Youthbuild SGA

FRN for Youthbuild SGA 4 26 07.pdf

Generic Solicitation for Grant Applications (SGA)

Youthbuild SGA

OMB: 1205-0458

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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 80 / Thursday, April 26, 2007 / Notices

Employment and Training

Enhanced Mfg. Solutions Formerly
Known as Viking New Castle, LLC
Including Leased Workers of HSS
Material Management Solutions and
Oberle & Associates, Inc. Working OnSite at Delphi, New Castle, IN;
Amended Certification Regarding
Eligibility To Apply for Worker
Adjustment Assistance and Alternative
Trade Adjustment Assistance

rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES

In accordance with Section 223 of the
Trade Act of 1974 (19 U.S.C. 2273), and
Section 246 of the Trade Act of 1974 (26
U.S.C. 2813), as amended, the
Department of Labor issued a
Certification of Eligibility to Apply for
Worker Adjustment Assistance and
Alternative Trade Adjustment
Assistance on February 13, 2007,
applicable to workers of Enhanced Mfg.
Solutions, formerly known as Viking
New Castle, LLC, working on-site at
Delphi, New Castle, Indiana. The notice
was published in the Federal Register
on February 27, 2007 (72 FR 8794).
At the request of the State agency, the
Department reviewed the certification
for workers of the subject firm. The
workers are contracted to produce
steering columns on-site at Delphi.
New information shows that leased
workers of HSS Material Management
Solutions and Oberle & Associates, Inc.
were employed on-site at the New
Castle, Indiana location of Delphi.
Based on these findings, the
Department is amending this
certification to include leased workers
of HSS Material Management Solutions
and Oberle & Associates, Inc. working
on-site at Delphi, New Castle, Indiana.
The intent of the Department’s
certification is to include all workers
employed on-site at Delphi, New Castle,
Indiana who were adversely affected by
a shift in production to Mexico.
The amended notice applicable to
TA–W–60,819 is hereby issued as
All workers of Enhanced Mfg. Solutions,
formerly known as Viking New Castle, LLC,
including leased workers of HSS Material
Management Solutions and Oberle &
Associates, Inc., working on-site at Delphi,
New Castle, Indiana, who became totally or
partially separated from employment on or
after January 15, 2006, through February 13,
2009, are eligible to apply for adjustment
assistance under Section 223 of the Trade Act
of 1974, and are also eligible to apply for
alternative trade adjustment assistance under
Section 246 of the Trade Act of 1974.

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Signed at Washington, DC, this 20th day of
April 2007.
Richard Church,
Certifying Officer, Division of Trade
Adjustment Assistance.
[FR Doc. E7–7966 Filed 4–25–07; 8:45 am]

Signed at Washington, DC this 20th day of
April, 2007.
Richard Church,
Certifying Officer, Division of Trade
Adjustment Assistance.
[FR Doc. E7–7969 Filed 4–25–07; 8:45 am]





Employment and Training

Employment and Training



HSS Material Management Solutions
Employed at Delphi, New Castle, IN;
Notice of Termination of Investigation

Sara Lee, also known as Hanesbrands,
Rockingham, NC; Notice of
Termination of Investigation

Pursuant to Section 221 of the Trade
Act of 1974, as amended, an
investigation was initiated on April 13,
2006 in response to a worker petition
filed by a state agency representative on
behalf of workers of HSS Material
Management Solutions employed at
Delphi, New Castle, Indiana.
The petitioning group of workers is
covered by an active certification (TA–
W–60,819 as amended) which expires
on February 13, 2009. Consequently,
further investigation in this case would
serve no purpose, and the investigation
has been terminated.

Pursuant to Section 221 of the Trade
Act of 1974, as amended, an
investigation was initiated on April 3,
2007 in response to a petition filed on
behalf of workers of Sara Lee, also
known as Hanesbrands, Rockingham,
North Carolina.
The petitioning group of workers is
covered by a duplicate petition (TA–W–
61,117) instituted on March 15, 2007
that is the subject of an ongoing
investigation for which a determination
has not yet been issued. Further
investigation in this case would
duplicate efforts; therefore the
investigation under this petition has
been terminated.

Signed at Washington, DC, this 20th day of
April 2007.
Richard Church,
Certifying Officer, Division of Trade
Adjustment Assistance.
[FR Doc. E7–7963 Filed 4–25–07; 8:45 am]

Signed at Washington, DC, this 19th day of
April, 2007.
Richard Church,
Certifying Officer, Division of Trade
Adjustment Assistance.
[FR Doc. E7–7968 Filed 4–25–07; 8:45 am]


Employment and Training

Employment and Training

Oberle & Associates, Inc. Employed At
Delphi, New Castle, IN; Notice of
Termination of Investigation

Notice of Availability of Funds and
Solicitation for Grant Applications
(SGA) for YouthBuild Grants

Pursuant to Section 221 of the Trade
Act of 1974, as amended, an
investigation was initiated on April 12,
2006 in response to a worker petition
filed by a State agency representative on
behalf of workers of Oberle &
Associates, Inc. employed at Delphi,
New Castle, Indiana.
The petitioning group of workers is
covered by an active certification (TA–
W–60,819 as amended) which expires
on February 13, 2009. Consequently,
further investigation in this case would
serve no purpose, and the investigation
has been terminated.

Announcement Type: Notice of
Solicitation for Grant Applications.
Funding Opportunity Number: SGA/
DFA PY 06–08.
Catalog of Federal Assistance
Number: 17.274.
DATES: Key Dates: The closing date for
receipt of applications under this
announcement is July 3, 2007.
Applications must be successfully
submitted through no later
than 5 p.m. (Eastern Time). Application
and submission information is
explained in detail in Part IV of this
SGA. There will be a Prospective

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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 80 / Thursday, April 26, 2007 / Notices
Applicant Conference held for this grant
competition. The date and location for
this Prospective Applicant Conference
can be found at http://
SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Labor
(DOL), Employment and Training
Administration (ETA) announces the
availability of approximately $47
million in grant funds for YouthBuild
YouthBuild Grants will be awarded
through a competitive process. Grant
funds will be used to provide
disadvantaged youth with: The
education and employment skills
necessary to achieve economic selfsufficiency in occupations in high
demand and postsecondary education
and training opportunities;
opportunities for meaningful work and
service to their communities; and
opportunities to develop employment
and leadership skills and a commitment
to community development among
youth in low-income communities. As
part of their programming, YouthBuild
grantees will tap the energies and
talents of disadvantaged youth to
increase the supply of permanent
affordable housing for homeless
individuals and low-income families
and to help youth develop the
leadership, learning, and high-demand
occupational skills needed to succeed in
today’s global economy.
ETA hopes to serve approximately
2,900 youth participants during the first
year of this initiative, with projects
operating in approximately 90–100
communities across the country. Under
this announcement, ETA will be
awarding grants to organizations to
oversee the provision of education and
employment services to disadvantaged
youth in their communities.
This solicitation provides background
information and describes the
application submission requirements,
outlines the process that eligible entities
must use to apply for funds covered by
this solicitation, and outlines the
evaluation criteria used as a basis for
selecting grantee.
ADDRESSES: Applications will only be
accepted through the
application system. Applications that do
not meet the conditions set forth in this
notice will not be considered. No
exceptions to the submission
requirements set forth in this notice will
be granted. For detailed guidance,
please refer to Section IV.C.
This solicitation consists of eight
• Part I provides background
information on YouthBuild, a

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description of ETA’s Youth Vision,
YouthBuild program objectives, and
additional information on the key
components of YouthBuild to consider
when preparing an application.
• Part II describes the size and nature
of the anticipated awards.
• Part III describes eligibility
• Part IV provides information on the
application and submission process.
• Part V describes the criteria against
which applications will be reviewed
and explains the proposal review
• Part VI provides award
administration information.
• Part VII contains ETA agency
contact information.
• Part VIII lists additional resources
of interest to applicants and other
I. Funding Opportunity Description
YouthBuild is a youth and
community development program that
simultaneously addresses several core
issues facing low-income communities:
Housing, education, employment, crime
prevention, and leadership
development. Part A of this section
provides a background of the
YouthBuild program. Part B provides
information on the principles
underlying the Department of Labor,
Employment & Training
Administration’s Youth Vision and how
an alternative education program such
as YouthBuild has taken on a new
significance in preparing skilled and
well-trained youth to compete in a
demand-driven workforce. Part C
describes the core objectives of the
YouthBuild program with Part D
providing additional information on key
components of YouthBuild to consider
when preparing a grant application.
A. Background on YouthBuild
The YouthBuild model balances inschool learning, geared toward a high
school diploma or GED, and
construction skills training, geared
toward a career placement for the youth.
The in-school component is an
alternative education program that
assists youth who are often significantly
behind in basic skills to obtain a high
school diploma or GED credential. The
primary target populations for
YouthBuild are high school drop-outs,
adjudicated youth, youth aging out of
foster care, and other at-risk youth
populations. The YouthBuild model
enables these youth to access the
education they need to prosper in the
21st century economy. There are
currently over 200 YouthBuild programs
operating in the United States, funded

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through various Federal funding
YouthBuild was started in East
Harlem, New York, in 1978 to provide
education services for youth and teach
construction skills while renovating and
building homes for low-income families.
It was replicated in five locations in
New York City during the 1980s. In
1993, the YouthBuild program was
established by Federal statute and the
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) was designated as
the agency responsible for administering
the program.
In December 2003, the White House
Task Force for Disadvantaged Youth
recommended the transfer of the
YouthBuild program from HUD to DOL
because the program is ‘‘at its core, an
employment and training program for
disadvantaged youth, and will benefit
from administrative oversight in DOL
within the Employment & Training
In September 2006, the YouthBuild
Transfer Act was signed by President
George W. Bush. The bill repeals the
YouthBuild program’s statutory
authority under the Cranston-Gonzalez
National Affordable Housing Act (Pub.
L. 102–550; 49 U.S.C. 12899 et seq.) and
transfers the statutory authority for the
program, with needed modifications
and improvements, to subtitle D of Title
I of the Workforce Investment Act
(WIA). The YouthBuild program is
being administered as a ‘‘national
program’’ by the Employment and
Training Administration (ETA).
Since its inception, a primary purpose
of the YouthBuild program has been to
provide job training and employment
opportunities for at-risk youth. By
transferring the program to DOL, ETA
will leverage its significant expertise
and resources in the area of workforce
investment under WIA. The transfer
from HUD to DOL is intended to help
strengthen YouthBuild grantees’
connections to One-Stop Career Centers
and the Department’s registered
apprenticeship programs; leverage
investments such as the President’s
High Growth Job Training Initiative;
improve access to the post-secondary
and community college system; and
broker connections to the workforce
system’s business partners.
B. ETA’s Youth Vision
ETA has set an overarching priority
for the entire workforce investment
system by providing adults and youth
with the necessary educational,
occupational and other skills training
and services needed by business and
industry in the 21st century economy.
Education initiatives, particularly



rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES


Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 80 / Thursday, April 26, 2007 / Notices

alternative education programs such as
YouthBuild, have taken on new
importance within the workforce
system. Efforts to create a skilled, welltrained, and demand-driven workforce
are important for several reasons:
• A severe crisis faces our nation’s
workforce: Too many youth are leaving
high school without their diplomas,
unprepared for post-secondary training
and employment. The Educational
Testing Service’s ‘‘One-Third of a
Nation: Rising Dropout Rates and
Declining Opportunities’’ reports that
one-third of all youth who begin ninth
grade will not receive a high school
diploma. Eleven percent of 16–24 year
olds nationally, or 3.8 million youth, are
out of school and have neither a
diploma nor a GED. This problem is
particularly pronounced in urban areas:
in almost half of the schools in the
largest 35 central cities, the number of
twelfth graders was half or less than the
number of students enrolled in ninth
grade three years earlier. These youth
represent an untapped labor pool and a
valuable resource for employers. Our
economy needs these youth to be part of
the economy if we are to compete
• The connection between earning
and learning: Income and education are
more closely linked than in any time in
our history. Eighty percent of the fastest
growing jobs require education and
training beyond high school. College
students earn on average 70% more than
high school students. High school
dropouts are four times more likely than
college graduates to be unemployed.
Low-income Americans have far higher
rates of dropping out of high school and
far lower rates of enrolling in college
and obtaining a postsecondary
credential than their middle or higher
income peers. The earning power of
high school drop-outs has been in
almost continuous decline over the past
three decades; in 2002, the earnings of
male dropouts declined 32%. Female
dropouts experienced a 14% decline.
• State and regional economies are
being negatively impacted by low
graduation rates: According to
calculations done by the Alliance for
Excellent Education, improving state
high school graduation rates could
produce significant wage increases,
resulting in healthier state economies.
• A new workforce ‘‘supply pipeline’’:
ETA’s Youth Vision recognizes out-ofschool youth and those most at risk of
dropping out as an important part of the
new workforce ‘‘supply pipeline’’ that
businesses need to fill job vacancies in
the service-producing knowledge
economy. However, without reconnecting these youth to high quality

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educational opportunities, they will not
be adequately prepared to participate in
today’s economy. ETA’s Youth Vision
focuses investment of WIA resources on
connecting youth with high quality
education and employment services.
Alternative education is an important
way for disconnected youth to re-enter
the workforce supply chain and
compete for high quality jobs in a
demand-driven system. YouthBuild will
serve as a ‘‘flagship’’ program to
demonstrate ETA’s commitment to high
quality, innovative alternative
educational learning opportunities that
prepare youth for post-secondary
education and employment.
C. YouthBuild Program Objectives
Funds made available through the
YouthBuild grants will be used to carry
out a YouthBuild program with the
following core objectives:
• To enable disadvantaged youth to
obtain the education and employment
skills necessary to achieve economic
self-sufficiency in occupations in
demand and post-secondary education
and training opportunities;
• To provide disadvantaged youth
with opportunities for meaningful work
and service to their communities;
• To foster the development of
employment and leadership skills and
commitment to community
development among youth in lowincome communities; and
• To expand the supply of permanent
affordable housing for homeless
individuals and low-income families by
utilizing the energies and talents of
disadvantaged youth.
D. Key Components and Additional
Information About the YouthBuild
Grant Application Process
What Type of Information Should be
Addressed in the Design of the Program?
Part II of the application contains the
Technical Proposal which should
address specific grant requirements
identified in Section A of Part V of this
SGA. Applicants applying for these
grants are asked to describe their
community, the youth to be served, the
need for this Federal support, and their
plan for providing education, skills
training, and leadership development
services to youth. They must describe
how their efforts contribute to the
overall economic development of their
community. They must also
demonstrate that they have established
partnerships with—or made a good faith
effort to establish partnerships with—
the K–12 public education system, local

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community colleges, the juvenile justice
system, registered apprenticeship
programs, Local Workforce Investment
Boards, and/or the local housing
authority. Applicants are expected to
identify their plan to leverage other
Federal, State, or local funding, as well
as private funding sources, to provide
other ‘‘wrap around’’ supportive
services as well as to support the costs
associated with their defined
construction project. Applicants are
asked to describe their previous
experience operating YouthBuild or
similar youth programs with
educational components. Applicants are
asked to describe how occupational
safety is addressed at their worksite.
They are asked to describe their
organization’s ability to manage this
What Size Grants Are Available?
Applicants can apply for three-year
grants (two years of program operations
with a twelve-month follow-up period)
that will range from $700,000 to $1.1
million. These grants will be
incrementally funded, with half of the
grant funds awarded this year, fiscal
year (FY) 2007, for the first twelve
months of operations. Pending
satisfactory performance and
availability of funds, the remaining
funds would be awarded next year (FY
2008) for second year operations. These
awards will support two years of core
program operations (education,
occupational skills training, and youth
leadership development activities) plus
an additional twelve months of followup support services and tracking of
participant outcomes for each cohort of
youth. Roughly 5% of total funds
should be reserved for the twelve-month
follow-up period.
What Roles Might Partners Play in
Each collaborative partner must have
a clearly defined role. These roles must
be verified through a letter of
commitment (not just a letter of support)
submitted by each partner. The letter of
commitment must detail the role the
partner will play in the project,
including specific responsibilities and
resources committed, if appropriate.
These letters must clearly indicate the
partnering organization’s unique
contribution and commitment to the
Disadvantaged youth possess a wide
range of challenges that must be
addressed by multiple strategies,
organizations and agencies. Partnerships
and partnership roles will vary
depending on the applicant’s strategy
and participant needs. However, ETA



rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES

Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 80 / Thursday, April 26, 2007 / Notices
expects that the applicant will make a
good-faith effort to attract the following
partners and that each collaborative
partner will, at a minimum, contribute
in the following ways:
Education and training providers (K–
12, adult education, community and
technical colleges, four-year colleges
and universities, and other training
entities) are important foundational
partners to ensure the project’s activities
are tied to the broader continuum of
education providers in the community.
These entities assist in developing and
implementing industry-driven
workforce education strategies in
partnerships with employers including
competency models, curricula, and new
learning methodologies, such as
technology-based learning. Whenever
possible, the YouthBuild program
should strive to be connected in a
meaningful way with the K–12 system
for the purpose of (1) ensuring a wider
variety of educational opportunities
within the community as a whole and
(2) as a drop-out prevention strategy.
YouthBuild programs should also be
connected to post-secondary training
opportunities, particularly community
colleges, whenever possible to ensure
the smooth transition of YouthBuild
participants into post-secondary
training opportunities available through
community colleges, including the use
of articulation agreements and staff
development for YouthBuild staff.
Employers (including professional
organizations and associations) should
be actively engaged in the project and
should participate fully in grant
activities including: defining the
program strategy and goals; identifying
needed skills and competencies;
designing training approaches and
curricula; contributing financial
support; and, where appropriate, hiring
qualified YouthBuild graduates.
The workforce investment system
(which may include State and Local
Workforce Investment Boards, State
Workforce Agencies, and One-Stop
Career Centers and their cooperating
partners, as such terms are defined
under the Workforce Investment Act)
may play a number of roles, including:
identifying and assessing potential
candidates for YouthBuild; working
collaboratively to leverage WIA
investments through co-enrollment with
the Youth Formula program; referring
qualified candidates to the YouthBuild
program for enrollment; providing
access to ‘‘wrap around’’ supportive
services, when appropriate; providing
local labor market information to
YouthBuild staff and participants; and
connecting qualified YouthBuild

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graduates to employers that have
existing job openings.
The juvenile justice system is an
important partner in referring potential
participants to the YouthBuild program,
providing support and guidance for
YouthBuild participants with court
involvement, and assisting in the
reporting of recidivism rates among
YouthBuild participants. Some
YouthBuild participants may be placed
in the program as a form of alternative
sentencing or for re-entry services. In
these instances, police, parole and
probation, detention and juvenile
correction facilities, judges, and social
workers will be critically important
partners for creating a safety net to
prevent recidivism and ensure
attachment to the community.
Faith-based and community
organizations can be valuable partners
in the YouthBuild program. These
organizations may provide a variety of
grant services, such as case
management, mentoring, and English as
a Second Language (ESL) courses, and
other comprehensive supportive
services, when appropriate, for
YouthBuild participants.
In situations where these partnerships
are not supported with letters of
commitment, the applicants should, at a
minimum, demonstrate that the
potential partner was contacted and
provided a sufficient opportunity for
response. It is suggested that applicants
use registered mail to demonstrate such
What If Two or More Organizations
Submit Separate Applications To Serve
the Same Urban or Rural Community?
If more than one proposal to serve the
same urban or rural community is rated
highly, ETA will consider whether the
urban or rural community is large
enough to support more than one
Can a National or Regional Organization
Apply To Serve Multiple Urban or Rural
Yes, but a separate application must
be submitted for each metropolitan area
that the organization proposes to serve.
The organization must demonstrate that
it has an existing presence in each urban
or rural community for which it is
applying. Single proposals applying to
serve multiple urban and rural areas
will not be considered. If submitting
multiple applications to serve various
localities, applicants are encouraged to
evaluate each community on its own
merits and ensure that each proposal
supports the unique characteristics of
the community and the participants that

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it will be serving. A single application
may cross community boundaries.
What Is the Definition of ‘‘Low-Income’’
Family for the Purposes of Program
The definition of ‘‘low-income
family’’ is taken directly from the
United States Housing Act of 1937 (42
U.S.C. 1437a(b)(2)) which states:
’’The term ‘low-income families’ means
those families whose incomes do not exceed
80 per centum of the median income for the
area, as determined by the Secretary with
adjustments for smaller and larger families,
except that the Secretary may establish
income ceilings higher or lower than 80 per
centum of the median for the area on the
basis of the Secretary’s findings that such
variations are necessary because of prevailing
levels of construction costs or unusually high
or low family incomes.’’

The median for the area can be found
at HUD’s Web site: http://
What Are Allowable Uses of Grant
Allowable uses of grant funds may
(1) Education and Workforce
Activities, such as:
• Basic skills instruction and
remedial education;
• Language instruction educational
programs for individuals with limited
English proficiency;
• Secondary education services and
activities, including tutoring, study
skills training, and dropout prevention
activities, designed to lead to the
attainment of a secondary school
diploma, General Education
Development (GED) credential, or other
State-recognized equivalent (including
recognized alternative standards for
individuals with disabilities);
• Counseling and assistance in
obtaining post-secondary education and
required financial aid;
• Alternative secondary school
• Work experience and skills training
(coordinated, to the maximum extent
feasible, with pre-apprenticeship and
registered apprenticeship programs) in
housing rehabilitation and construction
• Occupational skills training; and
• Other paid and unpaid work
experiences, including internships and
job shadowing.
(2) Counseling services and related
activities, such as comprehensive
guidance and counseling on drug and
alcohol abuse and referral.
(3) Youth development activities,
such as:
• Community service and peercentered activities encouraging




Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 80 / Thursday, April 26, 2007 / Notices

responsibility and other positive social
behaviors, and
• Activities related to youth policy
committees that allow YouthBuild
participants to engage in local policy
and decision-making related to the
(4) Supportive services and provision
of need-based stipends necessary to
enable individuals to participate in the
(5) Supportive services to assist
individuals, for a period not to exceed
12 months after the completion of
training, in obtaining or retaining
employment, or applying for and
transitioning to post-secondary
(6) Supervision and training for
participants in the rehabilitation or
construction of housing, including
residential housing for homeless
individuals or low-income families, or
transitional housing for homeless
(7) Supervision and training for
participants in the rehabilitation or
construction of community and other
public facilities.
(8) Payment of a portion of the
administrative costs of the grantee.
(9) Mentoring of participants by
qualified adults.
(10) Provision of wages, stipends, or
benefits to participants in the program.
(11) Ongoing training and technical
assistance for staff that are related to
developing and carrying out the
(12) Follow-up services.
(13) Equipment and/or supplies
related to the YouthBuild activities
funded through this grant.
What Are the Limitations for Use of
ETA Funds for Paid Work Experiences,
Needs-Based Stipends, Wages, and
Other Supportive Services?
If the applicant plans to use grant
funds for paid work experiences, needsbased stipends, wages, and other
supportive services for the participants,
sufficient information must be provided
in the budget narrative to clearly justify
the proposed amounts to be provided.

rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES

Can Funds Be Used for Rehabilitation or
Construction of Buildings Other Than
Low-Income Housing?
Yes. In training participants, up to 10
percent of grant funds may be used in
the rehabilitation or construction of
community and other public facilities.
The remaining 90 percent of funds must
be used to train participants in the
rehabilitation or construction of lowincome housing.

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How Will Success Be Measured Under
These Grants?
The three outcome measures are:
• Literacy and numeracy gains.
• High School diploma/GED/
certification attainment rate.
• Placement in employment/postsecondary education/occupational skills
In addition, grantees may report on a
number of interim indicators that will
serve as predictors of success. Interim
indicators include:
• Placement retention rate.
• Enrollment rate.
• Participation in education/training
• Workforce preparation.
• Recidivism.
• Mentoring.
• Community service/leadership
In applying for these grants,
organizations agree to submit updated
Management Information System (MIS)
data on enrollee characteristics, services
provided, placements, outcomes, and
follow-up status.
II. Award Information
A. Award Amount
ETA intends to fund approximately
90–100 grants ranging from $700,000 to
$1.1 million through this competition;
however, this does not preclude ETA
from funding grants at either a lower or
higher amount, or funding a smaller or
larger number of projects, based on the
type and the number of quality
submissions. Applicants are encouraged
to submit budgets within this range for
quality projects at whatever funding
level is appropriate to their project.
B. Period of Performance
Grants will be awarded for a threeyear period of performance. This
includes two years of core program
operations (education, occupational
skills training, and youth leadership
development activities) for two or more
cohorts of youth plus an additional
twelve months of follow-up support
services and tracking of participant
outcomes for each cohort of youth.
III. Eligibility Information and Other
Grant Specifications
A. Eligible Applicants
An organization is an eligible
applicant for these grants if it is a public
or private nonprofit agency or
organization (including a consortium of
such agencies or organizations with a
designated lead applicant), including:
• Community-based organizations;
• Faith-based organizations;
• An entity carrying out activities
under this WIA, such as a local

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workforce investment board or OneStop Career Center;
• A community action agency;
• A state or local housing
development agency;
• An Indian tribe or other agency
primarily serving Indians;
• A community development
• A state or local youth service
conservation corps; or
• Any other relevant public or private
non-profit entity that provides
education or employment training and
can meet the required elements of the
B. Eligible Enrollees
An individual may participate in a
YouthBuild program only if such
individual is:
• Between the ages of 16 and 24 on
the date of enrollment; and
• A member of a disadvantaged youth
population such as a member of a lowincome family, a youth in foster care
(including youth aging out of foster
care), a youth offender, a youth who is
an individual with a disability, a child
of an incarcerated parent, or a migrant
youth; and
• A school dropout.
Up to (but not more than) 25 percent
of the participants in the program may
be youth who do not meet the education
or disadvantaged criteria above but are:
• Basic skills deficient, despite
attainment of a secondary school
diploma, General Education
Development (GED) credential, or other
state-recognized equivalent (including
recognized alternative standards for
individuals with disabilities); or
• Have been referred by a local
secondary school for participation in a
YouthBuild program leading to the
attainment of a secondary school
C. Matching Funds and Leveraged
Aligning resources and leveraging
funding are key components of success
under the Youthbuild grant program.
Therefore, applicants must provide cash
or in-kind resources equivalent to at
least 25 percent of the grant award
amount as matching funds. Please note
that neither prior investments nor
Federal resources may be counted as
To be allowable as part of match, a
cost must be an allowable charge for
Federal grant funds. Determinations of
allowable costs will be made in
accordance with the applicable Federal
cost principles as indicated in Part
IV(E). If the cost would not be allowable
as a grant-funded charge, then it also



Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 80 / Thursday, April 26, 2007 / Notices
cannot be counted toward matching
funds. Matching funds must be
expended during the grant period of
Please note that applicants are
expected to fulfill the match amount
specified on their SF–424 application
and SF–424a budget form. Upon
completion of the grant, if the match
amount specified by the applicant is not
met or if a portion of the matching funds
are found to be an unallowable cost, the
amount of DOL grant funds may be
decreased on a dollar for dollar basis.
This may result in the repayment of
funds to DOL.
Applicants are encouraged to leverage
additional funds outside of the match to
supplement the project as a whole.
Matching funds and leveraged resources
could come from a variety of sources
including: public sector (e.g., state or
local governments); non-profit sector
(e.g., community organizations, faithbased organizations, or education and
training institutions); private sector
(e.g., businesses or industry
associations); investor community (e.g.,
angel networks or economic
development entities); and the
philanthropic community (e.g.,
Applicants should clearly make the
distinction of what will be considered
matching funds versus ‘‘additional’’
leveraged funds. Only the matching
funds shall be shown on the SF–424 and
SF–424a. The amount of funds specified
on these forms will be considered by
DOL as the applicant’s match. All other
leverage resources should be explained
in the budget narrative separate from the
explanation of match. Applications will
be evaluated on how the match and
leveraged funds are fully integrated in
support of program outcomes.
IV. Application and Submission
A. Address to Request Application
This SGA contains all of the
information and links to forms needed
to apply for grant funding.

rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES

B. Content and Form of Application
The proposal will consist of three
separate and distinct parts—a cost
proposal (I), a technical proposal (II),
and a description of and information on
the work site (III). Applications that fail
to adhere to the instructions in this
section will be considered nonresponsive and will not be considered.
Part I. The Cost Proposal. The Cost
Proposal must include the following
three items:

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• The Standard Form (SF) 424,
‘‘Application for Federal Assistance’’
(available at
forms.cfm). The SF 424 must clearly
identify the applicant and be signed by
an individual with authority to enter
into a grant agreement. Upon
confirmation of an award, the
individual signing the SF 424 on behalf
of the applicant shall be considered the
authorized representative of the
• All applicants for Federal grant and
funding opportunities are required to
have a Dun and Bradstreet (DUNS)
number. See Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) Notice of Final Policy
Issuance, 68 FR 38402 (June 27, 2003).
Applicants must supply their DUNS
number on the SF 424. The DUNS
number is a nine-digit identification
number that uniquely identifies
business entities. Obtaining a DUNS
number is easy and there is no charge.
To obtain a DUNS number, access this
Web site: http:// or call 1–
• The SF 424A Budget Information
Form (available at http:// In
preparing the Budget Information Form,
the applicant must provide a concise
narrative explanation to support the
request. The budget narrative should
break down the budget, match and
leveraged resources by project activity,
should discuss cost-per-participant, and
should discuss precisely how the
administrative costs support the project
goals. If the applicant plans to use grant
funds for paid work experiences, needsbased stipends, wages, and other
supportive services for the participants,
sufficient information must be provided
in the budget narrative to clearly justify
the proposed amounts to be provided.
Please note that applicants that fail to
provide a SF 424, SF 424A and/or a
budget narrative will be removed from
consideration prior to the technical
review process. Only an applicant’s
match amount (not other leveraged
resources) should be listed on the SF
424 (Block 18) and SF 424A Budget
Information Form (Section A & C). The
amount of Federal funding requested for
the entire period of performance (i.e. 3
years) should be shown together on the
SF 424 and SF 424A Budget Information
Form. Applicants are also encouraged,
but not required, to submit OMB Survey
N. 1890–0014: Survey on Ensuring
Equal Opportunity for Applicants,
which can be found at http://
Part II. The Technical Proposal. The
Technical Proposal will demonstrate the
applicant’s capability to implement the

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YouthBuild grant project in accordance
with the provisions of this solicitation.
The guidelines for the content of the
Technical Proposal are provided in Part
V Section A of this SGA. The Technical
Proposal is limited to twenty (20)
double-spaced single-sided pages with
12 point text font and one-inch margins.
Any materials beyond the 20-page limit
will not be read. Also, applicants should
number the Technical Proposal
beginning with page number 1.
In addition to the 20-page Technical
Proposal, the applicant must provide an
organization chart that reflects how the
YouthBuild program will be staffed. In
instances where the YouthBuild
program is part of a larger organization
(e.g., a Housing Authority), please
include a diagram that indicates where
the YouthBuild program fits within the
larger organization. Also, the applicant
must provide a timeline outlining
project activities; letters of commitment
from partners; and a two-page Abstract
summarizing the proposed project
including applicant name, project title,
and the funding level requested. The
Abstract should note whether the
application is being submitted as an
urban, rural, or Native American
application. These additional materials
do not count against the 20-page limit
for the Technical Proposal, but may not
exceed fifteen (15) pages. Any materials
beyond the 15-page limit will not be
Part III. The Work Site Description.
The application must include all of the
following information relating to the
planned work site for this project. This
information should be presented on
official letterhead of the presenting
organization in the order outlined
below, identifying supplemental
documents as applicable:
(1) Official document(s) from the
Applicant (on applicant organization’s
letterhead). This/these document(s)
• Identify the location of the site(s) or
property(ies) (e.g., addresses, parcel
numbers, etc.) that will be used for onsite construction.
• Include information identifying,
and a description of, the financing
proposed for the (a) rehabilitation of the
property involved; (b) acquisition of the
property; (c) construction of the
property; and (d) supplies. Also, fully
describe how financing for the building
of the site will be supported.
• Include information identifying,
and a description of, the entity that will
operate and manage the property.
• Include a certification that the
applicant will comply with the
requirements of the Fair Housing Act




Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 80 / Thursday, April 26, 2007 / Notices

rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES

(42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq.) and will
affirmatively further fair housing.
• Include information on how the
program will provide for inclusion of
tenants who were previously homeless
individuals in the rental housing
provided through this grant.
(2) Official document from the
property owner or property management
company or companies allowing access
to the housing site(s) for on-site
construction training. DOL will deem
non-responsive any application that
fails to specifically identify the location
of the on-site construction, including
evidence of site access. Guidance on
evidence of site access is as follows:
• If the applicant has a contract or
option to purchase the property, include
a copy of the contract or option; or
• If a third party owns the property or
has a contract or option to purchase,
that third party must provide a letter
stating the nature of the ownership and
specifically providing access to the
property for the purposes of the program
and the time frame in which the
property will be available. In the case of
a contract or option, include a copy of
the document.
(3) Official certification by a public
official responsible for the housing
strategy for the State or unit of general
local government within which the
proposed program is located (on official
agency letterhead) that the proposed
program is consistent with the housing
C. Submission Date, Times, and
The closing date for receipt of
applications under this announcement
is July 3, 2007. Applications must be
successfully submitted through no later than 5 p.m.
(Eastern Time). Applications sent by
mail, e-mail, telegram, or facsimile (fax)
will not be accepted. Applications that
do not meet the conditions set forth in
this notice will not be honored. No
exceptions to the requirements set forth
in this notice will be granted.
Paper applications will not be
accepted. All applications must be
submitted electronically at http:// Any application
received after the deadline will not be
accepted. It is strongly recommended
that before the applicant begins to write
the proposal, applicants immediately
initiate and complete the ’’Get Started’’
steps to register at http:// These steps
may take several days to complete and
should be factored into the plans for
electronic application submission in
order to avoid facing unexpected delays
that could result in the rejection of the

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application. To ensure that the
application is submitted on time, it is
recommended that it is submitted
multiple days before the due date in
order to address any technical
difficulties that may be encountered. It
is the sole responsibility of the
applicant to ensure timely submission.
Applications should be submitted as a
.doc or .pdf file.
D. Intergovernmental Review
This funding opportunity is not
subject to Executive Order (EO) 12372,
‘‘Intergovernmental Review of Federal
E. Funding Restrictions
All proposal costs must be necessary
and reasonable in accordance with
Federal guidelines. Determinations of
allowable costs will be made in
accordance with the applicable Federal
cost principles, e.g., Non-Profit
Organizations—OMB Circular A–122.
Disallowed costs are those charges to a
grant that the grantor agency or its
representative determines not to be
allowed in accordance with the
applicable Federal Cost Principles or
other conditions contained in the grant.
Applicants will not be entitled to
reimbursement of pre-award costs.
Legal Rules Pertaining to Inherently
Religious Activities by Organizations
that Receive Federal Financial
Assistance. The government is generally
prohibited from providing direct
financial assistance for inherently
religious activities. See 29 CFR Part 2,
Subpart D. Provision relating to the use
of indirect support (such as through
vouchers) are at 29 CFR 2.33(c) and 20
CFR 667.266. These grants may not be
used to directly support religious
instruction, worship, prayer,
proselytizing or other inherently
religious practices. Neutral, secular
criteria that neither favor nor disfavor
religion must be employed in the
selection of grant and sub-grant
recipients. In addition, under the
Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and
ETA regulations implementing the
Workforce Investment Act, a recipient
may not use direct Federal assistance to
train a participant in religious activities,
or employ participants to construct,
operate, or maintain any part of a
facility that is used or to be used for
religious instruction or worship. See 29
CFR 37.6(f). Under WIA, ‘‘no individual
shall be excluded from participation in,
denied the benefits of, subjected to
discrimination under, or denied
employment in the administration of or
in connection with, any such program
or activity because of race, color,
religion, sex (except as otherwise

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permitted under Title IX of the
Education Amendments of 1972),
national origin, age, disability, or
political affiliation or belief.’’
Indirect Costs. As specified in OMB
Circular Cost Principles, indirect costs
are those that have been incurred for
common or joint objectives and cannot
be readily identified with a particular
cost objective. In order to utilize grant
funds for indirect costs incurred, the
applicant must obtain an Indirect Cost
Rate Agreement with its Federal
Cognizant Agency either before or
shortly after the grant award. If an
applicant already has a Federal Indirect
Cost Rate Agreement, that agreement
may be used.
Administrative Costs. Under the
YouthBuild grants, an entity that
receives a grant to carry out a project or
program may not use more than 15
percent of the amount of the grant to
pay administrative costs associated with
the program or project. Administrative
costs could be both direct and indirect
costs and are defined at 20 CFR 667.220.
Administrative costs do not need to be
identified separately from program costs
on the SF 424A Budget Information
Form. They should be discussed in the
budget narrative and tracked through
the grantee’s accounting system. To
claim any administrative costs that are
also indirect costs, the applicant must
obtain an indirect cost rate agreement
from its Federal Cognizant Agency as
specified above.
ETA Intellectual Property Rights.
Applicants should note that grantees
must agree to provide DOL/ETA a fully
paid, nonexclusive and irrevocable
license to reproduce, publish, or
otherwise use for federal purposes all
products developed or for which
ownership was purchased under an
award, including but not limited to
curricula, training models, technical
assistance products, and any related
materials, and to authorize them to do
so. Such uses include, but are not
limited to, the right to modify and
distribute such products worldwide by
any means, electronically or otherwise.
F. Withdrawal of Applications
Applications may be withdrawn by
written notice or telegram (including
mailgram) received at any time before
an award is made. Applications may be
withdrawn in person by the applicant or
by an authorized representative thereof,
if the representative’s identity is made
known and the representative signs a
receipt for the proposal.



Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 80 / Thursday, April 26, 2007 / Notices
V. Application Review Information
A. Evaluation Criteria
This section identifies and describes
the criteria that will be used to evaluate
proposals for a YouthBuild Grant. These
criteria and point values are:

2. Program Management and
Organizational Capacity (10 Points)

Please provide a description of the
applicant organization and a statement
of its qualifications for running a
1. Statement of Need .......................
10 YouthBuild program including years of
2. Program Management and Orgaoperation, current annual budget,
nizational Capacity ........................
10 experience of staff and continuity of
3. Project Design, Service Strategy,
leadership and their relevant
and Program Outcomes ................
experience. Please fully describe the
4. Linkages to Key Partners and Leveraged Resources .......................
25 organization’s capacity to track and
report outcomes. Please discuss the
5. Evidence of Past Success in
professional development activities
YouthBuild or Other Relevant Programs ............................................
15 available to staff, either on-site or
through training funds.
Total Possible Points .................
Please fully describe any previous
experience of the organization in
1. Statement of Need (10 Points)
operating grants from either Federal or
Please describe the community where non-Federal sources. Describe the fiscal
the YouthBuild program will operate.
controls in place in the organization for
Identify the need for a YouthBuild
auditing and accountability procedures.
program in the community that is
Please describe the organization’s
proposed to be served through the grant
and demonstrate the need for the project ability to handle multiple funding
streams. As some grantees may be
in that area. Applicants are expected to
simultaneously managing grants from
present information on various
characteristics of the community(ies) in both HUD and DOL in the next few
years, it is especially important that
which they expect to operate. If there
are particular neighborhoods within the organizations be able to demonstrate
that they have accounting systems in
city where the grant will be focused,
place that are able to manage multiple
describe these neighborhoods and
funding streams in an organized and
provide available data specific to those
delineated manner.
areas. Required information includes
the population of the area, its poverty
Applicants must describe their
rate, the incidence of homelessness,
proposed project management structure
shortage of affordable housing, its
including, where appropriate, the
unemployment rate, the drop-out rate,
identification of a proposed project
and the number of 18–24 year olds
manager, discussion of the proposed
without a high school diploma. To
staffing pattern, and the qualifications
obtain these indicators, applicants can
and experience of key staff members.
use census tract data from the 2000
Scoring under this criterion will be
census—go to http://
based on the extent to which applicants and use the link
provide evidence of the following:
on the left for People.
To find the cohort rate for dropouts in
• The time commitment of the
the area being served, provide the 9th
proposed staff is sufficient to ensure
grade enrollment at each high school
proper direction, management, and
within the proposed community for
timely completion of the project.
2001 and the graduating class for those
• The roles and contribution of staff,
same high schools in May/June 2005.
consultants, and collaborative
All of these indicators should be
organizations are clearly defined and
presented in chart form and the
linked to specific objects and tasks.
applicant must provide the sources for
• The background, experience, and
the data provided.
qualifications of the staff are
If the organization plans to build or
sufficient to carry out their designated
rehabilitate houses or community/
public facilities in a different
community from that in which youth
• The applicant organization has
will be recruited, present the
significant capacity to accomplish the
homelessness and poverty data for that
goals and outcomes of the project,
area and the unemployment, poverty,
including the ability to collect and
and dropout data for the area in which
manage data in a way that allows
the organization will be recruiting youth consistent, accurate, and expedient

rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES

Applicants will be evaluated on the
clear and specific need for a YouthBuild
program in their community.

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3. Project Design, Service Strategy, and
Program Outcomes (40 Points Total)
a. How will youth be recruited and
selected for the program? (5 points)
Please provide a description that fully
demonstrates how eligible youth will be
recruited and selected as participants,
including a description of arrangements
that will be made with Local Workforce
Investment Boards, One-Stop Career
Centers, faith-based and community
organizations, state educational agencies
or local educational agencies (including
agencies of Indian tribes), public
assistance agencies, the courts of
jurisdiction, agencies operating shelters
for homeless individuals and other
agencies that serve youth who are
homeless individuals, foster care
agencies, and other appropriate public
and private agencies. Please provide a
description that fully demonstrates the
special outreach efforts that will be
undertaken to recruit eligible young
women (including young women with
dependent children) as participants.
Applicants will be evaluated on the
quality and comprehensiveness of their
recruitment strategy including methods
for outreach, referral, and selection. In
addition, applicants will be evaluated
on the program’s unique efforts to
recruit eligible young women into the
YouthBuild program.
b. How will education and occupational
skills training be delivered to youth? (15
Please provide a description that fully
demonstrates the educational and job
training activities (particularly
construction/building trades
occupational training), work
opportunities, post-secondary education
and training opportunities, and other
services that will be provided to
participants, and how those activities,
opportunities, and services will prepare
youth for employment in occupations in
demand in the local labor market. Given
the connection between education and
earnings, it is ETA’s expectation that the
academic component will be rigorous
and challenging and will provide youth
with opportunities to transition to postsecondary training. The program should
be structured so that participants in the
program are offered education and
related services designed to meet
educational needs for at least 50 percent
of the time during which they
participate in the program. YouthBuild
program participants must be offered
work and skill development activities
for at least 40 percent of the time during
which they participate in the program.
The proposal will be rated on the
quality of the education program, the




Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 80 / Thursday, April 26, 2007 / Notices

quality of the occupational skills
training, and the integration of these
two components.

rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES

(1) Education
Please indicate the type of academic
credential that participants earn while
in the program (GED or high school
diploma). Please fully describe the
quality of the academic program and the
qualifications of the teaching staff. Fully
describe any innovative and successful
strategies that the program or initiative
has used to address low basic skills of
participants. If distance learning and/or
credit retrieval is used, please fully
describe how this is incorporated into
the overall academic program. Please
fully describe the relationship between
the program and the local school
Please fully demonstrate how the
academic program is integrated with the
occupational skills training component
of the program. Please explain how
academic and occupational skills
training instructors work together to
reinforce and complement classroom
and workplace lessons. Please describe
other innovative teaching strategies
used in the program.
Please explain how the program
explicitly links participants to local
community colleges and trade schools,
particularly for YouthBuild programs
that only offer GEDs to participants.
Please describe the types of college
exploration, planning, preparation, and
assistance that will be provided.
Describe the types of follow-up services
that will be provided to support youth
as they transition to post-secondary
education and ensure that they
(2) Occupational Skills Training
Please discuss the occupational skills
training component of the program
including where and how the training
will be conducted, how the curriculum
is developed, the type of industry
recognized credentials that result from
the training, and the involvement of
industry partners in the development of
the training. Describe how the applied
learning of the construction trades will
improve and enhance the academic
outcomes for the youth. Please describe
the skills and qualifications of the
occupational skills training instructors.
Please provide a description of the
wages or stipends structure for
participants. Provide labor market
information for the community, state,
and/or region where the YouthBuild
program will be implemented, including
both current data (as of the date of
submission of the application) and
projections on career opportunities in

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growing industries. Please explain how
the YouthBuild program will prepare
youth for the local labor market in
demand driven occupations that include
construction-related and other highgrowth career fields.
Please describe how the organization
will oversee the worksite to identify
existing and potential hazards, how
youth will be trained to protect
themselves from potential worksite
accidents, and how hazards will be
prevented and controlled through
policies and procedures. Provide
information on how worksite
supervisors will be trained to ensure
worksite safety. Please indicate the
ration of adults to youth at construction
training sites.
Please note that YouthBuild projects
will be required to follow Occupational
Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) guidelines in the operation of
their construction projects and to
submit incident reports to ETA of
injuries occurring on worksites. ETA
will require that YouthBuild grantees:
• Provide comprehensive
documented training on construction
safety for youth working on YouthBuild
projects, including requirements for
youth to demonstrate knowledge and
proficiency in hazard identification,
abatement, and safe work practices.
• Demonstrate compliance with
federal and state child labor laws and
occupational safety and health
• Provide written jobsite-specific
safety plans overseen by an on-site
supervisor with the knowledge, skills,
and authority to correct safety and
health hazards and enforce the sitespecific safety plan.
• Provide necessary personal
protective equipment to youth working
on YouthBuild projects.
• Report all injuries and illnesses to
youth working on YouthBuild projects,
along with documentation on remedial
measures to prevent future similar
injuries and help ensure that
YouthBuild is a model program that
takes active steps for participant safety
and health.
c. How will community service learning
and leadership development
opportunities be provided for youth in
the program? (10 points)
Please fully describe the proposed
leadership curriculum, qualifications of
instructors, and the impact of the
proposed leadership activities on the
target area. The application must fully
describe the leadership development
training that will be offered to
participants, the expected leadership
competencies with which participants

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will graduate, youth committee
involvement strategies, efforts for
providing the training to build group
cohesion and peer support, and
opportunities for continued leadership
after graduation. Please describe how
community service learning
opportunities will be implemented at
the site.
Applicants will be evaluated on the
quality of leadership development and
community service learning activities.
In addition, the proposal will be
evaluated on how these activities are
integrated with academic, skills
training, and career exploration
components of the program.
d. What types of post-program transition
services will be provided? What types of
follow-up services will be provided?
Post-program transition services are
defined as services offered during
program enrollment that will assist a
young person in making a successful
transition from the YouthBuild program
into employment and/or post-secondary
education and training programs.
Follow-up services are services
provided to a YouthBuild program
participant upon exit from the program.
(10 points)
Please fully describe the types of postprogram transition services that will be
offered to prepare youth for career
pathway opportunities and placements
and/or educational opportunities and
placements. Please fully describe how
each individual’s work readiness will be
assessed and how work readiness
training will be provided. Also describe
how an individual’s readiness for
placement in post-secondary education
and/or apprenticeship programs will be
assessed. Please fully demonstrate the
types of career exploration and planning
activities that will be offered by the
program, particularly for high-growth,
high-demand, and high-wage
occupations. For a list of the U.S.
Department of Labor’s Employment and
Training Administration’s Targeted
High-Growth Industries, go to: http://
Please fully describe the program’s job
placement and retention strategy
including how the program will work
with employers and/or One-Stop Career
Centers to identify and create job
openings for the young people served by
the program.
Please fully describe the types of
follow-up that will be provided to
program graduates. These supportive
services should relate to employment
placement and retention, postsecondary transition and degree
attainment. Describe how appropriate



Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 80 / Thursday, April 26, 2007 / Notices
continued support services will be
Important elements for evaluation
• The degree to which work readiness
and career exploration are integrated
into the core mission and activities of
the program.
• The program’s consistent ability to
provide post-program planning for
• The structure of its participant
follow-up service strategy.
4. Linkages to Key Partners, Match and
Leveraged Resources and Regional
Economic Development Strategies (25
points total)

rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES

a. Who are the key partners that will be
supporting the program? (10 points)
Please describe the key partners who
will be involved in the proposed
YouthBuild project. Specifically,
describe in detail the activities to be
undertaken by partners, the level of
commitment from each partnering
organization, and their qualifications to
assist with this project. As an
attachment, the applicant should
include letters of commitment from key
partners that demonstrate the strength
and maturity of the partnership
including previous collaboration on
Please provide a description of how
the proposed program will coordinate
with Federal, state, and local agencies
and Indian tribes to access services,
including local workforce investment
activities, vocational education
programs, limited English proficiency
instruction programs, and activities
conducted by public schools,
community colleges, and national
service programs, as well as other job
training provided with funds available
under this title.
Please describe the partnerships with
the juvenile justice system or housing
and community development systems.
Please fully describe the specific role
of employers in the proposed program,
such as their role in developing the
proposed program and assisting in
service provision and in placement
Please fully describe the program’s
relationship with local building trade
unions and their role in training, the
relationship of the proposed program to
established registered apprenticeship
programs and employers, and the ability
of the applicant to grant industryrecognized skills certifications through
the program.
Points for this factor will be awarded
based on: (a) The comprehensiveness of
the partnership and the degree to which

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each key partner plays a committed role
in the proposed project; (b) their
knowledge and experience concerning
the proposed grant activities, and their
ability to impact the success of the
project; and (c) evidence, including
letters of commitment, that key partners
have expressed a clear dedication to the
project and understand their areas of
responsibility. Applicants should
provide evidence of a plan for
interaction and communication between
partners and the demonstrated ability of
the lead agency to successfully manage
b. What match and other leveraged
resources are being contributed to this
project? (10 points)
Applicants should clearly describe
the required matching funds and any
additional funds or resources leveraged
in support of the proposed strategies
and demonstrate how these funds will
be used to contribute to the goals of the
project. Important elements of the
explanation include:
• Which partners and/or grant
subrecipients have contributed match
and leveraged resources and the extent
of each contribution, including an
itemized description of each
• The quality of the match and
leveraged resources, including the
extent to which each contribution will
be used to further the goals of the
• Evidence, such as letters of
commitment, that key partners have
expressed a clear commitment to
provide the contribution.
Assessment of this criterion will be
based on the extent to which the
application fully describes the amount,
commitment, nature, and quality of
match and leveraged resources. A match
in the sum of at least 25 percent of the
Federal funding request must be
provided. Matching funds may be either
cash or in-kind. Both matching funds
and additional leveraged resources will
be scored based on the degree to which
the source and use of those resources
are clearly explained and the extent to
which all resources are fully integrated
into the project to support grant
d. Please Describe the Organization’s
Involvement in Regional Economic
Development Strategies. (5 Points)
Please fully describe how the
organization is serving as a catalyst for
change in the community. Applicants
should be able to fully demonstrate how
they have created such changes and
stimulated economic growth in their
communities and how they would

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continue to support community
development as a YouthBuild grantee.
Please specifically describe how the
program is integrated with local, state,
and/or regional strategies to develop
deep talent pools of young workers who
will serve as a ‘‘youth supply pipeline’’
to drive and support economic growth.
Applicants will be evaluated on the
• The extent to which they
understand the local and regional
economy and the role of youth workers
in shaping the economy; and
• The proposed role of YouthBuild
training in stimulating economic growth
in high-demand occupations.
5. Evidence of Past & Projected Success
In Youthbuild or Other Relevant
Programs (15 Points)
Please fully describe and document
the past accomplishments operating
YouthBuild or similar youth programs
with academic components in the
community. Please explain how long
the program has been in operation and
provide annual performance data on the
following factors:
• Number of youth recruited.
• Number of youth enrolled.
• Number of youth completing the
• Number and percent of youth
receiving their GED or high school
diploma (please differentiate between
the two).
• Rate of literacy and numeracy gains
by participants.
• Number and percent of youth who
have entered construction-related
• Number and percent of youth who
have entered other employment.
• Employment retention rates.
• Number and percent of youth who
have entered post-secondary training or
• Post-secondary training or
education retention rates; where
available, please indicate the number of
participants who have completed postsecondary training or education and
have achieved a credential.
• Number and percent of youth who
have entered registered apprenticeship
• Annual cost per participant.
Please indicate the expected
performance outcomes if awarded a
grant (in terms of literacy and numeracy
gains; high school diploma/GED
attainment; placement in employment,
post-secondary education, occupational
skills training, or the military; and
employment retention rate).
Please indicate the types of private
foundation funding the organization has
secured in the past. Also, fully describe




Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 80 / Thursday, April 26, 2007 / Notices

long-term partnerships with
organizations that have added to the
robustness of the program and how the
organization has sustained these
Please fully describe how both the
academic and skills training curriculum
were developed and how long they have
been used. Important elements to be
considered with this factor are:
• The degree to which the
performance data is provided and
• The variety and types of funding
streams and long-term partnerships that
the program has been able to attract to
support YouthBuild activities.
• The complexity of construction
activities undertaken and the degree to
which youth are exposed and trained in
a variety of construction skills.
B. Review and Selection Process
Proposals that are timely and
responsive to the requirements of this
SGA will be rated against the criteria
listed above by an independent panel
comprised of representatives from DOL,
HUD, U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ),
and U.S. Department of Health &
Human Services (HHS) and other peers.
The ranked scores will serve as the
primary basis for selection of
applications for funding, in conjunction
with other factors such as urban, rural,
and geographic balance; whether the
areas to be served have previously
received grants for YouthBuild
programs; the availability of funds; and
which proposals are most advantageous
to the Government. The panel results
are advisory in nature and not binding
on the Grant Officer, and the Grant
Officer may consider any information
that comes to his/her attention. The
Government may elect to award the
grant(s) with or without discussions
with the applicants. Should a grant be
awarded without discussions, the award
will be based on the applicant’s
signature on the SF 424, which
constitutes a binding offer by the
applicant (including electronic
signature via E-Authentication on
VI. Award Administration Information

rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES

A. Award Notices
All award notifications will be posted
on the ETA homepage (http:// Applicants selected
for award will be contacted directly
before the grant’s execution. Applicants
not selected for award will be notified
by mail.

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B. Administrative and National Policy
1. Administrative Program
All grantees, including faith-based
organizations, will be subject to all
applicable Federal laws (including
provisions of appropriation laws),
regulations, and the applicable Office of
Management and Budget (OMB)
Circulars. The grant(s) awarded under
this SGA must comply with all
provisions of this solicitation and will
be subject to the following
administrative standards and
provisions, as applicable to the
particular grantee:
1. 20 Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR) Part 667.220. (Administrative
2. Non-Profit Organizations—Office of
Management and Budget (OMB)
Circulars A–122 (Cost Principles) and
29 CFR Part 95 (Administrative
3. Educational Institutions—OMB
Circulars A–21 (Cost Principles) and 29
CFR Part 95 (Administrative
4. All entities must comply with 29
CFR Parts 93 and 98 and, where
applicable, 29 CFR Parts 96 and 99.
5. In accordance with Section 18 of
the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995,
Public Law 104–65 (2 U.S.C. 1611) nonprofit entities incorporated under
Internal Revenue Service Code section
501(c)(4) that engage in lobbying
activities are not eligible to receive
Federal funds and grants.
6. 29 CFR part 2, subpart D—Equal
Treatment in Department of Labor
Programs for Religious Organizations;
Protection of Religious Liberty of
Department of Labor Social Service
Providers and Beneficiaries;
7. 29 CFR part 30—Equal
Employment Opportunity in
Apprenticeship and Training;
8. 29 CFR part 31—Nondiscrimination
in Federally Assisted Programs of the
Department of Labor—Effectuation of
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964;
9. 29 CFR part 32—Nondiscrimination
on the Basis of Handicap in Programs
and Activities Receiving or Benefiting
from Federal Financial Assistance;
10. 29 CFR part 33—Enforcement of
Nondiscrimination on the Basis of
Handicap in Programs or Activities
Conducted by the Department of Labor;
11. 29 CFR part 35—
Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Age
in Program or Activities Receiving
Federal Financial Assistance from the
Department of Labor;
12. 29 CFR part 36—
Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex

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in Education Programs or Activities
Receiving Federal Financial Assistance;
13. 29 CFR part 37—Implementation
of the Nondiscrimination and Equal
Opportunity Provisions of the
Workforce Investment Act of 1998
14. 29 CFR part 1926, Safety and
Health Regulations for Construction of
the Occupational Safety and Health Act
15. 29 CFR part 570, Child Labor
Regulations, Orders and Statements of
Interpretation of the Employment
Standards Child Labor Provisions.
Further, as a Federal agency, DOL has
a statutory duty to affirmatively further
fair housing. ETA requires the same of
its funding recipients under this
solicitation. If the organization is a
successful applicant, the organization
will have a duty to affirmatively further
fair housing opportunities for classes
protected under the Fair Housing Act.
Protected classes include race, color,
national origin, religion, sex, disability,
and familial status. Therefore, the
application should include specific
steps to:
1. Overcome the effects of
impediments to fair housing choice that
were identified in the jurisdiction’s
Analysis of Impediments (AI) to Fair
Housing Choice;
2. Remedy discrimination in housing;
3. Promote fair housing rights and fair
housing choice.
Further, the applicant has a duty to
carry out the specific activities provided
in its responses to this solicitation that
address affirmatively furthering fair
Note: Except as specifically provided in
this Notice, DOL/ETA’s acceptance of a
proposal and an award of Federal funds to
sponsor any program(s) does not provide a
waiver of any grant requirements and/or
procedures. For example, OMB Circulars
require that an entity’s procurement
procedures must ensure that all procurement
transactions are conducted, as much as
practical, to provide open and free
competition. If a proposal identifies a
specific entity to provide services, the DOL/
ETA’s award does not provide the
justification or basis to sole source the
procurement, i.e., avoid competition, unless
the activity is regarded as the primary work
of an official partner to the application.

C. Special Program Requirements
Evaluation. ETA may require that the
program or project participate in an
evaluation of overall performance of
YouthBuild grants. To measure the
impact of the YouthBuild programs,
ETA may arrange for or conduct an
independent evaluation of the outcomes
and benefits of the projects. Grantees



Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 80 / Thursday, April 26, 2007 / Notices

rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES

must agree to make records on
participants, employers and funding
available, and to provide access to
program operating personnel and
participants, as specified by the
evaluator(s) under the direction of ETA,
including after the expiration date of the
D. Reporting
Quarterly financial reports, quarterly
progress reports, and MIS data will be
submitted by the grantee electronically.
The grantee is required to provide the
reports and documents listed below:
Quarterly Financial Reports. A
Quarterly Financial Status Report (SF
269) is required until such time as all
funds have been expended or the grant
period has expired. Quarterly reports
are due 30 days after the end of each
calendar year quarter. Grantees must use
ETA’s On-Line Electronic Reporting
System and information and
instructions will be provided to
Quarterly Progress Reports. The
grantee must submit a quarterly progress
report to their designated Federal
Project Officer within 30 days after the
end of each quarter. This report should
provide a detailed account of activities
undertaken during that quarter.
Grantees must agree to meet ETA
reporting requirements. The quarterly
progress report should be in narrative
form and should include:
1. In-depth information on
accomplishments, including project
success stories, upcoming grant
activities, and promising approaches
and processes.
2. Progress toward performance
outcomes, including updates on
product, curricula, and training
Injury Incident Reports. Organizations
will be required to submit incident
reports of injuries received by enrollees
on the job. ETA will provide
specifications for this reporting after
grant award.
MIS Reports. Organizations will be
required to submit updated MIS data on
enrollment, services provided,
placements, outcomes, and follow-up
status. A government-procured MIS
system will be provided at no charge to
all grantees. Grantees will be required to
have industry-standard computer
hardware and high-speed Internet
access in order to use the MIS system.
Grant funds may be used with the prior
approval of the Grant Officer to upgrade
computer hardware and Internet access
to enable projects to use the MIS system.
Final Report. A draft final report must
be submitted no later than 60 days prior
to the expiration date of the grant. This

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report must summarize project
activities, employment outcomes, and
related results of the training project,
and should thoroughly document
capacity building and training
approaches. The final report should also
include copies of all deliverables, e.g.
curricula and competency models. After
responding to ETA questions and
comments on the draft report, three
copies of the final report must be
submitted no later than the grant
expiration date. Grantees must agree to
use a designated format specified by
ETA for preparing the final report.
VII. Agency Contacts
For further information regarding this
SGA, please contact Donna Kelly,
Grants Management Specialist, Division
of Federal Assistance, at (202) 693–3934
(please note this is not a toll-free
number). Applicants should fax all
technical questions to (202) 693–2705
and must specifically address the fax to
the attention of Donna Kelly and should
include SGA/DFA PY 06–08, a contact
name, fax and phone number, and email
address. This announcement is being
made available on the ETA Web site at, at, and in the
Federal Register.
VIII. Additional Resources of Interest to
Applicants and Other Information
Resources for the Applicant
ETA maintains a number of webbased resources that may be of
assistance to applicants:
• The Web site for the Employment
and Training Administration (http:// is a valuable source for
background information on the
President’s High Growth Job Training
• The Workforce3 One Web site
( is a
valuable resource for information about
demand driven projects of the workforce
investment system, educators,
employers, and economic development
• America’s Service Locator
( provides a
directory of the nation’s One-Stop
Career Centers.
• Career Voyages
(, a Web site
targeted at youth, parents, counselors,
and career changers, provides
information about career opportunities
in high-growth/high-demand industries.
• Applicants are encouraged to
review ‘‘Help with Solicitation for Grant
Applications’’ (
• For a basic understanding of the
grants process and basic responsibilities

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of receiving Federal grant support,
please see ‘‘Guidance for Faith-Based
and Community Organizations on
Partnering with the Federal
Government’’ (http://
Other Information
OMB Information Collection No.:
Expires: September 30, 2009.
According to the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are
required to respond to a collection of
information unless such collection
displays a valid OMB control number.
Public reporting burden for this
collection of information is estimated to
average 20 hours per response,
including time for reviewing
instructions, searching existing data
sources, gathering and maintaining the
data needed, and completing and
reviewing the collection of information.
Send comments regarding the burden
estimated or any other aspect of this
collection of information, including
suggestions for reducing this burden, to
the U.S. Department of Labor, the OMB
Desk Officer for ETA, Office of
Management and Budget, Room 10235,
Washington, DC 20503. Please do not
return the completed application to the
OMB. Send it to the sponsoring agency
as specified in this solicitation.
This information is being collected for
the purpose of awarding a grant. The
information collected through this
‘‘Solicitation for Grant Applications’’
will be used by the Department of Labor
to ensure that grants are awarded to the
applicant best suited to perform the
functions of the grant. Submission of
this information is required in order for
the applicant to be considered for award
of this grant. Unless otherwise
specifically noted in this
announcement, information submitted
in the respondent’s application is not
considered to be confidential.
Signed at Washington, DC, this 19th day of
April, 2007.
Eric D. Luetkenhaus,
Employment and Training Administration,
Grant Officer.
[FR Doc. E7–7974 Filed 4–25–07; 8:45 am]

Mine Safety and Health Administration
Petitions for Modification
Mine Safety and Health
Administration (MSHA), Labor.




File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2007-05-24
File Created2007-04-26

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