CAR Instructions

1830-0503 CARInstructions2007.doc

Vocational Technical Education Annual Performance and Financial Reports (JH)

CAR Instructions

OMB: 1830-0503

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Consolidated Annual Performance, Accountability,

and Financial Status Report

for the

State Basic Grant and Tech-Prep Grant Programs

under the

Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act of 1998


U.S. Department of Education

Office of Vocational and Adult Education

Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act 1998, Public Law 105-332

Basic Grant to States, CFDA 084.048A and Tech-Prep Education CFDA 084.243A

OMB NO: 1830-0503

EXPIRES: 4-30-2008

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1830-0503. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 130.25 hours per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather and maintain the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U. S. Department of Education, Washington, DC 20202-4651. If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write or e-mail directly to: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Technical Education, Division of Academic and Technical Education, 550 12th Street, SW, Potomac Center Plaza, Room 11017, Washington, DC 20202 or [email protected].

Table of Contents

Background of the Report 1

General Instructions 2

Reporting Requirements 2

Definitions ……………………………………………………………………………………… 3

SECTION A: Instructions for completing the cover sheet for the consolidated annual performance, accountability, and financial status report …………………………………………6

SECTION B: Instructions for completing the narrative report for the consolidated annual performance, accountability, and financial status report……………………………………. 7

SECTION C: Instructions for completing the financial status report for the consolidated annual performance, accountability, and financial status report 10

SECTION D: Instructions for completing the basic grant and tech prep student enrollment for the consolidated annual performance, accountability, and financial status report 14

SECTION E: Instructions for completing the accountability report for the consolidated annual performance accountability, and financial status report 16

SECTION F: Instructions for completing the report on student outcomes for the consolidated annual performance, accountability, and financial status report…………………………… 21

Tips on Filling Out Accountability Forms ………………………………………………………23

Core Indicator Definitions 26

Background of the Report

This document contains the U.S. Department of Education’s (Department) Consolidated Annual Performance, Accountability, and Financial Status Reporting instrument for the State formula and Tech Prep grant programs authorized by the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act of 1998, 20 U.S.C. §§ 2301 et seq. as amended by P.L. 105-332 (Perkins III). Prepared in consultation with State officials, it includes all requirements for States in reporting to the Department on programmatic, financial, and accountability data for program year 2006-2007.

Under Perkins III, the U. S. Department of Education distributes approximately $1 billion to States and, through them, to local educational agencies (LEAs) and other subgrantees for purposes of improving vocational educational achievement of the nation’s students. In implementing these programs, Perkins III emphasize the importance of accountability for performance and fiscal management in contributing to States and school districts' achieving their education goals for all vocational students.

On August 2, 2006, the Perkins III legislation was reauthorized as the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV). The Perkins IV legislation continues to emphasize the importance of accountability for performance and more closely aligns the secondary academic attainment and graduation measures to those required of all students under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act. This information collection has been updated for FY 2006-07 to enable States to begin gathering data on three student outcomes in Perkins IV: secondary academic attainment in reading/language arts, student academic attainment in mathematics, and student graduation rates. The performance and enrollment data will be disaggregated by gender, race, ethnicity and special population categories. The Department’s general authority for collecting and disseminating information in section 431 of General Education Provisions Act (GEPA) (20 U.S.C. 1231(c)) and the transition authority in section 4 of Perkins IV allow the Secretary to collect data to examine program performance over time and to assist the Department in making the transition from Perkins III to Perkins IV. This will also assist the Secretary to review program effectiveness by providing information on student program participation trends and providing context on all students who participate, regardless of their level of participation, as opposed to only students who are concentrators, and which are the focus of the core indicators of performance in the statute. In reporting on these student outcomes, a State would use its student definition of a “secondary CTE concentrator” as identified in its new Perkins IV State Plan and would not be subject to subject to sanctions for failing to meet its State adjusted levels of performance for FY 2006-07 for the academic attainment core indicators of performance under Perkins III.

This is the second generation of a consolidated annual reporting system. This single reporting instrument incorporates (1) the accountability reporting requirements under Section 113 of Perkins III, and (2) the reporting requirements under the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (34 CFR Part 80.40 (Annual Performance Report) and 80.41 (Financial Status Report)).

The reporting instrument:

  1. Promotes coordinated data collection by including, in a single instrument, all of the annual information that the Department needs for this program; and

  2. Reduces burden on eligible agencies by consolidating formerly separate reporting instruments into a single document; streamlining reporting requests for more efficient program administration; and eliminating duplication and unnecessary requests for information.

It is expected that reporting will continue to change as the Department and the States develop their capacities to elicit and use accurate and reliable information for purposes of monitoring, reporting, and improving vocational programs and services.

The Department will continue collaborating with eligible agencies and others on ways to improve a consolidated reporting instrument that would be used for reporting on activities conducted in the future.

In addition, the Department has contracted for the continued development and improvement of a Web-based reporting system. The Department is committed to working with the contractor and eligible agencies so that all States that choose to do so can submit their reports via the Web.

General Instructions

The Consolidated Annual Report should be submitted electronically, along with a cover sheet signed with an electronic PIN. The instructions for the Web-based and Excel forms, as well as the CAR instrument itself can be found at:

Instructions for Excel Users:

  1. When downloading an Excel spreadsheet from the CAR web-based data collection system it is important to quickly click the “Save” button and name a file. Also, it is important to remember to “Save” the Excel spreadsheet prior to uploading your data to the web-based data collection system.

  1. After an Excel file has been uploaded to the CAR web-based data collection system users may update their data using this format. Remember if a user updates their data in the Excel format they must again upload the file to the web-based data collection system.

Reporting Requirements

The report is due December 31 of each year. Department of Education regulations require that annual performance and financial status reports be submitted by the 90th day following the grant year (34 CFR §80.40(b)(1), §80.41(b)(4)). The Department’s general authority for collecting and disseminating information in section 431 of GEPA (20 U.S.C. 1231(c)) and the transition authority in section 4 of Perkins IV allow the Secretary to collect data to examine program performance over time and to assist the Department in making the transition from Perkins III to Perkins IV. The data will help to review program effectiveness by providing information on student program participation trends and providing context on all students who participate, regardless of their level of participation, as opposed to only students who are concentrators, and which are the focus of the core indicators of performance in the statute. The Department of Education will use the disaggregated enrollment data to determine numbers of CTE student participants and as a qualifier for the indicator measures required in the Act.

The following pages summarize in detail the reporting requirements. In responding, eligible agencies must furnish information that reflects data for the current reporting program year.

Report submission will have one interim FSR for Perkins III for the current reporting program year and one final FSR for the previously reported program year.


State Performance Measures: Section 113(b)(1) of Perkins III

Indicators of Performance: Section 113(b)(2)(A) of Perkins III

Additional Indicators of Performance: Section 113(b)(2)(B) of Perkins III

Levels of Performance: Section 113(b)(3) of Perkins III

State Adjusted Levels of Performance for Core Indicators of Performance: Section 113(b)(3)(A) of Perkins III

Race and Ethnicity: The following categories and definitions are based on the “The Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity (Statistical Policy Directive No. 15)” that was issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in 1977:

American Indian or Alaskan Native

A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North America and who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition.

Asian or Pacific Islander

A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, of the Indian subcontinent. This includes, for example, China, India, Japan, Korea, the Philippine Islands, and Samoa.

Black (not Hispanic)

A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa.


A person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race.

White (not Hispanic)

A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East.

Displaced homemaker: The term “displaced homemaker” means an individual who –

(A)(i) has worked primarily without remuneration to care for a home and family and for that reason has diminished marketable skills;

(ii) has been dependent on the income of another family member but is no longer supported by that income; or

(iii) is a parent whose youngest dependent child will become ineligible to receive assistance under part A of title IV of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) not later than 2 years after the date on which the parent applies for assistance under this title; and

(B) is unemployed or underemployed and is experiencing difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment. [sec. 3(7) of Perkins III]

Economically disadvantaged: The term "economically disadvantaged" means individuals from economically disadvantaged families, including foster children. [sec. (3)(23) of Perkins III].

Individual with limited English proficiency: The term "individual with limited English proficiency" means a secondary school student, an adult, or an out-of-school youth, who has limited ability in speaking, reading, writing, or understanding the English language, and—

(A) whose native language is a language other than English; or

(B) who lives in a family or community environment in which a language other than English is the dominant language. [sec. 3(13) of Perkins III]

Individual with a disability: The term "individual with a disability" means an individual with any disability (as defined in section 3 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12102). [sec. 3(14) of Perkins III]

Individuals with other barriers to educational achievement: The term "individuals with other barriers to educational achievement" is defined by each State as part of your Perkins III State plan. Include those categories or groups of students identified in your State plan as "individuals with other barriers to educational achievement." [sec. 3(23) of Perkins III]

Nontraditional training and employment: The term "nontraditional training and employment" means occupations or fields of work, including careers in computer science, technology, and other emerging high skill occupations, for which individuals from one gender comprise less than 25 percent of the individuals employed in each such occupation or field of work. [sec. 3(17) of Perkins III]. Because our nation’s labor force is increasingly mobile and the labor market internationally competitive, the Department encourages States to use national employment statistics to identify non-traditional occupations. However, States may use State data on employment to identify nontraditional occupations if it improves targeting of educational improvement activities for nontraditional employment and service to students enrolled in those programs. You may get additional information on employment statistics and non-traditional occupations from the America’s Career Resource Network (ACRN) in each State or your State WIA agency Employment Training Administration.

Single parents: The term "single parents" includes single pregnant women. [sec. 3(23) of Perkins III]

Threshold Level of Vocational Education: A threshold level of vocational education is defined “a sequence of courses that provides individuals with the academic and technical knowledge and skills the individuals used to prepare for further education and for careers (other than careers requiring a baccalaureate, masters, or doctoral degree) in current or emerging employment sectors.” [sec. 3 (39) of Perkins III]

Definitions for Accountability Forms

Vocational Participant: Student who enrolled in at least one vocational-technical education course as defined in the State’s Perkins III State Plan.

Vocational Concentrator: Student who enrolled in a threshold level of vocational education as defined in the State’s Perkins III State Plan.

Vocational Completer: Student who attained the academic and technical knowledge/skills/ proficiencies within a program/sequence of courses or instructional units that provides an individual with the academic and technical knowledge/skills/proficiencies to prepare the individual for employment and/or further education as defined in the State’s Perkins III State Plan.

Definitions for Reporting on Student Outcomes

Student Outcomes: Section 113(b)(2)(A)(i) and (iv) of Perkins IV

Academic Attainment in Reading/Language: Section 1111(b)(3) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)

Academic Attainment in Mathematics: Section 1111(b)(3) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)

Student Graduation Rates: Section 1111(b)(2)(C)(vi) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)

Secondary CTE Concentrator: Student who enrolled in a threshold level of career and technical education as defined in the State’s Perkins IV State Plan.

SECTION A: Instructions for completing the cover sheet (Form I) for the consolidated annual performance, accountability, and financial status report

Block Instructions

  1. Enter the grant recipient organization’s name and address.

  1. PR/Award numbers as indicated in Block 5 of the Grant Award Notifications for the Basic Grant to States and Tech-Prep.

  1. For optional use by those agencies needing cross-reference identification.

  1. Specify the program year covered in the report, e.g. July1, 2006 through June 30, 2007.

  1. Include any remarks that are necessary to explain any specifics in the report. Attach additional information if needed.

  1. Enter name of authorized certifying official, date of submission and telephone. The Executive Officer, or designee, of the Grant recipient as appropriate must certify the report. Entry of an electronic Personal Identification Number upon electronic submission will be considered as official certification of the report. Directors or their designee will approve all data as an attestation of its accuracy by entering the PIN that was supplied by the Department of Education.

SECTION B: Instructions for completing the narrative report for the consolidated annual performance, accountability, and financial status report

Section 114(a)(1) of Perkins III requires the Secretary to collect performance information about, and report on, the condition of vocational and technical education and on the effectiveness of State and local programs, services, and activities carried out under the Act. Below are the specific items that States are required to report on for the past program year (July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007). Reports must address each of the items in the order outlined below, should make use of tables and charts to summarize key points, and should not exceed 20 pages.

I. State Administration [sec. 121 of Perkins III]

A. Sole State Agency and Governance Structure

Offer a brief summary of how your State is organized to administer vocational and technical education under Perkins III. Attach an organizational chart of the key agencies involved and offer a brief summary of the roles and responsibilities of each.

B. Organization of Vocational and Technical Education Programs

Provide information about how vocational and technical programs are organized and offered in your State. Indicate whether, and to what extent, your State has organized its programs around career clusters or pathways that combine rigorous academic and technical courses and offer a clear pathway into a postsecondary program leading to a technical certificate, associate or baccalaureate degree, apprenticeship, or a job.

II. State Leadership Activities [sec. 124 of Perkins III]

A. Required Uses of Funds

Provide a summary of your major initiatives and activities in each of the following areas that are "required" under section 124(b)(1-8) of Perkins III:

  • An assessment of the vocational and technical education programs that are funded

  • Developing, improving, or expanding the use of technology in vocational and technical education

  • Professional development programs, including providing comprehensive professional development (including initial teacher preparation) for vocational and technical, academic, guidance, and administrative personnel

  • Support for vocational and technical education programs that improve the academic, and vocational and technical skills of students...through the integration of academics with vocational and technical education

  • Providing preparation for nontraditional training and employment

  • Supporting partnerships to enable students to achieve State academic standards, and vocational and technical skills

  • Serving individuals in State institutions

  • Support for programs for special populations that lead to high skill, high wage careers

B. Permissible Activities [sec. 124 of Perkins III]

Provide a brief summary of major initiatives and activities under one or more of the following areas under section 124(c)(1-12) of Perkins III.

III. Distribution of Funds and Local Plan for Vocational and Technical Education Programs [sec.131 and 134 of Perkins III]

A. Provide a summary of the State's eligible recipients, listing the number of secondary local eligible agencies, area vocational and technical education agencies, postsecondary agencies, and consortia.

B. Attach the latest version of the local application used to fund eligible recipients

IV. Accountability [sec. 113 of Perkins III]

A. State's Overall Performance Results and Program Improvement Strategies

Analyze the State's overall performance results compared to the agreed-upon performance levels for the past program year. For each instance where the State met its performance levels, provide a brief explanation of factors that may have contributed to those results.

For each instance where the State did not meet its performance levels, provide a brief explanation of factors that may have contributed to those results, along with strategies that will be implemented during the program year to improve those results.

B. State's Performance Results for Special Populations and Program Improvement Strategies

Analyze the State's performance results for special populations listed in section 3(23) of Perkins III compared to the agreed-upon performance levels for the past program year. For each instance where the State met its performance levels, provide a brief explanation of factors that may have contributed to those results.

For each instance where the State did not meet its performance levels, provide a brief explanation of factors that may have contributed to those results, along with strategies that will be implemented during the program year to improve those results.

C. Definitions for Accountability Forms

Provide the State's current definitions for the following terms as identified in the State’s Perkins III State Plan. Underline all or portions of any definitions that have changed from the previous program year.

  • Vocational participant

  • Vocational concentrator

  • Vocational completer

  • Tech-Prep student

Provide the State’s definition for the following term as identified in the State’s Perkins IV State Plan.

  • Secondary career and technical education (CTE) concentrator

D. Measurement Approaches

For each of the sub-indicators of performance, provide your measurement approach and definitions for the numerator and denominator. Please do not abbreviate or summarize any of the definitions. Underline all or portions of any definitions that have changed from the previous program year.

E. Improvement Strategies

Provide a brief summary of any changes that are planned to improve the overall accuracy, reliability, and completeness of the State's Perkins accountability data.

V. Monitoring Follow-up

If your State received a monitoring visit during the past program year, provide an update on corrective actions, if any, that your State was required to take, as well as any suggested improvement strategies that the State elected to complete.

VI. Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Incentive Grant Award Results

If your State received a WIA Incentive Grant during the past program year, and used a portion of the funds for activities allowable under Perkins III, provide a summary of the results of those activities. If your State did not use a portion of the funds for Perkins-related activities, please indicate how the funds were used.

SECTION C: Instructions for completing the financial status report for the consolidated annual performance, accountability, and financial status report

  • There are forms for an Interim and Final report. The Basic Grant and the Tech-Prep Grant from the same fiscal year are reported on the same form.

  • The report is final when there are no additional outlays or obligations against the grant award and all existing obligations have been liquidated. FSRs that are not final are considered interim reports. Fill out the Interim report if all existing obligations have not been liquidated and a Final report if there are no unliquidated obligations.

  • Identify the accounting basis used by the grantee.

  • Enter Federal Funding Period based on information obtained in Block 6 of the Grant Award Notification.

  • If this is an interim report, specify the Federal Funding Period as requested in the block. If this is a final report, specify the 27 months (Federal Funding Period plus 12 months of Carryover) during which obligations can be made from funds under this award; i.e. July 1, 2000 through September 30, 2002. This block refers to the period of obligations only. DO NOT include periods where liquidations or other adjustments were made. Compliance determinations will be made on final reports.

  • Enter the Period Covered by this Report in the appropriate box.

  • Enter the Grant Award Number in the appropriate box.

  • Complete the table using the instructions and data descriptions located on page fifteen of this manual.

  • At the bottom of the form, include any remarks that are necessary to explain any specifics in the report. In completing the data collection forms, if a cell is determined by the State to be inapplicable, N/P can be recorded. An explanation of the determination must be included in the appropriate narrative section of the report. It is suggested a reference to the narrative be included with the data collection instrument.

Financial data recorded on each line item of the form is to be reflective of the time period as specified at the top of this page.

Column Instructions

A On an interim FSR, this column must be zero (0). On the final FSR, list here what was reported in column D (net outlays this report period) on the interim FSR.

B Enter the total amount of outlays, both federal and non-federal. An outlay is recorded when cash has been paid for an existing obligation.

Column Instructions

C Enter the program income credits earned from activities funded by this award.

D Enter the result of Column B minus Column C.

E Enter the result of Column A plus Column D.

F Enter the total amount of non-federal vocational-technical education outlays.

G Enter the result of Column E minus Column F.

H Enter the amount of all unliquidated obligations as of the end of the reporting period. On a final report, this column must equal zero.

I Enter the result of Column G plus Column H.

J On Line 1, enter the amount of funds (if any) that the grantee budgeted in its State Plan for secondary eligible recipients for the purpose of the Reserve, as described in Section 112(c).

On Line 2, enter the amount of funds (if any) that the grantee budgeted in its State Plan for postsecondary eligible recipients for the purpose of the Reserve, as described in Section 112(c).

On Line 3, enter the sum of Lines 1 and 2.

For Line 4, enter the remaining amount of funds budgeted for secondary eligible recipients from its set-aside as described in Section 112(a)(1).

For Line 5, enter the remaining amount of funds budgeted for postsecondary eligible recipients from its set-aside as described in Section 112(a)(1).

On Line 6, enter the sum of Lines 4 and 5.

On Line 7, enter the sum of Lines 3, and 6.

For Line 8, enter the amount the grantee budgeted in its State Plan for State Leadership program activities for non-traditional training and employment, as described in Section 112(a)(2)(B).

For Line 9, enter the amount (if any) the grantee budgeted in its State Plan for State Leadership program activities for State institutions, as described in Section 112(a)(2)(A).

For Line 10, enter the remaining amount of funds the grantee budgeted in its State Plan for State Leadership activities as described Section 112(a)(2).

For Line 11, enter the remaining amount of funds budgeted in its State Plan for State Leadership activities, as described in Section 112(a)(2).

For Line 12, enter the total amount the grantee budgeted in its State Plan for State Administration activities, as described in Section 112(a)(3).

For Line 13, enter the amount the grantee budgeted in its State Plan for the total Basic Grant, authorized on the Basic Grant to States award as indicated in Block 7 of Grant Award Notification (EDGAPS-001).

For Line 14, enter the amount the grantee budgeted in its State Plan for State Administration activities, described in Section 3(1), for administering the programs described in Title II, Tech-Prep Education.

For Line 15, enter the amount the grantee budgeted in its State Plan for Local Consortia, described in Title II, Tech-Prep Education.

On Line 16, enter the sum of Lines 14 and 15.

K Enter the result of Column J minus Column I.

Line Instructions

  1. Enter outlays, program income credits, or unliquidated obligations, as appropriate that were incurred by Secondary Eligible Recipients for the purposes of the Reserve as described in Section 112(c).

  1. Enter outlays, program income credits, or unliquidated obligations, as appropriate that were incurred by Postsecondary Eligible Recipients for the purposes of the Reserve as described in Section 112(c).

  1. Enter the sum of Lines 1 and 2. For compliance purposes on the final report, the amount in cell I3 must not exceed 10% of the amount in Cell I7.

  1. Enter outlays, program income credits, or unliquidated obligations, as appropriate, that were incurred by Secondary Eligible Recipients for all other local activities not reported above, from funds made available under Section 112(a)(1).

  1. Enter outlays, program income credits, or unliquidated obligations, as appropriate, that were incurred by Postsecondary Eligible Recipients for all other local activities not reported above, from funds made available under Section 112(a)(1).

  1. Enter the sum of Lines 4 and 5.

  1. Enter the sum of Lines 3, and 6. For compliance purposes on the final report, the amount in cell I7 should not be less than 85% of cell I13, unless I13 equals less than $5,000,000. If I13 is less than $5,000,000, see the State Plan budget for minimum value.

  1. Enter outlays, program income credits, or unliquidated obligations, as appropriate, that were incurred by the Eligible Agency from activities described in Section 124(b)(5) from funds set-aside in Section 112(a)(2)(B). NOTE: For compliance purposes the amount in cell I8 should not be less than $60,000 and not greater than $150,000.

9 Enter outlays, program income credits, or unliquidated obligations, as appropriate, that were incurred by the Eligible Agency from activities described in Section 124 (b) (7) from funds set-aside in Section 112(a)(2)(A). For compliance purposes on the final report, the amount in cell I9 should not be greater than 1% of Cell I13.

  1. Enter the outlays, program income credits, or unliquidated obligations, as appropriate, that were incurred by the Eligible Agency from activities described in Section 124 from funds set-aside in Section 112(a)(2).

  1. Enter the sum of Lines 8, 9 and 10. For compliance purposes on the final report, the amount in cell I11 should not be greater than 10% of Cell I13.

  1. Enter all outlays, program income credits, or unliquidated obligations, as appropriate, that were incurred by the Eligible Agency from activities described in Section 121 from funds set-aside in Section 112(a)(3).

For compliance purposes on the final report, the amount in cell I12 should not be greater than 5% of I13, unless cell I13 equals less than $5,000,000. In that case, the approved State Plan budget amount is the maximum value allowed.

  1. Enter the sum of Lines 7, 11 and 12. For compliance purposes on the final report, the amount in cell J13 must equal amount of Basic Grant to States award as indicated in Block 7 of Grant Award Notification (EDGAPS-001). Cell I13 must not exceed value of Cell J13.

  1. Enter all outlays, program income credits, or unliquidated obligations, as appropriate that were incurred by the Eligible Agency to administer, as described in Section 3(1), the programs described in Title II.

  1. Enter all outlays, program income credits, or unliquidated obligations, as appropriate that were incurred by the consortia for activities described in Title II.

  1. Enter the sum of Lines 14 and 15. For compliance purposes on the final report, the amount in cell I16 must equal the amount of the Tech-Prep Education award as indicated in Block 7 of Grant Award Notification (EDGAPS-001). Cell I16 must not exceed value of Cell J16.

SECTION D: Instructions for completing the basic grant and tech prep student enrollment for the consolidated annual performance, accountability, and financial status report

Instructions for Completing Student Enrollment Forms

The enrollment data is now to be reported by 16 broad career cluster areas. The definitions of these areas and the CIP codes crosswalk are provided as resources to assist the States in identifying student enrollment. These resources can be found on the Peer Collaborative Resource Network (PCRN) website at: This career cluster reporting system gives the State the decision to place State specific courses and programs in a career cluster. This is consistent with the previous reporting practice of the State/local determining course/program aggregation in a particular code number. The following sequence of steps is offered as a procedure for reporting secondary, postsecondary, and adult (if applicable) student enrollment.

Step 1—Report in column “D” entitled “Grand Total” rows 2-4 the gender count of participants enrolled in one or more State CTE approved courses. NOTE: This will be an unduplicated student enrollment count. The computer program will calculate column “C” row “5”.


Step 2 – Report in columns “E-T” rows 2-4 the gender count of participants enrolled in the 16 board career cluster areas. NOTE: These rows may contain a duplicated student enrollment count. The computer program will calculate row “5”.

Step 3 –Report in column “D” rows 6-11 the ethnicity count of the students enrolled in one or more State CTE approved course. NOTE: These rows may contain a duplicated student enrollment count. Also, columns “E-T” rows 6-11 are optional data reporting elements.


Step 4 –Report in column “D” rows 12-17 the special population count of the students enrolled in a State CTE approved course. NOTE: These rows may contain a duplicated student enrollment count.  The computer program will calculate column “D” row “19”. Also, columns “E-T” rows 12-18 are optional data reporting elements.

Optional Reporting Examples:

  1. Assign the State CTE course to the most appropriate career cluster - if a State CTE approved course includes more than one program/sequence, then do one of the following: (1) identify the most appropriate career cluster area for the program/sequence of courses, or (2) divide the program/sequence of courses into different program sub areas and assign each program sub area to its most appropriate career cluster area.

  1. Report students in more than one career cluster area – if a student’s program/sequence of courses includes more than one career cluster area the student should be included in both career cluster areas. Example 1: A student enrolls in the Finance (column L) and Manufacturing (column S) career cluster areas. The student will be reported in both career cluster areas (columns L & S) but will be counted only once in column A. Example 2: A student enrolls in the Finance (column L) and takes two courses assigned only to finance. The student will be counted only once in the Finance cluster (column L).

Important Notes:

In completing the data collection forms for the Basic Grant and Tech Prep programs, each cell must contain either a digit or N/P. An N/P in a cell means that the State has attempted to collect data from the locals or institutions, but such data was not provided (N/P), or could not be obtained by the local education agencies or institutions. An N/P reported will be counted and aggregated as a zero.

Some States may not offer all 16 career clusters areas. If a career cluster is not offered in a State, an N/O should be inserted in the cell and the State should provide an explanation in the “Additional Information” space. If the State has a different career cluster name, please find the closest applicable of the 16 career clusters and make a note of the different names in the “Additional Information” space.

SECTION E: Instructions for completing the accountability report for the consolidated annual performance, accountability, and financial status report

Instructions for Completing the Secondary and Postsecondary Core Indicators Accountability Forms

Step 1—Report in column “C” rows 2-17 the total number of vocational program students meeting the State’s numerator definition for each population (gender, race/ethnicity, special population and tech prep) identified in column B. NOTE: The computer program calculates row 1.

Step 2—Report in column “D” rows 2-17 the total number of students meeting the State’s denominator definition for each population (secondary, gender, ethnicity, special population and tech prep) identified in column B. NOTE: The computer program calculates row 1.

Column “E” – You do not enter data in this column. Row 1 “Grand Total” is pre-populated with the Final Agreed Upon Performance Level for the reporting period. Rows 2-17 are shaded and do not require data.

Column “F” – You do not enter data in this column. The computer program calculates for rows 1-17 the total percent that identifies the actual levels of performance for this program year.

Column “G”– You do not enter data in this column. Row 1 “Grand Total” will have an “E” if the actual Level of Performance has exceeded the adjusted Level of Performance. An “M” will be placed in the row if the level is met. A “D” will be placed in the row if the level is not met.

Special Instructions for Entering Data for Core Indicator 4: Participation in Nontraditional Programs

Participation in Secondary Nontraditional Programs

All secondary vocational education programs preparing students for further training and employment in careers or occupations with significant under representation of males or females will increase participation of underrepresented males or females.

Step 1 - Report in column “C” rows 2-17 the total number of students in an underrepresented group who participated in a non-traditional secondary program in the reporting year for each population (gender*, ethnicity, special population and tech prep) identified in column B. NOTE: The computer program calculates row 1.

*Numerator = The number of students in underrepresented gender groups enrolled in a nontraditional program (e.g. number of females enrolled in programs nontraditional for females plus the number of males enrolled in programs nontraditional for males) in the reporting year.

Step 2 - Report in column “D” rows 2-17 the total number of students who participated in a non-traditional secondary program in the reporting year for each population (gender*, ethnicity, special population and tech prep) identified in column B. NOTE: The computer program calculates row 1.

*Denominator = The number of all (male and female) students enrolled in nontraditional programs in the reporting year.

Column “E” – You do not enter data in this column. Row 1 “Grand Total” is pre-populated with the Final Agreed Upon Performance Level for the reporting period. Rows 2-17 are shaded and do not require data.

Column “F” – You do not enter data in this column. The computer program calculates for rows 1-17 the total percent that identifies the actual levels of performance for this program year.

Column “G”– You do not enter data in this column. Row 1 “Grand Total” will have an “E” if the actual Level of Performance has exceeded the adjusted Level of Performance. An “M” will be placed in the row if the level is met. A “D” will be placed in the row if the level is not met.

Note: Nontraditional programs are those programs that address occupations or occupational areas in which underrepresented gender groups represent less than 25 percent of employment.

Participation in Postsecondary Nontraditional Programs

All postsecondary vocational education programs preparing students for further training and employment in careers or occupations with significant under representation of males or females will increase participation of underrepresented males or females.

Step 1 - Report in column “C” rows 2-17 the total number of students in an underrepresented group who participated in a non-traditional postsecondary program in the reporting year for each population (gender*, ethnicity, special population and tech prep) identified in column B.

NOTE: The computer program calculates row 1.

*Numerator: The number of students in underrepresented gender groups enrolled in a nontraditional program (e.g. number of females enrolled in programs nontraditional for females plus the number of males enrolled in programs nontraditional for males) in the reporting year.

Step 2 - Report in column “D” rows 2-17 the total number of students who participated in a non-traditional secondary program in the reporting year for each population (gender*, ethnicity, special population and tech prep) identified in column B. NOTE: The computer program calculates row 1.

*Denominator = the number of all (male and female) students enrolled in nontraditional programs in the reporting year.

Column “E” – You do not enter data in this column. Row 1 “Grand Total” is pre-populated with the Final Agreed Upon Performance Level for the reporting period. Rows 2-17 are shaded and do not require data.

Column “F” – You do not enter data in this column. The computer program calculates for rows 1-17 the total percent that identifies the actual levels of performance for this program year.

Column “G”– You do not enter data in this column. Row 1 “Grand Total” will have an “E” if the actual Level of Performance has exceeded the adjusted Level of Performance. An “M” will be placed in the row if the level is met. A “D” will be placed in the row if the level is not met.

Note: Nontraditional programs are those programs that address occupations or occupational areas in which underrepresented gender groups represent less than 25 percent of employment.

Special Instructions for Entering Data for Core Indicator 4: Completion of Nontraditional Programs

Completion of Secondary Nontraditional Programs

All secondary vocational education programs preparing students for further training and employment in careers or occupations with significant under representation of males or females will increase completion of underrepresented males or females.

Step 1 - Report in column “C” rows 2-17 the total number of students in an underrepresented group who completed a non-traditional secondary program in the reporting year for each population (gender*, ethnicity, special population and tech prep) identified in column B. NOTE: The computer program calculates row 1.

*Numerator = The number of concentrators in underrepresented gender groups who completed a nontraditional program (e.g. number of female concentrators completing a program nontraditional for females plus the number of male concentrators completing a program nontraditional for males) in the reporting year.

Step 2 - Report in column “D” rows 2-17 the total number of students who completed a non-traditional secondary program in the reporting year for each population (gender*, ethnicity, special population and tech prep) identified in column B. NOTE: The computer program calculates row 1.

*Denominator = The number of all (male and female) concentrators completing a nontraditional program in the reporting year.

Column “E” – You do not enter data in this column. Row 1 “Grand Total” is pre-populated with the Final Agreed Upon Performance Level for the reporting period. Rows 2-17 are shaded and do not require data.

Column “F” – You do not enter data in this column. The computer program calculates for rows 1-17 the total percent that identifies the actual levels of performance for this program year.

Column “G”– You do not enter data in this column. Row 1 “Grand Total” will have an “E” if the actual Level of Performance has exceeded the adjusted Level of Performance. An “M” will be placed in the row if the level is met. A “D” will be placed in the row if the level is not met.

Note: Nontraditional programs are those programs that address occupations or occupational areas in which underrepresented gender groups represent less than 25 percent of employment.

Completion of Postsecondary Nontraditional Programs

All postsecondary vocational education programs preparing students for further training and employment in careers or occupations with significant under representation of males or females will increase completion of underrepresented males or females.

Step 1—Report in column “C” rows 2-17 the total number of students in an underrepresented group who completed a non-traditional postsecondary program in the reporting year for each population (postsecondary, gender*, ethnicity, special population and tech prep) identified in column B. NOTE: The computer program calculates row 1.

*Numerator =  The number of concentrators in underrepresented gender groups who completed a nontraditional program (e.g. number of female concentrators completing a program nontraditional for females plus the number of male concentrators completing a program nontraditional for males) in the reporting year

Step 2—Report in column “D” rows 2-17 the total number of students who completed a non-traditional postsecondary program in the reporting year for each population (postsecondary, gender*, ethnicity, special population and tech prep) identified in column B. NOTE: The computer program calculates row 1.

*Denominator = The number of all (male and female) concentrators completing a nontraditional program in the reporting year.

Column “E” – You do not enter data in this column. Row 1 “Grand Total” is pre-populated with the Final Agreed Upon Performance Level for the reporting period. Rows 2-17 are shaded and do not require data.

Column “F” – You do not enter data in this column. The computer program calculates for rows 1-17 the total percent that identifies the actual levels of performance for this program year.

Column “G”– You do not enter data in this column. Row 1 “Grand Total” will have an “E” if the actual Level of Performance has exceeded the adjusted Level of Performance. An “M” will be placed in the row if the level is met. A “D” will be placed in the row if the level is not met.

Note: Nontraditional programs are those programs that address occupations or occupational areas in which underrepresented gender groups represent less than 25 percent of employment.

SECTION F: Instructions for completing the report on student outcomes for the consolidated annual performance, accountability, and financial status report

Academic Attainment in Reading/Language Arts

Step 1 - Report in column “C” rows 2-18 the total number of career and technical education students meeting the State’s numerator* definition identified in column B. NOTE: The computer program calculates row 1.

*Numerator – # of CTE concentrators (as defined in the State’s Perkins IV State plan) who have met the proficient or advanced level on the Statewide high school reading/language arts assessment administered by the State under Section 1111(b)(3) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act based on the scores that were included in the State’s computation of adequate yearly progress (AYP) and who, in the reporting year, left secondary education.

Step 2 - Report in column “D” rows 2-18 the total number of students meeting the State’s denominator* definition identified in column B. NOTE: The computer program calculates row 1.

*Denominator – Number of CTE concentrators (as defined in the State’s Perkins IV State plan) who took the ESEA assessment in reading/language arts whose scores were included in the State’s computation of AYP and who, in the reporting year, left secondary education.

Column “E” – You do not enter data in this column.

Column “F” – You do not enter data in this column. The computer program calculates for rows 1-18 the total percent that identifies the actual levels of performance for this program year.

Column “G”– You do not enter data in this column.

Academic Attainment in Mathematics

Step 1 - Report in column “C” rows 2-18 the total number of career and technical education students meeting the State’s numerator* definition identified in column B. NOTE: The computer program calculates row 1.

*Numerator – # of CTE concentrators (as defined in the State’s Perkins IV State plan) who have met the proficient or advanced level on the Statewide high school mathematics assessment administered by the State under Section 1111(b)(3) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act based on the scores that were included in the State’s computation of adequate yearly progress (AYP) and who, in the reporting year, left secondary education.

Step 2 - Report in column “D” rows 2-18 the total number of students meeting the State’s denominator* definition identified in column B. NOTE: The computer program calculates row 1.

*Denominator – Number of CTE concentrators (as defined in the State’s Perkins IV State plan) who took the ESEA assessment in mathematics whose scores were included in the State’s computation of AYP and who, in the reporting year, left secondary education.

Column “E” – You do not enter data in this column.

Column “F” – You do not enter data in this column. The computer program calculates for rows 1-18 the total percent that identifies the actual levels of performance for this program year.

Column “G”– You do not enter data in this column.

Student Graduation Rates

Step 1 - Report in column “C” rows 2-18 the total number of vocational program students meeting the State’s numerator* definition identified in column B. NOTE: The computer program calculates row 1.

*Numerator – Number of CTE concentrators (as defined in the State’s Perkins IV State plan) who, in the reporting year, were included as graduated in the State’s computation of its graduation rate as described in Section 1111(b)(2)(C)(vi) of the ESEA.

Step 2 - Report in column “D” rows 2-18 the total number of students meeting the State-negotiated denominator* definition for each population (secondary, gender, ethnicity, special population and tech prep) identified in column B. NOTE: The computer program calculates row 1.

*Denominator – Number of CTE concentrators (as defined in the State’s Perkins IV State plan) who, in the reporting year, were included in the State’s computation of its graduation rate as defined in the State’s Consolidated Accountability Plan pursuant to Section 1111(b)(2)(C)(vi) of the ESEA.

Column “E” – You do not enter data in this column.

Column “F” – You do not enter data in this column. The computer program calculates for rows 1-18 the total percent that identifies the actual levels of performance for this program year.

Column “G”– You do not enter data in this column.

Tips on Filling Out Accountability Forms

  • States must report data for all negotiated indicators.

  • In completing the Accountability Data Collection forms in an Excel or Web-based data collection format, each cell must have a digit or N/P.

  • Column C “Numerator” is the number of students that are determined to have achieved the established outcome.

  • Column D “Denominator” is the number of students that were eligible to achieve the established outcome.

  • Column G “Actual vs. Adjusted Level of Performance” is calculated by the computer program and identifies the performance status with an E-Exceeded, M-Met and D-Did Not Meet.

  • The Racial/Ethnic, Special Population, and Tech Prep categories are required data breakouts and can be duplicate counts. Student outcomes (results) for each Core Indicator should be reported under each Special Population and Race/Ethnicity of which they are a member. For example, if a student is disabled and economically disadvantaged, they would be reported twice—once under individuals with disabilities and again under economically disadvantaged.

    • Race/Ethnicity includes American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian or Pacific Islander; Black (not Hispanic); Hispanic and White (not Hispanic).

    • Special Populations include Individuals with Disabilities; Economically Disadvantaged; Nontraditional Enrollees; Single Parents; Displaced Homemakers, Other Educational Barriers; and Limited English Proficient categories.

  • Core Indicator #3 Placement and Retention – Total Placement data are unduplicated.

NOTE: The Core Indicator #3 Placement and Retention sub-indicators

Education/Training and Employment/Military data may be duplicated, i.e., if a student

is placed in education and becomes employed.

 States reporting Military data should use the Employment form for reporting. States should combine these data.

  • Report secondary data on the forms marked “Secondary” and collegiate data AA degree granting institution data on the forms marked “Postsecondary”.

  • Report adult tech center data or evening school data on the forms marked “Adult”. This applies to only those States with adult programs.

  • For those States reporting additional measures, an optional form is provided. States should identify the measure(s) in the heading (such as cost, drop-outs, other academic areas e.g. English, math and science) and complete the form in the same manner as for the required Indicators of Performance. States may duplicate this form.

  • The computer program will calculate the shaded Male, Female, and Gender Unknown “Grand Total” rows.

Core Indicator Definitions

Core Indicator 1:

Attainment of Academic Skills, Secondary (1S1) All vocational concentrators who reach a State-defined threshold level of vocational education will master academic knowledge and skills that meet challenging State academic standards.

Attainment of Academic Skills, Postsecondary (1P1) All vocational concentrators who reach a State-defined threshold level of vocational education to complete a postsecondary program will master the knowledge and skills that meet program-defined academic standards.

Attainment of Vocational Skills, Secondary (1S2) All vocational concentrators who reach a State-defined threshold level of vocational education will master the knowledge and skills that meet State-established, industry-validated career and technical skill standards.

Attainment of Vocational Skills, Postsecondary (1P2) All vocational concentrators who reach a State-defined threshold level of vocational education to complete a postsecondary program will attain the knowledge and skills that meet program-defined, and industry-validated career and technical skill standards.

Core Indicator 2:

Completion of Diploma/Credential, Secondary (2S1) All vocational concentrators who reach a State-defined threshold level of vocational education will attain a secondary school diploma or its recognized State equivalent.

Completion of Diploma/Credential, Postsecondary (2P1) All vocational concentrators who reach a State-defined threshold level of vocational education to receive postsecondary degrees, certificates, or credentials will receive these postsecondary credentials.

Credential Attainment, Completion of Diploma/Credential, Secondary (2S2) All vocational concentrators who reach a State-defined level of vocational education will attain a proficiency credential in conjunction with a secondary school diploma or its State-recognized equivalent.

If your State does not include the credential with the completion of a diploma, data is not necessary for this indicator.

Core Indicator 3:

Placement and Retention, Total Placement , Secondary (3S1) All vocational concentrators who reach a State-defined threshold level of vocational education during their secondary education and who transition to postsecondary education or advanced training, and/or employment.

Placement and Retention, Sub-indicator Placement: Education/Advanced Training, Secondary All vocational concentrators who reach a State-defined threshold level of vocational education during their secondary education and who transition to postsecondary education or advanced training. This sub-indicator data may be a duplicate count and is not a negotiated performance. Please note that States are required to report the Advanced Training; Military and Education data along with the placement data.

Placement and Retention, Sub-indicator Placement: Employment, Secondary All vocational concentrators who reach a State-defined threshold level of vocational education during their secondary education and who transition to employment including military service. This sub-indicator data may be a duplicate count and is not a negotiated performance level. Please note that States are required to report the Advanced Training; Military and Education data along with the placement data.

Placement and Retention, Total Placement, Postsecondary (3P1) All vocational concentrators who reach a State-defined threshold level of vocational education to complete a postsecondary program will successfully transition to further postsecondary education or advanced training, and/or employment.

Placement and Retention, Sub-indicator Placement: Education/Advanced Training, Postsecondary All vocational concentrators who reach a State-defined threshold level of vocational education and who transition to postsecondary education or advanced training. This sub-indicator data may be a duplicate count and is not a negotiated performance level. Please note that States are required to report the Advanced Training; Military and Education data along with the placement data.

Placement and Retention, Sub-indicator Placement: Employment, Postsecondary All vocational concentrators who reach a State-defined threshold level of vocational education to complete a postsecondary program will successfully transition to employment including military service. This sub-indicator data may be a duplicate count and is not a negotiated performance level. Please note that States are required to report the Advanced Training; Military and Education data along with the placement data.

Placement and Retention, Retention, Postsecondary (3P2) All vocational concentrators who reach a State-defined threshold level of vocational education who leave secondary schooling and who are placed in further postsecondary education or advanced training, employment including military service will be retained in these activities.

Core Indicator 4:

Participation in Nontraditional Programs, Secondary (4S1) All secondary vocational education programs preparing students for further training and employment in careers or occupations with significant under representation of males or females will increase participation of underrepresented males or females.

Participation in Postsecondary Nontraditional Programs, Postsecondary (4P1) All postsecondary vocational education programs preparing students for further training and employment in careers or occupations with significant under representation of males or females will increase participation of underrepresented males or females.

Completion of Nontraditional Programs, Secondary (4S2) All secondary vocational education programs preparing students for further training and employment in careers or occupations with significant under representation of males or females will increase program completion of underrepresented males or females.

Completion of Nontraditional Programs, Postsecondary (4P2) All postsecondary vocational education programs preparing students for further training and employment in careers or occupations with significant under representation of males or females will increase program completion for underrepresented males or females.

Note: Nontraditional programs are those programs that address occupation or occupational areas in which underrepresented gender groups represent less than 25 percent of employment.

Optional Indicators:

Adult, Non College An individual who is not currently enrolled in an AA degree granting institution, such as tech centers, evening classes and a single course or program.

Additional Measure, Secondary/Postsecondary Any measure that goes beyond the Perkins III required and State identified indicators, such as cost, drop-outs, other academic areas e.g. English, Math and Science.

Student Outcomes Z:

Academic Attainment in Reading/Language Arts (ZS1) Secondary CTE concentrators (as defined in the State’s Perkins IV State plan) who have met the proficient or advanced level on the Statewide high school reading/language arts assessment administered by the State under Section 1111(b)(3) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act based on the scores that were included in the State’s computation of adequate yearly progress (AYP) and who, in the reporting year, left secondary education.

Academic Attainment in Mathematics (ZS2) Secondary CTE concentrators (as defined in the State’s Perkins IV State plan) who have met the proficient or advanced level on the Statewide high school mathematics assessment administered by the State under Section 1111(b)(3) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act based on the scores that were included in the State’s computation of adequate yearly progress (AYP) and who, in the reporting year, left secondary education.

Student Graduation Rates (ZS3) Secondary CTE concentrators (as defined in the State’s Perkins IV State plan) who, in the reporting year, were included as graduated in the State’s computation of its graduation rate as described in Section 1111(b)(2)(C)(vi) of the ESEA.

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleWhy isn’t there a cover memo to transmit this document to the States
Last Modified Byjames.hyler
File Modified2007-05-14
File Created2007-05-14

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