words and actions.

    1. Managers and executives are open and honest in sharing information with employees.

    1. I can express my point of view to management without fear of negative consequences.

    1. Managers communicate the goals and priorities of the organization.

    1. Managers review and evaluate the organization’s progress toward meeting its goals and objectives.

    1. Managers/supervisors/team leaders work well with employees of different backgrounds.

Very Satisfied


Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied


Very Dissatisfied

10. How satisfied are you with the policies and practices of your senior managers?

11. How satisfied are you with the information you receive from management about what’s going on in your organization?

Part 5: Training and Development

Skip Patterns:

  • Question 4: Answer only if respond Strongly Agree or Agree to Question 3

  • Questions 7 –19: Answer only if the response to 6c is “1” or more




Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree

  1. Supervisors/team leaders in my work unit support employee development.

  1. I am given a real opportunity to improve my skills in my organization.

  1. My training needs are assessed.

  1. How are your training needs assessed? Please circle all that apply.

    1. Informal discussion with my supervisor or team leader

    2. Formal discussion with my supervisor or team leader

    3. My supervisor or team leader decides what I need without discussing it with me

    4. Individual development planning

    5. Self-assessment questionnaire

    6. 360 or multi-source feedback (Several different groups of people who work with you assess your development needs such as peers, supervisor, subordinates, or customers)

    7. Other

  1. How satisfied are you with the training you receive for your present job? Please circle your choice.

  1. Very Satisfied

  2. Satisfied

  3. Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied

  4. Dissatisfied

  5. Very Dissatisfied

6. How many times in the past 12 months have you had each of the following kinds of formal training that was paid for or otherwise provided by the Federal Government?
For our purposes, formal training includes classroom training, computer/web-delivered training, conferences and symposia, etc. Please count one “time” for each “class” or conference you took, even if it lasted for several days.

    1. Agency, bureau, division, or office-required training (such as computer security awareness, ethics, e-travel, etc.) _________

    2. Training about topics of general interest to government employees (such as new employee orientation, retirement planning, insurance benefits, etc.) ____

    3. Training that is closely related to the duties of your current job __________

    4. Training that primarily prepares you for a promotion or movement to a different job _____

    5. Training that has little or no real relation to your present or possible future job responsibilities ________

7. Please describe in a few words (no more than a sentence) the topic of the most recent formal training closely related to the duties of your current job you received that was paid for or otherwise provided by the Federal Government.

    1. Which of the following best describes your reason for taking this training:

    1. It is required for employees in my occupation or specialty

    2. My supervisor or other agency leader requested or required that I take it.

    3. I requested to take it because I thought it would increase my job-related abilities.

    4. I requested it because it would improve my ability to get a promotion or different job.

    5. I requested to take it for a different reason. (Specify:)

    1. Which of the following best describes the level of the knowledge, skill or ability you expected to obtain from this training?

  1. Introductory, which assumes little or no prior background in what is taught.

  2. Intermediate, which assumes some background or ability and builds toward the advanced level.

  3. Advanced, which assumes attendees already have a great deal of background and/or ability in this area, and are fine-tuning their knowledge, skill, or ability.

    1. Which of the following persons or groups developed the content of this most recent formal, job-related training?

  1. An office or individual within your agency

  2. Another Federal agency or organization

  3. A state or local government organization

  4. A professional association or other nonprofit organization

  5. A private sector contractor or other commercial organization

  6. A college, university or other academic institution

  7. Don’t know

Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with each of the following statements about this most recent job-related training:




Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree

    1. I enjoyed this training

    1. The training was effective in teaching what it was designed to teach.

    1. The training consisted mostly of things that I did not know before taking the training.

    1. What I have learned from this training either has, or will likely improve my job performance.

    1. Obstacles in my work setting that I cannot control prevent me from using the training to improve my job performance.

    1. It would be more effective for employees to learn this type of knowledge, skill or ability on the job.

    1. It is very hard to develop proficiency in this area if you do not have natural talent or ability to begin with.

    1. Other employees in my work unit have had the same training in the past year.

    1. I would recommend this training to others who do the same kind of work I do.

Questions 20 – 27:

Please consider the following possible situation. Your agency is hiring more staff as a result of increased funding and an expansion of its mission. You have been asked to help hire a new employee who will be doing the same type and level of work that you do, but will be part of a different work team.

    1. Please describe in a few words or phrases the most important knowledge, skill or ability this new employee needs to do his or her job well

Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements about this most important skill or ability:




Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree

    1. It can be learned by studying an appropriate manual, book, or web site.

    1. It can be learned from a formal training class or series of classes.

    1. It can be learned on the job through selected tasks or assignments.

    1. It can be learned through coaching or mentoring by an experienced co-worker.

    1. It is more of a personal characteristic or ability that cannot easily be learned.

26. It is important to have during the first week on the job.

    1. Consider all of the knowledge, skills and abilities the new employee needs for this job. Given that we want to be as efficient as possible, what percentages of the same KSAs should come from each of the following sources? (Note: The percentages should total to 100%.)



  1. The employee should be able to do this before beginning work on the job.

  1. The employee should be formally trained to do this while on the job.

  1. The employee should “learn by doing” this through selected tasks or assignments while on the job.

  1. The employee should be coached or mentored in this while on the job.

Part 6: Physical Work Environment and Safety

Instructions: For each question, please place a check in the box under your response choice.




Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree

  1. Physical conditions (for example, noise level, temperature, lighting, cleanliness in the workplace) allow employees to perform their jobs well.

  1. Employees are protected from health and safety hazards on the job.

  1. My organization has prepared employees for potential security threats.

Part 7: Merit System Principles and Prohibited Personnel Practices

Instructions: For each question, please place a check in the box under your response choice.

1. Have you been treated fairly in the past 2 years in each area listed below?





Not Applicable

  1. Career advancement

  1. Awards

  1. Training

  1. Performance appraisals

  1. Job assignments

  1. Discipline

  1. Pay

2. In the past 2 years, have you been denied a job, promotion, pay increase, or other job benefit because of unlawful discrimination based on the following factors?





  1. Race/national origin

  1. Sex

  1. Age

  1. Disability

  1. Religion

  1. Marital status

  1. Political affiliation

  1. Sexual orientation

  1. Off duty conduct

3. In the past 2 years, have any of the following happened to you?



Don’t Know

  1. Discouraged from competing for a job or promotion by an agency official

  1. Influenced by an agency official to withdraw from competition from a Federal job or promotion in order to help another person’s chances of getting that job or promotion

  1. Denied a job or promotion because one of the selecting or recommending officials gave an unfair advantage to another person

  1. Denied a job or promotion because it was given to a relative of a selecting or recommending official

  1. Denied an award based on favoritism by the nominating or approving officials

  1. Pressured into participating in political activities

  1. Pressured by improper political influence

4. In the past 2 years, do you feel you have been retaliated against or threatened with retaliation for taking any of the following actions?


Yes, Experienced Retaliation

Yes, Threatened with Retaliation

Not Applicable

  1. Disclosing health and safety dangers, unlawful behavior, and/or fraud, waste, and abuse

  1. Exercising any formal appeal, complaint, or grievance right

  1. Testifying for or otherwise assisting any individual in the exercise of whistleblowing, equal opportunity, or appeal rights

  1. Refusing to obey an unlawful order

  1. Reporting unwanted sexual attention or sexual harassment

  1. Disagreeing with management decisions

Demographic Questions

1.How many years have you been a Federal civil service employee?

  1. Less than 1 year

  2. 1 to 5 years

  3. 6 to 10 years

  4. 11 to 15 years

  5. 16 to 20 years

  6. 21 to 25 years

  7. More than 25 years

2.How many years of full-time work experience did you have before you began working for the Federal government in the civilian workforce?

  1. Less than 1 year

  2. 1 to 5 years

  3. 6 to 10 years

  4. 11 to 15 years

  5. 16 to 20 years

  6. 21 to 25 years

  7. More than 25 years

3. Are you:

  1. Male

  2. Female

4.Are you Hispanic or Latino?

  1. Yes

  2. No

5.Please select the racial category or categories with which you most closely identify (Please select one or more):

  1. American Indian or Alaska Native

  2. Asian

  3. Black or African American

  4. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

  5. White

6.What is your age?

  1. 25 and under

  1. 26 – 29

  2. 30 - 39

  3. 40 - 49

  4. 50 - 59

  5. 60 or older

7. What is your annual base salary? Please round to the nearest thousand.

8. What is your current education level?

  1. Less than a high school diploma

  2. High school, equivalent diploma, or GED

  3. Some college credits but no degree

  4. Associate’s college degree

  5. Bachelor’s college degree

  6. Graduate credits but no graduate degree

  7. Master’s degree

  8. Professional degree (e.g., J.D.)

  9. Doctoral degree (e.g., Ph.D., Ed.D., M.D.)

Questions for Supervisors, Managers, and Executives

(All questions in this section are to be answered only by supervisors, managers, and executives)

    1. How many years of experience did you have as a supervisor or manager before you joined the Federal civilian workforce?


    1. How many total years of supervisory experience do you have in the Federal civilian workforce?


    1. What do you see as the most important component of your job?

  1. Communicating and interacting with other supervisors and managers

  2. Communicating with internal and/or external customers

  3. Doing my own technical work

  4. Supervising my employees (reviewing work, providing feedback, discussing their assignments, development, or performance with them, etc.)

  5. Creating a work unit or organization equipped to successfully meet the challenges of today and tomorrow through strategic hiring, development, management, and retention

  6. Completing administrative work

  7. Other (write in) __________________________________________

    1. What is the most satisfying part of your job?

  1. Communicating and interacting with other supervisors and managers

  2. Communicating with internal and/or external customers

  3. Doing my own technical work

  4. Supervising my employees (reviewing work, providing feedback, discussing their assignments, development, or performance with them, etc.)

  5. Creating a work unit or organization equipped to successfully meet the challenges of today and tomorrow through strategic hiring, development, management, and retention

  6. Completing administrative work

  7. Other (write in) __________________________________________

5. Approximately what percentage of your time is devoted to each of the following activities? The total should equal 100%.

Percent of Time

  1. Communicating and interacting with other supervisors and managers

  1. Communicating with internal and/or external customers

  1. Doing my own technical work

  1. Supervising my employees (reviewing work, providing feedback, discussing their assignments, development, or performance with them, etc.)

  1. Creating a work unit or organization equipped to successfully meet the challenges of today and tomorrow through strategic hiring, development, management, and retention

  1. Completing administrative work

  1. Other (specify)


6. Do you have all the authority you need to fulfill your supervisory responsibilities?

  1. No

  2. Yes

  3. Not sure

7. When do you typically review your employees’ work?

  1. Usually only when a problem arises

  2. Usually only when an employee requests my review

  3. When the customer is especially important or demanding or the work has political implications

  4. At the completion of a project or product milestone

  5. At the full completion of a project or product

  6. Routinely review my employees’ work on a regular basis, e.g., every two weeks

  7. Whenever it seems appropriate to do so

  8. None of the above

8. When do you routinely make notes about your employees’ work and/or performance, e.g., recording achievements, positive or negative incidents or behaviors, progress, development needs, etc? Mark all that apply.

  1. I don’t record my employees’ performance

  2. I don’t have a routine but I sometimes record my employees’ performance

  3. At the completion of project milestones

  4. At the full completion of a project

  5. When a positive or negative incident occurs

  6. During or following individual meetings or discussions with employees

  7. At mid-year performance appraisal time

  8. At year-end performance appraisal time

  9. On a time-based schedule I set. How often?

  • Daily

  • Weekly

  • Every two weeks

  • Monthly

  • Quarterly

  • Twice per year

  • Annually

9. From whom do you collect feedback to help you determine how well an employee is performing? Mark all that apply.

  1. Employee’s team leader

  2. Internal customers of the employee

  3. External customers of the employee

  4. Employee’s peers

  5. Other supervisors or managers who are not the employee’s customers

  6. None of the above

    1. Organizations sometimes include employees who are performing at or just above minimum standards but who could perform better if they invested more effort in their work. Consider the last time you directly supervised an employee of this type. What actions did you take?

a. If you have not had experience with this type of employee, check here and skip to the next question. _____

b. If you have had experience with this type of employee, but you did not take any special actions to help the employee improve, check here and skip to the next question. ______

c. If you have had experience with this type of employee and took actions to help the employee improve, for each action listed below please indicate:

Step 1: If you took that action.

Step 2: For each action you took, the impact of that action of that action on the employee’s performance.

Step 1

Step 2: Impact on the Employee’s Performance


if you took this action



Improved & then regressed

No Change




Too soon to tell


Discussed with the employee why he or she was not performing to his or her potential

Worked with the employee to develop and implement an informal improvement plan

Discussed with the employee the benefits to him or her of improving

Explained to the employee how his or her performance affects the performance rating

Monitored the employee’s work more closely than other employees’ work

Provided frequent feedback and/or coaching

Paired the employee with another employee who is highly motivated

Reduced the employee’s workload or gave easier assignments

Increased the employee’s workload or gave more difficult assignments

Encouraged the employee to transfer to another work unit where he or she could be more successful.

Other (write in)

11. Some organizations include employees who are performing at or just above minimum standards but who could perform better if they improved in specific knowledge, skills, abilities, personal characteristics or their interactions with others. Consider the last time you directly supervised an employee of this type. What actions did you take?

a. If you have not had experience with this type of employee, check here and skip to the next question. _____

b. If you have had experience with this type of employee, but you did not take any special actions to help the employee improve, check here and skip to the next question. ______

c. If you have had experience with this type of employee and took actions to help the employee improve, for each action listed below please indicate:

Step 1: If you took that action.

Step 2: For each action you took, the impact of that action of that action on the employee’s performance.

Step 1

Step 2: Impact on the Employee’s Performance


if you took this action



Improved & then regressed

No Change




Too soon to tell


Worked with the employee to develop and implement an informal improvement plan

Monitored the employee’s work more closely than other employees’ work

Provided frequent feedback and coaching

Paired the employee with another employee who is highly skilled in the employee’s weak areas

Re-assigned the employee to work more closely matched with abilities

Provided the employee with training or on-the-job development opportunities to address weaker areas.

Encouraged the employee to transfer to another work unit where he or she could be more successful

Other (write in)

12. Some organizations include employees who are poor performers, i.e., their performance is below minimum standards. Consider the last time you directly supervised an employee of this type. What actions did you take?

a. If you have not had experience with this type of employee, check here and skip to the next question. _____

b. If you have had experience with this type of employee, but you did not take any special actions to help the employee improve, check here and skip to the next question. ______

c. If you have had experience with this type of employee and took actions to help the employee improve, for each action listed below please indicate:

Step 1: If you took that action.

Step 2: For each action you took, the impact of that action on the employee’s performance.

Step 1

Step 2: Impact on the Employee’s Performance


if you took this action



Improved & then regressed

No Change




Too soon to tell


Met frequently with the employee to provide feedback and coaching

Closely monitored the employee’s work.

Discussed with the employee the possible reasons for poor performance

Asked the employee how I could help and provided appropriate help

Communicated expectations and provided direction orally

Communicated expectations and provided direction through a written memo

Discussed with the employee possible negative consequences for continued inadequate performance

Changed the employee’s work assignments

Worked with the employee to develop an informal plan for improvement

(Question 12 continued)

Step 1

Step 2: Impact on the Employee’s Performance


if you took this action



Improved & then regressed

No Change




Too soon to tell


Prepared a formal Performance Improvement Plan

Paired the person with a good performer as a guide or mentor

Gave the employee a low performance appraisal rating

Discussed with the employee possible negative consequences for continued inadequate performance

Transferred the employee to a different job, team, or work unit

Took disciplinary action such as suspension or removal

I waited for the opportunity to use conduct issues to address inadequate performance

Other [write in} ______________

13. To which group of your employees do you tend to provide the most feedback and coaching or mentoring?

  1. Top performers

  2. Good performers

  3. Marginal performers

  4. Low performers

Instructions: For each question, please place a check in the box under your response choice.




Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree

  1. I support my employees’ need to balance work and family issues.

  1. I communicate high performance expectations to my employees.

  1. I talk with my employees or assist them when they need help.

  1. I explain the reasons for work changes to my employees before they take place.

  1. Employees in my work unit or organization can express their point of view to me without fear of negative consequences.

  1. How would you rate your overall performance as a supervisor?

  1. Very good

  2. Good

  3. Fair

  4. Poor

  5. Very Poor

  1. Did you receive formal supervisory training prior to or during your first year as a supervisor?

  1. No (skip to Question 23)

  2. Yes

  1. What were the topics of the formal supervisory training you received prior to and during your first year as a supervisor? Select all that apply.

  1. Conducting team or work unit meetings

  2. Developing performance goals and standards for your employees

  3. Making work assignments

  4. Monitoring or reviewing employee work and progress

  5. Documenting employee performance (ongoing for all employees)

  6. Preparing performance appraisals

  7. Providing corrective feedback and coaching

  8. Providing positive feedback and coaching

  9. Conducting performance discussions

  10. Managing poor performers

  11. Helping employees improve their performance (all employees, not just poor performers)

  12. Employee development planning and implementation

  13. Improving the productivity or effectiveness of your work unit

  14. Workforce planning

  15. Helping employees balance work and personal lives

  16. Using the probationary period as the final stage of the selection process

  17. Project management

  18. Other (describe: ____________________________________________)

  1. How many total hours of supervisory training did you participate in prior to and during your first year as a supervisor? (eight hours equals one day)

  1. Less than one day

  2. 1 – 2 days

  3. 3 - 4 days

  4. 1 week

  5. 2 weeks

  6. 3 – 4 weeks

  7. More than 4 weeks

    1. What types of informal development did you participate in to help you build your supervisory knowledge, skills, and abilities during your first year as a supervisor? Select all that apply.

  1. Self-study of books, magazines, journals, web sites, or other materials

  2. Coaching and/or feedback from my manager

  3. Coaching or advice from other supervisors or a mentor

  4. Feedback from my employees

  5. 360 or multi-source feedback (Several different groups of people who work with me such as peers, supervisor, subordinates, or customers provide feedback)

  6. Discussions with friends and family members

  7. Participation in a professional association

  8. Networking

  9. Activities outside of work, e.g., community, church, or other volunteer activities

  10. Other (describe)_______________________________________________________

  11. None

24. What type of supervisory training do you wish you had received early in your career as a supervisor but did not? Please list one to five topics.






25. According to Federal regulation, all supervisors must serve a one-year probationary period when they first become supervisors. When you first became a supervisor, were you informed that you would be on probation for a year?

  1. No

  2. Yes

  3. Don’t remember

26. Was your performance during your probationary period as a supervisor actually used to decide if you should continue in a supervisory role?

  1. No

  2. Yes

  3. Don’t know

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleBlank Document
AuthorAnne Marrelli
Last Modified ByAnne Marrelli
File Modified2007-08-10
File Created2007-07-20

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