Form Approved
OMB No. 1810-0666
Expiration Date: November 30, 2009
Due Date |
Period Covered |
November 30, 2007 |
School Year 2006-2007/FY 2006 |
November 30, 2008 |
School Year 2007-2008/FY 2007 |
November 30, 2009 |
School Year 2008-2009/FY 2008 |
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1810-0666. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 18 hours per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington DC 20202-4651. If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write directly to: Reading First, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202-6201.
Legal Name of State Educational Agency Submitting This Report:
Contact Person for this Report
Email: |
Typed Name and Title of Authorizing State Official:
__________________________________________ ________________ Signature of Authorizing State Official Date |
Annual Performance Report for the Reading First Program
The Reading First program focuses on putting proven methods of early reading instruction in classrooms. Through Reading First, States and districts receive support to apply scientifically based reading research – and the proven instructional and assessment tools consistent with this research – to ensure that all children learn to read well by the end of third grade. The Reading First program provides assistance to States and districts to establish research-based reading programs for students in kindergarten through third grade. Funds also support a significant increase in professional development to ensure that all teachers have the skills they need to teach these reading programs effectively. Additionally, the program provides assistance to States and districts in preparing classroom teachers to screen, identify and eliminate reading barriers facing their students.
This document contains the U.S. Department of Education’s performance reporting instrument for the Reading First program, authorized by Title I, Part B, Subpart 1 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. This document will serve as the reporting instrument for the required annual and midpoint progress reports on each State’s implementation of the Reading First program and the achievement of students served by the program.
This performance report seeks information from the State about its progress in implementing and evaluating its Reading First program, as required under Section 1202 (d)(5) of the Reading First statute. Items covered in the performance report address those areas that are of central importance to the administration and evaluation of the Reading First program and for which the Department does not expect to gather information via other means. The questions are designed to provide information in the following key areas: progress of implementation of scientifically based reading instruction; impact on student achievement; State administration and evaluation of the Reading First program; and the broader impact of Reading First in each State.
In identifying the information collected through this instrument, the Department has been mindful of its own requirements to present performance information to Congress, including requirements related to the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA) and the national evaluation of Reading First. Specifically, this information will help the Department determine the results of the State plans implemented for the Reading First program.
All States that receive funding under the Reading First program must respond to this report. The report is due within 60 days of the conclusion of the Federal grant period for each fiscal year.
This report will also serve as the application for Reading First Targeted Assistance grants. Reading First Targeted Assistance grants will be available, on a competitive basis, to State educational agencies that demonstrate an increase in student achievement related to the Reading First program. In order to receive a Targeted Assistance Grant, an SEA must demonstrate that increasing percentages of third grade students in each of several categories in local educational agencies receiving Reading First funds are reaching the proficient level for each of two consecutive years. It must also demonstrate that schools receiving Reading First funds are improving the reading skills of students in grades 1 through 3 for each of the same two consecutive years and that the percentage of students in the State who are reading at grade level or above has significantly increased. As the data States must provide to apply for a Targeted Assistance Grant are the same data that must be included in this annual performance report, this document will serve as both instruments.
The reporting period for the grant coincides with the Federal grant period. As there is some overlap (occurring between July and September) between Federal grant periods, the reporting period is defined as the school year identified in the table above, as well as the preceding summer. For example, for FY 2006, each State should report on activities beginning in July 2006 and continuing through the 2006-2007 school year. Activities that occur in summer 2007 will be included in the FY 2007report.
Additional information related to completing this report is provided throughout the document. States may use the format provided or an alternate format they determine is appropriate. The report must include all requested information. Please contact Maria Worthen at [email protected] or 202-205-5632 for assistance related to completing this report.
The report should be filed electronically through the Reading First APR Data Collection System at:
The signed cover sheet (on the second page of this packet) should be faxed to the Reading First program office by the submission deadline at:
202-260-8969 (attn: Maria Worthen)
or via CD-ROM or in hard copy by mail to:
Reading First
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-6201
Attn: Maria Worthen
A. Subgrants to Local Educational Agencies
A-1. Please provide the current total number of eligible LEAs, the percentage this represents of the total number of LEAs in the State, and the name of each eligible LEA.
A-2. Has the State held a subgrant competition during this reporting period? If so, provide the following:
Number of rounds of competition that occurred
Number of eligible LEAs that applied per round
Number of awards per round (include total number of LEAs receiving awards and the total number of participating schools represented by those awards)
A-3. When will the next competition(s) occur?
A-4. If the State has made subgrant awards, has all required information been entered in the Reading First grantee database? If not, provide the State’s timeline for entering this information.
A-5. List LEAs and/or schools for which Reading First subgrant awards have been discontinued and indicate the reason for discontinuation.
A-6. Describe the nature and extent of the participation of non-public school students.
B. State Professional Development and Technical Assistance Activities
B-1. Describe differences, if any, between the professional development and technical assistance activities that have occurred and the plan for these activities as outlined in the State’s approved application. Include only the differences that occurred during the period covered by this report.
B-2. Estimate the percentage of K-3 teachers in the State (including teachers from both Reading First and non-Reading First schools) who participated in any Reading First professional development activities.
C. Statewide Impact
C-1. Describe the impact of the Reading First program on statewide efforts to improve reading instruction and raise student achievement.
Implementation Issues
D-1. Has the State encountered any obstacles or circumstances that are affecting its ability to implement Reading First successfully and in accordance with its approved plan? If so, describe the issues related to implementation, the State’s plan to resolve them, and whether technical assistance from the Department is needed.
Local Educational Agencies and Schools with the Largest Gains
A-1. Identify the local educational agencies and schools participating in Reading First showing the largest gains in reading achievement. Identified schools need not be within LEAs identified as making the largest gains. To measure the gains of schools and LEAs in their first year of implementation, States may use an alternative measure, such as the measure used to determine eligibility, if baseline data are not available. If available, identify the LEAs and schools showing the largest gains in reading achievement, including both LEAs and schools participating in Reading First and those not participating in the program.
Progress of LEAs and Schools Participating in Reading First
B-1. Provide student performance data that demonstrate the numbers of students in grades 1, 2 and 3 in schools participating in Reading First who are reading at grade level or above.
The templates that follow are offered as a guide or sample reporting format that States may adapt to their own strategies for analyzing data. The following items must be included:
Grade level. Provide assessment results for grades 1, 2 and 3.
Name of assessment. Indicate the outcome assessment instrument used. If multiple outcome instruments were used, data on student assessment results should be presented in separate charts or columns according to assessment instrument.
Components measured. If multiple instruments were used to evaluate progress in the five components of reading instruction, indicate which components were measured. States must, at a minimum, provide assessment results for oral reading fluency and reading comprehension in order to enable the Department to meet the data requirements established by GPRA.
Proficiency level. Indicate the number of students scoring at grade level or proficiency. Please also include the total number of students for each grade or category that is reported.
Years of data. Data should be reported for the current year of implementation. For schools awarded subgrants between July 1 and December 31 of any reporting period, the current school year should be reported as the first year of implementation. For schools awarded subgrants after January 1, the following school year will be considered the first year of implementation. For example, the 2006-2007 school year is the first year of implementation for schools that received subgrants between July 1, 2006 and December 31, 2006. The 2007-2008 school year is the first year of implementation for schools that received subgrants after January 1, 2007.
The State may have participating schools in different years of implementation due to multiple rounds of competition. If so, use separate charts according to current year of implementation.
Baseline data. The Department recognizes that schools participating in Reading First may be administering the assessments included in this report for the first time. However, if the school administered any of the reported assessments for grades 1, 2 or 3 in the year preceding implementation of Reading First, please provide the number of students scoring at grade level or proficiency for that year. Similarly, if the outcome measure was used as a screening or pretest measure in the beginning of the school year, please provide the number of students scoring at grade level or proficiency as baseline data.
Sample Reporting Format for Question II.B-1 – Year One of Implementation
Reading First Student Performance ReportSchool Year 200_ to 200_
Name of Assessment________________________ Check one: ___ Fluency measure ___ Comprehension Measure Components Measured_______________________ ___ Other
LEA Name |
School Name |
Award Date |
Number of Students Scoring at Grade Level/Proficiency Baseline Year (if available) |
Number of Students Scoring at Grade Level/Proficiency
Year 1 |
Grade 1 |
Grade 2 |
Grade 3 |
Grade 1 |
Grade 2 |
Grade 3 |
Number |
Total |
Number |
Total |
Number |
Total |
Number |
Total |
Number |
Total |
Number |
Total |
Sample Reporting Format for Question II.B-1 –
Any Year Other Than First Year of Implementation
Reading First Student Performance ReportSchool Year 200_ to 200_
Name of Assessment____________________ Components Measured__________________
Check one: ___ Fluency measure ___ Comprehension measure ___ Other
LEA Name |
School Name |
Award Date |
Number of Students Scoring at Grade Level/Proficiency Year __
Grade 1 |
Grade 2
Grade 3
Number |
Total |
Number |
Total |
Number |
Total |
B-2. Provide disaggregated data that demonstrate the numbers of students in schools participating in Reading First from the following categories reading at grade level or above:
economically disadvantaged students
students from major racial and ethnic groups
students with disabilities
students with limited English proficiency
The template that follows is offered as a guide or sample reporting format that States may adapt to their own strategies for analyzing data. States should report these data for grades 1, 2 and 3 separately for each school. If multiple outcome instruments were used, these data should be presented in separate charts or columns according to assessment instrument.
Sample Reporting Format for Question II.B-2
Reading First Disaggregated Student Performance ReportSchool Year 200_ to 200_
Name of Assessment________________________ Check one: ___ Fluency measure ___ Comprehension Measure Components Measured_______________________ ___ Other |
LEA Name |
School Name |
Number of Economically Disadvantaged Students Scoring at Grade Level/Proficiency
Grade 1 |
Grade 2 |
Grade 3 |
Number |
Total |
Number |
Total |
Number |
Total |
Sample Reporting Format for Question II.B-2 – continued
Reading First Disaggregated Student Performance ReportSchool Year 200_ to 200_
Name of Assessment________________________ Check one: ___ Fluency measure ___ Comprehension Measure Components Measured_______________________ ___ Other
LEA Name |
School Name |
Number of Students from Major Racial/Ethnic Groups* Scoring at Grade Level/Proficiency |
Grade 1
Grade 2
White |
Black or African-American |
Hispanic |
Asian |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
White |
Black or African-American |
Hispanic |
Asian |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
No. |
Total |
No. |
Total |
No. |
Total |
No. |
Total |
No. |
Total |
No. |
Total |
No. |
Total |
No. |
Total |
No. |
Total |
No. |
Total |
No. |
Total |
No. |
Total |
*These categories are presented as examples; States should identify categories as appropriate.
Sample Reporting Format for Question II.B-2 – continued
Reading First Disaggregated Student Performance ReportSchool Year 200_ to 200_
Name of Assessment________________________ Check one: ___ Fluency measure ___ Comprehension Measure Components Measured_______________________ ___ Other
LEA Name |
School Name |
Number of Students from Major Racial/Ethnic Groups* Scoring at Grade Level/Proficiency |
Grade 3 |
White |
Black or African-American |
Hispanic |
Asian |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
American Indian or Alaska Native
No. |
Total |
No. |
Total |
No. |
Total |
No. |
Total |
No. |
Total |
No. |
Total |
*These categories are presented as examples; States should identify categories as appropriate.
Sample Reporting Format for Question II.B-2 – continued
Reading First Disaggregated Student Performance ReportSchool Year 200_ to 200_
Name of Assessment________________________ Check one: ___ Fluency measure ___ Comprehension Measure Components Measured_______________________ ___ Other
LEA Name |
School Name |
Number of Students with Disabilities Scoring at Grade Level/Proficiency |
Number of Students with Limited English Proficiency Scoring at Grade Level/Proficiency |
Grade 1 |
Grade 2 |
Grade 3 |
Grade 1 |
Grade 2 |
Grade 3 |
Number |
Total |
Number |
Total |
Number |
Total |
Number |
Total |
Number |
Total |
Number |
Total |
B-3. Has the State made progress in increasing the number of students reading at grade level or above? Provide the percentage of third grade students reading at the proficient level for the State as a whole, as measured by the State assessment system. Please include baseline data. If data are not available for third grade, use the closest grade for which data are available.
External Evaluation
A-1. Attach the evaluation report conducted by the external evaluator as described in the State’s Reading First plan. If this report is not yet available, indicate the timeline for its completion.
Subgrant Funds
A-1. For this reporting period, indicate the amount of Reading First funds that have been subgranted to eligible local educational agencies as of the date of this report. If this amounts to less than 80% of the State’s award, indicate the State’s plans to subgrant the remaining funds.
School Profiles
A-1. Provide a narrative description of the Reading First program at one or more of the State’s most successful participating sites. This is requested to provide an illustrative example of the impact of the State’s implementation of instructional practices based on scientifically based reading research. States are not required to submit these profiles.
File Type | application/msword |
Author | Sandi.Jacobs |
Last Modified By | james.hyler |
File Modified | 2007-06-15 |
File Created | 2007-06-15 |