The research will be used by the Census Bureau and the survey sponsors to improve questionnaires and procedures, reduce respondent burden, and ultimately increase the quality of data collected in Census Bureau censuses and surveys. The clearance will be used to conduct pretesting of decennial, demographic, and economic census and survey questionnaires prior to fielding them. Pretesting activities will involve one of the following methods for identifying measurement problems with the questionnaire or survey procedure: cognitive interviews, focus groups, respondent debriefing, behavior coding of respondent/interviewer interaction, and split panel tests.
The latest form for Generic Clearance for Questionnaire Pretesting Research expires 2022-12-31 and can be found here.
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Form and Instruction |
Supplementary Document |
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Supplementary Document |
Supporting Statement B |
Supporting Statement A |
Federal Enterprise Architecture: General Government - Central Records & Statistical Mgt
Form 1 | Debriefing Protocol | Fillable Fileable | Form and instruction |
Review document collections for all forms, instructions, and supporting documents - including paper/printable forms.