Description of plans for a SIPP calendar validation study: Study design and analysis

Fields and Moore EHC-11-26-2007.pdf

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Description of plans for a SIPP calendar validation study: Study design and analysis

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Field and Moore – Presentation at Event History Calendar Research Conference, December 5-6, 2007

Description of plans for a SIPP calendar validation study:
Study design and analysis

Jason M. Fields, Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division, US Census Bureau
Jeffrey C. Moore, Statistical Research Division, US Census Bureau
This report is released to inform interested parties of research and to encourage discussion of work in progress.
The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the U.S. Census Bureau.

Plans for the Census Bureau's re-engineered Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP)
program include use of event history calendar (EHC) interviewing methods, and (assuming a
favorable research outcome) a 12-month, calendar-year reference period, in place of a standard
questionnaire approach with a sliding 4-month reference period. This paper describes the first
field test research project to compare the quality of the data obtained under the two approaches.
The essential feature of the research is a small-scale field test, in early 2008, of a prototype paper
EHC questionnaire, covering calendar year 2007, administered to expired 2004 panel SIPP
households who will have already reported about calendar year 2007 via their final three waves
of SIPP interviews. Analysis will focus on a comparison between the two interviewing methods
of the reporting of key characteristics (e.g., participation in programs, jobs/businesses, and health
insurance coverage), their start and stop dates, and (where relevant) income amounts. Because
little is known about how EHC methods are actually put into practice in the field, the 2008 study
will also employ a variety of additional evaluations -- interviewer and respondent debriefings,
observations, analysis of recorded interviews, etc. -- directed toward a better understanding of
the EHC interview process. Subject to available funding, the field test will be administered in
one or two states, most likely IL and TX. Administrative records data to validate program
participation from the two survey based estimates are in the process of being obtained.
Following the survey based analyses; validation evaluations will be conducted with these


Field and Moore – Presentation at Event History Calendar Research Conference, December 5-6, 2007

The US Census Bureau is re-engineering the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP)
to accomplish several goals, including reducing burden on respondents, reducing program costs,
improving accuracy, improving timeliness and accessibility, and improving relevance. The main
objective of the SIPP has been to provide accurate and comprehensive information about the
income and program participation of individuals and households in the United States. The
survey’s mission is to provide a nationally representative sample for evaluating: 1) annual and
sub-annual income dynamics, 2) movements into and out of government transfer programs, 3)
family and social context of individuals and households, and 4) interactions among these items.
The survey re-engineering of SIPP pursues these objectives in the context of several goals - cost
reduction and improved accuracy, relevance, timeliness, and accessibility. The SIPP collects
detailed information on cash and non-cash income (including participation in government
transfer programs) three times a year, and detailed data on taxes, assets, and liabilities are
collected annually. A major use of the SIPP has been to evaluate the use of and eligibility for
government programs and to analyze the impacts of options for modifying them.
A key component of the re-engineering process involves the proposed shift from the every-fourmonth data collection schedule of traditional SIPP to annual data collection in the re-engineered
survey. To accomplish this shift with minimal harm to data quality, the Census Bureau proposes
to employ event history calendar (EHC) methods to gather SIPP data (Fields and Callegaro,
2007). Belli (1998) provides a strong theoretical rationale for the use of EHC methods, and their
likely superiority to more traditional survey instruments using a standard question-by-question
approach. Most existing EHC evaluations are consistent with the hypothesis of improved data
quality – by improvements in the ability of respondents to integrate memory across topic areas,
and retrieve related information in a more natural autobiographical manner. The research base is
somewhat limited in terms of strong quantitative evaluations of theory-based predictions. Most
studies have focused on the use of comparable survey recall periods and evaluated strictly the
survey method. Thus, concern lingers about the data quality implications for the topics covered
in SIPP of the shift from a four-month recall period to a one-year recall period.
The event history calendar (EHC) is a survey methodology that has been successfully employed
since the 1960’s to assist interviewers in collecting detailed data with long recall periods (Belli,
1998; Belli, Shay, and Stafford, 2001; Callegaro 2007). Although never implemented as a
production instrument the Census Bureau and SIPP researchers have experience with EHC
instruments. In the late 1980’s an EHC was field tested with SIPP in the Chicago region
(Kominski, 1990). In the end this test was not implemented as a production component because
there were too many concomitant changes required to integrate it into the program. In the late
1990’s, EHC instruments began to be developed as electronic instruments, significantly easing
some of the issues associated with retrieving and coding the data collected with this tool.


Field and Moore – Presentation at Event History Calendar Research Conference, December 5-6, 2007

The EHC methodology helps interviewers and respondents by allowing recall of information in a
more natural “autobiographical” manner. Each spell can happen before, after, or at the same
time as another spell. For example, a residence change can and in many cases occurs
contemporaneously with a change in employment. The entire process of compiling the calendar
focuses, by its nature, on coherence, consistency, sequential order, and attempts to correct for
missing data (Belli, 1998). By coherence, it is intended that some events are less likely to occur
together, such as having three jobs at the same time. Although that might be the case, it is also
possible that the respondent made a mistake in the location of the jobs in time. The calendar
instrument visualizes better than a traditional question-list instrument events in the time line
suggesting possible inconsistencies. The sequential nature of the EHC is revealed by the fact that
an event should happen after the preceding one and before the following one. For example if the
respondents are unemployed, they will then look for a job, and when found, become employed.
The time line also highlights to the interviewer missing data in a more prominent way than a
traditional question-list. This is because each event in a time line should be adjacent to another
event without any time unaccounted for (something must have happened in each time frame). In
case of time unaccounted for, the interviewer can probe to investigate what happened in that time
Event history calendar instruments have been evaluated on numerous occasions most involve
comparison with a previously collected questionnaire administered to the same respondents
(Freedman, et al. 1988; Caspi, et al. 1996; Ensel, et al. 1996; Belli, Shay, and Stafford, 2001).
While each of these studies utilize reinterview comparisons, and Belli and colleagues (2001)
explicitly designed a test-retest experiment where prior respondents were reinterviewed by two
treatment groups, one with a two year EHC and one with a traditional instrument. The findings
from all of these studies suggest that the EHC methodology yields high levels of agreement with
the earlier data for most domains. Belli and colleagues (2001) find better recall for the same
length recall period using the EHC for most topics and where the EHC was not an improvement
it did not differ from the question-based interview. While AFDC and Food Stamps were among
the categorical topics that did not differ by method, these subjects were not the primary focus of
the survey or of training. The null finding in the PSID study for whether these programs could
be collected better by EHC is one of the reasons the field test research described here is a
necessary decision point for using an EHC based instrument in SIPP. Yoshihama and colleagues
(2005) studied intimate partner violence reporting, and compared the reporting in two samples of
women, one interviewed with traditional interviewing and one with a life history calendar. In
this study there was no reinterview comparison to previous data but an assumption that, given the
sensitive nature of the events and the lifetime perspective, more reported events indicated a more
effective interviewing technique. In this case, the life history calendar provided significantly
higher levels of reporting about intimate partner violence compared with traditional interviewing.
While agreement with a prior data collection, or more reporting of certain events can be a good
indication that the EHC methodology is an improvement over question list collection of events, it


Field and Moore – Presentation at Event History Calendar Research Conference, December 5-6, 2007

is not always a clear indication. More reported events are often treated with skepticism
especially in the case of multi-wave surveys. Since the very beginning, researchers have
considered it almost axiomatic that the amount of change measured between interview waves is
overstated. Collins (1975), for example, speculates that between two-thirds and three-quarters of
the observed change in various employment statistics (as measured in a monthly labor force
survey) were spurious; Polivka and Rothgeb (1993) estimate a similar level of bias. Michaud et
al. (1995) describe apparent change in income across successive survey waves as “grossly
inflated” [p13]; similarly, Lynn and Sala (2006) label the amount of change they observe from
one survey wave to the next in various employment characteristics as “implausibly high” [p8];
see also Cantor and Levin (1991), Hill (1994), Hoogendoorn (2004), and Stanley and Safer
(1997). Recent research also shows that EHC collected data can decrease seam effects between
waves compared with traditional questionnaire interviewing, and also potentially reduce seam
effects between different components of an the same instrument (Callegaro, 2007). Additional
work is needed to evaluate whether additional reductions in seam biases can be realized by
combining dependent interviewing with EHC methodologies.
Other researchers have focused on the other side of the equation – the understatement of change
within an interview wave – sometimes called “constant wave responding” (Martini, 1989; Rips,
Conrad, and Fricker, 2003; Young, 1989). Moore and Marquis (1989), using record check
methods, confirm that both factors – too little change within the reference period of a single
interview, and too much at the seam – operate in concert to produce the seam effect. Kalton and
Miller (1991) offer supporting evidence for that assessment, as does LeMaître (1992).
To help disentangle differences and reach substantiated conclusions about which methodology
captures events appropriately, we have included an additional validation component to determine
the accuracy of both the EHC responses and of the comparison SIPP data. None of the prior
EHC evaluation reinterview studies described above were able to include a validation
component, and none focused explicitly on the types of program related transitions of particular
concern to the SIPP stakeholders. As part of our decision to move toward the collection of SIPP
via an event history calendar, discussed in Fields and Callegaro (2007), it was clear that we
would need to evaluate the EHC methodology for use on traditional SIPP concepts. The
evaluation would place, perhaps, the strongest demands possible on the methodology – could an
EHC with a one-year recall period provide data of comparable quality to that from production
SIPP interviews with repeated question based interviews with 4-month recall periods.
Research Plan
This research paper describes the plans for the first SIPP reengineering evaluation and validation
field test. The essential feature of the research is a small-scale field test, in early 2008 of a
prototype EHC questionnaire, covering calendar year 2007, administered to expired 2004 panel
SIPP households who will already have reported about calendar year 2007 via their final three
waves of SIPP interviews (see Figure 1).


Field and Moore – Presentation at Event History Calendar Research Conference, December 5-6, 2007

Figure 1.



































Our analysis will focus on a comparison between the two interviewing methods focusing on the
reporting of key characteristics (e.g., participation in programs, jobs and businesses, health
insurance coverage, school enrollment, and residences), their start and stop dates, and (where
relevant) income amounts. Because little is known about how EHC methods can be put into
practice in the field on a large scale federal survey, the 2008 study will also employ a variety of
additional evaluations – interviewer and respondent debriefings, observations, analyses of
recorded interviews, and training evaluations – directed toward a better understanding of the
EHC interview process. The qualitative information gained from these observations will help to
refine the training and identify problems that will need to be addressed before the 2009 dress
rehearsal is fielded. We also hope that these qualitative methods can be useful in understanding
any differences in the quantitative data collected by the EHC from the comparison data. These

Field and Moore – Presentation at Event History Calendar Research Conference, December 5-6, 2007

evaluations will help to differentiate procedural issues that can be corrected through training
from inadequacies in the instrument or methodology.
Subject to available funding, the field test will be limited to one or two states, Illinois (IL),
Maryland (MD) and/or Texas (TX) are the possible states considered for this test. These states
were chosen for ease of administration and, primarily to facilitate the use of administrative
record data for a more rigorous data quality validation assessment for selected characteristics.
These states are ideal test areas for this evaluation, with diverse populations and interviewing
situations. There are sufficient cases from SIPP 2004 in these areas and there is solid
groundwork in place to establish the necessary agreements to utilize administrative records in the
validation step to the analysis. Table 1 presents the current households available to be
interviewed in each area (and Maryland), and identifies them as continuing (Wave 10)
households or sample-cut (Wave 8) households. If on average there are two adult respondents
per household, interviewing about 1,000 households will generate nearly 2,000 individual EHC
records for analysis. About half the available households are in the Wave 10 (reinterview
sample), which would be the base for the evaluation comparing the EHC responses to their SIPP
2004 responses. The cases in Texas are a metropolitan subset of all the 2004 SIPP cases in
Texas. We chose to focus on respondents in metropolitan areas to maximize the program cases
available for evaluation and create a more cost efficient sample in Texas.
Table 1. 2008 Field Test -- Approximate Number of Available Cases
SIPP 2004 Available Cases (1)
Total households
Wave 10 completed households
Wave 8 reduced households




Source: Survey of Income and Program Participation - 2008 Re-engineering field test 1.
Notes: (1) Households were selected for interview in the field test from those completing interviews through
Wave 10 in Illinois and in four metropolitan areas of Texas.
(2) If a selected address interviewed for the Event History Calendar test does not include any SIPP
2004 respondents we will utilize the cases as a type of 'un-primed' replacement households.

Additionally, this test will provide these regional offices, their management, and field
representatives with experience with the EHC survey methodology. This experience will be
invaluable as we transfer what we learn about training interviewers on this first field test EHC to
more regional offices for the full 2009 dress rehearsal.
There are several fundamental assumptions that need to be discussed as we move forward with
the plans for the analysis of the reinterview and validation field test:


Field and Moore – Presentation at Event History Calendar Research Conference, December 5-6, 2007

1. We assume that the results from a paper questionnaire with minimal content can be
generalized to an automated EHC questionnaire with full content. There are limited ways
that we can control the experiment to ensure that this assumption is upheld.
2. We assume that the results from continuing SIPP respondents are generalizable to
respondents who would be new respondents in a new panel with no prior SIPP
experience. As with any reinterview study, this assumption is key. Additionally, because
2007 is at the end of a long SIPP panel the comparison group also has a significant
amount of experience with the SIPP instrument and SIPP topics, these are about as well
trained as any survey respondents could be. Unlike the Belli et al. (2001) study, there
was never any intent to replace the four-month SIPP with a twelve-month question list
instrument, and as such, the split sample reinterview experiment design was not directly
3. We assume that the lessons learned and materials developed for training interviewers to
administer the EHC 2008 field test can be adapted and improved for the 2009 dress
rehearsal and then again for production SIPP. Further we assume that we will be
successful in training the Census Bureau’s field staff to administer an EHC instrument
and develop the necessary probing and cueing techniques required to record high quality
EHC data.
4. We assume that the results from a survey in limited areas and among a non-representative
sample are generalizable to a national sample. We assume that the biases incurred due to
non-response (through differential attrition and sample aging) in the source SIPP
households can be described and as these issues do not preclude use of the later waves of
SIPP, they do not invalidate the study findings based on these available SIPP households.
5. We do not assume that a difference between a SIPP and EHC estimate, or differential
reporting of a status/transition indicates which method is more accurate. The validation
activities will help to reconcile those questions. The first evaluation component is to
describe the differences and levels of agreement on a number of dimensions. Issues
related to seam bias and changing respondents are potential causes for erroneously high
transitions in SIPP that could lead to false conclusions in a more is better framework for
One aspect of the study design is the fact that the SIPP respondents’ EHC reports will be
“primed” by having just completed three waves of SIPP interviews covering the same time
period. Certainly, the experience of having been SIPP respondents will predispose these
respondents to being able to accurately recall they type of information we have included in this
test, just as their experience answering SIPP for the past three years improves their ability to
navigate the complicated concepts in the SIPP instrument. This “priming” would be a significant
problem if there were no plan to evaluate its effect. However, this study will yield data about the


Field and Moore – Presentation at Event History Calendar Research Conference, December 5-6, 2007

effects of such priming by including all the available SIPP cases from the same states that, in a
budget-cutting exercise, were dropped from the SIPP sample after wave 8, and thus who will not
have previously reported about calendar year 2007 (less primed than our reinterview cases).
This field test and evaluation is being designed to address several specific measurement and
survey administration issues. The design of this study is comparative, SIPP vs. EHC (primed),
and EHC (primed) vs. EHC (un-primed). While developing a plan for re-engineering SIPP and
determining the revised survey content, the Census Bureau conducted numerous stakeholder
briefings and meetings. During the course of these meetings one of the more common concerns
that was raised was whether the proposed EHC would be able to measure program participation
as well as the current SIPP design. A primary concern is that the cost savings generated by
reducing the number of interviews to one per year rather than three would come at too high a
cost in terms of data quality – especially in the context of program participation. The schedule of
field test activities is represented in Figure 2. This paper represents the planning and status of
the 2008 field test project as of September of 2007. The paper instrument and training materials
are still in development and not able to be included in this paper at this time. The instrument,
still in revision, will be available by the end of 2007 so that training materials and training
sessions can be completed in early 2008. Subject to available funding, the field administration of
this test will likely begin in March or April of 2008. This will allow time for field activities and
training for the 2008 panel of the SIPP to be started before this test is administered.


Field and Moore – Presentation at Event History Calendar Research Conference, December 5-6, 2007

The first comparison that we will be making is simply to assess the recording of events in EHC
vis-à-vis the SIPP control data (SIPP vs. EHC (primed)). Responses to the 12-month EHC will
be compared with the same respondents’ SIPP interview reports covering the same calendar year.
Missed events in one or the other interview method are likely evidence of reduced data quality.
The events being evaluated include (Key SIPP Variables Involved – Public Use Names):






Workers Insurance Programs (ER05, ER06, ER10, ER14, EUECTYP5,
Social Security (RCUOWN01, RCUTYP01, ER01A, ER01K, T01AMTA,
Social Welfare Programs (RCUOWN03, RCUOWN04, RCUOWN25,

The recording of these events will be evaluated based at multiple levels of agreement. Using
unweighted distributions of reporting for the same time period each household with events
recorded via both SIPP 2004 and the EHC test will be evaluated for consistency on a month-bymonth basis for each domain (1). Reports recorded in a monthly two-by-two table will show
consistency and over/underreporting.


Field and Moore – Presentation at Event History Calendar Research Conference, December 5-6, 2007


2x2 Report Consistency Tables
SIPP/EHC Report Consistency
in [MONTH] for


if b = c:
if b > c:
if b < c:





equivalent data quality
“underreporting” in SIPP, relative to EHC
“underreporting” in EHC, relative to SIPP

As outlined above, the data quality analyses will focus on the measurement and repeat
measurement of respondents’ events in both the SIPP and the EHC for calendar year 2007. By
generating these tables for each month of the reference period we will be able to determine if the
level of underreporting in the EHC is greater than in the SIPP for the first and second third of the
reference period relative to the last third (the longer recall periods where the EHC is expected to
suffer relative to the SIPP). In addition to these two-by-two tables measuring exact monthly
correspondence, we will also broaden the agreement to +/- 1 month from an exact match and
examine the occurrence and timing of events with the following categorical variables. These
will be constructed by domain and examined for the whole time period as well as for sections of
the reference period. The percent distribution by domain in these outcome variables will be
evaluated to determine where differences occur and in which direction (greater or lesser
reporting of events in SIPP versus the EHC).
OCCUR (All cases)
1. Spell in both SIPP and EHC
Spell in SIPP not EHC
Spell in EHC not SIPP
4. No spell in SIPP or EHC
TIMING (Cases with spells in both SIPP and EHC)
SIPP and EHC agreement on month
SIPP and EHC 1 month difference in incidence month
SIPP and EHC 2-4 months difference in incidence month
Spell in both SIPP and EHC more than 4 months difference in timing
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Field and Moore – Presentation at Event History Calendar Research Conference, December 5-6, 2007

Other data quality differences may be suggested by the quality of the distributions of spell
transitions across calendar months. This phase of the analysis will compare the levels and
patterns recorded in each of the three interview components: SIPP 2004, EHC (primed), and
EHC (un-primed). Comparison of the data recorded from the two groups of EHC respondents
will provide a way to examine the effect of priming introduced due to the re-interview design.
There will be respondents in the un-primed group that will have some baseline data – allowing
background patterns of program receipt to be used in the evaluation of this group’s data as well.
We will focus analyses for each domain on the relative timing during the calendar year of events.
This will allow us to address concerns that the reporting of events degrades with a longer recall
period. As described, the EHC is a tool to aid in recall and improve consistency over topical
domains. If successful the EHC will not substantially underreport events at the beginning of the
year relative to the reporting of events at the middle or end of the year. To evaluate this, we will
be considering the distributions of events over the thirds of the year. Due to the rotational nature
of the SIPP sample these thirds will not easily overlay the waves in the SIPP, but SIPP events
and distributions can be no more than 4 months from the interview, and will still provide a good
comparison even though the each third of the EHC reference year will overlap waves and
reference months in the SIPP data (see Figure 1 above).
The second avenue of comparison will be to evaluate report consistency for the total calendar
months of participation or coverage in each topic area. To evaluate the duration and prevalence
we will compare 13x13 tables (2) in which rows correspond to the number of months in calendar
2007 with a “yes” on a variable such as unemployment insurance or social security receipt in the
EHC, columns correspond to the same measure from the SIPP 2004 panel data, and cells in the
table contain the number of interviews falling in that (months in SIPP, months in EHC) cell. If
EHC reproduces SIPP perfectly, only the diagonal cells will have non-zero entries. If it does not,
such a table may help to illuminate the patterns of bias. As with the previously described tables
we plan to disaggregate these distributional comparisons (percent TANF, percent food stamps,
etc.) by 4-month period, as another means of examining possible biases caused by the longer
EHC recall period.

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Field and Moore – Presentation at Event History Calendar Research Conference, December 5-6, 2007

(2) Report Consistency for Total Months of Participation/Coverage
SIPP/EHC Report Consistency for Total Months of Participation/Coverage in 2007
















entries equally distributed above and below the diagonal: equivalent data quality
entries clustered above the diagonal: “underreporting” in EHC, relative to SIPP
entries clustered below the diagonal: “underreporting” in SIPP, relative to EHC

ALSO compute separately for:


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(score 0-5) (early)
(score 0-5) (middle)
(score 0-5) (late)

Field and Moore – Presentation at Event History Calendar Research Conference, December 5-6, 2007

We are careful not to identify our results in terms of better or worse for most of these
comparisons. Events that occur in SIPP on seams may be erroneous; certainly the timing of
these events is suspect if they are concentrated on seams. For most of the analyses we will focus
on unedited SIPP 2004 data for comparability with the EHC data, which also will be unedited.
Seam and non-seam transitions will be evaluated as well. With the analysis table (3) below we
examine the transition rates for seam months, separately from non-seam months and compare
both with transitions observed in data collected with the EHC.
(3) Month-to-Month Transition Rates in 2007 (Selected Calendar Month-Pairs Waves 10/11/12)
among SIPP Seam Cases, SIPP Off-Seam Cases, and EHC Cases.
CY 2007
Interviewed Seam
Month-Pair Rotations
r1 (w10/11) r2 (w10), r3 (w10), r4 (w10)
r2 (w10/11) r1 (w11), r3 (w10), r4 (w10)
r3 (w10/11) r1 (w11), r2 (w11), r4 (w10)
r4 (w10/11) r1 (w11), r2 (w11), r3 (w11)
r1 (w11/12) r2 (w11), r3 (w11), r4 (w11)
r2 (w11/12) r1 (w12), r3 (w11), r4 (w11)
r3 (w11/12) r1 (w12), r2 (w12), r4 (w11)
r4 (w11/12) r1 (w12), r2 (w12), r3 (w12)
(Note: The final three month-pairs of 2007 are not available for this analysis.)
r2, r3, r4
r2 (w12), r3 (w12), r4 (w12)
r3, r4
r3 (w12), r4 (w12)
r4 (w12)
Month-to-Month Transition Rates in 2007 (Selected Calendar Month-Pairs)
among SIPP Seam Cases, SIPP Off-Seam Cases, and EHC Cases for








SIPP - Seam Cases
SIPP - Off-Seam Cases
An additional source for potentially erroneous transitions is the SIPP edit process. Many topic
areas are edited within the wave they are collected without respect for the prior reports. Changes
in respondent or missing waves of data can generate transitions separately from those reported,
often these occur on the seam but in many cases the edit process assigns them to months during
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the reference period. This is another reason that we will focus on the unedited data when
comparing the occurrence of transitions between these two data collection instruments.
Distributional characteristics, such as the percent with TANF, Food Stamps, Medicare, Working,
Enrolled, and with Health Insurance coverage from the EHC will be compared to the same
distributions from SIPP. This component of the analysis will begin to inform us about the work
that will be necessary in bridging estimates produced via the two data collection systems. We
will produce indices of dissimilarity, indicating how much one distribution would have to be
adjusted to mirror the other. These distributional comparisons will also be done for the different
portions of the reference year separately to add to the evaluation of the possible degradation in
recall for the early portions of the year in the EHC relative to the SIPP.
The inter-domain consistency will be evaluated to determine the relative timing of events across
topics. We expect the EHC will significantly improve the consistency across domains, and this
will be analyzed by looking at the correlations between events from different topic domains in
both SIPP and EHC and see which has stronger correlations. Are simultaneous changes across
domains reported consistently in both instruments? The occurrence of simultaneous events will
be evaluated with correlations based on pair-wise comparisons and on factor analysis of events in
different domains.
The validation component of the analysis, where we compare both SIPP 2004 responses and
EHC responses to administrative records depends on reaching the necessary data agreements
with the administrative data sources. The first component of the analysis, re-interview and
comparison of SIPP and EHC data can proceed before the data agreements are finalized.
Substantial groundwork has already been laid to be able to utilize administrative records for
several programs (e.g., TANF, Food Stamps, Medicare, Social Security, SSI, and possibly wage
information). This validation stage of the analysis will occur after the first stage comparisons
due to the added time necessary to obtain and match the necessary administrative records. Once
administrative records are available, programs with comparison data will be added to the
distributional comparisons described above where we can generate them from the records in the
validation component of the analysis. The validation analyses will be key in determining
accuracy among the reported programs. As with any validation exercise, there is the possibility
that a respondent will report receiving benefit or being on a program with no record in the
administrative record – this can occur due to respondent confusion about which program they
receive or lags in the records system. There is also the possibility that a respondent would be
identified as receiving a benefit in the administrative records but fail to report it in the survey
instrument, most likely a situation exemplified by recall error – we would expect this type of
error to be more prevalent in the early portion of the EHC recall period to a greater degree than
in the later portion or in the SIPP.
Additional evaluation methods – respondent debriefings, interviewer debriefings and focus
groups, interview observations, analysis of recorded interviews, etc. – will be directed toward a

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better understanding of the EHC interview process, such as how landmark dates are introduced
and used, the preferred “direction” of reporting, the extent to which events in one domain are
used to pinpoint transitions in another domain, etc.
By including direct comparisons across survey instruments, as well as an administrative-recordbased validation component, this research will be able to add significantly to the literature on
event history calendar survey methodology, especially with respect to validating the SIPP and
EHC reporting of income transfer program receipt and amounts over a calendar year. Results
from the study will also inform the decision of whether to use EHC methods in the re-engineered
SIPP program currently under development at the Census Bureau.
Next Steps
Following the 2008 paper instrument evaluation, (assuming a positive outcome) a broad dressrehearsal evaluation of the new electronic EHC instrument being designed for the re-engineered
SIPP for possible administration in September 2009. The results from the 2008 EHC evaluation
will be used to refine training procedures and make necessary adjustments to the new computer
assisted personal interview (CAPI) EHC being prepared for the dress rehearsal.
The planning and instrument development for the 2009 re-engineered SIPP dress rehearsal is
well underway. The survey is scheduled to be administered in September – the earliest possible
administration window for the dress rehearsal. It will collect information about jobs, programs,
health insurance and demographics for the 2008 calendar year. The dress rehearsal will
implement the lessons learned in developing field procedures for the 2008 EHC evaluation and
extend field implementation to each of the Regional Offices for this national test. The 2009
dress rehearsal instrument will be evaluated in several domains including field implementation
issues and data comparability vis-à-vis SIPP 2008 and administrative records. The
administration of the 2009 dress rehearsal in September is not ideal, but is the earliest in 2009
that the instrument can be ready for implementation. The production implementation of an EHC
in the re-engineered SIPP would be during the early part of the calendar year to minimize the
length of recall in the reporting of data for the prior calendar year. Results from both the 2008
evaluation and the 2009 dress rehearsal will be used to make final decisions regarding the design
and implementation of the re-engineered SIPP for production in 2011 or 2012.

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Field and Moore – Presentation at Event History Calendar Research Conference, December 5-6, 2007

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDescription of plans for a SIPP calendar validation study:
File Modified2007-11-26
File Created2007-11-26

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