Cognitive Research on Experimental CPS Health Insurance Questions

Generic Clearence for Questionnaire Pretesting Research


Cognitive Research on Experimental CPS Health Insurance Questions

OMB: 0607-0725

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Experimental CPS Health Insurance Questions

February 7, 2008

NOTE: This routine assumes interviewing is being conducted in March, 2008. Three types of outcome variables would be created (all indicated in red):

(1) current: indicates current coverage by plan type

(2) monthly: a set of 12 variables to indicate coverage in each month of 2007 by plan type

(3) year: a yes/no variable to indicate coverage at some point during 2007 (this would replicate the current CPS indicator of coverage “at any time” during the calendar year).

1. [For Person 1: These next questions are about health insurance coverage. First I’d like to ask you about yourself./For Persons 2+: Next I’d like to ask you about NAME] => CK1


  • if 65+ or disabled => 2

  • else go to 3

2. Are you covered by Medicare?

Yes => Medicare loop then => X=14

No => 3

3. Do you have any type of health coverage or health plan?

Yes => 7

No => 4

4. Are you covered by Medicaid, [Medicaid state name], [SCHIP state name if appropriate], Medical Assistance, or any other kind of government assistance program that helps pay for health care?

Yes => Public Coverage loop => X=14

No => CK2


  • If Q2 was asked go to Q6

  • else go to Q5

5. Are you covered by Medicare?

Yes => Medicare loop then => X=14

No => 6

6. Are you covered by [this is a place-holder, to be specified after further discussion on plans typically underreported. This is also where we may add state-specific plan names.]?

Yes => Public Coverage loop then => X=14

No => 15

7. Is that coverage provided through an employer or union, the government, or some other way?

PROBE: If this coverage is provided through employment with the government or the military, consider that coverage through a job.

PROBE: “Employer/union” coverage includes coverage from someone’s own employer or union as well as coverage from a spouse’s or parent’s employer or union. It also includes former employers and unions.


Employer, union or business (current or former) => Employer loop then => X=CK3

Government => 8

Other => 13



  • If “government” was selected in Q7 go to Q8

  • else if “other” was selected in Q7 go to Q13

  • else go to Q14

8. Is this coverage related to a job with the government?

Yes => 10

No => 9

9. (ASK OR VERIFY): What type of government plan is it – Medicare, Medicaid or Medical Assistance, [Medicaid state name], [SCHIP state name], military or VA coverage, or something else?

READ IF NECESSARY: Medicare is for people 65 years old and older or people with certain disabilities; Medicaid is for low-income families, disabled and elderly people who require nursing home care; and [fill SCHIP state name] is for low-income families and children.


Medicare => Medicare loop then => X=CK4

Medicaid or Medical Assistance or [state Medicaid name] => Public Coverage loop then => X=CK4

[SCHIP state name] => Public Coverage loop then => X=CK4

Military or VA => 11

Other => 12

10. (ASK OR VERIFY): Is this plan related to military service in any way?

Yes => 11

No => Employer loop then => X=CK4

11. (ASK OR VERIFY): Which plan are you covered by? Is it TRICARE, CHAMPVA, VA, military health care, or something else?




Military health care

Other (specify)

=> Military loop then => X=CK4

12. Is this a government assistance-type plan?

Yes => Public Coverage loop then => X=CK4

No => Other loop then => X=CK4


  • if “other” was selected in Q7 go to Q13

  • else go to Q14

13. [Earlier you reported coverage through another plan.] How is that coverage provided? Is it through...

A parent or other relative => Directly-purchased loop then => X=14

A college, university or school => Directly-purchased loop then => X=14

Direct purchase from the insurance company or a trade association => Directly-purchased loop then => X=14

Or some other way? => Other loop then => X=14

=> 14

14. Other than the plans we have already talked about, are you also covered by any other type of health care or health plan?

Yes => [repeat Qs 7-14 until answer to Q14 is “no”]

No => 16

15. OK, I have recorded that you are not covered by any kind of health plan or health care. Is that correct?

Yes (not covered) => 16

No (covered) => 7

16. How about during 2007? (Other than the plans we already talked about) Were you covered by any (other) kind of health plan or health care at any time during 2007?

Yes => 7-14 loop (but questions should be asked in the past tense)

No => CK5


  • If there are more household members who have not been asked about yet => CK6

  • else end


  • If next person was reported as having coverage (now or during 2007) during the course of any previous person’s interview => 17 for Person 2+

  • else => 1for Person 2+

17. Now I’d like to ask you about [PERSON 2+]. Other than the [plan(s)] coverage you reported earlier, does [PERSON 2+] have any other type of health coverage or health plan?

Yes => 7-14 loop

No => 16

Note: The “X” in Qs 1-17 and in the plan type loops are not fixed item numbers because the skip depends on which question (1-17) was asked that got the respondent into one of these loops. Refer to the item (1-17) that led the respondent in to the loop in order to determine which item that “X” represents.

Plan Type Loops


1. In what year did that coverage start?

This year (2008) => store Medicare current = Y then => 6

Last year (2007) => store Medicare year = Y then => 3

Before last year (2006 or before) => 4

DK => 2

Refused => 2

2. Was it before or after the new year (that is, before or after January 1, 2008)?

Before January 1, 2008 => 3

On or after January 1, 2008 => store Medicare current = Y then => 6

DK => store Medicare year = DK and Medicare current = Y then => 8

Refused => store Medicare year = REF and Medicare current = Y then => 8

3. In what month did that coverage start?

Month [1-12] => 4

DK, Not sure => store Medicare year = Y and Medicare current = Y then => 8

Refused => store Medicare year = Y and Medicare current = Y then => 8

4. And was it continuous since then?

Yes =>

  • if routed here from Q1 store Medicare in all months 1-12 and Medicare current = Y and Medicare year = Y then => 8;

  • if routed here from Q3 store Medicare in months selected in Q3 and Medicare current = Y and Medicare year = Y then => 6

No => 5

5. In what month did this most recent spell of coverage start?

Month [1-12] => store Medicare in selected months and Medicare current = Y and Medicare year = Y then => 6

DK, Not sure => if Medicare year not yet filled store Medicare year = DK and Medicare current = Y then => 8

Refused => if Medicare year not yet filled store Medicare year = REF and Medicare current = Y then => 8

6. And were there any other months in 2007 that you were covered by Medicare?

Yes => 7

No => 8

7. What months in 2007 were you covered by Medicare?

Month [1-12] => store Medicare in selected months then => 8

DK, Not sure => 8

Refused => 8

8. Is anyone else within this household also covered by Medicare? [display household roster]

Yes => 9

No => X

9. Who? (Who else is covered by Medicare)? [display household roster]

=> 10

10. And [was NAME/were NAMES] covered during the same time period as you were?

Yes, all were covered during same time => store respondent’s coverage indicators in NAME(S) record(s) then => X

No => ask Q1-7 for each person selected in Q9 then => X

Public Coverage

Note: “Pubcov” is a placeholder for the type of coverage selected in Q9 (Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP or “other government assistance-type plan” (if “other” was selected in Q9 and Q12 = yes)).

1. In what year did that coverage start?

This year (2008) => store Pubcov current = Y then => 6

Last year (2007) => store Pubcov year = Y then => 3

Before last year (2006 or before) => 4

DK => 2

Refused => 2

2. Was it before or after the new year (that is, before or after January 1, 2008)?

Before January 1, 2008 => 3

On or after January 1, 2008 => store Pubcov current = Y then => 6

DK => store Pubcov year = DK and Pubcov current = Y then => 8

Refused => store Pubcov year = REF and Pubcov current = Y then => 8

3. In what month did that coverage start?

Month [1-12] => 4

DK, Not sure => store Pubcov year = Y and Pubcov current = Y then => 8

Refused => store Pubcov year = Y and Pubcov current = Y then => 8

4. And was it continuous since then?

Yes =>

  • if routed here from Q1 store Pubcov in all months 1-12 and Pubcov current = Y and Pubcov year = Y then => 8;

  • if routed here from Q3 store Pubcov in months selected in Q3 and Pubcov current = Y and Pubcov year = Y then => 6

No => 5

5. In what month did this most recent spell of coverage start?

Month [1-12] => store Pubcov in selected months and Pubcov current = Y and Pubcov year = Y then => 6

DK, Not sure => if Pubcov year not yet filled store Pubcov year = DK and Pubcov current = Y then => 8

Refused => if Pubcov year not yet filled store Pubcov year = REF and Pubcov current = Y then => 8

6. And were there any other months in 2007 that you were covered by [fill Pubcov plan type]?

Yes => 7

No => 8

7. What months in 2007 were you covered by [fill Pubcov plan type]?

Month [1-12] => store Pubcov in selected months then => 8

DK, Not sure => 8

Refused => 8

8. Is anyone else within this household also covered by [fill Pubcov plan type]? [display household roster]

Yes => 9

No => X

9. Who? (Who else is covered by [fill Pubcov plan type])? [display household roster]

=> 10

10. And [was NAME/were NAMES] covered during the same time period as you were?

Yes, all were covered during same time => store respondent’s coverage indicators in NAME(S) record(s) then => X

No => ask Q1-7 for each person selected in Q9 then => X

Employer-sponsored Coverage

1. In what year did that coverage start?

FR NOTE: By “that coverage” we mean any coverage through an employer. If the respondent switched plans that his/her employer offered, or even changed employers, we still consider this all the same coverage.

This year (2008) => store Employer current = Y then => 6

Last year (2007) => store Employer year = Y then => 3

Before last year (2006 or before) => 4

DK => 2

Refused => 2

2. Was it before or after the new year (that is, before or after January 1, 2008)?

Before January 1, 2008 => 3

On or after January 1, 2008 => store Employer current = Y then => 6

DK => store Employer year = DK and Employer current = Y then => 8

Refused => store Employer year = REF and Employer current = Y then => 8

3. In what month did that coverage start?

Month [1-12] => 4

DK, Not sure => store Employer year = Y and Employer current = Y then => 8

Refused => store Employer year = Y and Employer current = Y then => 8

4. And was it continuous since then?

Yes =>

  • if routed here from Q1 store Employer in all months 1-12 and Employer current = Y and Employer year = Y then => 8;

  • if routed here from Q3 store Employer in months selected in Q3 and Employer current = Y and Employer year = Y then => 6

No => 5

5. In what month did this most recent spell of coverage start?

Month [1-12] => store Employer in selected months and Employer current = Y and Employer year = Y then => 6

DK, Not sure => if Employer year not yet filled store Employer year = DK and Employer current = Y then => 8

Refused => if Employer year not yet filled store Employer year = REF and Employer current = Y then => 8

6. And were there any other months in 2007 that you were covered by an employer-sponsored health plan?

Yes => 7

No => 8

7. What months in 2007 were you covered by an employer-sponsored health plan?

Month [1-12] => store Employer in selected months then => 8

DK, Not sure => 8

Refused => 8

8. Is anyone else within this household also covered by [if routed from Q4 fill: that employer-sponsored plan/if routed from Q5,6 or 7 fill: the same employer-sponsored health plan that you are now covered by]? [display household roster]

Yes => 9

No => X

9. Who? (Who else is covered by that employer-sponsored plan)? [display household roster]

=> 10

10. And who is the policyholder? [display household roster; include response category for “Someone outside household”]

  • store Employer-sponsored policyholder for person selected

  • store Employer-sponsored dependent for person(s) selected in Q9 but not selected in Q10

=> X

11. And [was NAME/were NAMES] covered during the same time period as you were?

Yes, all were covered during same time => store respondent’s coverage indicators in NAME(S) record(s) then => X

No => ask Q1-7 for each person selected in Q9 then => X

Directly-Purchased Coverage

1. In what year did that coverage start?

FR NOTE: By “that coverage” we mean any coverage directly purchased from an insurance company. If the respondent switched plans but they were all purchased directly, we still consider this the same coverage.

This year (2008) => store Direct current = Y then => 6

Last year (2007) => store Direct year = Y then => 3

Before last year (2006 or before) => 4

DK => 2

Refused => 2

2. Was it before or after the new year (that is, before or after January 1, 2008)?

Before January 1, 2008 => 3

On or after January 1, 2008 => store Direct current = Y then => 6

DK => store Direct year = DK and Direct current = Y then => 8

Refused => store Direct year = REF and Direct current = Y then => 8

3. In what month did that coverage start?

Month [1-12] => 4

DK, Not sure => store Direct year = Y and Direct current = Y then => 8

Refused => store Direct year = Y and Direct current = Y then => 8

4. And was it continuous since then?

Yes =>

  • if routed here from Q1 store Direct in all months 1-12 and Direct current = Y and Direct year = Y then => 8;

  • if routed here from Q3 store Direct in months selected in Q3 and Direct current = Y and Direct year = Y then => 6

No => 5

5. In what month did this most recent spell of coverage start?

Month [1-12] => store Direct in selected months and Direct current = Y and Direct year = Y then => 6

DK, Not sure => if Direct year not yet filled store Direct year = DK and Direct current = Y then => 8

Refused => if Direct year not yet filled store Direct year = REF and Direct current = Y then => 8

6. And were there any other months in 2007 that you were covered by a plan purchased directly from the insurance company?

Yes => 7

No => 8

7. What months in 2007 were you covered by a plan purchased directly from the insurance company?

Month [1-12] => store Direct in selected months then => 8

DK, Not sure => 8

Refused => 8

8. Is anyone else within this household also covered by [if routed from Q4 fill: that directly-purchased plan/if routed from Q5,6 or 7 fill: the same directly-purchased health plan that you are now covered by]? [display household roster]

Yes => 9

No => X

9. Who? (Who else is covered by that directly-purchased plan)? [display household roster]

=> 10

10. And who is the policyholder? [display household roster; include response category for “Someone outside household”]

  • store Direct-purchased policyholder for person selected

  • store Direct-purchased dependent for person(s) selected in Q9 but not selected in Q10

=> X

11. And [was NAME/were NAMES] covered during the same time period as you were?

Yes, all were covered during same time => store respondent’s coverage indicators in NAME(S) record(s) then => X

No => ask Q1-7 for each person selected in Q9 then => X

Military Coverage

1. In what year did that coverage start?

FR NOTE: By “that coverage” we mean any coverage through the military. If the respondent switched plans offered by the military we still consider this all the same coverage.

This year (2008) => store Military current = Y then => 6

Last year (2007) => store Military year = Y then => 3

Before last year (2006 or before) => 4

DK => 2

Refused => 2

2. Was it before or after the new year (that is, before or after January 1, 2008)?

Before January 1, 2008 => 3

On or after January 1, 2008 => store Military current = Y then => 6

DK => store Military year = DK and Military current = Y then => 8

Refused => store Military year = REF and Military current = Y then => 8

3. In what month did that coverage start?

Month [1-12] => 4

DK, Not sure => store Military year = Y and Military current = Y then => 8

Refused => store Military year = Y and Military current = Y then => 8

4. And was it continuous since then?

Yes =>

  • if routed here from Q1 store Military in all months 1-12 and Military current = Y and Military year = Y then => 8;

  • if routed here from Q3 store Military in months selected in Q3 and Military current = Y and Military year = Y then => 6

No => 5

5. In what month did this most recent spell of coverage start?

Month [1-12] => store Military in selected months and Military current = Y and Military year = Y then => 6

DK, Not sure => if Military year not yet filled store Military year = DK and Military current = Y then => 8

Refused => if Military year not yet filled store Military year = REF and Military current = Y then => 8

6. And were there any other months in 2007 that you were covered by a military plan?

Yes => 7

No => 8

7. What months in 2007 were you covered by a military plan?

Month [1-12] => store Military in selected months then => 8

DK, Not sure => 8

Refused => 8

8. Is anyone else within this household also covered by a military plan? [display household roster]

Yes => 9

No => X

9. Who? (Who else is covered by a military plan)? [display household roster]

=> 10

10. And [was NAME/were NAMES] covered during the same time period as you were?

Yes, all were covered during same time => store respondent’s coverage indicators in NAME(S) record(s) then => X

No => ask Q1-7 for each person selected in Q9 then => X

Other Coverage

1. In what year did that coverage start?

This year (2008) => store Other current = Y then => 6

Last year (2007) => store Other year = Y then => 3

Before last year (2006 or before) => 4

DK => 2

Refused => 2

2. Was it before or after the new year (that is, before or after January 1, 2008)?

Before January 1, 2008 => 3

On or after January 1, 2008 => store Other current = Y then => 6

DK => store Other year = DK and Other current = Y then => 8

Refused => store Other year = REF and Other current = Y then => 8

3. In what month did that coverage start?

Month [1-12] => 4

DK, Not sure => store Other year = Y and Other current = Y then => 8

Refused => store Other year = Y and Other current = Y then => 8

4. And was it continuous since then?

Yes =>

  • if routed here from Q1 store Other in all months 1-12 and Other current = Y and Other year = Y then => 8;

  • if routed here from Q3 store Other in months selected in Q3 and Other current = Y and Other year = Y then => 6

No => 5

5. In what month did this most recent spell of coverage start?

Month [1-12] => store Other in selected months and Other current = Y and Other year = Y then => 6

DK, Not sure => if Other year not yet filled store Other year = DK and Other current = Y then => 8

Refused => if Other year not yet filled store Other year = REF and Other current = Y then => 8

6. And were there any other months in 2007 that you were covered by some other plan?

Yes => 7

No => 8

7. What months in 2007 were you covered by some other?

Month [1-12] => store Other in selected months then => 8

DK, Not sure => 8

Refused => 8

8. Is anyone else within this household also covered by [if routed from Q4 fill: that other/if routed from Q5,6 or 7 fill: the same health plan that you are now covered by]? [display household roster]

Yes => 9

No => X

9. Who? (Who else is covered by that other plan)? [display household roster]

=> 10

10. And [was NAME/were NAMES] covered during the same time period as you were?

Yes, all were covered during same time => store respondent’s coverage indicators in NAME(S) record(s) then => X

No => ask Q1-7 for each person selected in Q9 then => X

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