OMB Approval No. 1225-0059
Guidance Counselor Survey
Hello, my name is ____________ and I am calling on behalf of the U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division. We are conducting a survey today related to youth employment.
Interviewer will screen to speak with the guidance counselor, career counselor, work experience coordinator, or other school employee who is responsible for providing employment information to students under 18 who wish to work. The interviewer should screen to make sure that they are speaking with the “appropriate person” to answer questions about youth employment at the school. |
We are conducting a survey today related to federal youth employment laws. Specifically, we are interested in how much counselors use the information provided by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division Child Labor program and how useful that information is to counselors and their students. Your participation in the survey is completely voluntary and anonymous. We expect this to take no more than 10-15 minutes of your time today. Responses to this data collection will be used only for statistical purposes. The reports prepared for this study will summarize findings across the sample and will not associate responses with a specific organization or individual. We will not provide information that identifies you or your organization to anyone outside the study team, except as required by law.
[If respondent asks whom they can contact for more information: Any questions about this survey, please feel free to call the Wage and Hour Division at (202) 693-0051
[If asked about the authority/right to call and ask these questions: This survey has been approved by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget under Control # 1225-0059. According to Office of Management and Budget rules, Federal agencies may not conduct and a person is not required to respond to an information collection request unless it has a valid Office of Management and Budget control number.]
Q1. How in the past have you tended to get information on youth employment laws in your professional role?
(The following will not be read, but used as coding prompts)
(Choose one or more)
___Ask a colleague
___Search the internet (i.e. “Google” it)
___Look for information at a library
___Read professional association resources (newsletter, Web site)
___Local Chamber of Commerce
___Watch local or national news programs
___Public service announcement
___Contact state or local government agency
___Call the U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division hotline
___Visit a U.S. Department of Labor Web site
___Visit the YouthRules! Web site
___Refer to U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division resource – a poster, bookmark or fact sheet
___Don’t know/ Don’t remember
___Other (please specify)__________________________________________________
The U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division has developed a number of resources and materials that are designed to help inform school counselors about U.S. youth employment laws. I’m going to ask you if you are aware of any of these resources and materials and, if so, how useful and understandable you found them.
Q2. The U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division has developed some posters with information about youth employment laws. Have you ever seen a poster with information about the hours, times or types of jobs that teens may work?
___No [If No, go to Q3]
___Not Sure/Don’t Remember [If Not Sure, go to Q3]
Q2a. Do you recall if the poster you saw described only youth employment information, or did the poster also describe general employment laws such as minimum wage and overtime rules?
___The poster focused only on youth employment rules
___The poster focused on minimum wage, overtime and youth employment
___I have seen both types of posters
___I don’t remember
Q2b. Among the posters you have seen, how useful was the information [on the poster] to you in providing information about employment to students?
___Very useful, it answered all of my questions
___Somewhat useful, it answered some of my questions
___Not useful, it didn’t answer any of my questions [If Not useful, go to Q3]
___Not sure/don’t remember the information it contained [If Not Sure, go to Q3]
Q2c. Among the posters you have seen, how clear did you find the information [on the poster]?
___Very clear, all of the information was clear to me
___Somewhat clear, most but not all of the information was clear to me
___Somewhat unclear, but I was able to find the information I needed
___Not sure [If Not Sure, go to Q3]
Q2d. In your professional opinion, how useful would most students find the information [on the poster] if it were provided to them?
___Very useful
___Somewhat useful
___Not useful [If Not useful, go to Q3]
___Not Sure [If Not Sure, go to Q3]
Q2e. In your professional opinion, how clear would most students find the information [on the poster] if it were provided to them?
___Very clear
___Somewhat clear
___Somewhat unclear
___Not sure
Q3. In addition to posters, the U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division has created bookmarks that list information about youth employment rules. Have you ever seen a bookmark with information on the hours, times or types of jobs that teens may work?
___No [If No, go to Q4]
___Not Sure/Don’t Remember [If Not Sure, go to Q4]
Q3a. How useful was the information [on the bookmark] to you in providing information about employment to students?
___Very useful, it answered all of my questions
___Somewhat useful, it answered some of my questions
___Not useful, it didn’t answer any of my questions [If Not useful, go to Q4]
___Not Sure/Don’t remember the information it contained [If Not Sure, go to Q4]
Q3b. How clear did you find the information [on the bookmark]?
___Very clear, all of the information was clear to me
___Somewhat clear, most but not all of the information was clear to me
___Somewhat unclear, but I was able to find the information I needed
___Not sure [If Not Sure, go to Q4]
Q3c. In your professional opinion, how useful would most students find the information [on the bookmark] if it were provided to them?
___Very useful
___Somewhat useful
___Not useful [If Not useful, go to Q4]
___Not Sure [If Not Sure, go to Q4]
Q3d. In your professional opinion, how clear would most students find the information [on the bookmark] if it were provided to them?
___Very clear
___Somewhat clear
___Somewhat unclear
___Not sure
Q4. The Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division maintains a Web site called YouthRules!, (, where you can access a variety of information about youth employment laws. Have you ever heard about this Web site?
___No [If No, go to Q5]
___Not Sure/Don’t Remember [If Not Sure, go to Q5]
Q4a. How did you learn about this Web site?
(The following will not be read, but used as coding prompts)
(Choose one or more)
___Word of mouth
___School newsletter/flyer
___Professional association meetings and newsletters
___U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division poster, stickers or bookmark
___Public Service Announcement
___Email or Internet Searching
___Federal government information
___State or local government information
___Don’t Know / Don’t Remember
___Other (please specify) _________________________
Q4b. Have you ever visited this Web site?
___No [If No, go to Q5]
___Not Sure/Don’t Remember [If Not Sure, go to Q5]
Q4c. When did you last visit this Web site?
___Within the last month
___From one to 12 months ago
___More than a year ago
___Not sure/Don’t remember [If Not Sure, go to Q5]
Q4d. How often would you say that you visit the Web site?
___ Very frequently, more than 10 times per year
___ Somewhat frequently, between 5 and 9 times per year
___ Not very often, less than 5 times per year
Q4e. Overall, how useful did you find the Web site?
___Very useful, it answered all of my questions
___Somewhat useful, it answered some of my questions
___Not useful, it didn’t answer any of my questions [If Not useful, go to Q5]
___Not Sure/Don’t remember the information it contained [If Not Sure, go to Q5]
Q4f. Overall, how useful would you say the Web site is for your students?
___Very useful
___Somewhat useful
___Not at all useful [If Not useful, go to Q5]
___Not Sure [If Not Sure, go to Q5]
Q4g. Would you recommend this Web site to someone else looking for similar types of information you were looking for?
___Not Sure
Q5. How comfortable are you using the internet to find information?
___Very comfortable
___Somewhat comfortable
___Not very comfortable
___Not comfortable
Q6. Over the past few years, the U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division has done radio and print Public Service Announcements immediately before and during the summer period when youth employment tends to increase. Have you ever heard or read these commercials about the number of hours, times, or type of jobs that teens can work?
___No [If No, go to Q7]
___Not Sure/Don’t Remember [If Not Sure, go to Q7]
Q6a. How useful was the information [in the Public Service Announcements] to you in providing information about employment to students?
___Very useful, it answered all of my questions
___Somewhat useful, it answered some of my questions
___Not useful, it didn’t answer any of my questions [If Not useful, go to Q7]
___Not Sure/Don’t remember the information it contained [If Not Sure, go to Q7]
Q6b. How clear did you find the information [in the Public Service Announcements]?
___Very clear, all of the information was clear to me
___Somewhat clear, most but not all of the information was clear to me
___Somewhat unclear, but I was able to find the information I needed
___Not sure [If Not Sure, go to Q7]
Q6c. In your professional opinion, how useful would most students find the information [in the Public Service Announcements] if it were provided to them?
___Very useful
___Somewhat useful
___Not useful [If Not useful, go to Q7]
___Not Sure [If Not Sure, go to Q7]
Q6d. In your professional opinion, how clear would most students find the information [in the Public Service Announcements] if it were provided to them?
___Very clear
___Somewhat clear
___Somewhat unclear
___Not sure
Q7. In the past, the U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division has participated in youth job fairs, employment rallies or other events where working youth may be present. Do you recall attending one of these events in the last three years where the Wage and Hour Division was participating?
___No [If No, go to Q8]
___Not Sure/Don’t Remember [If Not Sure, go to Q8]
Q7a. Do you recall looking at or reading the information that the U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division had at that event, or talking with a representative of the Department at the event?
___No [If No, go to Q8]
___Not Sure/Don’t Remember [If Not Sure, go to Q8]
Q7b. How useful was the information [at the event] to you in providing information about employment to students?
___Very useful, it answered all of my questions
___Somewhat useful, it answered some of my questions
___Not useful, it didn’t answer any of my questions [If Not useful, go to Q8]
___Not Sure/Don’t remember the information it contained [If Not Sure, go to Q8]
Q7c. How clear did you find the information [at the event] in providing employment information to students?
___Very clear, all of the information was clear to me
___Somewhat clear, most but not all of the information was clear to me
___Somewhat unclear, but I was able to find the information I needed
___Not sure [If Not Sure, go to Q8]
Q7d. In your professional opinion, how useful would most students find the information [at the event] if it were provided to them?
___Very useful
___Somewhat useful
___Not useful [If Not useful, go to Q8]
___Not Sure [If Not Sure, go to Q8]
Q7e. In your professional opinion, how clear would most students find the information [at the event] if it were provided to them?
___Very clear
___Somewhat clear
___Somewhat unclear
___Not sure
Q8. The U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division also has developed fact sheets about special issues in youth employment. These fact sheets have talked about youth employment in restaurants and grocery stores, as well as the dangers of allowing teens to perform certain on-the-job tasks such as operating trash compactors and teen driving. Have you ever seen a fact sheet with information about youth employment?
___No [If No, go to Q9]
___Not Sure/Don’t Remember [If Not Sure, go to Q9]
Q8a. Do you remember the topics that the fact sheet covered?
(The following will not be read, but used as coding prompts)
(Choose one or more)
___General information on youth employment laws
___Teen Driving
___Power driven paper balers and trash compactors
___Roofing and work on or around a roof
___Fast food restaurants
___Full service restaurants
___Supermarkets or grocery stores
___Use of meat slicers, other equipment for baking or cooking
___Other? Specify topics:_____________________________
___Not Sure/Don’t remember the topics [If Not Sure, go to Q9]
Q8b. Do you remember ever seeing a fact sheet called “Youth Employment Provisions for Nonagricultural occupations,” also known as Fact Sheet #43?
___No [If No, go to Q8f]
___Not Sure [If Not Sure, go to Q8f]
Q8c. How useful was the information [in Fact Sheet #43] to you in providing information about employment to students?
___Very useful, it answered all of my questions
___Somewhat useful, it answered some of my questions
___Not at all useful, it didn’t answer any of my questions [If not useful, go to Q8f]
___Not Sure [If Not Sure, go to Q8f]
Q8d. How clear did you find the information [in Fact Sheet #43]”?
___Very clear, all of the information was clear to me
___Somewhat clear, most but not all of the information was clear to me
___Somewhat unclear, but I was able to find the information I needed
___Not sure [If Not Sure, go to Q8f]
Q8d. In your professional opinion, how useful would most students find the information [on Fact Sheet #43] if it were provided to them?
___Very useful
___Somewhat useful
___Not useful [If Not useful, go to Q8f]
___Not Sure [If Not Sure, go to Q8f]
Q8e. In your professional opinion, how clear would most students find the information [on Fact Sheet #43] if it were provided to them?
___Very clear, all of the information was clear to me
___Somewhat clear, most but not all of the information was clear to me
___Somewhat unclear, but I was able to find the information I needed
___Not sure [If Not Sure, go to Q8f]
Q8f. Of the fact sheets you have seen, overall, how useful was the information [on the fact sheet] to you in providing information about employment to students?
___Very useful, it answered all of my questions
___Somewhat useful, it answered some of my questions
___Not useful, it didn’t answer any of my questions [If Not useful, go to Q9]
___Not Sure/Don’t remember the information it contained [If Not Sure, go to Q9]
Q8g. Of the fact sheets you have seen, overall, how clear did you find the information [on the fact sheet]?
___Very clear, all of the information was clear to me
___Somewhat clear, most but not all of the information was clear to me
___Somewhat unclear, but I was able to find the information I needed
___Not sure [If Not Sure, go to Q9]
Q8h. In your professional opinion, how useful would most students find the information [on the fact sheet] if it were provided to them?
___Very useful
___Somewhat useful
___Not useful [If Not useful, go to Q9]
___Not Sure [If Not Sure, go to Q9]
Q8i. In your professional opinion, how clear would most students find the information [on the fact sheet] if it were provided to them?
___Very clear
___Somewhat clear
___Somewhat unclear
___Not sure
Q9. The U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division has released a Bulletin, titled “Youth Employment Provisions under the Fair Labor Standards Act,” to help the general public understand the youth employment rules. Have you ever see a bulletin [sometimes referred to as Bulletin 101] explaining youth employment rules?
___No [If No, go to Q10]
___Not Sure/Don’t Remember [If Not Sure, go to Q10]
Q9a. How useful was the information [in the bulletin] to you in providing information about employment to students?
___Very useful, it answered all of my questions
___Somewhat useful, it answered some of my questions
___Not useful, it didn’t answer any of my questions [If Not useful, go to Q10]
___Not Sure/Don’t remember the information it contained [If Not Sure, go to Q10]
Q9b. How clear did you find the information [in the bulletin]?
___Very clear, all of the information was clear to me
___Somewhat clear, most but not all of the information was clear to me
___Somewhat unclear, but I was able to find the information I needed
___Not sure [If Not Sure, go to Q10]
Q9c. In your professional opinion, how useful would most students find the information [in the bulletin] if it were provided to them?
___Very useful
___Somewhat useful
___Not useful [If Not useful, go to Q10]
___Not Sure [If Not Sure, go to Q10]
Q9d. In your professional opinion, how clear would most students find the information [in the bulletin] if it were provided to them?
___Very clear
___Somewhat clear
___Somewhat unclear
___Not sure
Q10. The U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division has designed a pamphlet that provides a summary of information about child labor laws. Have you ever seen a small pamphlet with the title “Employer’s Pocket Guide on Youth Employment”? The pamphlet is sometimes yellow or a light cream color and it specifically focuses on youth employment issues.
___No [If No, go to Q11]
___Not Sure/Don’t Remember [If Not Sure, go to Q11]
Q10a. How useful was the information [in the employer pocket guide] to you in providing information about employment to students?
___Very useful, it answered all of my questions
___Somewhat useful, it answered some of my questions
___Not useful, it didn’t answer any of my questions [If Not useful, go to Q11]
___Not Sure/Don’t remember the information it contained [If Not Sure, go to Q11]
Q10b. How clear did you find the information [in the employer pocket guide]?
___Very clear, all of the information was clear to me
___Somewhat clear, most but not all of the information was clear to me
___Somewhat unclear, but I was able to find the information I needed
___Not sure [If Not Sure, go to Q11]
Q10c. In your professional opinion, how useful would most students find the information [in the employer pocket guide] if it were provided to them?
___Very useful
___Somewhat useful
___Not useful [If Not useful, go to Q11]
___Not Sure [If Not Sure, go to Q11]
Q10d. In your professional opinion, how clear would most students find the information [in the employer pocket guide] if it were provided to them?
___Very clear
___Somewhat clear
___Somewhat unclear
___Not sure
Q11. The U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division maintains a toll-free hotline, 1-866-4US-WAGE, to answer questions and concerns about major employment rules. Do you recall ever hearing about the Wage and Hour Division toll-free hotline?
___No [If No, go to Q12]
___Not Sure/Don’t Remember [If Not Sure, Go to Q12]
Q11a. Did you call the toll-free hotline?
___No [If No, Go to Q12]
___Not Sure [If Not Sure, Go to Q12]
Q11b. How useful was the toll-free hotline to you in providing information about employment to students?
___Very useful, it answered all of my questions
___Somewhat useful, it answered some of my questions
___Not at all useful, it didn’t answer any of my questions [If Not useful, go to Q12]
___Not Sure [If Not Sure, go to Q12]
Q12. Have any of the materials mentioned above [bookmarks, posters, public services announcements, fact sheets, events and the YouthRules! Web site, or the toll-free hotline] influenced the way you provide employment information to students?
___No [If No, go to Q13]
___Not Sure [If Not Sure, go to Q13]
(Skip Q12a if respondent answered “No” or “Not Sure” to Q2, Q3, Q4, Q6, Q7, Q8, Q9, Q10, and Q11)
Q12a. Which materials were the most influential?
(Response options will be determined by responses to previous questions. Possible response options are:)
___Public service announcements
___Fact sheets
___Employer Pocket Guide
___Child Labor Bulletin 101
___YouthRules! or other outreach event conducted by a DOL official ___YouthRules! Web site
___U.S Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division toll-free hotline
Q12b. What did you do differently after reviewing that information?
(The following will not be read, but used as coding prompts)
(Check all that apply)
___Reviewed work permits more thoroughly
___Encouraged students to report problems
___Distributed more materials to students, parents and other educators
___Encouraged co-workers and others to use materials
___Contacted a state or local government Labor department for more information
___Contacted the U.S. Labor department for more information
___Other? Please describe________________________
Q13. Overall, how satisfied are you with the information about youth employment that is provided to the public by the U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division?
___Very satisfied
___Somewhat satisfied
___Not satisfied
___Not sure/No opinion on satisfaction
Q14. Do you have any suggestions for improving the clarity or helpfulness of the fact sheets on youth employment that you have seen?
Q15. Do you have any additional comments concerning the information about youth employment that is provided to the public by the U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division?
___Yes. Comment:____________________________________________
Now I would like to ask you a few questions about your work experience and where you like to get information about youth employment. Using the information I am about ask for, along with the information that you gave us above, the U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division will be able to design better and more useful materials. This will only require about 2 more minutes.
Q16. In your professional experience, what is the most reliable source of information on youth employment laws?
(The following will not be read, but used as coding prompts)
(Choose one or more)
___Word of mouth
___Professional association meetings and newsletters
___Local or National News programs
___Job fairs
___E-mail or internet searches
___Employer Information
___Federal government Information
___State or local government information
___Don’t Know / Don’t Remember
___Other (please specify) _________________________
Q17. How many school counselors or other staff at your school provide employment information for students that will be working under the age of 18?
___One (self)
___2 to 3
___4 to 5
___6 or more
Q18. With respect to the amount of time you are able to devote to providing employment information for students that will be working under the age of 18, would you classify your position as:
___Volunteer or unpaid
___Other? Please explain:_____________________________
Q19. How many students are enrolled in your school this year?
(The following will not be read, but used as coding prompts)
___Less than 200
___2,000 or more
___Not sure
Q20. In your professional opinion, approximately what percent of the students in your school do you think are currently employed?
___Less than 25%
___25% to 49%
___50 to 74%
___75% or more
___Not sure
Q21. In your professional opinion, approximately what percent of the students in your school use the counseling services focused on providing employment information for students that will be working under the age of 18?
___Less than 5%
___5% to 15%
___16% to 25%
___26% to 50%
___More than 50%
___Not sure
Q22. In your opinion, what is the most common reason your students want to work?
___Pay for college tuition
___Pay for a car or car insurance
___To gain experience
___To learn responsibility
___For training course or as student learner
___For personal spending money
___To help support family
___Other (please specify)_________________________
Q23. In your professional opinion, what would you say has been the trend in the number of students applying for work permits over the past 5 years?
___Increased number of students applying
___Decreased number of students applying
___No change
___Not sure
Finally, I would like to ask you a few questions about yourself.
Q24. Which category most accurately describes your age?
___Under 30
___60 or older
Q25. Do you personally have any children between the ages of 14 and 18?
___Prefer not to answer
Q26. How long have you been employed in this position?
___Less than 1 year
___1-3 years
___3-5 years
___More than 5 years
Q27. How long have you been providing employment information to students that will be working under the age of 18?
____ Less than 1 year
____ 1-3 years
____ 3-5 years
____ More than 5 years
Q28. What is the highest level of education that you have achieved?
___High School, High School Equivalent or GED
___Associate Degree
___Some 4-Year College Undergraduate Experience
___4-Year College Undergraduate Degree
___Masters or Professional Degree
Thank you for responding to this survey. We appreciate your time and responses.
Burden Statement
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 10-15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Wage and Hour Division, U.S. Department of Labor. All responses to this survey are completely voluntary. The U.S. Department of Labor will not be able to identify respondents for this survey in any manner. Persons are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. The Wage and Hour Division are conducting this survey under OMB Control Number 1225-0059.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Guidance Counselor Survey |
Author | LEX-LJankovic |
Last Modified By | LEX-LJankovic |
File Modified | 2009-04-01 |
File Created | 2009-03-24 |