Cognitive Interviews for Spanish ACS CATI/CAPI Version

Generic Clearence for Questionnaire Pretesting Research


Cognitive Interviews for Spanish ACS CATI/CAPI Version

OMB: 0607-0725

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ACS Questions – 09 Oct 07

Section 1: ACS Spanish CAPI/CATI pretesting


Variable Name INTRO_CP

Question Text


Hello. I'm... from the United States Census Bureau. Here is my identification card (show ID card).

We are conducting the [American/ Puerto Rico] Community Survey to collect current population and housing information.

I have some questions to ask you. Did you receive our mailings?

1. Yes

2. No


Bueno días (Buenas tardes). Soy....del Negociado del Censo de los Estados Unidos. Ésta es mi tarjeta de identificación (muestre tarjeta de identificación).

Estamos llevando a cabo la Encuesta sobre la Comunidad de Puerto Rico para recopilar información actual sobre la población y vivienda.

Tengo algunas preguntas que hacerle. ¿Recibió usted nuestra correspondencia?

1. Sí

2. No


Buenos días (Buenas tardes). la Oficina del Censo de los Estados Unidos. Ésta es mi tarjeta de identificación (muestre tarjeta de identificación).

Estamos llevando a cabo la Encuesta sobre la Comunidad Estadounidense para recopilar información actual sobre la población y vivienda.

Tengo algunas preguntas que hacerle. ¿Recibió usted nuestra correspondencia?

1. Sí

2. No

Skip Instructions

<1> [go to ADRSVER_CP]

<2> [go to INTROLET_CP]

Variable Name INTROLET_CP

Question Text


The Census Bureau is conducting this survey to collect current population and housing information. I am required by law to tell you that this survey is authorized by Title 13, Sections 141, 193, and 221 of the United States Code.

The average interview takes about 30 minutes. This survey is mandatory and your cooperation is very important. All the information you provide will remain completely confidential.


El Negociado del Censo está llevando a cabo esta encuesta para recopilar información actual sobre la población y vivienda. La ley requiere que yo le indique que esta encuesta está autorizada por las secciones 141, 193, y 221 del título 13 del Código de los Estados Unidos.

Como promedio, la entrevista toma menos de 30 minutos. Esta encuesta es obligatoria y su cooperación es muy importante. Toda la información que usted provea se mantendrá en completa confidencialidad.


La Oficina del Censo está llevando a cabo esta encuesta para recopilar información actual sobre la población y vivienda. La ley requiere que yo le indique que esta encuesta está autorizada por las secciones 141, 193, y 221 del título 13 del Código de los Estados Unidos.

Como promedio, la entrevista toma menos de 30 minutos. Esta encuesta es obligatoria y su cooperación es muy importante. Toda la información que usted provea se mantendrá en completa confidencialidad.

Skip Instructions

[go to ADRSVER_CP]

Variable Name ADRSVER_CP

Question Text


I need to verify the address where this unit is located.

Is this address:

<fill with address information>

1. Yes

2. No


Necesito verificar la dirección donde se encuentra esta unidad.

¿Es su dirección:

<fill with address information>

1. Sí

2. No

Skip Instructions

<1> [go to MAILCHECK1]

<2> [go to ADRSVERSUP]

Variable Name ADRSVERSUP

Question Text


Are you aware if this address has ever been:

<fill with address information>

1. Yes, Correct/Update [Fill 6: Location/Sample] Address

2. No


¿Ha tenido esta unidad alguna vez la dirección

<fill with address information>

  1. Sí, Corrija/Actualice Dirección de la Localización

  2. No


¿Ha tenido esta unidad alguna vez la dirección

<fill with address information>

  1. Sí, Corrija/Actualice Dirección de Muestra

  2. No

Skip Instructions

<1> record the updated address, then [go to ADRSFINAL_CP]

<2> [go to MAILCHECK1]

Variable Name ADRSFINAL_CP

Question Text


The COMPLETE location address for this housing unit is:

<fill with new address information>


La dirección COMPLETA del lugar para esta unidad de vivienda es:

<fill with new address information>

Int. Instructions Below question text


If you need to make an addition or change to the address, go back to the Address Change Grid.


Si necesita hacerle cambios o añadirle a la dirección, vuelva al Encasillado de Cambio de Dirección.

Skip Instructions

[go to MAILCHECK1]

Variable Name MAILCHECK1

Question Text


I also need to verify the mailing address. Is your mailing address:

<insert mailing address>

  1. Yes

  2. No


También necesito verificar la dirección postal. ¿Es su dirección postal:

<insert mailing address>

  1. No

Skip Instructions

< MAILCHECK1 = 1,D,R> [go to TYPUNT_CP]

< MAILCHECK1 = 2> [go to MAILCHECK2]

Variable Name MAILCHECK2

Question Text


What is your mailing address?

1. Same as location address

2. Enter new mailing address


¿Cuál es su dirección postal?

1. La misma que la dirección del lugar

2. Entre la nueva dirección postal

Skip Instructions

< MAILCHECK2 = 1, D,R [go to TYPUNT_CP]

< MAILCHECK2 = 2 >, enter new mailing address, then [go to TYPUNT_CP]

Variable Name TYPUNT_CP

Question Text


What type of unit is this?

1. Private Residence

2. Business Only

3. Group Quarters


¿Qué tipo de unidad es ésta?

1. Residencia privada

2. Negocio solamente

3. Alojamiento de Grupo

Int. Instructions Above Question Text


Ask if not apparent


Pregunte si no es aparente

Skip Instructions

<1> [go to ACCESS_CP]

<2> [go to OTHQTR_CP]

<3> [go to THANKYOU]

Variable Name ACCESS_CP

Question Text


Do you have direct access to your living quarters from the outside or through a common hall, or must you go through another unit to enter your living quarters?

1. Direct

2. Through another unit


¿Tiene acceso a su hogar directamente de la calle o por medio de un pasillo usado por otras personas, o tiene que pasar por alguna otra (unidad/casa) para llegar a la suya?

1. Directamente

2. Por otra unidad

Skip Instructions

<1> [go to OTHQTR_CP]

<2> [go to NOACCESS]

Variable Name NOACCESS

Question Text


How is access to the sample unit achieved?


¿Cómo se logra entrar en la unidad?

Skip Instructions

[go to OTHLIV_CP]

Variable Name OTHLIV_CP

Question Text


Does any other household at this address live with your household?

1. Yes

2. No


¿Viven miembros de algún otro hogar en esta dirección con los miembros de este hogar?

1. Sí

2. No

Skip Instructions

<1> [go to FN_PG1 and include all the people living at this address in that list]

<2> [go to OTHQTR_CP]

Variable Name OTHQTR_CP

Question Text


Are there any other living quarters - either occupied or vacant - at this address?

  1. Yes

  2. No


¿Hay algunos otros alojamientos -- ya sean ocupados o desocupados -- en esta dirección?

1. Sí

2. No

Skip Instructions

<1> [go to LIVEAT1_CP]

<2 and TYPUNT_CP = 2> [go to THANKYOU]

<2 and TYPUNT_CP <> 2> [go to FN_PG1]

Variable Name LIVEAT1_CP

Question Text


Do the occupants or intended occupants of the other living quarters live separately from all other persons at this address?

1. Yes

2. No


¿Viven los ocupantes o vivirán los ocupantes futuros de estos alojamientos separados de todas las otras personas en esta dirección?

1. Sí

2. No

Skip Instructions

<1> [go to ACCESS1_CP]

<2> [go to INCLUDE_CP]

Variable Name ACCESS1_CP

Question Text


Do the occupants or intended occupants of the other living quarters have direct access from the outside or through a common hall?

1. Yes

2. No


¿Tienen los ocupantes o tendrán los ocupantes futuros acceso directo desde el exterior o a través de un pasillo común?

1. Sí

2. No

Skip Instructions

<1> [go to FN_PG1 and do not include the people who occupy the other living quarters in that list]

<2> [go to FN_PG1 and do include the people who occupy the other living quarters in that list]

Variable FN_PG1

Question Text


Read for the person whom you are talking to:

I am going to be asking some questions about everyone who is living or staying at this address. First let's create a list of the people starting with you. What is your name?

Read after recording the first person’s name:

What is the name of the next person living or staying here?


Read for the person whom you are talking to:

Voy a hacer algunas preguntas sobre todas las personas que viven o se quedan en esta dirección. Primero, vamos a hacer una lista de estas personas comenzando con usted. ¿Cuál es su nombre?

Read after recording the first person’s name:

¿Cuál es el nombre de la próxima persona que vive o se queda aquí?


[go to FN_PG2]

Variable FN_PG2

Question Text


The following questions are to make sure this list is as complete as possible... “Does anyone else live or stay here, such as roommates, foster children, boarders, or live-in employees?"


Se hacen las siguentes preguntas para asegurar que esta lista esté lo más completa posible...”¿Vive o se queda alguien más aquí, tal como compañeros de cuarto, hijos de crianza, pupilos, o empleados que viven en el hogar?"


[go to FN_PG3]

Variable FN_PG3

Question Text


Is there anyone else staying here even for a short time, such as a friend or relative?


¿Está viviendo alguien más aquí aunque sea por corto plazo, tal como un amigo o pariente?


[go to AWAYNOW]

Variable AWAYNOW

Question Text


The next questions are to help refine this list. I have listed <read all the names listed from FN_PG1, FN_PG2, and FN_PG3>

Are any of these people away NOW for more than two months, like a college student or someone in the military?"

<1> [fill name of person listed on line 1 of roster]

<2> [fill name of person listed on line 2 of roster]

<3> [fill name of person listed on line 3 of roster]



<20> [fill name of person listed on line 20 of roster]

<999> None


Las siguientes preguntas se hacen para hacer más precisa esta lista. He listado a <read all the names listed from FN_PG1, FN_PG2, and FN_PG3> ...

¿Alguna de estas personas se ha ausentado AHORA por más de dos meses, por ejemplo un estudiante universitario o alguien en el servicio militar?

<1> [fill name of person listed on line 1 of roster]

<2> [fill name of person listed on line 2 of roster]

<3> [fill name of person listed on line 3 of roster]



<20> [fill name of person listed on line 20 of roster]

<999> Ninguno




Question Text


[Do you/Does <Name>/Do any of these people <read all the names listed from FN_PG1, FN_PG2, and FN_PG3 except for those selected at AWAYNOW>] have some other place where [you usually stay?/he or she usually stays?/they usually stay?]

<1> [fill name]

<2> [fill name]

<3> [fill name]



<20> [fill name]

<999> None


[¿Tiene usted/ ¿Tiene <Name>/ ¿Tienen algunas de estas personas <read all the names listed from FN_PG1, FN_PG2, and FN_PG3 except for those selected at AWAYNOW>] otra casa o residencia fija?

<1> [fill name]

<2> [fill name]

<3> [fill name]



<20> [fill name]

<999> Ninguno

Skip instructions

<999 (None)> [go to HHOLDER]

else [go to MORETHANTWO]


Question Text


"[Are <read all the names listed from ANOTHERHOME>) / Are you/ Is <Name>] staying here for MORE than two months?"

<1> [fill name]

<2> [fill name]

<3> [fill name]



<20> [fill name]

<999> None


[Alguna de las personas que usted indicó que tiene otra residencia, ¿se está quedando <read all the names listed from ANOTHERHOME> /¿Se está quedando usted / ¿Se está quedando <Name>] aquí por MÁS de dos meses?"

<1> [fill name]

<2> [fill name]

<3> [fill name]



<20> [fill name]

<999> Ninguno


[go to BASIC]

The following set of questions should only be answered by persons on the roster who:

  1. were not selected on AWAYNOW and ANOTHERHOME

  2. were selected on both ANOTHERHOME and MORETHANTWO.

Variable Name BASIC

Question Text


Now I would like to ask you some basic questions {about <Name>/ about people in this household/ about people in this household who are here more than two months.}


Ahora quisiera hacerle algunas preguntas básicas {acerca de <Name> / acerca de personas en este hogar / acerca de personas en este hogar que están aquí más de dos meses.}

Skip Instructions

[go to HHOLDER]

Variable Name HHOLDER

Question Text


Of the people you named, who owns or rents this place?

{optional text} (What name(s) are on the deed or lease? Is there anyone 15 years or older?)


De las personas que ha nombrado, ¿quién es dueño(a) o alquila este lugar?

{optional text} (¿ A nombre de quién(es) está la escritura o el contrato? ¿Hay alguien que sea mayor de 15 años?)

Skip Instructions

[go to RELP or RELT depending on the interview mode]

Variable Name RELP(ask if conducting in person)

Question Text Use Card A


Using Card A in this packet, How {is <Name>/are you} related to {<HHOLDER>/you}?

<1> Husband or wife

<2> Biological son or daughter

<3> Adopted son or daughter

<4> Stepson or stepdaughter

<5> Brother or sister

<6> Father or mother

<7> Grandchild

<8> Parent-in-law

<9> Son-in-law or daughter-in-law

<10> Other relative

<11> Roomer or boarder

<12> Housemate or roommate

<13> Unmarried partner

<14> Foster child

<15> Other nonrelative


Usando la Tarjeta A en esta paquete, ¿cómo está {<Name>/ usted} relacionado(a) con {<HHOLDER>/usted}?

<1> Esposo(a)

<2> Hijo(a) biológico(a)

<3> Hijo(a) adoptivo(a)

<4> Hijastro(a)

<5> Hermano(a)

<6> Padre o madre

<7> Nieto(a)

<8> Suegro(a)

<9> Yerno o nuera

<10> Otro pariente

<11> Inquilino(a) o pupilo(a)

<12> Compañero(a) de casa o de cuarto

<13> Pareja no casada

<14> Hijo(a) de crianza (foster)

<15> Otro no pariente

Skip Instructions

If not last person on list [go to RELP for next person]

If last person on list [go to DOBM]

Variable Name RELT (asked if it’s a telephone interview)

Question Text


How {is <Name>/ are you} related to {<HHOLDER>/you}?

<1> Husband or wife

<2> Son or daughter

<3> Brother or sister

<4> Father or mother

<5> Grandchild

<6> Parent-in-law

<7> Son-in-law or daughter-in-law

<8> Other relative

<9> Roomer or boarder

<10> Housemate or roommate

<11> Unmarried partner

<12> Foster child

<13> Other nonrelative


¿Cómo está [<Name>/ usted] relacionado(a) con <HHOLDER>/usted>?

(1) Esposo(a)

(2) Hijo(a)

(3) Hermano(a)

(4) Padre o madre

(5) Nieto(a)

  1. Suegro(a)

  2. Yerno o nuera

  3. Otro pariente

  4. Inquilino(a) o pupilo(a)

  5. Compañero(a) de casa o de cuarto

  6. Pareja no casada

  7. Hijo(a) de crianza (foster)

(13) Otro no pariente

Skip Instructions

If not last person on list and RELT = <2> [go to SONDAU]

If not last person on list and RELT = <1, 3-13, D, R> [go to RELT for next person]

If last person on list and RELT = <2> [go to SONDAU]

If last person on list and RELT = <1, 3-13, D, R> [go to DOBM]

Variable Name SONDAU (asked if it’s a telephone interview)

Question Text


{Is <Name>/ are you} { your/ <HHOLDER>>’s} biological son or daughter, adopted son or daughter, stepson or stepdaughter, OR foster son or daughter?

<1> Biological son or daughter

<2> Adopted son or daughter

<3> Stepson or stepdaughter

<4> Foster son or daughter


¿Es {<Name>/ usted} hijo(a) biológico(a), hijo(a) adoptivo(a), hijastro(a), O hijo(a) de crianza del programa foster del gobierno de <HHOLDER>?

¿Es <Name> su hijo(a) biológico, hijo(a) adoptivo(a), hijastro(a), O hijo(a) de crianza del programa foster del gobierno?

<1> Hijo(a) biológico(a)

<2> Hijo(a) adoptivo(a)

<3> Hijastro(a)

<4> Hijo(a) de crianza (foster)

Skip Instructions

If not last person on list, [go to RELT for next person]

If last person on list, [go to SEX]

Variable Name SEX

Question Text


IF first time this question is asked:

{Is <Name>/ Are you} male or female?

<1> Male

<2> Female

IF not the first time this question is asked:

How about {<Name>/ you}?

<1> Male

<2> Female


IF first time this question is asked:

¿[Es <Name>/ Es usted)] de sexo masculino o femenino?

(1) Masculino

(2) Femenino

IF not the first time this question is asked:

¿Y {<Name>/ usted}?

(1) Masculino

(2) Femenino

Skip Instructions

If not last person on list, [go to SEX for next person]

If last person on list, [go to DOBM]

Variable Name DOBM

Question Text


What is {<Name>'s/ your} date of birth?


¿Cuál es la fecha de nacimiento de <Name>?/¿Cuál es su fecha de nacimiento?

Skip Instructions

If not last person on list and DOBM ne D,R [go to AGE]

If not last person on list and DOBM = D,R [go to AGEASK]

If last person on list and DOBM ne D,R [go to AGE]

If last person on list and DOBM = D,R [go to AGEASK]

Variable Name AGE

Question Text


What is {<Name>'s/ your} age?


¿Cuál es la edad de <Name>?/¿Cuál es su edad?

Skip Instructions

If not last person on list [go to DOBM for next person]

If last person on list [go to HISA]

Variable Name AGEASK (when DOBM = D or R)

Question Text


What is your best estimate of {<Name>'s/ your} age?


¿Cuál es su mejor estimado de (la edad de <Name>/ su edad)?

Skip Instructions

If not last person on list and AGEASK ne D,R [go to DOBM for next person]

If not last person on list and AGEASK = D,R [go to AGERANGE]

If last person on list and AGEASK ne D,R [go to HISA]

If last person on list and AGEASK = D,R [go to AGERANGE]

Variable Name AGERANGE (when AGEASK = D,R)

Question Text


(Is <Name>/ Are you}:

<1> less than 3 years old

<2> 3 or 4 years old

<3> 5 to 14 years old

<4> 15 years old or older


¿(Tiene <Name>/ Tiene usted):

<1> menos de 3 años?

<2> 3 ó 4 años?

<3> entre 5 y 14 años?

<4> 15 años o más?

Skip Instructions

If not last person on list [go to DOBM for next person]

If last person on list [go to HISA]

Variable Name HISA

Question Text Use Card B


IF first time this question is asked:

{Please look at Card B.} {Is <Name>/ Are you} of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?

<1> Yes

<2> No

IF not the first time this question is asked and previous person HISA ne 1:

How about {<Name>/ you}?

{optional text} ({Is <NAME>/Are you} of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin?)

IF not the first time this question is asked and previous person HISA=1:

{Is <Name>/ Are you} of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?


IF first time this question is asked:

{Por favor, vea la Tarjeta B.} ¿Es {<Name>/ usted} de origen hispano, latino o español?


<2> No

IF not the first time this question is asked and previous person HISA ne 1:

¿Y {<Name>/ usted}?

{optional text} (¿Es {<Name>/ usted} de origen hispano, latino o español?)

IF not the first time this question is asked and previous person HISA=1:

¿Es {<Name>/ usted} de origen hispano, latino o español?

Skip Instructions

IF NOT the last person on the list and HISB = 2, D, R [go to HISA for next person]

IF NOT the last person on the list and HISB =1 [go to HISB]

IF the last person on the list and HISB = 1 [go to HISB]

IF the last person on the list and HISB = 2, D, R and If a personal visit interview [go to RAC]

IF the last person on the list and HISB = 2, D, R and If a telephone interview [go to RACT]

Variable Name HISB

Question Text Use Card B


If first time question is asked:

{Is <Name>/ Are you} Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano; Puerto Rican; Cuban; or of another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin; for example, Argentinean, Colombian, Dominican, Nicaraguan, Salvadoran, Spaniard, and so on?

<1> Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano

<2> Puerto Rican

<3> Cuban

<4> Another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin (For example, Argentinean, Colombian, Dominican, Nicaraguan, Salvadoran, Spaniard, and so on)

If not first time question is asked:

{Is <Name>/ Are you} Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano; Puerto Rican; Cuban; or of another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?

{optional text} (For example, Argentinean, Colombian, Dominican, Nicaraguan, Salvadoran, Spaniard, and so on.)

<1> Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano

<2> Puerto Rican

<3> Cuban

<4> Another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin (For example, Argentinean, Colombian, Dominican, Nicaraguan, Salvadoran, Spaniard, and so on)


If first time question is asked:

¿Es {<Name>/ usted} mexicano(a), mexicano(a) americano(a) o chicano(a); puertorriqueño(a); cubano(a); o de otro origen hispano, latino o español; por ejemplo, argentino(a), colombiano(a), dominicano(a), nicaragüense, salvadoreño(a), español(a), etc.?

<1> Mexicano(a), mexicano(a) americano(a), chicano(a)

<2> Puertorriqueño(a)

<3> Cubano(a)

<4> Otro origen hispano, latino o español (Por ejemplo, argentino(a), colombiano(a), dominicano(a), nicaragüense, salvadoreño(a), español(a), etc.)

If not first time question is asked:

¿Es {<Name>/ usted} mexicano(a), mexicano(a) americano(a) o chicano(a); puertorriqueño(a); cubano(a); o de otro origen hispano, latino o español?

{optional text} (Por ejemplo, argentino(a), colombiano(a), dominicano(a), nicaragüense, salvadoreño(a), español(a), etc.)

<1> Mexicano(a), mexicano(a) americano(a), chicano(a)

<2> Puertorriqueño(a)

<3> Cubano(a)

<4> Otro origen hispano, latino o español (Por ejemplo, argentino(a), colombiano(a), dominicano(a), nicaragüense, salvadoreño(a), español(a), etc.)

Skip Instructions

IF NOT the last person on the list and HISB = 1-3, D, R [go to HISA for next person]

IF the last person on the list and HISB = 1-3, D, R and personal visit interview [go to RAC]

IF the last person on the list and HISB = 1-3, D, R and telephone [go to RACT]

IF HISB =4 [go to HISW]

Variable Name HISW

Question Text


What is that origin? (For example, Argentinean, Colombian, Dominican, Nicaraguan, Salvadoran, Spaniard, and so on.)


¿Qué origen es ese? (Por ejemplo, argentino, colombiano, dominicano, nicaragüense, salvadoreño, español, etc.)

Skip Instructions

If NOT last person on list [go to HISA for next person]

If last person on list AND personal visit interview, [go to RAC]

If last person on list AND telephone interview, [go to RACT]

Variable Name RACT (for Telephone interview)

Question Text


If first time this question is asked:

I'm going to read a list of race categories. You may choose one or more races. {only read this next sentence when HISA = 1 (yes - Hispanic)} {For this survey, Hispanic origins are not races.}

{Is <Name>/ Are you} White; Black, African American, or Negro; American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; or Some other race?

<11> White

<12> Black, African American, or Negro

<13> American Indian or Alaska Native

<14> Asian

<15> Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

<16> Some other race

If second time question is asked:

{Is <Name>/ Are you} White; Black, African American, or Negro; American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; or Some other race?

<11> White

<12> Black, African American, or Negro

<13> American Indian or Alaska Native

<14> Asian

<15> Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

<16> Some other race

If not first or second time question is asked and previous person RACT=13, 14, 15 or 16:

What is {Fill 3: <Name>’s/your} race?

{optional text} ({Is <Name>/ Are you} White; Black, African American, or Negro; American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; or Some other race?}

<11> White

<12> Black, African American, or Negro

<13> American Indian or Alaska Native

<14> Asian

<15> Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

<16> Some other race

If not first or second time question is asked and previous person RACT NE 13, 14, 15 or 16:

How about {<Name>/you?}

{optional text} ({Is <Name>/ Are you} White; Black, African American, or Negro; American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; or Some other race?}

<11> White

<12> Black, African American, or Negro

<13> American Indian or Alaska Native

<14> Asian

<15> Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

<16> Some other race


If first time this question is asked:

Voy a leer una lista de categorías de raza. Usted puede escoger una o más razas. {only read this next sentence when HISA = 1 (yes - Hispanic)} {Para esta encuesta, origen hispano no es una raza.}

¿Es {<Name>/ usted} de raza blanca, negra, africana americana; india americana o nativa de Alaska; asiática; nativa de Hawaii u otra de las islas del Pacífico; o de alguna otra raza?

<11> Blanca

<12> Negra o africana americana

<13> India americana o native de Alaska

<14> Asiática

<15> Nativa de Hawaii u otra de las islas del Pacífico

<16> Alguna otra raza

If second time question is asked:

¿Es {<Name>/ usted} de raza blanca, negra, africana americana; india americana o nativa de Alaska; asiática; nativa de Hawaii u otra de las islas del Pacífico; o de alguna otra raza?

<11> Blanca

<12> Negra o africana americana

<13> India americana o native de Alaska

<14> Asiática

<15> Nativa de Hawaii u otra de las islas del Pacífico

<16> Alguna otra raza

If not first or second time question is asked and previous person RACT=13, 14, 15 or 16:

¿Cuál es {la raza de <Name>/ su raza}?

{optional text} (¿Es {<Name>/ usted} de raza blanca, negra, africana americana; india americana o nativa de Alaska; asiática; nativa de Hawaii u otra de las islas del Pacífico; o de alguna otra raza?)

<11> Blanca

<12> Negra o africana americana

<13> India americana o native de Alaska

<14> Asiática

<15> Nativa de Hawaii u otra de las islas del Pacífico

<16> Alguna otra raza

If not first or second time question is asked and previous person RACT NE 13, 14, 15 or 16:

¿Y {<Name>/usted}?

{optional text} (¿Es {<Name>/ usted} de raza blanca, negra, africana americana; india americana o nativa de Alaska; asiática; nativa de Hawaii u otra de las islas del Pacífico; o de alguna otra raza?)

<11> Blanca

<12> Negra o africana americana

<13> India americana o native de Alaska

<14> Asiática

<15> Nativa de Hawaii u otra de las islas del Pacífico

<16> Alguna otra raza

Skip Instructions

IF NOT the last person and RACT = 11, 12, D, R [go to RACT for next person]

IF NOT the last person and RACT = 13 [go to RCW1]

IF NOT the last person and RACT = 14 [go to RCWAG]

IF NOT the last person and RACT = 15 [go to RCWPG]

IF NOT the last person and RACT = 16 [go to RCW2]

IF the last person and RACT = 11, 12, D, R> [go to THANKYOU]

IF the last person and RACT = 13 [go to RCW1]

IF the last person and RACT = 14 [go to RCWAG]

IF the last person and RACT = 15 [go to RCWPG]

IF the last person and RACT = 16 [go to RCW2]

Variable Name RAC (Personal Visit interview)

Question Text Use Card C


If first time this question is asked:

Please look at Card C and choose one or more races.

{only read this next sentence when HISA = 1 (yes - Hispanic)} {For this survey, Hispanic origins are not races.}

{Is <Name>/ Are you} White; Black, African American, or Negro; American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; or Some other race?

<11> White

<12> Black, African American, or Negro

<13> American Indian or Alaska Native

<14> Asian

<15> Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

<16> Some other race

If second time question is asked:

{Is <Name>/ Are you} White; Black, African American, or Negro; American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; or Some other race?

<11> White

<12> Black, African American, or Negro

<13> American Indian or Alaska Native

<14> Asian

<15> Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

<16> Some other race

If not first or second time question is asked and previous person RACT=13, 14, 15 or 16:

What is {<Name>’s/your} race?

{optional text} ({Is <Name>/ Are you} White; Black, African American, or Negro; American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; or Some other race?}

<11> White

<12> Black, African American, or Negro

<13> American Indian or Alaska Native

<14> Asian

<15> Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

<16> Some other race

If not first or second time question is asked and previous person RACT NE 13, 14, 15 or 16:

How about {<Name>/you?}

{optional text} ({Is <Name>/ Are you} White; Black, African American, or Negro; American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; or Some other race?}

<11> White

<12> Black, African American, or Negro

<13> American Indian or Alaska Native

<14> Asian

<15> Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

<16> Some other race


If first time this question is asked:

Por favor, vea la Tarjeta C y escoja una o más razas.

{only read this next sentence when HISA = 1 (yes - Hispanic)} {Para esta encuesta, origen hispano no es una raza.}

¿Es {<Name>/ usted} de raza blanca, negra, africana americana; india americana o nativa de Alaska; asiática; nativa de Hawaii u otra de las islas del Pacífico; o de alguna otra raza?

<11> Blanca

<12> Negra o africana americana

<13> India americana o native de Alaska

<14> Asiática

<15> Nativa de Hawaii u otra de las islas del Pacífico

<16> Alguna otra raza

If second time question is asked:

¿Es {<Name>/ usted} de raza blanca, negra, africana americana; india americana o nativa de Alaska; asiática; nativa de Hawaii u otra de las islas del Pacífico; o de alguna otra raza?

<11> Blanca

<12> Negra o africana americana

<13> India americana o native de Alaska

<14> Asiática

<15> Nativa de Hawaii u otra de las islas del Pacífico

<16> Alguna otra raza

If not first or second time question is asked and previous person RACT=13, 14, 15 or16:

¿Cuál es {la raza de <Name>/ su raza}?

{optional text} (¿Es {<Name>/ usted} de raza blanca, negra, africana americana; india americana o nativa de Alaska; asiática; nativa de Hawaii u otra de las islas del Pacífico; o de alguna otra raza?)

<11> Blanca

<12> Negra o africana americana

<13> India americana o native de Alaska

<14> Asiática

<15> Nativa de Hawaii u otra de las islas del Pacífico

<16> Alguna otra raza

If not first or second time question is asked and previous person RACT NE 13, 14, 15 or 16:

¿Y {:<Name>/usted}?

{optional text} (¿Es {<Name>/ usted} de raza blanca, negra, africana americana; india americana o nativa de Alaska; asiática; nativa de Hawaii u otra de las islas del Pacífico; o de alguna otra raza?)

<11> Blanca

<12> Negra o africana americana

<13> India americana o native de Alaska

<14> Asiática

<15> Nativa de Hawaii u otra de las islas del Pacífico

<16> Alguna otra raza

Skip Instructions

IF NOT last person on list and RAC = 11, 12, D, R [go to RAC for next person]

IF NOT last person on list and RAC = 13 [go to RCW1]

IF NOT last person on list and RAC = 14 [go to RCWAG]

IF NOT last person on list and RAC = 15 [go to RCWPG]

IF NOT last person on list and RAC = 16 [go to RCW2]

IF last person on list and RAC = 11, 12, D, R [go to THANKYOU]

IF last person on list and RAC = 13 [go to RCW1]

IF last person on list and RAC = 14 [go to RCWAG]

IF last person on list and RAC = 15 [go to RCWPG]

IF last person on list and RAC = 16 [go to RCW2]

Variable Name RCW1

Question Text


If first time this question is asked:

You may list one or more tribes.

What is {<Name>'s/ your} enrolled or principal tribe?

If not the first time this question is asked:

What is {<Name>'s/ your} enrolled or principal tribe?


If first time this question is asked:

Usted puede listar una o más tribus.

¿Cuál es la tribu principal o en la que {<Name>/ usted} está inscrito(a)?

If not the first time this question is asked:

¿Cuál es la tribu principal o en la que {<Name>/ usted} está inscrito(a)?

Skip Instructions

IF NOT the last person on list and personal visit interview [go to RAC for next person]

IF NOT the last person on list and telephone interview [go to RACT]

IF the last person on list [go to THANKYOU]

Variable Name RCWAG

Question Text


If first time question is asked:

You may choose one or more Asian groups.

{Is <Name>/Are you} Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, or another Asian group, for example, Hmong, Laotian, Thai, Pakistani, Cambodian, and so on?

<1> Asian Indian

<2> Chinese

<3> Filipino

<4> Japanese

<5> Korean

<6> Vietnamese

<7> Other Asian (For example, Hmong, Laotian, Thai, Pakistani, Cambodian, and so on.)

If not first time question is asked:

{Is <Name>/Are you} Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, or another Asian group?

{optional text} (For example, Hmong, Laotian, Thai, Pakistani, Cambodian, and so on.)

<1> Asian Indian

<2> Chinese

<3> Filipino

<4> Japanese

<5> Korean

<6> Vietnamese

<7> Other Asian (For example, Hmong, Laotian, Thai, Pakistani, Cambodian, and so on.)


If first time question is asked:

Usted puede seleccionar uno o más grupos asiáticos.

¿Es {<Name>/ usted} indio(a) asiático(a), chino(a), filipino(a), japonés(esa), coreano(a), vietnamita, o de otro grupo asiático, por ejemplo, hmong, laosiano(a), tailandés(esa), paquistaní, camboyano(a), etc.?

(1) Indio(a) asiático(a)

(2) Chino(a)

(3) Filipino(a)

(4) Japonés(esa)

(5) Coreano(a)

(6) Vietnamita

(7) Otro grupo asiático (Por ejemplo, hmong, laosiano(a), tailandés(esa), paquistaní, camboyano(a), etc.)

If not first time question is asked:

¿Es {<Name>/ usted} indio(a) asiático(a), chino(a), filipino(a), japonés(esa), coreano(a), vietnamita, o de otro grupo asiático?

{optional text} (Por ejemplo, hmong, laosiano(a), tailandés(esa), paquistaní, camboyano(a), etc.)

(1) Indio(a) asiático(a)

(2) Chino(a)

(3) Filipino(a)

(4) Japonés(esa)

(5) Coreano(a)

(6) Vietnamita

(7) Otro grupo asiático (Por ejemplo, hmong, laosiano(a), tailandés(esa), paquistaní, camboyano(a), etc.)

Skip Instructions

IF NOT the last person on the list and RCWAG = 1-6, D, R and personal visit interview [go to RAC for next person]

IF NOT the last person on the list and RCWAG = 1-6, D, R and telephone interview [go to RACT for next person]]

IF NOT the last person on the list and RCWAG = 7 [go to RCW3]

IF the last person on the list and RCWAG = 1-6, D, R [go to THANKYOU]

IF the last person on the list and RCWAG = 7 [go to RCW3]

Variable Name RCW3

Question Text


What is that other Asian group?

{optional text} (For example, Hmong, Laotian, Thai, Pakistani, Cambodian, and so on.)


¿Qué grupo asiático es ese?

{optional text} (Por ejemplo, hmong, laosiano, tailandés, paquistaní o camboyano, etc.)

Skip Instructions

IF NOT the last person on list and personal visit interview [go to RAC for next person]

IF NOT the last person on list and telephone interview [go to RACT]

IF the last person on list [go to THANKYOU]

Variable Name RCWPG

Question Text


If first time question is asked:

You may choose one or more Pacific Islander groups.

{Is <Name>/Are you} Native Hawaiian; Guamanian or Chamorro; Samoan; or another Pacific Islander group, for example, Fijian, Tongan, and so on?

<1> Native Hawaiian

<2> Guamanian or Chamorro

<3> Samoan

<4> Other Pacific Islander (For example, Fijian, Tongan, and so on)

If not the first time question is asked:

{Is <Name>/Are you} Native Hawaiian; Guamanian or Chamorro; Samoan; or another Pacific Islander group?

{optional text} (For example, Fijian, Tongan, and so on.)

<1> Native Hawaiian

<2> Guamanian or Chamorro

<3> Samoan

<4> Other Pacific Islander (For example, Fijian, Tongan, and so on)


If first time question is asked:

Usted puede selecionar uno o más grupos de las islas del Pacífico.

¿Es {<Name>/ usted} nativo(a) de Hawaii; samoano(a); guameño(a) o chamorro(a); o de otro grupo de las islas del Pacífico, por ejemplo, fiyiano, tongano, etc.?

<1> Nativo(a) de Hawaii

<2> Guameño(a) o chamorro(a)

<3> Samoano

<4> De otro de las islas del Pacífico (Por ejemplo, fiyiano, tongano, etc.)

If not the first time question is asked:

¿Es {<Name>/ usted} nativo(a) de Hawaii; samoano(a); guameño(a) o chamorro(a); o de otro grupo de las islas del Pacífico?

{optional text} (Por ejemplo, fiyiano, tongano, etc.)

<1> Nativo(a) de Hawaii

<2> Guameño(a) o chamorro(a)

<3> Samoano

<4> De otro de las islas del Pacífico (Por ejemplo, fiyiano, tongano, etc.)

Skip Instructions

IF NOT the last person on the list and RCWPG = 1-3, D, R and personal visit interview [go to RAC for next person]

IF NOT the last person on the list and RCWPG = 1-3, D, R and telephone interview [go to RACT for next person]]

IF NOT the last person on the list and RCWPG = 4 [go to RCW4]

IF the last person on the list and RCWPG = 1-3, D, R [go to THANKYOU]

IF the last person on the list and RCWPG = 4 [go to RCW4]

Variable Name RCW4

Question Text


What is that other Pacific Islander group?

{optional text} (For example, Fijian, Tongan, and so on.)


¿Qué otro grupo de las Islas del Pacífico es ese?

{optional text} (Por ejemplo, fiyiano, tongano, etc.)

Skip Instructions

IF RAC=16 or RACT=16 [go to RCW2]

IF personal visit interview and RAC NE 16 and not the last person on roster [go to RAC for next person]

IF telephone interview and RACT NE 16 and not the last person on roster [go to RACT for next person]

IF RAC or RACT NE 16 and last person on roster [go to THANKYOU]

Variable Name RCW2

Question Text


What is {<Name>’s/your} other race group?


¿Cuál es {el otro grupo racial de <Name>/ su otro grupo racial}?

Skip Instructions

IF personal visit interview and not the last person on roster [go to RAC for next person]

IF telephone interview and not the last person on roster [go to RACT for next person]

IF last person on roster [go to THANKYOU]

Variable Name THANKYOU

Question Text


Thank you very much for your participation in this important survey.

Your cooperation has made it possible for us to examine a new way to update the detailed census data. You've been very helpful.


Muchas gracias por su participación en esta encuesta importante.

Su cooperación ha hecho posible que nosotros probemos una manera nueva de actualizar los datos detallados del censo. Usted ha sido de gran ayuda.

Skip Instructions

[go to END]


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleVariable Name
Last Modified ByBureau Of The Census
File Modified2007-12-04
File Created2007-12-04

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