Form 3045-0015 MeMber Exit Form

Corporation for National Service EXIT FORM

rev ameriC exit frm

Corporation for National Service EXIT FORM

OMB: 3045-0015

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This form will end the term of an AmeriCorps member in the National Trust and report on the eligibility
of the member for an education award. It will also provide the Corporation with evaluation exit data.

1. Use blue or black ink.
2. Print clearly.


3. Please complete and sign Part 1.
4. Return the completed form to your Program
Director. AmeriCorps*VISTA members should
return forms to the Corporation State Office.

Member: Please Complete and Sign

1. Name _____________________________ ____________________________




2. Social Security Number ___________________________________________
3. Mailing Address (Where the education award should be sent)
Number and Street



_______ ______



Zip Code

E-Mail Address



___________________ _______

Home Phone

Business Phone


Post Service Opportunities:
The Corporation for National and Community Service would like to encourage you to stay involved in service and help you connect
with educational, professional, and alumni opportunities. If you are interested in staying connected with the following organizations,
please let us know.

❚ Yes, I give the Corporation for National and Community Service permission to release my name, address (including e-mail), and
telephone number to the following types of organizations:
• Educational institutions that are interested in recruiting former AmeriCorps members or that provide special programs
for former members
• Organizations offering professional development opportunities or staff positions to AmeriCorps members
• AmeriCorps Alumni organizations
• Organizations that sponsor service opportunities and want to recruit AmeriCorps members
I am particularly interested in the following issue areas (please mark all that apply):


❚ Public Safety
❚ Housing
Homeland Security
❚ Faith and Community Based

❚ Environment


No, please do not share my information with other organizations

❚ Health

❚ Disaster Relief

Certification of Service:
I certify that the time I reported as AmeriCorps service hours did not include any service activities prohibited by law, regulation, or grant provision.
I certify that all of the information provided above is correct.
Member's Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________________________
I understand that a knowing and willful false statement on this form can be punished by a fine or imprisonment or both under
Section 1001 of Title 18, U.S.C.
Privacy Act Statement -- In compliance with the Privacy Act of 1974, the following information is provided. The collection of this information is authorized by the provisions of the
National and Community Service Act, as amended by the National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993. The primary purpose of the information is to obtain from AmeriCorps
program representatives their determination of whether a member successfully completed a term of service and is eligible to receive an education award. The evaluative information
will help the Corporation improve its programming and services to members. For individuals who have indicated their desire to receive additional information on alumni organizations
or special educational opportunities for alumni, members' names, addresses, and phone numbers will be shared with those organizations for that purpose. Except as indicated
here, no information will be disclosed outside the Corporation without written permission. The Internal Revenue Service has determined that the education award is taxable in the
it is used. Your Social Security Number (SSN) is solicited under the authority of the Internal Revenue Code (28 U.S.C. 6011(b) and 6109), for use as a taxpayer identification number. Failure to disclose the SSN or any other information may result in a denial of your receiving an education award or it may delay the processing of your education award.

OMB No.: 3045-0015 Expires: 04/30/2007

1. Use blue or black ink.
2. Print clearly.

3. Please complete and sign Part 2.
4. If you are using WBRS or ESPAN (for VISTAs), please provide
the form to whomever enters data into that database for your

Exit information should be electronically submitted to the Corporation within 30 days of completion of service.


Certifying Official: Please Complete and Sign

This section must be signed by an authorized certifying official. The program must designate certifying officials electronically to the
Corporation for National and Community Service.
1.Name of Program or AmeriCorps*NCCC Campus ___________________________________________________________________
2. Operating Site I.D. Number _________________________________________________________
3. Hours of Service Performed
(not applicable for VISTA)
4. Date of Completion of _____
Term of Service



5. Type of Enrollment
(Mark only one.)


Full-time (1700 hours per year or 365 days for VISTA)
Half-time (900 hours in up to 2 years)
Reduced half-time (675 hours)
Quarter time (450 hours)
Minimum time/Summer (300 hours)

6. Education Award Status:
Indicate whether or not the Member is eligible for an education award. Please be sure to follow the Corporation's regulations
in making this selection. If the Member is going to serve another term under the National Service Trust, a new National
Service Enrollment Form must be completed.


Eligible for entire education award (member successfully completed service)
Eligible for partial education award (member did not fully complete service for compelling personal reasons)
Not eligible for education award (member did not fully complete service requirements)
Not eligible for education award (member chose alternative benefit)
Not eligible for education award. Other (Specify): ________________________________________
Did the member perform satisfactorily (complete all assignments, tasks, and projects) Yes ❚
No ❚
7. Certification of Service
To the best of my knowledge and belief, the time the above-listed member reported as AmeriCorps service hours did not include any
service activities prohibited by law, regulation, or grant provision.
I certify that the Hours of Service Performed indicated on this form for this AmeriCorps member are true and accurate.
Signature of Certifying Official: __________________________________________________

Date: ______________________

Name of Certifying Official (Please Print): ___________________________________________
I understand that a knowing and willful false statement on this form can be punished by a fine or imprisonment or both under Section 1001
of Title 18, U.S.C.

Public reporting burden -- Estimated time to complete this form, including time for reviewing instructions, gathering, and providing the information needed
to complete the form is 3 minutes for the Member section and 4 minutes for the Certifying Official section. Send comments regarding this burden or the
content of this form to: Corporation for National and Community Service, National Service Trust, 1201 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20525.
The Corporation informs the potential persons who are to respond to this collection of information that such persons are not required to respond to the
collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number on this page of the form (see 5CFR 1320.5(b)(2)(1)).

OMB No.: 3045-0015 Expires: 04/30/2007

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Titlerev ameriC exit frm.qxp
File Modified2005-02-22
File Created2005-02-22

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