Revised Questions

Revised Questions.doc

Customer Satisfaction Surveys and Conference Evaluations Generic Clearance

Revised Questions

OMB: 1225-0059

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SUBJECT: Changes to JAN Survey Project

On the JAN Customer Satisfaction Surveys, we will remove three questions, remove a portion of two questions, reorder cost related questions, and change one word in a question. Details of these requests are in the pages that follow.

The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) requires JAN to conduct a user satisfaction survey as a measure of the quality of services. The results will be used to improve service provision to users of the JAN and to inform DOL, Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) of the current level of satisfaction of JAN users. JAN will also collect and report cost and benefit information gathered from its users.

The proposed changes outlined below are based on experiences in collecting data thus far. Data collection began in June 2008. It has been the team’s experience that some of the questions are difficult for participants to answer via the telephone.

The first set of questions for removal is question W2 (see below). This set is a series of six questions that attempt to address the level of impairment of the person needing to be accommodated. We find that participants struggle with this question and the responses may not be reliable. This set of questions is a part of the Employer, Self/Individual, Professional, and Other surveys. This set of questions is not currently in the self employment survey.

We request removal of a portion of question 19 and 21 (see below). We currently ask if a benefit is derived or expected from providing the accommodation. This clarification confuses the participants and we do not feel we are getting reliable responses. We do feel that if we ask participants to say yes or no if their company received the benefit, the data will be reliable.

The research team also suggests re-ordering questions so that all cost and all benefit questions are in the same sections for flow of interview. Questions number 20 and 23 of the Employer survey are difficult for respondents to answer and are often skipped. Those who do answer struggle and the responses may not be reliable. We request removal of those questions (see below).

In the Legislative section of the survey (Section IV, Legislative Outcome), it is suggested in question 2 that the phrase "policy decision" be changed to "policy change" and the explanation of policy decision be removed. This is to occur in the Employer, Professional, Self/Individual and Other surveys. This question is not in the self-employment survey.

The proposed deletions and changes are outlined in the pages that follow.

Question W2. (Remove from Employer, Self/Individual, Professional and Other)


W2. a. Does this person have a physical, mental, or other health condition that substantially limits a major life activity other than working, such as breathing, thinking, walking, talking, seeing, hearing, and so on?


No (Go to Question W2c).

b. On a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being not at all limited and 5 being substantially limited, please rate the degree to which the person’s physical, mental, or other health condition(s) limit their major life activities.

1 2 3 4 5 DK RF

Major life activities Major life activities

Not limited Substantially limited

c. Does this person have a physical, mental, or other health condition that substantially limits the kind or amount of work that he/she can do?


No (Go to Question 3)

d. On a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being not at all limited and 5 being substantially limited, please rate the extent to which this person’s physical, mental, or other health condition(s) limits the kind or amount of work that he/she can do?

1 2 3 4 5 DK RF


Not limited Substantially limited

e. On a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being not limited at all and 5 being substantially limited, how limited is this person's functional ability to work without accommodations?

1 2 3 4 5 DK RF

Not limited Substantially limited in working

f. On a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being not limited at all and 5 being substantially limited, how limited is this person's functional ability to work with accommodations?

1 2 3 4 5 DK RF

Not limited Substantially limited in working

Question 19 and 22 (Remove from Employer survey only – currently not in others)


19. I will read a list of direct benefits that your company may have derived from providing this accommodation. Please answer yes or no to the following:

a. The accommodation allowed the company to hire a qualified employee Yes No DK RF

b. The accommodation allowed company to retain a qualified employee Yes No DK RF

c. The accommodation allowed company to promote a qualified employee

Yes No DK RF

d. The accommodation eliminated the cost of training a new employee

Yes No DK RF

e. The accommodation saved workers’ compensation or other insurance costs

Yes No DK RF

f. The accommodation increased the accommodated worker's productivity

Yes No DK RF

g The accommodation increased the accommodated worker's attendance Yes No DK RF

h. Increased diversity of the company Yes No DK RF

i. Other ______________________________________________________

22. I will read a list of indirect benefits that your company may have derived (or may expect to derive) from providing this accommodation. Please answer yes or now to the following:

a. The accommodation increased overall company productivity

Yes No DK RF

b. The accommodation increased overall company attendance

Yes No DK RF

c. The accommodation increased overall company morale Yes No DK RF

d. The accommodation increased workplace safety Yes No DK RF

e. The accommodation increased customer base Yes No DK RF

f. The accommodation increased profitability Yes No DK RF

g. The accommodation improved interactions with co-workers

Yes No DK RF

h. The accommodation improved interactions with customers

Yes No DK RF

i. Other indirect benefits? _________________________________________________________

Questions 20 and 23 (Remove from Employer survey only – currently not in other surveys)


20 What is your best monetary estimate associated with these direct benefits?


DK = $888,888 RF = $999,999

23. What is your best monetary estimate associated with these indirect benefits [recite the ones that were checked in question 24 if necessary]? $____________

DK = $888,888 RF = $999,999

QUESTION 2 (from the Legislation section of the Employer, Professional, Self/Individual and other survey)

REQUEST changing the word "decision" to "change" and removing the clarifying statements (crossed out below).

2. Was the information used to argue for or make a policy change?

a. YES

  1. NO (SKIP TO Next Section)

  2. DK (SKIP TO Next Section)

  3. RF (SKIP TO Next Section)

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleSUBJECT:
AuthorMary Beth Smith-Toomey
Last Modified ByMary Beth Smith-Toomey
File Modified2009-08-12
File Created2009-08-12

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