CBP 5297 Power of Attorney

Importation Bond Structure

CBP Form 5297Back

Importation Bond Structure (Power of Attorney)

OMB: 1651-0050

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l. A Corporate Surety Power of Attomey, CBP Fom 5297, must be executed for each of the follorling actions; grmt m indiudual a po*tr of anome;-.:chmgc
a name and/or address,and/or add districts to a power on file; revoke a power previous gmnted.
2. Fom submission option: Each ofthe following conditions will require filing a copy ofthe CBP Fom 5297: (a) if the port dirrctor pemits the submission of
the form to be made at any port within the district. O) ifthe $antee desires to use the power of attomey at a location covered by the power, but oths than thc
the CBP Fom 5297 must be submitted with the original.
3. The box adjacent to the action executed on this CBP Fom 5297 must be checked. The effective date for the action checked should be shown. (a) lfgrant is
checked: The infomation required to grant a power of attorney are self-explmatory with the exception of the following:
Port Information: Each port in which the power is gmted rnust be shom except if the power both applies to all ports and the amount limit is the sme in erery
on the first line under'?ort".
one ofthose ports, enter the word
Limit Information: (1) Ifmy amount limit differs between any ofthe ports in which the power is granted, individual amount limits must be shown for each of
the ports listed. (2) If all the arnount limits are the same for each district in which the power is $anted md the mounts equal the surety company limit
"Limit". (3)
If all of the amount limits ue the sme for each
on the first line under
published in the Treasury Department Circula 570, enter the word
port in which the power is granted and the amounts are not equal to the surety company limit published in the Treasury Department Circular 570, enter the
the second line.
md enter the word
amount limit on the first line under
Surety: The number required is the 3 digit identification code assigned by CBP Headquartersto a surety company, listed on Treasury Circulr 570, at the time
the surety company initially give notice to CBP that the company will be witing CBP bonds.
(b) To chmge a Corporate Surety Power ofAttomey already on file, the previously field power grmted must be revoked and a new power (CBP 5297) must be
filed EXCEPT changesto the nme and/or address md the addition of districts to a power on file. (1) To make a name and/or addresschange, the same
information that ws submitted to establish the existing power on file is required except the new name and/or address must be shown in the space provided md
the port code(s) and related obligation limit(s) can be left blank. (2) To add ports, the same information that was submitted to establish the existing poser on
file is required except only the new districts ald related obligation limits are necessaryin the spaceprovided.
(c) Ifrevocation is checked: A revocation divests the designated agent's or attorney's power ofattomey in all ports. Except for the following, the infomation
required to revoke the power of attorney is self-explanatory: The ports in which authorized to do business and the associatedsingle obligation limits do not
have to be shom.
Privacy Act Statement: The following notice is given pursuant to section 7(b) ofthe Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a). Fumishing the information on this




system,at the
Theprimaryuseof the SocialSecurityNumberis to veriry,in theCBPautomated
fom, includingthe SocialSecurityNumberis mandatory.
time m agent submits a CBP bond for approval that the individual was granted a Corporate Surety Power of Attomey by the Surety Company on the bond.
Section 7 of Act of July 30, 1947, chapter 390, 6 I Stat. 646, authorizes the collection of this infomation.
Prperwork Reduction Notice: The Papemork Reduction Act says we must tell you why we are collecting this information, how we will use it, ild whethtr
you have to give it to us. We ask for this infomation to carry out the U.S. Customs and Border Protection laws of the United States.We need it to ensureiiat
persons trmsacting business with Customs have the proper bond coverage to securetheir transactions as required by law and regulation. Your responseis
required to enter into any tansaction in which a bond is a prerequisite under the TariffAct of 1930, as amended.
Statement Required by 5 CFR 1320.21: The estimated average burden associatedwith this collection ofinformation is l5 minutes per respondent or
recordkeeperdepending on individual circumstances.Comments conceming the accuracy ofthis burden estimate and suggestionsfor educing this burden
should be directed to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Infomation Sewices Branch, Washington DC 20229, and to the Office of Management and Budget


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2007-10-17
File Created2007-09-12

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