2007 Hbcu Nofa


Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Program Grant Application and Monitoring Reports


OMB: 2528-0235

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rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES_2

Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 48 / Tuesday, March 13, 2007 / Notices


Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 48 / Tuesday, March 13, 2007 / Notices

rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES_2

Historically Black Colleges and
Universities (HBCU) Program
Overview Information
A. Federal Agency Name: Department
of Housing and Urban Development,
Office of Policy Development and
Research, Office of University
B. Funding Opportunity Title:
Historically Black Colleges and
Universities (HBCU) Program.
C. Announcement Type: Initial
D. Funding Opportunity Numbers:
FR–5100-N–10; OMB Approval Number
is 2528–0235.
E. Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance (CFDA) Number: The CFDA
Number for this program is 14.520.
F. Dates: The application deadline
date is May 23, 2007. Application must
be received and validated by Grants.gov
by 11:59:59 p.m. eastern time on the
deadline date. Please be sure to read the
General Section for electronic
application submission and receipt
G. Additional Overview Content
1. Purpose of the Program: To assist
Historically Black Colleges and
Universities (HBCU) to expand their
role and effectiveness in addressing
community development needs in their
localities, including neighborhood
revitalization, housing and economic
development, principally for persons of
low- and moderate-income consistent
with the purposes of Title I of the
Housing and Community Development
Act of 1974, as amended.
2. Award Information: In Fiscal Year
(FY) 2007, approximately $8.9 million
has been made available by the Revised
Continuing Appropriations Resolution,
2007 (Pub. L. 110–5; approved February
15, 2007), of which up to $1 million has
been allocated to provide technical
assistance and an additional $22,275 in
carryover funds. An applicant can
request up to $600,000 for a three-year
(36 months) grant performance period.
In order to ensure that institutions that
have never received a HUD HBCU
Program grant (First Time HBCU
applicants) receive awards in this
competition, approximately $1.8 million
will be made available to fund First
Time HBCU applicants. In addition,
approximately, $6.1 million will be
made available to fund Previously
Funded HBCU applicants. If funding
designated for First Time HBCU
applicants remains after all eligible First
Time HBCU applicants are awarded, the
remaining funds will be made available
to fund eligible Previously Funded
HBCU applicants.

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3. Eligible Applicants: Historically
Black Colleges and Universities that
meet the definition of Historically Black
Colleges and Universities as determined
by the Department of Education in 34
CFR 608.2 in accordance with that
Department’s responsibilities under
Executive Order 13256, dated February
12, 2002. Applicants must be
institutions of higher education
accredited by a national or regional
accrediting agency recognized by the
U.S. Department of Education.
Full Text of Announcement
I. Funding Opportunity Description
The purpose of the Historically Black
Colleges and Universities (HBCU)
Program is to expand their role and
effectiveness in addressing community
development needs in their localities,
including neighborhood revitalization,
housing, and economic development,
principally for persons of low- and
moderate-income, consistent with the
purpose of the Title I of Housing and
Community Development Act of 1974,
as amended.
For the purposes of this program
NOFA, the term ‘‘locality’’ includes any
city, county, township, parish, village,
or other general political subdivision of
a state, or the U.S. Virgin Islands where
the institution is located and the term
‘‘target area’’ is the area within the
locality in which the institution will
implement its proposed HBCU grant. If
an institution wants to provide services/
activities in a location other than the
target area of that institution an
applicant must provide justification for
why they want to do so.
A. Authority
HUD’s authority for making funding
available under this NOFA is the
Revised Continuing Appropriations
Resolution, 2007 (Pub. L. 110–5;
approved February 15, 2007). This
program is being implemented through
this NOFA and the policies governing
its operation are contained herein.
B. Modifications
Listed below are major modifications
from the Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 programfunding announcement:
1. In FY 2007, there is only one
category of funding. In FY 2006, there
were two categories, one of which
exclusively funded activities related to
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. No funding
is being set aside for this purpose this
2. Commitment letters, memoranda of
understanding and/or agreements are
not required to be submitted with the
application, but the originals must be on
file at the time of application

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submission. HUD will require
applicants chosen to proceed to the next
step in the selection process to submit
the signed commitment letters,
memoranda of understanding and/or
agreements outlined in the application,
within seven calendar days after initial
contact from the Office of University
Partnerships (OUP). OUP will provide
specific instructions on how these
documents must be submitted at that
time. HUD will only request and
consider the resources/organizations
outlined in the application. If OUP does
not receive those documents with the
required information and within the
allotted timeframe, an applicant will not
receive points under this factor.
3. The appendix section of an
application must not exceed 15 pages in
length (excluding forms, budget
narrative and assurances). An applicant
SHOULD NOT submit resumes,
commitment letters, memoranda of
understanding and/or agreements, or
other back-up material. Each page must
include the institution’s name and
should be numbered. HUD will not
consider the information on any excess
4. Applicants must budget for travel
costs to attend at least one HUD
sponsored HBCU conference/workshop
every year of the three-year grant
performance period.
II. Award Information
In Fiscal Year (FY) 2007,
approximately $8.9 million is made
available for this program, of which up
to $1 million has been allocated to
provide technical assistance and an
additional $22,275 in carryover funds.
An applicant can request up to $600,000
for a three-year (36 months) grant
performance period.
In order to ensure that institutions
that have never received a HUD HBCU
Program grant (First Time HBCU
applicants) receive awards in this
competition, approximately $1.8 million
will be made available to fund First
Time HBCU applicants. In addition,
approximately $6.1 million will be
made available to fund Previously
Funded HBCU applicants. If funding
designated for First Time HBCU
applicants remains after all eligible First
Time HBCU applicants are awarded, the
remaining funds will be made available
to fund eligible Previously Funded
HBCU applicants.
III. Eligibility Information
A. Eligible Applicants
Historically Black Colleges and
Universities as determined by the U.S.
Department of Education in 34 CFR



Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 48 / Tuesday, March 13, 2007 / Notices
608.2 in accordance with that
Department’s responsibilities under
Executive Order 13256, dated February
12, 2002. All applicants must be
institutions of higher education
accredited by a national or regional
accrediting agency recognized by the
U.S. Department of Education.

rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES_2

B. Cost Sharing or Matching
None Required.
C. Other
1. Eligible Activities. Eligible
activities are listed in 24 CFR part 570,
subpart C, particularly §§ 570.201
through 570.206. Information regarding
these activities can be found at:
www.hudclips.org (click on the Code of
Federal Regulations for detailed
information). The 15 percent cap on the
total grant amount that can be used on
public service activities that benefit
low- and moderate-income persons can
be waived. Institutions seeking to
devote more than 15 percent of the grant
funds to public service activities must
include a written request in their
application addressed to Darlene F.
Williams, Assistant Secretary for Policy
Development and Research. The written
request must include the following
information: 1) the basis for the request;
2) a description of the proposed public
service activities; 3) the dollar amount
dedicated to the proposed public service
activities; and 4) a statement describing
how the proposed activities meet the
Community Development Block Grant
eligibility requirements and at least one
national objective. This letter must be
included in the application. If an
applicant devotes more than 15 percent
of their grant funds to public service
activities and the letter is not included
and/or does not include the information
requested above those activities may not
be considered fundable and this
exclusion may result in a lower score.
a. Examples of eligible activities
include, but are not limited to:
(1) Acquisition of real property;
(2) Clearance and demolition;
(3) Rehabilitation of residential
structures including lead-based paint
hazard evaluation and reduction and
making accessibility and visitabilty
modifications in accordance with the
requirements of Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973;
(4) Public facilities and
improvements, such as water and sewer
facilities and streets compliance with
accessibility requirements including
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973, the Fair Housing Act, and the
American with Disabilities Act of 1990;
(5) Special economic development
activities described at 24 CFR 570.203

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and assistance to facilitate economic
development by providing technical or
financial assistance for the
establishment, stabilization, and
expansion of microenterprises,
including minority enterprises;
(6) Assistance to community-based
development organizations (CBDO) to
carry out a CDBG neighborhood
revitalization, community economic
development, or energy conservation
projects, in accordance with 24 CFR
570.204. This could include activities in
support of a HUD-approved local
entitlement grantee, CDBG
Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy
(NRS) or HUD-approved State CDBG
Community Revitalization Strategy
(7) Public service activities such as
those general support activities that can
help to stabilize a neighborhood and
contribute to sustainable redevelopment
of the area, including but not limited to
such activities as those concerned with
employment, crime prevention, child
care, health care services, drug abuse,
education, fair housing counseling,
energy conservation, homebuyer down
payment assistance, establishment of
Neighborhood Network centers in
federally assisted or insured housing,
job training and placement, and
recreational needs;
(8) Payments of reasonable grant
administrative costs related to planning
and execution of the project (e.g.,
preparation/submission of HUD
reports). Detailed explanations of these
costs are provided in the OMB circular
(A–21 Cost Principals for Educational
Institutions) that can be accessed at the
White House Web site,
index.html; and
(9) Fair housing services designed to
further the civil rights objectives of the
Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601–20) by
making all persons, without regard to
race, color, religion, sex, national origin,
familial status and/or disability aware of
the range of housing opportunities
available to them.
b. Eligible activities funded under this
program meet both the Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Program eligibility requirements and at
least one of the national objectives.
c. The three national objectives of the
Community Development Block Grant
program are listed in Rating Factor 3 in
Section V.A.3 of this NOFA.
Criteria for determining whether an
activity addresses one or more national
objective are provided at 24 CFR
570.208. The CDBG publication entitled
‘‘Community Development Block Grant
Program Guide to National Objectives
and Eligible Activities for Entitlement

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Communities’’ describes the CDBG
regulations, and a copy can be obtained
from HUD’s NOFA Information Center
at 800–HUD–8929. Individuals with
hearing or speech impairments may
access this number via the toll-free
Federal Information Relay Service at
2. Threshold Requirements
Applicable to all Applicants. All
applicants must comply with the
threshold requirements as defined in the
General Section and the requirements
listed below. Applications that do not
meet these requirements will be
considered ineligible for funding and
will be disqualified.
a. The applicant must meet the
eligibility requirements as defined in
Section III.A.
b. The maximum amount an applicant
can request is $600,000 for a three-year
(36 months) grant performance period.
c. An applicant must have a DUNS
number to receive HUD grant funds.
(See the General Section). Only one
application can be submitted per
institution. If multiple applications are
submitted all will be disqualified.
However, different campuses of the
same university system are eligible to
apply as long as they have separate
DUNS number, an administrative and
budgeting structure independent of the
other campuses in the system.
d. Applicants must receive a
minimum score of 75 points to be
considered for funding.
e. Electronic applications must be
received and validated by grants.gov no
later than 11:59:59 p.m. eastern time on
the application deadline date.
3. Program Requirements. In addition
to the threshold requirements listed in
Section III C. of the General Section,
applicants must meet the following
program requirements:
a. All funds awarded are for a threeyear (36 months) grant performance
b. Applicants must ensure that not
less than 51 percent of the aggregated
expenditures of the grant benefit lowand moderate-income persons under the
criteria specified in 24 CFR 570.208(a)
or 570.208(d)(5) or (6).
c. Site Control. Where grant funds
will be used for acquisition,
rehabilitation, or new construction an
applicant must demonstrate site control.
Funds may be recaptured or deobligated
from recipients that cannot demonstrate
control of a suitable site within one year
after the initial notification of award.
d. Environmental Requirements.
Selection for award does not constitute
approval of any proposed sites.
Following selection for award, HUD will
perform an environmental review of




Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 48 / Tuesday, March 13, 2007 / Notices

properties proposed for assistance in
accordance with 24 CFR part 50. The
results of the environmental review may
require that proposed activities be
modified or proposed sites be rejected.
Applicants are particularly cautioned
not to undertake or commit funds for
acquisition or development of proposed
properties prior to HUD approval of
specific properties or areas. An
application constitutes an assurance
that the institution will assist HUD to
comply with part 50; will supply HUD
with all available and relevant
information to perform an
environmental review for each proposed
property; will carry out mitigating
measures required by HUD or select
alternate property; and will not acquire,
rehabilitate, convert, demolish, lease,
repair, or construct property, and not
commit or expend HUD or local funds
for these program activities with respect
to any eligible property until HUD’s
written approval of the property is
received. In supplying HUD with
environmental information, applicants
should use the same guidance as
provided in the HUD Notice CPD–05–07
entitled, ‘‘Field Environmental Review
Processing for Rural Housing and
Economic Development (RHED) Grants’’
issued August 30, 2005. Further
information and assistance on HUD’s
environmental requirements is available
at: http://www.hud.gov/utilities/
e. Labor Standards. Institutions and
their sub-grantees, contractors and
subcontractors must comply with the
labor standards (Davis-Bacon)
requirements referenced in 24 CFR
f. Economic Opportunities for Lowand Very-Low Income Persons (Section
3). The provisions of Section 3 of the
Housing and Urban Development Act of
1968 (12 U.S.C. 1701u) apply to this
NOFA. One of the purposes of the
assistance is to give, to the greatest
extent feasible, and consistent with
existing federal, state, and local laws
and regulations, job training,
employment, contracting and other
economic opportunities to Section 3
residents and Section 3 business
concerns. Regulations are located at 24
CFR part 135.

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IV. Application and Submission
A. Addresses To Request Application
Applicants may download the
instructions to the application found on
the Grants.gov Web site at http://

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apply_for_grants.jsp. If you have
difficulty accessing the information you
may call the Grants.gov Support Desk
toll free 800–518–GRANTS or e-mail
your questions to [email protected].
Hearing- and speech-challenged
individuals may access this number
through TTY by calling the toll-free
Federal Information Relay Service at
800–877–8339. See the General Section
for information regarding the
registration process or ask for
registration information from the
Grants.gov Support Desk.
B. Content and Form of Application
1. Forms. The following forms are
required for submission. Copies of these
forms are available on line at http://
a. SF–424, Application for Federal
b. SF–424 Supplement, Survey on
Ensuring Equal Opportunities for
Applicants (‘‘Faith Based EEO Survey
(SF–424 SUPP)’’ on Grants.gov);
c. HUD–424-CB, ‘‘Grant Application
Detailed Budget’’ (‘‘HUD Detailed
Budget Form’’ on Grants.gov);
d. SF–LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying
Activities, if applicable;
e. HUD–27300, Questionnaire for
HUD’s Removal of Regulatory Barriers
(‘‘HUD Communities Initiative Form’’
on Grants.gov), if applicable;
f. HUD–2880, Applicant/Recipient
Disclosure/Update Report (‘‘HUD
Applicant Recipient Disclosure Report’’
on Grants.gov);
g. HUD–96010, Program Logic Model;
h. HUD–2990, Certification of
Consistency with RC/EZ/EC–II Strategic
Plan, if applicable;
i. HUD–2991, Certification of
Consistency with the Consolidated Plan,
if applicable;
j. HUD–40076, Response Sheet
Performance Narrative, Previously
Funded HBCU Applicant Only.
k. HUD–40076, Budget-By-Activity;
l. HUD–2993, Acknowledgement of
Applicant Receipt. Complete this form if
you have received a waiver to the
electronic application submission
requirement. Applicants are not
required to include this form;
m. HUD–2994–A, You Are Our Client
Grant Applicant Survey. Applicants are
not required to complete this form; and
n. HUD–96011, Third Party
Documentation Facsimile Transmittal
(‘‘Facsimile Transmittal Form’’ on
Grants.gov). This form must be used as
the cover page to transmit third party
documents and other information.
Applicants are advised to download the
application package, complete the SF–

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424 first and it will pre-populate the
Transmittal Cover page. The Transmittal
Cover page will contain a unique
identifier embedded in the page that
will help HUD associate your faxed
materials to your application. Please do
not use your own fax sheet. HUD will
not read any faxes that are sent without
the HUD–96011 fax transmittal cover
2. Certifications and Assurances.
Please read the General Section for
detailed information on all
Certifications and Assurances. All
applications submitted through
Grants.gov constitute an
acknowledgement and agreement to all
required certifications and assurances.
Please include in your application each
item listed below. Applicants
submitting paper copy applications
should submit the application in the
following order:
a. SF–424, Application for Federal
Assistance. Please remember the
(1) The full grant amount requested
from HUD (entire three-years) should be
entered, not the amount for just one
(2) Include the name, title, address,
telephone number, facsimile number,
and e-mail address of the designated
contact. This is the person who will
receive all correspondence, therefore,
please ensure the accuracy of the
(3) The Employer Identification/Tax
ID number;
(4) The DUNS Number;
(5) The Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance Number for this program is
(6) The project’s proposed start date
and completion date. For the purpose of
this application, the program start date
should be December 1, 2007; and
(7) The signature of the Authorized
Organization Representative (AOR) who
by virtue of submitting an application
via Grants.gov has been authenticated
by the credential provider to submit
applications on behalf of the Institution
and approved by the eBusiness Point of
Contact to submit an application via
Grants.gov. The AOR must be able to
make a legally binding agreement with
b. Application Checklist. Applicants
should use the checklist to ensure that
they have all the required components
of their application. Applicants that
receive a waiver of the electronic
application submission requirement
must include a copy of the checklist in
their application submission.
Applicants submitting an electronic
application should not submit the



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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 48 / Tuesday, March 13, 2007 / Notices
checklist. The checklist can be located
in Appendix A.
c. Abstract. Applicants must include
no more than a two-page summary of
the proposed project. Please include the
(1) A brief description of each
proposed project activity, where it will
take place (be located), the target
population that will be assisted, and the
impact this project is expected to have
on the community and institution;
(2) A statement that the institution is
an eligible institution because it is a
fully accredited institution, the name of
the accrediting agency and an assurance
that the accrediting agency is recognized
by the U.S. Department of Education;
(3) The designated contact person,
including phone number, facsimile
number, and e-mail address (This is the
person who will receive all
correspondence; therefore, please
ensure the accuracy of the information);
(4) The project director, if different
from the designated contact person, for
the project, including phone number,
facsimile number, and e-mail address.
d. Narrative statement addressing the
Factors. HUD will use the narrative
response to the ‘‘Rating Factors’’ to
evaluate, rate, and rank applications.
The narrative statement is the main
source of information. Applicants are
advised to review each factor carefully
for program specific requirements. The
response to each factor should be
concise and contain only information
relevant to the factor, yet detailed
enough to address each factor fully.
THE FACTORS. Where there are
subfactors each subfactor must be
presented separately, with the short title
of the subfactor presented. Make sure to
address each subfactor and provide
sufficient information about every
element of the subfactor. The narrative
section of an application must not
exceed 50 pages in length (excluding
forms, budget narrative, assurances, and
abstract) and must be submitted on 81⁄2
by 11-inch paper, double-spaced on one
side of the paper, with one inch margins
(from the top, bottom, and left to right
side of the document) and printed in
standard Times New Roman 12-point
font. Each page of the narrative must
include the institution’s name and
should be numbered. Note that although
submitting pages in excess of the page
limit will not disqualify an applicant,
HUD will not consider the information
on any excess pages. This exclusion
may result in a lower score or failure to
meet a threshold requirement. All

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applicants submitting electronic
applications must attach their narrative
responses to Rating Factors 1–5 as one
SEPARATELY. Please follow the
instructions on file extension and file
names in the General Section.
e. Budget. The budget submission
must include the following:
(1) HUD–424–CB, ‘‘Grant Application
Detailed Budget.’’ This form shows the
total budget by year and by line item for
the program activities to be carried out
with the proposed HUD grant. Each year
of the program should be presented
separately. Applicants must also budget
for travel costs (airfare, lodging and per
diem) for two individuals to attend at
least one HUD sponsored HBCU
conference/workshop every year of the
three-year grant performance period. To
calculate travel expenses, applicants
located in Eastern and Central time
zones or the U.S. Virgin Islands should
use San Francisco, CA as the site of all
conferences/meetings. Applicants
located in Mountain and Pacific time
zones should use Washington, DC as the
site of all conferences/workshops.
Applicants must also submit this form
to reflect the total cost (summary) for
the entire grant performance period
(Grand Total).
(2) HUD–40076–HBCU, ‘‘Response
Sheet, Budget-By-Activity’’ The form
should include a listing of each activity
and task necessary to be performed to
implement the program, the overall
costs for each activity, and the cost from
each funding source. The budget-byactivity should clearly indicate the HUD
grant amount and identify the source
and dollar amount of the leveraged
resources, if any.
Make sure that the amounts shown on
the SF–424, HUD–424–CB, HUD–
40076–HBCU and all other required
program forms are consistent and the
budget totals are correct. Remember to
check addition in totaling the categories
on all forms so that all items are
included in the total. If there is an
inconsistency between any of the
required budget forms, the HUD–424–
CB will be used. All budget forms must
be completed fully. If an application is
selected for award, the applicant may be
required to provide greater specificity to
the budget during grant agreement
(3) Budget Narrative. A narrative must
be submitted that explains how the
applicant arrived at the cost estimates
for any line item over $5,000
cumulative. For example, an applicant
proposes to construct a building using
HUD funding totaling $200,000. The
following costs estimate reflects this

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total. Foundation cost $75,000,
electrical work $40,000, plumbing work
$40,000, finishing work $35,000, and
landscaping $10,000. The proposed cost
estimates should be reasonable for the
work to be performed and consistent
with rates established for the level of
expertise required to perform the work
proposed in the geographical area.
When necessary, quotes from various
vendors or historical data should be
used (please make sure they are kept on
file and are available for review by HUD
at any time). When an applicant
proposes to use a consultant, the
applicant must indicate whether there is
a formal written agreement. For each
consultant, please provide the name, if
known, hourly or daily rate, and the
estimated time on the project.
Applicants must use a cost estimate
based on historical data from the
institution, and/or from a qualified firm
(e.g., Architectural or Engineering firm),
vendor, and/or qualified individual
(e.g., independent architect or
contractor) other than the institution for
projects that involve rehabilitation of
residential, commercial and/or
industrial structures, and/or acquisition,
construction, or installation of public
facilities and improvements. Such an
entity must be involved in the business
of housing rehabilitation, construction
and/or management. Equipment and
contracts cannot be presented as a total
estimated costs. For equipment,
applicants must provide a list by type
and cost for each item. Applicants using
contracts must provide an individual
description and cost estimate for each
contract. Construction costs must be
broken down to indicate how funds will
be utilized (e.g., demolition, foundation,
exterior walls, roofing, electrical work,
plumbing, finishing work, etc.).
(4) Indirect costs. Indirect costs, if
applicable, are allowable based on an
established approved indirect cost rate.
Applicants must have on file and
submit to HUD, if selected for funding,
a copy of their indirect cost rate
agreement. Applicants who are selected
for funding that do not have an
approved indirect cost rate agreement,
established by the cognizant federal
agency, will be required to establish a
rate. In such cases, HUD will issue an
award with a provisional rate and assist
applicants in having a rate established.
f. Appendix. Applicants receiving a
waiver of the electronic submission
requirements and submitting a paper
copy of the application must place all
required forms in this section. The
appendix section of an application must
not exceed 15 pages in length
(excluding forms, budget narrative and
assurances). An applicant SHOULD




Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 48 / Tuesday, March 13, 2007 / Notices

NOT submit resumes, commitment
letters, memoranda of understanding
and/or agreements, or other back-up
materials. If this information is
included, it will not be considered
during the review process. Each page
must include the applicant’s name and
should be numbered. HUD will not
consider the information on any excess
pages. The additional items will also
slow the transmission of your

708–0309. Paper applications will not
be accepted from applicants that have
not been granted a waiver. If an
applicant is granted a waiver, the Office
of University Partnerships will provide
instructions for submission. All
applicants submitting applications in
paper format must have received a
waiver to the electronic application
submission requirement and the
application must be received by HUD on
or before the application deadline date.

C. Submission Dates and Times
A complete application package must
be received and validated electronically
by the Grants.gov portal no later than
11:59:59 p.m. eastern time on or before
the applications deadline date. In an
effort to address any issues with
transmission of your application,
applicants are strongly encouraged to
submit their applications at least 48 to
72 hours prior to the application
deadline. This will allow an applicant
enough time to make the necessary
adjustments to meet the submission
deadline in the event Grants.gov rejects
the application. Please see the General
Section for further instructions.
Electronic faxes using the Facsimile
Transmittal Cover Sheet (Form HUD–
96011) contained in the electronic
application must be received no later
than 11:59:59 p.m. eastern time on the
application submission deadline date.

V. Application Review Information

D. Intergovernmental Review
This program is excluded from an
Intergovernmental Review.

rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES_2

E. Funding Restrictions
Ineligible CDBG Activities are listed
at 24 CFR 570.207. Ineligible activities
include but are not limited to:
1. Curriculum development and/or
expansion of an institution’s existing
2. General government expenses; and
3. Political activities.
F. Other Submission Requirements
1. Application Submission and
Receipt Procedure. Please read the
General Section carefully and
completely for the submission and
receipt procedures for all applications
because failure to comply may
disqualify your application.
2. Waiver of Electronic Submission
Requirements. Applicants should
submit their waiver requests in writing
using e-mail or fax. Waiver requests
must be submitted no later than 15 days
prior to the application deadline date
and should be submitted to: Susan
Brunson, Office of University
Partnerships, E-mail:
[email protected], FAX: (202)

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A. Criteria
1. Rating Factor 1: Capacity of the
Applicant and Relevant Experience (25
Points). This factor addresses the extent
to which the institution has the
resources necessary to successfully
implement the proposed activities in a
timely manner.
a. Knowledge and Experience For
First Time Applicants (25 Points) For
Previously Funded Applicants (10
Points). In rating this subfactor, HUD
will consider the extent to which the
applicant clearly addresses the
(1) Describe the knowledge and
experience of the proposed project
director and staff, including the day-today program manager, consultants
(including technical assistance
providers), and contractors in planning
and managing the type of project for
which funding is being requested; and
(2) Clearly identify the following: key
project team members, titles (e.g.,
project manager/coordinator, etc.),
respective roles for the project staff, and
a brief description of their relevant
If key personnel have not been hired,
applicants must identify the position
title, provide a description of duties and
responsibilities, and describe the
qualifications to be considered in the
selection of personnel, including
subcontractors and consultants.
Experience will be judged in terms of
recent and relevant knowledge and
skills of the staff to undertake the
proposed eligible program activities.
HUD will consider experience within
the last five (5) years to be recent and
experience pertaining to similar
activities to be relevant.
b. Past Performance (15 points) for
Previously Funded Grant Applicants
Only. This subfactor will evaluate how
well an applicant has performed
successfully under HUD/HBCU grants.
Applicants must demonstrate this by
addressing the following information on
the HUD–40076–HBCU ‘‘Response
Sheet’’ (Performance Narrative) for all

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previously completed and open HUD/
HBCU grants:
(1) A list of all HUD/HBCU grants
received, including the dollar amount
awarded and the amount expended as of
the date of this application. The HUD–
40076–HBCU ‘‘Response Sheet’’
(Performance Narrative) form is located
at the following Web site: http://
apply_for_grants.jsp. The form should
be filled out completely;
(2) A description of the achievement
of specific tasks, measurable objectives,
and specific outcomes consistent with
the approved timeline/work plan;
(3) A comparison of the amount of
proposed leveraged funds and/or
resources to the amount that was
actually leveraged;
(4) A detailed description of
compliance with all reporting
requirements, including timeliness of
submission, whether reports were
complete and addressed all information
(both narrative and financial) as
required by the grant agreement; and
(5) A list detailing the date the
project(s) was completed, was it
completed in the original three-year
grant performance period; if not
completed why (including when it was
or will be completed);
HUD will also review an applicant’s
past performance in managing funds,
including, but not limited to: the ability
to account for funding appropriately;
timely use of funds received from HUD;
meeting performance targets for
completion of activities; timely
submission of required progress reports
and receipt of promised leveraged
resources. In evaluating past
performance, HUD reserves the right to
deduct up to five (5) points from this
rating score as a result of the
information obtained from HUD’s
records (i.e., progress and financial
reports, monitoring reports, Logic Model
submissions, and amendments).
2. Rating Factor 2: Need/Extent of the
Problem (15 Points). This factor
addresses the extent to which there is a
need for funding the proposed program
activities and an indication of the
importance of meeting the need(s). In
addressing this factor, applicants should
provide, at a minimum, the following
and must cite statistics and/or analyses
contained in one or more current data
sources that are sound and reliable.
(1) Describe the need(s); and
(2) Describe the importance of
meeting the proposed needs.
In rating this factor, HUD will
consider only current data that is
specific to the area where the proposed
project activities will be carried out.



rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES_2

Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 48 / Tuesday, March 13, 2007 / Notices
Sources for localized data can be found
at: www.ffiec.gov.
HUD will also consider data collected
within the last five (5) years to be
current. To the extent that the targeted
community’s Five Year Consolidated
Plan and Analysis of Impediments to
Fair Housing Choice (AI) identify the
level of the problem and the urgency in
meeting the need, applicants should
include references to these documents
in response to this factor.
Other reliable data sources include,
but are not limited to, Census reports,
HUD Continuum of Care gap analysis
and its E–MAP (to find additional
information go to HUD’s Web site:
http://www.hud.gov/emaps), law
enforcement agency crime reports,
Public Housing Agencies’
Comprehensive Plans, community
needs analyses such as provided by the
United Way, the applicant’s institution,
and other sound, reliable and
appropriate sources. Needs in terms of
fulfilling court orders or consent
decrees, settlements, conciliation
agreements, and voluntary compliance
agreements may also be addressed.
3. Rating Factor 3: Soundness of
Approach (40 Points). This factor
addresses the quality and effectiveness
of the proposed work plan and the
commitment of the institution to sustain
the proposed project activities.
a. (33 Points) Quality of the Work
Plan. This subfactor will be evaluated
on the extent to which an applicant
provides a clear detailed description of
the proposed project activities,
anticipated accomplishments, and the
impact they will have on the target
population at the end of the project.
(1) (25 Points) Specific activities. The
work plan must describe all proposed
project activities and major tasks
required to successfully implement
them. The work plan must also identify
the anticipated accomplishments and
impact these activities will have on the
targeted population. In addressing this
subfactor, applicants must provide a
clear description of each proposed
project activity and address the
(a) Describe each proposed project
activity in measurable terms (e.g., the
number of persons to be trained and
employed; houses to be rehabilitated; or
minority-owned businesses to be
started, etc.);
(b) List and describe how each
activity meets one of the following
Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) Program national objectives:
• Benefit low- and moderate-income
• Aid in the prevention or
elimination of slums or blight; or

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• Meet other community
development needs having a particular
urgency because existing conditions
pose a serious and immediate threat to
the health and welfare of the
community, and other financial
resources are not available to meet such
Criteria for determining whether an
activity addresses one or more
objectives are provided at 24 CFR
(c) Describe the measurable impact
that implementing each activity (by the
end of the grant period) will have on the
target population;
(d) Identify the major tasks required
(in sequential order) to successfully
implement and complete each proposed
project activity. Include target
completion dates for each task (in 6
month intervals, up to thirty-six (36)
months); and
(e) Identify the key staff, as described
in Factor 1, who will be responsible and
accountable for completing each task.
(2) (8 Points) Describe clearly how
each proposed activity will:
(a) Expand the role of the institution
in the community;
(b) Address the needs identified in
Factor 2;
(c) Relate to and not duplicate other
activities in the target area. Duplicative
efforts will be acceptable only if an
applicant can demonstrate through
documentation that there is a
population in need that is not being
served; and
(d) Involve citizens of the target area
in the planning and implementation of
the proposed project activity (e.g.,
development of an advisory committee
that is representative of the target
b. (3 Points) Involvement of the
Faculty and Students. The applicant
must describe how it proposes to
integrate the institution’s students and
faculty into proposed project activities.
c. (2 Points) HUD Policy Priorities. As
described in the General Section, to earn
points under this subfactor, HUD
requires applicants to undertake specific
activities that will assist the Department
in implementing its policy priorities
that help the Department achieve its
goals and objectives in FY2008, when
the majority of grant recipients will be
reporting programmatic results and
achievements. In addressing this
subfactor, HUD will evaluate the extent
to which a program will further and
support HUD’s priorities. The quality of
the responses provided to one or more
of HUD’s priorities will determine the
score an applicant can receive.
Applicants must describe how each
policy priority selected will be

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addressed. Applicants that just list a
priority will receive no points. Please
refer to the General Section for
additional information about HUD’s
policy priorities.
The total number of points an
applicant can receive under this
subfactor is two (2). Each policy priority
addressed has a point value of one (1)
point with the exception of the policy
priority to remove regulatory barriers to
affordable housing, which has a point
value of up to two (2) points. To receive
these two (2) points, an applicant must:
(1) Complete either Part A or Part B (not
both), (2) include appropriate
documentation, (3) identify a point of
contact, (4) indicate how this priority
will be addressed and (5) submit the
completed questionnaire, (HUD–27300)
‘‘HUD’s Initiative on Removal of
Regulatory Barriers’’ found in the
General Section. It is up to the applicant
to determine which of the policy
priorities they elect to address to receive
the available two (2) points.
d. (2 Points) Economic Opportunities
for Low- and Very-Low Income Persons
(Provision of Section 3). This subfactor
will be evaluated on the extent to which
an applicant describes how it proposes
(1) Provide opportunities to train and
employ Section 3 residents; and/or
(2) Award contracts to Section 3
contractors (see the regulations at 24
CFR 135). Regulations regarding the
provision of Section 3 of the Housing
and Urban Development Act of 1968 (12
U.S.C. 1701u) can be located at 24 CFR
Part 135.
4. Rating Factor 4: Leveraging
Resources (8 Points). This factor
addresses the ability of the applicant to
secure resources and develop
partnerships that can be combined with
HUD’s grant funds to achieve the
program’s purpose.
In evaluating this factor, HUD will
consider how well the applicant has
established partnerships with other
entities to secure additional resources to
increase the effectiveness of the
proposed project activities. Resources
may include funding or in-kind
contributions, such as services or
equipment, allocated for the purpose(s)
of the proposed project activities.
Resources may be provided by
governmental entities, public or private
nonprofit organizations, for-profit
private organizations, or other entities.
Applicants may also establish
partnerships with other program
funding recipients to coordinate the use
of resources in the target area. Overhead
and other institutional costs (e.g.,
salaries, indirect costs, etc.) that the
institution has waived may be counted.



rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES_2


Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 48 / Tuesday, March 13, 2007 / Notices

Examples of potential sources for
outside assistance include:
• Federal, state, and local
• Local or national nonprofit
• Financial institutions and/or
private businesses;
• Foundations;
• Faith-based and other communitybased organizations.
To address this factor, an applicant
must provide an outline in the
application and have the original
written commitment letters, memoranda
of understanding and/or agreements that
show the extent and firm commitment
of all proposed leveraged resources
(including any commitment of resources
from the applicant’s own institution)
that address the following information
for each leveraged resource/fund on file
at the time of application submission:
(1) The name of the organization and
the executive officer authorizing the
funds/goods and/or services (only
applicable to the narrative section)
(2) The cash amount contributed or
dollar value of the in-kind goods and/
or services committed (if a dollar
amount and its use is not shown, the
value of the contribution will not be
scored for award);
(3) A specific description of how each
contribution is to be used toward the
proposed activities;
(4) The date the contribution will be
made available and a statement that
describes the duration of the
(5) Any terms or conditions affecting
the commitment, other than receipt of a
HUD Grant; and
(6) The signature of the appropriate
executive officer authorized to commit
the funds and/or goods and/or services
(only applicable to the written
DO NOT submit commitment letters,
memoranda of understanding and/or
agreements at the time of application
submission but have the originals on file
at the time of submission. IF THIS
REVIEW PROCESS. Applicants chosen
to proceed to the next step in the
selection process will be required to
submit the signed commitment letters,
memoranda of understanding and/or
agreements outlined in the application,
within seven (7) calendar days after
initial contact from the Office of
University Partnerships (OUP). Letters,
memoranda of understanding, or
agreements must be submitted on the
provider’s letterhead and should be
addressed to Sherone Ivey, Associate
Deputy Assistant Secretary for

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University Partnerships. The date of the
letter, memorandum of understanding,
or agreement from the CEO of the
provider organization must be dated no
earlier than nine months prior to this
published NOFA. OUP will provide
specific instructions on how these
documents must be submitted when
contact is made with the applicant.
HUD will only request and consider the
resources/organizations that are listed in
the outline submitted in the application.
If OUP does not receive those
documents with the required
information and within the allotted
timeframe, an applicant will not receive
points under this factor.
5. Rating Factor 5: Achieving Results
and Program Evaluation (12 Points).
This factor reflects HUD’s goal to
embrace high standards of management
and accountability. It measures the
applicant’s commitment to assess their
performance to achieve the program’s
proposed objectives and goals.
Applicants are required to develop an
effective, quantifiable, outcome oriented
evaluation plan for measuring
performance and determining that
objectives and goals have been achieved
by using the Logic Model. The Logic
Model is a summary of the narrative
statements presented in Factors 1–4.
Therefore, it should be consistent with
the information contained in the
narrative statements.
‘‘Outcomes’’ are benefits accruing to
the community during or after
participation in the HBCU program.
Applicants must clearly identify the
outcomes to be measured and achieved.
Examples of outcomes include
increased employment opportunities in
the target community by a certain
percentage, increased incomes/wages or
other assets for persons trained, or
enhanced family stability through the
creation of affordable housing
opportunities (e.g., increased assets to
families and communities through the
development of affordable housing).
In addition, applicants must establish
interim benchmarks and outputs that
lead to the ultimate achievement of
outcomes. ‘‘Outputs’’ are the direct
products of the program’s activities.
Examples of outputs are the number of
new affordable housing units, the
number of homes that have been
renovated, and the number of facilities
that have been constructed or
rehabilitated. Outputs should produce
outcomes for the program. At a
minimum, an applicant must address
the following activities in the evaluation
a. Measurable outputs to be
accomplished (e.g., the number of
persons to be trained and employed;

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houses to be built pursuant to 24 CFR
570.207 or rehabilitated; minorityowned businesses to be started);
b. Measurable outcomes the grant will
have on the community in general and
the target area or population; and
c. The impact the grant will have on
assisting the university to obtain
additional resources to continue this
type of work at the end of the grant
performance period.
The information must be placed on a
HUD–96010, Program Outcome Logic
Model form. HUD has developed a new
approach to completing this form.
Please carefully read the General
Section for instructions; training is
available. If an applicant utilizes
‘‘other’’ from the Logic Model
categories, then the applicant should
describe briefly this ‘‘other’’ category
within the Rating Factor 5 narrative. If
a narrative is provided, those pages will
be included in the page count. (Form
HUD–96010 will be excluded from the
page count.)
B. Review and Selection Process
1. Application Selection Process
Two types of reviews will be
a. A threshold review to determine an
applicant’s basic eligibility; and
b. A technical review for all
applications that pass the threshold
review to rate and rank the application
based on the ‘‘Rating Factors’’ listed in
Section V.A. Only those applications
that pass the threshold review will
receive a technical review.
2. Rating Panels. To review and rate
applications HUD may establish panels,
which may include experts or
consultants not currently employed by
HUD to obtain certain expertise.
3. Ranking. HUD will fund
applications in rank order, until all
available program funds are awarded. In
order to be considered for funding, an
applicant must receive a minimum
score of 75 points out of a possible 100
points for Factors 1 through 5; plus up
to two bonus points that may be
awarded for activities conducted in the
RC/EZ/EC–II communities, as described
in the General Section. If two or more
applications have the same number of
points, the application with the most
points for Factor 3 shall be selected. If
there is still a tie, the application with
the most points for Factor 1 shall be
selected. If there is still a tie, the
application with the most points for
Factors 2, 4 and then 5 shall be selected
in that order until the tie is broken.
HUD reserves the right to make
selections out of rank order to provide
for geographic distribution of grantees.



Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 48 / Tuesday, March 13, 2007 / Notices
HUD also reserves the right to reduce
the amount of funding requested in
order to fund as many highly ranked
applications as possible. Additionally, if
funds remain after funding the highest
ranked applications, HUD may fund
part of the next highest-ranking
application. If an applicant turns down
an award offer, HUD will make an
award to the next highest-ranking
application. If funds remain after all
selections have been made, the
remaining funds will be carried over to
the next funding cycle’s competition.
4. Correction to Deficient
Applications. See the General Section.
C. Anticipated Announcement and
Award Dates
Announcements of awards are
anticipated on or before September 30,
VI. Award Administration Information
A. Award Notice
After all selections have been made,
HUD will notify all winning
applications in writing. HUD may
require winning applicants to
participate in additional negotiations
before receiving an official award. For
further discussion on this matter, please
refer to the General Section.

rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES_2

B. Administrative and National Policy
Refer to the General Section.
1. Debriefing. The General Section
provides the procedures for requesting a
debriefing. All requests for debriefings
must be made in writing to: Ophelia
Wilson, Office of University
Partnerships, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW., Room 8106, Washington,
DC 20410–6000.
2. Administrative. Grants awarded
under this NOFA will be governed by
the provisions of 24 CFR part 84 (Grants
and Agreements with Institutions of
Higher Education, Hospitals and Other
Non-Profit Organizations), A–21 (Cost
Principles for Educational Institutions)
and A–133 (Audits of States, Local
Governments, and Non-Profit
Organizations). Applicants can access
the OMB circulars at the White House
Web site at www.whitehouse.gov/omb/
3. OMB Circulars and
Governmentwide Regulations
Applicable to Financial Assistance
Programs. The General Section provides
further discussion on this matter.
4. Executive Order 13202,
Preservation of Open Competition and
Government Neutrality Towards
Government Contractors’ Labor

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Relations on Federal and Federally
Funded Construction Projects. See the
General Section for further discussion.
5. Procurement of Recovered
Materials. The General Section provides
further discussion on the matter.
6. Code of Conduct. See the General
Section for further discussion.
C. Reporting
All grant recipients under this NOFA
are required to submit quarterly
progress reports. The progress reports
shall consist of two components, a
narrative that must reflect the activities
undertaken during the reporting period
and a financial report that reflects costs
incurred by budget line item, as well as
a cumulative summary of costs incurred
during the reporting.
For each reporting period, as part of
the required report to HUD, grant
recipients must include a completed
Logic Model form (HUD–96010), which
identifies output and outcome
For FY2007, HUD is considering a
new concept for the Logic Model. The
new concept is a Return on Investment
(ROI) statement. HUD will be publishing
a separate notice on the ROI concept.
VII. Agency Contacts
Applicants may contact Ophelia
Wilson at (202) 708–3061, extension
4390 or Susan Brunson at (202) 708–
3061, extension 3852. Persons with
speech or hearing impairments may call
the Federal Information Relay Service
(TTY) at (800) 877–8339. Except for the
‘‘800’’ number, these numbers are not
toll-free. mail to: Applicants may also
reach Ms. Wilson via e-mail at
[email protected], and/or Ms.
Brunson at [email protected].
VIII. Other Information
Paperwork Reduction Act
The information collection
requirements contained in this
document have been approved by the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) under the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501–3520) and
assigned OMB control number 2528–
0235. In accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act, HUD may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless the collection displays a
currently valid OMB control number.
Public reporting burden for the
collection of information is estimated to
average 356 hours per annum per
respondent for the application and grant
administration. This includes the time
for collecting, reviewing, and reporting
the data for the application, quarterly,

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semi-annual and final reports. The
information will be used for grantee
selection and monitoring the
administration of funds. Response to
this request for information is required
in order to receive the benefits to be
Appendix A—Application Checklist—
This checklist identifies application
submission requirements. Applicants
are requested to use this checklist when
preparing an application to ensure
submission of all required elements.
Applicants submitting an electronic
application do not have to submit the
checklist. Applicants that receive a
waiver of the electronic application
submission requirement must include a
copy of the checklist in their
Check off to ensure these items have
been included in the application:
__SF–424 ‘‘Application For Federal
__Application Checklist (Applicants
that submit paper applications must
include the checklist in their
__Abstract (must include no more than
a two-page summary of the proposed
Indicate the page number where each
of the Factors are located:
Narrative Statement Addressing the
Rating Factors.
The narrative section of an
application must not exceed 50 pages in
length (excluding forms, budget
narrative and abstract). This information
must be submitted on 81⁄2 by 11-inch
paper, double-spaced on one side of the
paper, with one-inch margins (from the
top, bottom, left, and right sides of the
documents) and printed in standard
Times New-Roman 12-point font.
[Applicants that submit applications via
Grants.gov should review the General
Section for information about file names
and extensions. File names should not
contain spaces or special characters.]
__Factor I
__Factor II
__HUD–40076, ‘‘Response Sheet
Performance Narrative’’ (If applicable)
__Factor III
__Factor IV
__Factor V
__ HUD–96010 ‘‘Logic Model’’
Check off to ensure these items have
been included in the application:
__Appendix. The appendix section of an
application must not exceed 15 pages in
length (excluding forms, budget
narrative and assurances).
__HUD 424–CB ‘‘Grant Application
Detailed Budget’’ (‘‘HUD Detailed
Budget Form’’ on Grants.gov)




Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 48 / Tuesday, March 13, 2007 / Notices

__HUD–40076–HBCU ‘‘Budget-ByActivity’’
__Budget Narrative (No form provided
and must be submitted for the total
three-year grant period)
Appendix B (All Required Forms)

rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES_2

The following forms are required for
submission. All required forms are
contained in the electronic application
__Application for Federal Assistance
__Survey on Ensuring Equal
Opportunity for Applicants (SF–424
Supplement) (‘‘Faith Based EEO Survey
(SF–424 SUPP)’’ on Grants.gov)

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__Grant Application Detailed Budget
(HUD–424–CB) (‘‘HUD Detailed Budget
Form’’ on Grants.gov)
__Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF–
LLL), if applicable
__Questionnaire for HUD’s Removal of
Regulatory Barriers (HUD–27300),
(‘‘HUD Communities Initiative Form’’
on Grants.gov), if applicable
__Applicant/Recipient Disclosure/
Update Report (HUD–2880) (‘‘HUD
Applicant Recipient Disclosure Report’’
on Grants.gov)
__Certification of Consistency with RC/
EZ/EC–II Strategic Plan (HUD–2990), if

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__Certification of Consistency with the
Consolidated Plan (HUD–2991) if
__Acknowledgement of Applicant
Receipt (HUD–2993) Only applicants
that submit paper applications
__You Are Our Client Grant Applicant
Survey (HUD–2994–A)
__Response Sheet Performance
Narrative (HUD–40076) if applicable
__Budget-By-Activity (HUD–40076)
__Program Logic Model (HUD–96010)
__Third Party Documentation Facsimile
Transmittal (HUD–96011) (‘‘Facsimile
Transmittal Form’’ on Grants.gov)
required as the cover page to third party
documents transmitted by facsimile to
HUD. See the General Section.



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2007-03-13
File Created2007-03-13

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