Qualitative Interview Guide

An assessment of the determinations of HIV risk factors for African American and Hispanic women in the southeastern United States

APPENDIX 8 qualitative int guide

Qualitative Interview Guide

OMB: 0920-0760

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APPENDIX NUMBER 8: Qualitative Interview Guide

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Hello, my name is (insert your name). On behalf of (insert affiliation) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, GA, I want to thank you for agreeing to take part in this interview.

Today’s interview, which will last about an hour, will be different from the questionnaire you completed previously on the computer. The interview will be a little bit like a conversation, but you’ll do most of the talking. I will be asking you questions about relationships between men and women. Most of these questions will not be hard for you to answer. In answering these questions, I want you to draw from your own experiences, what you’ve heard, and even what you’ve seen. I also want you think about these questions in terms of being a (insert Black or Latina) woman. All of the questions I that will ask do not have right or wrong answers. However, there may be times that I may ask you to give me examples, explanations, or provide more information. I will do this so that I better understand things from your point-of-view and experiences. I will start with a very broad question and then move on to more specific ones. At any time, if you do not understand a question, please let me know.

Also, because there will be a lot of information that I will not be able to remember or write down, I will audio record the interview. By recording the interview, I can make sure that I do not leave out important information you have shared with me or change the meaning of something that you have said. It is very important that I am able to get things exactly as you said them rather than what I think I may have heard you say.

I do not want you to use people’s names. Instead, tell me their relationship to you. For example, instead of saying “Tony, my first boyfriend”, just say “my first boyfriend”. In case, you forget, we will make sure not to include people’ names when we are make a typed copy of the audio recording.

Before we start, do you have any questions?

With your permission, I would now like to turn on the recorder and begin the interview?



  1. So I would like to start by asking you to describe to me how [insert Black or Latino] men and women usually interact with one another?


    1. What types of things do they do together?

    2. What things do they do apart?

  1. What types of things can a woman easily talk with a man about?

  1. What types of things are difficult for a woman to talk to a man about?

  1. When you think about relationships between [insert Black or Latino] men and women what first comes to mind?


    1. What other kinds of relationships are common for men and women?

  1. What does a [insert Black or Latina] woman look for in a relationship with a man?


    1. What is important to a woman in choosing a partner, i.e., what does she look for?

    2. How do these compare to what a man usually looks for in a relationship?

  1. What things are [insert Black or Latina] women likely to accept, i.e., put up, with in a relationship?

  1. What are women not likely to put up with in a relationship?

  1. In your own experiences, how does a relationship between a man and a woman develop?

  1. Describe a woman’s role in these relationships.

  1. How does this compare to the man’s role in the relationship?

  1. Again, thinking about your own experiences, what helps some relationships last more than others?

  1. What caused some relationships to end?

  1. What beliefs influence how much control a [insert Black or Latina] woman has in a relationship?

  1. What do you think are the reasons that [insert Black or Latina] women are getting infected with HIV?

  1. What would help to keep them from getting infected?

Is there anything about else about relationships that we have not talked about that you would like to share with me?

This ends our interview. Thank you for your thoughtful responses. Do you have any questions for me?

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleAPPENDIX NUMBER 8: Qualitative Interview Guide
Last Modified Bysxw2
File Modified2007-04-20
File Created2007-04-20

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