Experimental CPS Health Insurance Questions
February 7, 2008
NOTE: This routine assumes interviewing is being conducted in March, 2008. Three types of outcome variables would be created (all indicated in red):
(1) current: indicates current coverage by plan type
(2) monthly: a set of 12 variables to indicate coverage in each month of 2007 by plan type
(3) year: a yes/no variable to indicate coverage at some point during 2007 (this would replicate the current CPS indicator of coverage “at any time” during the calendar year).
1. [For Person 1: These next questions are about health insurance coverage. First I’d like to ask you about yourself./For Persons 2+: Next I’d like to ask you about NAME] => CK1
if 65+ or disabled => 2
else go to 3
2. Are you covered by Medicare?
☐ Yes => Medicare loop then => X=14
☐ No => 3
3. Do you have any type of health coverage or health plan?
☐ Yes => 7
☐ No => 4
4. Are you covered by Medicaid, [Medicaid state name], [SCHIP state name if appropriate], Medical Assistance, or any other kind of government assistance program that helps pay for health care?
☐ Yes => Public Coverage loop => X=14
☐ No => CK2
If Q2 was asked go to Q6
else go to Q5
5. Are you covered by Medicare?
☐ Yes => Medicare loop then => X=14
☐ No => 6
6. Are you covered by [this is a place-holder, to be specified after further discussion on plans typically underreported. This is also where we may add state-specific plan names.]?
☐ Yes => Public Coverage loop then => X=14
☐ No => 15
7. Is that coverage provided through an employer or union, the government, or some other way?
PROBE: If this coverage is provided through employment with the government or the military, consider that coverage through a job.
PROBE: “Employer/union” coverage includes coverage from someone’s own employer or union as well as coverage from a spouse’s or parent’s employer or union. It also includes former employers and unions.
☐ Employer, union or business (current or former) => Employer loop then => X=CK3
☐ Government => 8
☐ Other => 13
If “government” was selected in Q7 go to Q8
else if “other” was selected in Q7 go to Q13
else go to Q14
8. Is this coverage related to a job with the government?
☐ Yes => 10
☐ No => 9
9. (ASK OR VERIFY): What type of government plan is it – Medicare, Medicaid or Medical Assistance, [Medicaid state name], [SCHIP state name], military or VA coverage, or something else?
READ IF NECESSARY: Medicare is for people 65 years old and older or people with certain disabilities; Medicaid is for low-income families, disabled and elderly people who require nursing home care; and [fill SCHIP state name] is for low-income families and children.
☐ Medicare => Medicare loop then => X=CK4
☐ Medicaid or Medical Assistance or [state Medicaid name] => Public Coverage loop then => X=CK4
☐ [SCHIP state name] => Public Coverage loop then => X=CK4
☐ Military or VA => 11
☐ Other => 12
10. (ASK OR VERIFY): Is this plan related to military service in any way?
☐ Yes => 11
☐ No => Employer loop then => X=CK4
11. (ASK OR VERIFY): Which plan are you covered by? Is it TRICARE, CHAMPVA, VA, military health care, or something else?
☐ VA
☐ Military health care
☐ Other (specify)
=> Military loop then => X=CK4
12. Is this a government assistance-type plan?
☐ Yes => Public Coverage loop then => X=CK4
☐ No => Other loop then => X=CK4
if “other” was selected in Q7 go to Q13
else go to Q14
13. [Earlier you reported coverage through another plan.] How is that coverage provided? Is it through...
☐ A parent or other relative => Directly-purchased loop then => X=14
☐ A college, university or school => Directly-purchased loop then => X=14
☐ Direct purchase from the insurance company or a trade association => Directly-purchased loop then => X=14
☐ Or some other way? => Other loop then => X=14
=> 14
14. Other than the plans we have already talked about, are you also covered by any other type of health care or health plan?
☐ Yes => [repeat Qs 7-14 until answer to Q14 is “no”]
☐ No => 16
15. OK, I have recorded that you are not covered by any kind of health plan or health care. Is that correct?
☐ Yes (not covered) => 16
☐ No (covered) => 7
16. How about during 2007? (Other than the plans we already talked about) Were you covered by any (other) kind of health plan or health care at any time during 2007?
☐ Yes => 7-14 loop (but questions should be asked in the past tense)
☐ No => CK5
If there are more household members who have not been asked about yet => CK6
else end
If next person was reported as having coverage (now or during 2007) during the course of any previous person’s interview => 17 for Person 2+
else => 1for Person 2+
17. Now I’d like to ask you about [PERSON 2+]. Other than the [plan(s)] coverage you reported earlier, does [PERSON 2+] have any other type of health coverage or health plan?
☐ Yes => 7-14 loop
☐ No => 16
Note: The “X” in Qs 1-17 and in the plan type loops are not fixed item numbers because the skip depends on which question (1-17) was asked that got the respondent into one of these loops. Refer to the item (1-17) that led the respondent in to the loop in order to determine which item that “X” represents.
Plan Type Loops
1. In what year did that coverage start?
☐ This year (2008) => store Medicare current = Y then => 6
☐ Last year (2007) => store Medicare year = Y then => 3
☐ Before last year (2006 or before) => 4
☐ DK => 2
☐ Refused => 2
2. Was it before or after the new year (that is, before or after January 1, 2008)?
☐ Before January 1, 2008 => 3
☐ On or after January 1, 2008 => store Medicare current = Y then => 6
☐ DK => store Medicare year = DK and Medicare current = Y then => 8
☐ Refused => store Medicare year = REF and Medicare current = Y then => 8
3. In what month did that coverage start?
☐ Month [1-12] => 4
☐ DK, Not sure => store Medicare year = Y and Medicare current = Y then => 8
☐ Refused => store Medicare year = Y and Medicare current = Y then => 8
4. And was it continuous since then?
☐ Yes =>
if routed here from Q1 store Medicare in all months 1-12 and Medicare current = Y and Medicare year = Y then => 8;
if routed here from Q3 store Medicare in months selected in Q3 and Medicare current = Y and Medicare year = Y then => 6
☐ No => 5
5. In what month did this most recent spell of coverage start?
☐ Month [1-12] => store Medicare in selected months and Medicare current = Y and Medicare year = Y then => 6
☐ DK, Not sure => if Medicare year not yet filled store Medicare year = DK and Medicare current = Y then => 8
☐ Refused => if Medicare year not yet filled store Medicare year = REF and Medicare current = Y then => 8
6. And were there any other months in 2007 that you were covered by Medicare?
☐ Yes => 7
☐ No => 8
7. What months in 2007 were you covered by Medicare?
☐ Month [1-12] => store Medicare in selected months then => 8
☐ DK, Not sure => 8
☐ Refused => 8
8. Is anyone else within this household also covered by Medicare? [display household roster]
☐ Yes => 9
☐ No => X
9. Who? (Who else is covered by Medicare)? [display household roster]
=> 10
10. And [was NAME/were NAMES] covered during the same time period as you were?
☐ Yes, all were covered during same time => store respondent’s coverage indicators in NAME(S) record(s) then => X
☐ No => ask Q1-7 for each person selected in Q9 then => X
Public Coverage
Note: “Pubcov” is a placeholder for the type of coverage selected in Q9 (Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP or “other government assistance-type plan” (if “other” was selected in Q9 and Q12 = yes)).
1. In what year did that coverage start?
☐ This year (2008) => store Pubcov current = Y then => 6
☐ Last year (2007) => store Pubcov year = Y then => 3
☐ Before last year (2006 or before) => 4
☐ DK => 2
☐ Refused => 2
2. Was it before or after the new year (that is, before or after January 1, 2008)?
☐ Before January 1, 2008 => 3
☐ On or after January 1, 2008 => store Pubcov current = Y then => 6
☐ DK => store Pubcov year = DK and Pubcov current = Y then => 8
☐ Refused => store Pubcov year = REF and Pubcov current = Y then => 8
3. In what month did that coverage start?
☐ Month [1-12] => 4
☐ DK, Not sure => store Pubcov year = Y and Pubcov current = Y then => 8
☐ Refused => store Pubcov year = Y and Pubcov current = Y then => 8
4. And was it continuous since then?
☐ Yes =>
if routed here from Q1 store Pubcov in all months 1-12 and Pubcov current = Y and Pubcov year = Y then => 8;
if routed here from Q3 store Pubcov in months selected in Q3 and Pubcov current = Y and Pubcov year = Y then => 6
☐ No => 5
5. In what month did this most recent spell of coverage start?
☐ Month [1-12] => store Pubcov in selected months and Pubcov current = Y and Pubcov year = Y then => 6
☐ DK, Not sure => if Pubcov year not yet filled store Pubcov year = DK and Pubcov current = Y then => 8
☐ Refused => if Pubcov year not yet filled store Pubcov year = REF and Pubcov current = Y then => 8
6. And were there any other months in 2007 that you were covered by [fill Pubcov plan type]?
☐ Yes => 7
☐ No => 8
7. What months in 2007 were you covered by [fill Pubcov plan type]?
☐ Month [1-12] => store Pubcov in selected months then => 8
☐ DK, Not sure => 8
☐ Refused => 8
8. Is anyone else within this household also covered by [fill Pubcov plan type]? [display household roster]
☐ Yes => 9
☐ No => X
9. Who? (Who else is covered by [fill Pubcov plan type])? [display household roster]
=> 10
10. And [was NAME/were NAMES] covered during the same time period as you were?
☐ Yes, all were covered during same time => store respondent’s coverage indicators in NAME(S) record(s) then => X
☐ No => ask Q1-7 for each person selected in Q9 then => X
Employer-sponsored Coverage
1. In what year did that coverage start?
FR NOTE: By “that coverage” we mean any coverage through an employer. If the respondent switched plans that his/her employer offered, or even changed employers, we still consider this all the same coverage.
☐ This year (2008) => store Employer current = Y then => 6
☐ Last year (2007) => store Employer year = Y then => 3
☐ Before last year (2006 or before) => 4
☐ DK => 2
☐ Refused => 2
2. Was it before or after the new year (that is, before or after January 1, 2008)?
☐ Before January 1, 2008 => 3
☐ On or after January 1, 2008 => store Employer current = Y then => 6
☐ DK => store Employer year = DK and Employer current = Y then => 8
☐ Refused => store Employer year = REF and Employer current = Y then => 8
3. In what month did that coverage start?
☐ Month [1-12] => 4
☐ DK, Not sure => store Employer year = Y and Employer current = Y then => 8
☐ Refused => store Employer year = Y and Employer current = Y then => 8
4. And was it continuous since then?
☐ Yes =>
if routed here from Q1 store Employer in all months 1-12 and Employer current = Y and Employer year = Y then => 8;
if routed here from Q3 store Employer in months selected in Q3 and Employer current = Y and Employer year = Y then => 6
☐ No => 5
5. In what month did this most recent spell of coverage start?
☐ Month [1-12] => store Employer in selected months and Employer current = Y and Employer year = Y then => 6
☐ DK, Not sure => if Employer year not yet filled store Employer year = DK and Employer current = Y then => 8
☐ Refused => if Employer year not yet filled store Employer year = REF and Employer current = Y then => 8
6. And were there any other months in 2007 that you were covered by an employer-sponsored health plan?
☐ Yes => 7
☐ No => 8
7. What months in 2007 were you covered by an employer-sponsored health plan?
☐ Month [1-12] => store Employer in selected months then => 8
☐ DK, Not sure => 8
☐ Refused => 8
8. Is anyone else within this household also covered by [if routed from Q4 fill: that employer-sponsored plan/if routed from Q5,6 or 7 fill: the same employer-sponsored health plan that you are now covered by]? [display household roster]
☐ Yes => 9
☐ No => X
9. Who? (Who else is covered by that employer-sponsored plan)? [display household roster]
=> 10
10. And who is the policyholder? [display household roster; include response category for “Someone outside household”]
store Employer-sponsored policyholder for person selected
store Employer-sponsored dependent for person(s) selected in Q9 but not selected in Q10
=> X
11. And [was NAME/were NAMES] covered during the same time period as you were?
☐ Yes, all were covered during same time => store respondent’s coverage indicators in NAME(S) record(s) then => X
☐ No => ask Q1-7 for each person selected in Q9 then => X
Directly-Purchased Coverage
1. In what year did that coverage start?
FR NOTE: By “that coverage” we mean any coverage directly purchased from an insurance company. If the respondent switched plans but they were all purchased directly, we still consider this the same coverage.
☐ This year (2008) => store Direct current = Y then => 6
☐ Last year (2007) => store Direct year = Y then => 3
☐ Before last year (2006 or before) => 4
☐ DK => 2
☐ Refused => 2
2. Was it before or after the new year (that is, before or after January 1, 2008)?
☐ Before January 1, 2008 => 3
☐ On or after January 1, 2008 => store Direct current = Y then => 6
☐ DK => store Direct year = DK and Direct current = Y then => 8
☐ Refused => store Direct year = REF and Direct current = Y then => 8
3. In what month did that coverage start?
☐ Month [1-12] => 4
☐ DK, Not sure => store Direct year = Y and Direct current = Y then => 8
☐ Refused => store Direct year = Y and Direct current = Y then => 8
4. And was it continuous since then?
☐ Yes =>
if routed here from Q1 store Direct in all months 1-12 and Direct current = Y and Direct year = Y then => 8;
if routed here from Q3 store Direct in months selected in Q3 and Direct current = Y and Direct year = Y then => 6
☐ No => 5
5. In what month did this most recent spell of coverage start?
☐ Month [1-12] => store Direct in selected months and Direct current = Y and Direct year = Y then => 6
☐ DK, Not sure => if Direct year not yet filled store Direct year = DK and Direct current = Y then => 8
☐ Refused => if Direct year not yet filled store Direct year = REF and Direct current = Y then => 8
6. And were there any other months in 2007 that you were covered by a plan purchased directly from the insurance company?
☐ Yes => 7
☐ No => 8
7. What months in 2007 were you covered by a plan purchased directly from the insurance company?
☐ Month [1-12] => store Direct in selected months then => 8
☐ DK, Not sure => 8
☐ Refused => 8
8. Is anyone else within this household also covered by [if routed from Q4 fill: that directly-purchased plan/if routed from Q5,6 or 7 fill: the same directly-purchased health plan that you are now covered by]? [display household roster]
☐ Yes => 9
☐ No => X
9. Who? (Who else is covered by that directly-purchased plan)? [display household roster]
=> 10
10. And who is the policyholder? [display household roster; include response category for “Someone outside household”]
store Direct-purchased policyholder for person selected
store Direct-purchased dependent for person(s) selected in Q9 but not selected in Q10
=> X
11. And [was NAME/were NAMES] covered during the same time period as you were?
☐ Yes, all were covered during same time => store respondent’s coverage indicators in NAME(S) record(s) then => X
☐ No => ask Q1-7 for each person selected in Q9 then => X
Military Coverage
1. In what year did that coverage start?
FR NOTE: By “that coverage” we mean any coverage through the military. If the respondent switched plans offered by the military we still consider this all the same coverage.
☐ This year (2008) => store Military current = Y then => 6
☐ Last year (2007) => store Military year = Y then => 3
☐ Before last year (2006 or before) => 4
☐ DK => 2
☐ Refused => 2
2. Was it before or after the new year (that is, before or after January 1, 2008)?
☐ Before January 1, 2008 => 3
☐ On or after January 1, 2008 => store Military current = Y then => 6
☐ DK => store Military year = DK and Military current = Y then => 8
☐ Refused => store Military year = REF and Military current = Y then => 8
3. In what month did that coverage start?
☐ Month [1-12] => 4
☐ DK, Not sure => store Military year = Y and Military current = Y then => 8
☐ Refused => store Military year = Y and Military current = Y then => 8
4. And was it continuous since then?
☐ Yes =>
if routed here from Q1 store Military in all months 1-12 and Military current = Y and Military year = Y then => 8;
if routed here from Q3 store Military in months selected in Q3 and Military current = Y and Military year = Y then => 6
☐ No => 5
5. In what month did this most recent spell of coverage start?
☐ Month [1-12] => store Military in selected months and Military current = Y and Military year = Y then => 6
☐ DK, Not sure => if Military year not yet filled store Military year = DK and Military current = Y then => 8
☐ Refused => if Military year not yet filled store Military year = REF and Military current = Y then => 8
6. And were there any other months in 2007 that you were covered by a military plan?
☐ Yes => 7
☐ No => 8
7. What months in 2007 were you covered by a military plan?
☐ Month [1-12] => store Military in selected months then => 8
☐ DK, Not sure => 8
☐ Refused => 8
8. Is anyone else within this household also covered by a military plan? [display household roster]
☐ Yes => 9
☐ No => X
9. Who? (Who else is covered by a military plan)? [display household roster]
=> 10
10. And [was NAME/were NAMES] covered during the same time period as you were?
☐ Yes, all were covered during same time => store respondent’s coverage indicators in NAME(S) record(s) then => X
☐ No => ask Q1-7 for each person selected in Q9 then => X
Other Coverage
1. In what year did that coverage start?
☐ This year (2008) => store Other current = Y then => 6
☐ Last year (2007) => store Other year = Y then => 3
☐ Before last year (2006 or before) => 4
☐ DK => 2
☐ Refused => 2
2. Was it before or after the new year (that is, before or after January 1, 2008)?
☐ Before January 1, 2008 => 3
☐ On or after January 1, 2008 => store Other current = Y then => 6
☐ DK => store Other year = DK and Other current = Y then => 8
☐ Refused => store Other year = REF and Other current = Y then => 8
3. In what month did that coverage start?
☐ Month [1-12] => 4
☐ DK, Not sure => store Other year = Y and Other current = Y then => 8
☐ Refused => store Other year = Y and Other current = Y then => 8
4. And was it continuous since then?
☐ Yes =>
if routed here from Q1 store Other in all months 1-12 and Other current = Y and Other year = Y then => 8;
if routed here from Q3 store Other in months selected in Q3 and Other current = Y and Other year = Y then => 6
☐ No => 5
5. In what month did this most recent spell of coverage start?
☐ Month [1-12] => store Other in selected months and Other current = Y and Other year = Y then => 6
☐ DK, Not sure => if Other year not yet filled store Other year = DK and Other current = Y then => 8
☐ Refused => if Other year not yet filled store Other year = REF and Other current = Y then => 8
6. And were there any other months in 2007 that you were covered by some other plan?
☐ Yes => 7
☐ No => 8
7. What months in 2007 were you covered by some other?
☐ Month [1-12] => store Other in selected months then => 8
☐ DK, Not sure => 8
☐ Refused => 8
8. Is anyone else within this household also covered by [if routed from Q4 fill: that other/if routed from Q5,6 or 7 fill: the same health plan that you are now covered by]? [display household roster]
☐ Yes => 9
☐ No => X
9. Who? (Who else is covered by that other plan)? [display household roster]
=> 10
10. And [was NAME/were NAMES] covered during the same time period as you were?
☐ Yes, all were covered during same time => store respondent’s coverage indicators in NAME(S) record(s) then => X
☐ No => ask Q1-7 for each person selected in Q9 then => X
File Type | application/octet-stream |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 0000-00-00 |