Cfi 157 Dod Dtic

American Customer Satisfaction Index


CFI 155 DOT FAA AVS Commercial Pilots, CFI 156 USDA FAS, CFI 157 DOD DTIC, CFI 158 DOT FAA AVS Mechanics

OMB: 1505-0191

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Dept of Defense DTIC Revised 4/23/08

Department of Defense

Defense Technical Information Center


The U.S. Department of Defense, Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC®) would like to hear from those who use their products and services to understand how well DTIC is meeting your needs. Please take a few minutes to complete the following survey.

Your participation is voluntary.
This survey is authorized by Office of Management and Budget Control No. 1505- 0191. This survey will take approximately 15 minutes.

User Demographics

DEMO1. Please indicate which of the following best describes your organization.

  1. DoD Military

  2. DoD Civilian

  3. Non-DoD Federal Government

  4. DoD Industry/Government Contractor

  5. Non-DoD Federal Government Industry/Government Contractor

  6. College/University

  7. Other (Specify)

DEMO2. Do you work in a research laboratory?

  1. Yes

  2. No

DEMO3. Which best describes your position?

  1. Contracting Officer/Procurement Specialist/Contracting Officers’ Technical Representative/Sponsor

  2. Engineer (Aeronautical, Civil, Industrial, Mechanical or other Engineering Fields)

  3. Librarian (Head, Technical, Research or other Library Staff)

  4. Researcher/Analyst/Program Manager (non-scientist)

  5. Resource Manager/Financial/Budget Analyst

  6. Scientist (Aerospace, Biology, Chemistry, Physics or other Scientific Field)

  7. Technical Information Specialist

  8. IT Software Security (Manager, Supervisor, Specialist, Analyst, Inspector, Assistant)

  9. Other (Specify)

DEMO4. How long have you been a registered DTIC user?

  1. Less than 1 year

  2. 1 – 2 years

  3. 3 – 5 years

  4. 6 or more years

  5. Don’t know

DEMO5. When you acquire information from DTIC, who is the end-user of the information?

  1. You are primarily the end-user of the information you acquire from DTIC

  2. You are an intermediary user who primarily obtains information for others to use


DEMO6. How many people in your organization will directly benefit from your DTIC registration?

  1. Five or fewer

  2. 6 –20

  3. 21 – 50

  4. 51 – 100

  5. More than 100

DEMO7. What do you think is the main reason end-users of DTIC information in your organization do not directly obtain the information from DTIC themselves?

Registration Process

Q1. How did you register with DTIC?

  1. By Phone

  2. By Internet

  3. Don’t remember

Please rate the registration process on the following areas. Use a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means poor and 10 means excellent. (PROGRAMMING NOTE – HAVE SCALE INFO ON SEPARATE LINE)

Q2. Ease of registration process

Q3. Convenience of process


Q4a. Helpfulness of DTIC staff during registration


Q4b. Usefulness of help available on registration site


Q5. Which of the following DTIC resources do you use? (Select all that apply)

  1. Public STINET (Scientific & Technical Information Network)

  2. Private STINET (Scientific & Technical Information Network)

  3. Classified STINET (Scientific & Technical Information Network)

  4. R&E Portal DoD (Research & Engineering)

  5. Total Electronic Migration System (TEMs) (i.e., IACs (Information Analysis Centers) database

Q6. Which of the following DTIC resources do you use most frequently? (Select one)

  1. Public STINET (Scientific & Technical Information Network)

  2. Private STINET (Scientific & Technical Information Network)

  3. Classified STINET (Scientific & Technical Information Network)

  4. R&E Portal DoD (Research & Engineering)

  5. Total Electronic Migration System (TEMs) (i.e., IACs (Information Analysis Centers) database

Now think about the DTIC resource that you use most frequently.

Please rate (ANSWER FROM Q6) on the following areas. Use a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means poor and 10 means excellent. (PROGRAMMING NOTE – HAVE SCALE INFO ON SEPARATE LINE)

Q7. Ease of access to site

Q8. Ease of navigating site to find information

Q9. Organization and layout of site

Q10. Usefulness of information

Q11. Now thinking specifically about DTIC’s online services how satisfied are you overall with these services. Please use a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means very dissatisfied and 10 means very satisfied.

Q12a. Are you typically able to find the type(s) of information that you need in the DTIC collection?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Know

Q12b. What would you like to see that you are not currently finding in the DTIC collection? (Open end)

Products and Services

Q13. Please indicate the products and services from DTIC that you use. (Select all that apply)


  1. Technical Reports (TR) collection/data collection

  2. Research Summaries (RS) collection/data collection

  3. Independent Research & Development (IR&D) collection/data

  4. Total Electronic Migration System (TEMs) (i.e., IACs (Information Analysis Centers) database

  5. The DTIC Review

  6. Technical Report (TR) Database DVD


  1. IACs (Information Analysis Centers) Program

  2. TRAIL (Technical Reports Automated Information List)

  3. Customized Searches

  4. Scheduled Search Current Awareness Service (i.e., TR, IR&D, RS)

  5. Registration Services

  6. Referral Services

Q14. Of these, which one do you use the most frequently? (Select one)


  1. Technical Reports (TR) collection/data collection

  2. Research Summaries (RS) collection/data collection

  3. Independent Research & Development IR&D collection/data

  4. Total Electronic Migration System (TEMs) (i.e., IACs (Information Analysis Centers) database

  5. The DTIC Review

  6. Technical Report (TR) Database DVD


  1. IACs (Information Analysis Centers) Program

  2. TRAIL (Technical Reports Automated Information List)

  3. Customized Searches (i.e., TR, IR&D, RS)

  4. Scheduled Search Current Awareness Service (i.e., TR, IR&D, RS)

  5. Registration Services

  6. Referral Services

Please rate the (ANSWER TO Q14) that you indicated you use most frequently on the following. Use a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is poor and 10 is excellent. (PROGRAMMING NOTE – HAVE SCALE INFO ON SEPARATE LINE)


Accessibility (access to service)

Q15. Ease of use

Q16. Timeliness of Information

Q17. Organization of information

Q18. Usefulness of information

Q19. Meeting your information needs

(FOR SERVICE ONLY --- IF Q14=7-12 ALSO ASK Q20-25; IF Q14=1-6 SKIP TO Q26)

Q20. Availability of staff

Q21. Ease of submitting your request

Q22. Professionalism and courtesy of staff

Q23. Ability to answer your question or solve your issue

Q24. Responsiveness of staff

Q25. Timeliness of service

Customer Support

Q26. Have you contacted DTIC, during the past year, for customer support?

  1. Yes

  2. No

If Q26=1 (YES) ASK Q27-33 ELSE SKIP TO Q34

Please rate customer support on the following areas. Use a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means poor and 10 means excellent. (PROGRAMMING NOTE – HAVE SCALE INFO ON SEPARATE LINE)

Q27. Availability of customer support staff

Q28. Professionalism and courtesy

Q29. Knowledgeable

Q30. Ability to answer your question or solve your issue

Q31. Responsiveness

Q32. Timeliness of service

Q33. Was your issue resolved in one call or was a callback required?

1. Yes – issue resolved in one call

2. No – had to call more than once

3. Don’t Know


How well does DTIC do in informing you about the following? Please use a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is does not inform very well and 10 is informs very well. (PROGRAMMING NOTE – HAVE SCALE INFO ON SEPARATE LINE)

Q34. Products and services (Including new offerings and changes to existing offerings)

Q35. Training opportunities

Q36. Ordering documents

Q37. System disruptions and downtime

Q38. DTIC events and conferences

Q39. Submitting documents

Q40. How do you learn about DTIC news and events?

1. Online

2. Trade shows

3. Presentations and conferences

4. Other (specify)

Q41. What is your preference for receiving information about DTIC products, services, updates, etc?

  1. E-mail

  2. Fax

  3. U.S. Mail

  4. Web site

  5. Trade show

  6. Articles

  7. Other (specify)

Data submission

Q42. During the past year, have you submitted data or information, for example, Technical Report, Research Summary or some other type of information to the DTIC collection?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. Don’t know


Q43. Do you think DTIC electronic submission process of Technical Reports is easy to use?

1. Yes

2. No (If no, explain below)

3. Don’t know


Q44. Please explain why the electronic submission process is not easy to use.


Think about all of your experiences in using DTIC over the past year.

Q45. Using a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means very dissatisfied and 10 means very satisfied, please rate your overall satisfaction with DTIC.

Now, think about how well DTIC met your expectations.

Q46. Please rate how well DTIC met your expectations using a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means falls short of your expectations and 10 means exceeds your expectations.

Now, forget about DTIC for a minute and think about the ideal provider of scientific and technical information. How well does DTIC compare to that ideal?

Q47. Please use a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means not very close to the ideal and 10 means very close to the ideal.

Outcome Behaviors

Q48. Do you use DTIC as your primary source for scientific and technical information?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t know


Q49. From what other sources do you obtain your scientific and technical research and engineering information?

Q50. How valuable are DTIC’s products in helping you perform your job? Please use a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is not very valuable and 10 is very valuable.

Q51. If you were asked, how likely are you to recommend DTIC’s products to a colleague? Please use a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is not very likely and 10 is very likely.

Q52. Have you complained to DTIC in the past year?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t know


Q53. Was the complaint handled to your satisfaction?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. Don’t know

Q54. Please describe how you use DTIC’s products and services.

Q55. Please include your comments and suggestions for improving DTIC products, services, and/or customer care.

P age 6 of 6 2/5/2021

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleMarket Access and Compliance (MAC)
Last Modified Bybjinnoha
File Modified2008-04-25
File Created2008-04-25

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