

Assessment Accommodations for English Language Learners

OMB: 1850-0849

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Assessment Accommodations for English Language Learners

Request for OMB Approval
Supporting Statement B

August 8, 2007

Submitted to:
U.S. Department of Education
Institute of Education Sciences
555 New Jersey Ave., NW, Rm. 308
Washington, DC 20208
(202) 208-7078

Submitted by:
Regional Educational Laboratory-West
(REL-West at WestEd)
730 Harrison Street
San Francisco, CA 94107
(415) 615-3000

Project Officer:
Rafael Valdivieso, Ph.D.
(202) 208-0662

Project Director:
Stanley Rabinowitz, Ph.D.
(415) 615-3154



Supporting Statement B: Data Collection Procedures and Statistical Methods
Introduction......................................................................................................................... 3
Overview: Study Scope and Sequence ............................................................................... 3
Research Questions............................................................................................................. 4
B-1. Participant Universe and Sampling Procedures.......................................................... 4
B-2. Statistical Methods for Sample Selection and Degree of Accuracy Needed .............. 7
B-3. Methods to Maximize Participation Rates.................................................................. 8
B-4. Tests of Procedures and Methods ............................................................................... 9
B-5. Individuals Consulted on Statistical Aspects of the Study Design ........................... 10
References......................................................................................................................... 12
Appendix A Student Language Background Survey
Appendix B Parent Letter and Consent Form
Appendix C Memorandum of Understanding to Districts
Appendix G Items Representative of Those Appearing on Final Test
Appendix H Cognitive Interview Rubric
Note: Appendices D, E, and F are not listed as they are associated with questions in Supporting Statement
A only.

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This document presents Supporting Statements A and B for a research study on
Assessment Accommodations for English Language Learners (ELLs). Specifically, we
are seeking OMB approval for four data collection activities related to this study (see
Section A-2 for details on each):
1) Pilot Test
2) Operational Test Administration
3) Student Language Background Survey
4) Student Achievement Data from schools/districts
Overview: Study Scope and Sequence
This study will examine the effect of one test accommodation and its impact on
the validity of assessments for ELLs. Specifically, we will investigate the ways in which
linguistic modification affects students' ability to access math content during testing.
Linguistic modification is a theory-based process in which the language in test items,
directions, and/or response options are modified in ways that clarify and simplify the text
without simplifying or significantly altering the construct tested (Abedi, Courtney,
Mirocha, Leon, & Goldberg, 2005). To facilitate comprehension, linguistic modification
reduces the construct-irrelevant language demands (e.g., semantic and syntactic
complexity) of text through strategies such as reduced sentence length and complexity,
use of common or familiar words, and use of concrete language (Abedi, Lord, &
Plummer, 1997; Sireci, Li, & Scarpati, 2002).
Linguistic modification is believed to minimize the effects of construct-irrelevant
language demands on ELLs, without simplification of the content or significant alteration
of the construct tested. By comparing the effects of linguistic modification on ELL's test
performance with its effects on the performance of English language proficient general
education students without disabilities (non-ELL/non-Students with Disabilities, or nonELL/non-SDs), this study aims to increase understanding of the effects of a test
accommodation that holds promise as a means of decreasing the achievement gap
between ELL and non-ELL/non-SD students.
Because instrumentation is central to this study as a means for operationalizing
and measuring the effects of linguistic modification on student access to test content, our
initial step will focus on ensuring that the two instruments (one with linguistically
modified items and one with original items) are sufficiently valid for the two large-scale
data collection efforts that will follow: a) a pilot test of the modified and original items to
provide additional support for the validity of the instruments; and b) an experimental
study in which non-ELL/non-SD and ELL students (with both low and high reading
abilities 1 ) are randomly assigned to take either the original or modified versions of the


We also will examine whether performance differences emerge between non-ELL/non-SD students with
low reading abilities and non-ELL/non-SD students with high reading ability. If linguistic modification
reduces the language burden of the test, as anticipated, the score difference across test forms (modified and
original) will be greater for low-ability readers than for high ability readers. If a difference emerges across

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test. Planned data analyses will systematically examine the relationship between
linguistic modification and access to test content for two different student populations
(ELL and non-ELL/non-SD) as well as the effects of linguistic modification on test
Research Questions
The following research questions guide this study:
RQ 1: Does the use of linguistically modified items differentially affect the
technical adequacy (validity and reliability) of assessments of mathematics achievement
for ELL students and non-ELL/non-SD students with both low and high reading abilities?
RQ 2: Is the difference between the mean scores of the original and modified tests
for ELL students comparable to the difference between the mean scores of the original
and modified tests for non-ELL/non-SD students (pooled, low and high reading abilities
combined)? Is the difference between mean scores on the modified and original test
greater for Non-ELL/Non-SD students who have high reading ability as compared with
those who have low reading ability?
RQ 3: When comparing ELL and non-ELL/non-SD students of similar math
achievement levels, do the probabilities of the students answering individual items
correctly differ on the test with modified items as compared to the test with original
RQ 4: Are the underlying dimensions measured by the original and modified test
items the same for the ELL and non-ELL/non-SD (pooled) student groups? For the ELL
and non-ELL/non-SD student groups? Do the correlations (1) among latent factors (e.g.,
mathematics achievement, verbal ability) and (2) between latent factors and test items
differ for the ELL and non-ELL/non-SD (pooled) student groups?
RQ 5: For the non-ELL/non-SD population, are the correlations with a
standardized test of mathematics achievement comparable for the linguistically modified
and original test forms?
B-1. Participant Universe and Sampling Procedures
Table 1 below summarizes the estimated counts for each target population (districts,
schools, and students) for the pilot test and the test administration. As the student
Language Background Survey is embedded in the math test, the test and survey are
administered concurrently. For each student tested, achievement data will be collected
from the district or school prior to or immediately following testing.
Table 1. Summary of Estimated Counts for Each Target Population
Target Number
of Districts

Target Number of

Target Number of
7th and 8th Grade Students

forms and it does not vary by reading ability of non-ELL/non-SD students, this suggests that the
modification may have changed the mathematics content assessed as well as the language burden.
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A. Pilot Test
B. Test Administration,
Language Background
Survey, and Achievement



(based on recruiting
goals of 75-90
students per school)


(1200 low-ability
readers + 1200 high
ability readers)

A. Pilot Test
District Recruitment & School Selection
The purpose of this pilot administration is to collect information about each
prospective item so WestEd analysts can 1) review performance data in selecting the final
group of math items that will appear on the operational test; and 2) ensure that each
language background question is clear and appropriate for the intended population and
provides support information about students' language background that may be used by
researchers during data analyses to provide a context for the data collected during the test
administrations. Using existing relationships with districts in California who have
expressed interest in participating in research studies examining the effectiveness of test
accommodations, we will identify three districts in California that enroll high percentages
of middle-school ELL students whose native language is Spanish 2 . With written approval
from district superintendents, principals from six middle-schools in these districts will
asked to support the study by communicating information about the study to their math
teachers and ELL support staff. These staff will serve as the primary contacts for the
identification of a convenience sample of 100 students (half ELL and half non-ELL/nonSD) to whom a set of math items (both modified and original) and the language
background survey will be administered. School participation will be solicited until the
target sample of students is obtained.
Student Sample
The convenience sample of 100 ELL and non-ELL/non-SD students will be
volunteers recruited by each school's math teachers and ELL support staff. The ELL
sample will be comprised of students whose first language is Spanish and who have
moderate to high levels of English Language Proficiency. The non-ELL/non-SD sample
will be comprised of general education students who are not English Language Learners.
B. Administration of Test and Language Background Survey and Collection of
Achievement Data from Records
District Recruitment & School Selection
Using demographic data from the California State Department of Education
(CDE), we will identify up to 15 districts in California that have high percentages of
middle-school, ELL students whose native language is Spanish (per district records). As
the recruitment goal is to minimize the number of districts in the study to ensure that
student sampling is conducted efficiently (i.e., fewest number of schools possible to reach
target numbers of students) and to limit the number of different sources of student-level
administrative data that will need to be accessed, a probability sample of districts is not

This is a convenience sample used to provide additional information about item characteristics prior to the
randomized trial; it is not a probability sample and therefore is not intended to represent that population.

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feasible. Each district superintendent will be asked to sign a Memorandum of
Understanding (Appendix C) signifying approval to contact school principals.
Following district-level granting of approval, we will review demographic data from
CDE and identify a maximum of 50 target schools that show enrollments of large
numbers (i.e., approximately 10% to 25%) of seventh and eighth grade students in the
target ELL population. For maximum sampling efficiency, schools from each district
with the largest populations of enrolled ELLs (20-25% of total school population) will be
recruited for study participation first, followed by second tier schools (ELLs are 15-20%
of total school population) and then third tier schools (ELLs are 10-15% of total school
population), until the target sample of students is obtained.
Principals from target schools will be sent Letters of Introduction (Appendix D)
that explain the study purpose and participation guidelines. Once target schools have
agreed to participate, we will conduct pre-test interviews at each school to review study
guidelines and ensure accessibility of individualized achievement data 3 .
Student Sample
We will focus our recruiting efforts on securing the maximum number of students
(approximately 70-90 students) from the minimum number of schools. To identify
students for the study, we will ask participating schools to submit rosters of all students in
grades 7 and 8 that meet either of the following criteria for inclusion in the study: (1)
ELLs who are required to take the state's standardized assessment and who are not
receiving special education services; and (2) non-ELL/non-SD students who have been
identified by the district as meeting eligibility criteria (time in U.S. schools, language
proficiency level) for the state assessment. We exclude students in special education from
this phase of the research in order to control for effects of learning and other disabilities
on test performance. We limit the study to one state so that it is possible to examine how
the original and modified tests relate to student scores on one standardized achievement
test. Since different states use different tests, it is important to examine this relationship
across the study samples in only one state.
The initial pool of 7th and 8th grade ELL students will be narrowed to include only
students whose first language is Spanish and who have moderate to high levels of English
Language Proficiency 4 . We limit the population to students who have sufficient levels of
proficiency in the English language to benefit from linguistic modification of test items,
as students who cannot yet read English are less likely to benefit from this
accommodation. From this second pool of ELLs, 1200 ELLs will be randomly selected to
participate in the study. Approximately half will be seventh grade students and half will
be eighth grade students.
The initial non-ELL/non-SD sample will be comprised of general education
students who are not English Language Learners (non-ELL/non-SD) enrolled in grades 7
and 8. This pool will be divided into two groups, those with high reading ability and

These data include 1) reading and math scores from the California Standards Test, or CST, for all
students, and 2) a current language proficiency score from California English Language Development Test,
or CELDT, for ELLs.
Some linguistic modifications may vary depending on the native language of the student. Thus by studying only
native speakers of Spanish, the study controls for this source of variability. Spanish was selected as the language for
the study because 75% of students in the Western region (California, Nevada, Utah, & Arizona) who are ELL
identify Spanish as their primary or secondary language.
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those with low reading ability, based on state achievement test scores in reading. From
this second pool, 1200 students with low reading ability and 1200 students with high
reading ability will be randomly selected. Approximately half in each group will be
seventh grade students and half will be eighth grade students.
B-2. Statistical Methods for Sample Selection and Degree of Accuracy Needed
Sample Size and Statistical Power
A total of 3600 students will participate in the study. This sample includes
approximately 1200 ELLs and 2400 non-ELL/non-SDs. Hence, each test form (original
or modified) will be administered to 1800 student-participants (600 ELLs and 1200 nonELL/non-SDs). Collapsing across grade levels, the six test form-by-ELL group cells will
have 600 students each, distributed evenly across the cells of the full 3-by-2 design.
Table 1. Full Study Design
(half 7th graders, half 8th graders)
Non-ELL low reading ability
(half 7th graders, half 8th graders)
Non-ELL high-reading ability
(half 7th graders, half 8th graders)

Original Test

Modified Test

600 students

600 students

600 students

600 students

600 students

600 students

These sample sizes were determined through analyses of the power of the
different statistical tests that will be used in this study, which include ANOVAs and
CFAs (Bloom, 1995). This design will provide a minimum detectable effect size
(MDES) 5 of .20 6 for the main research question addressed by the ANOVA, which asks if
the score difference between the original and modified tests differs for the ELL and nonELL/non-SD groups.
In the 3-by-2 design above, the main research question is addressed by examining
the difference between the mean scores of the original and modified tests for the ELL
group and contrasting that difference with the difference of original and modified tests
for the non-ELL/non-SD groups pooled. It is represented by a contrast in which each
ELL group has a coefficient of +1 or – 1, and each non-ELL/non-SD group has a
coefficient of +1/2 or – 1/2 7 .
The required sample size for power of .80 and MDES of .20 was estimated using
the following equation:
n = (z1-α/2 + z1-β)2 (Σci2)σ2/(ΣciMi),2



MDES represents the level of effect that is reasonable and defensible for answering the study's research questions.
Assuming that power = .8 and alpha= .05.

Statewide, in California, the proportion of non-ELL/non-SD students who meet criteria
to be classified as high-ability readers is 52% for seventh grade and 51% for eighth grade.
( ) Thus, we feel equal weighting of the two non-ELL
groups in these power calculations is a reasonable assumption.

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where Mi is the mean for cell i , ci is the contrast coefficient for cell i, and 2 is the
common population (within-cell) variance (assumed to be 1 for this computation).
n = 7.85 (3)(1/.20)2
n = 589.
Of secondary interest is the comparison of the two non-ELL/non-SD groups. This
contrast is a “difference of differences” for the two non-ELL/non-SD groups. The sample
size of 600 yields a MDES of .23 (power = .8 and alpha= .05). This test is represented by
a linear contrast in which the coefficients for the ELL groups are zero, and the
coefficients for the four non-ELL/non-SD groups are +1or – 1. The MDES is found from
[1] (assuming 2 =1) :
600 = 7.85(4)(1/x2)
x = .23
We believe this design provides a reasonable balance of power and costs. It
provides for a MDES of .20 for the primary research question and power of .80 to detect
a .23 effect for the question of secondary interest. For the CFAs, it provides a minimum
n of 600 per analysis (ELL vs. non-ELL/non-SD pooled for each of the two test forms.
This is a sufficient sample size to test the fit of a model to a 30-item test (McCallum,
Browne, & Sugawara, 1996).
We do not anticipate any unusual problems requiring specialized sampling
procedures. All forms of data will be collected one time only.
B-3. Methods to Maximize Participation Rates
We will begin recruitment by contacting superintendents whose districts'
instructional and/or support staff have expressed interest in participating in a large-scale
research study on accommodations for English language learners (ELLs). During this
initial call, the recruitment team will confirm the superintendent's willingness to
participate in the study. The team then will ask for a referral to the district's Director of
Assessment (or staff member with a comparable role) to describe the study in greater
detail. If these exploratory conversations indicate interest, the recruitment team will ask
for referrals to school-level staff at prospective schools to confirm participation with site
principals and discuss participation opportunities with ELL instructional and support
staff. It is our expectation that district- and/or school-level participation in this study will
ultimately require complete review by the superintendent and school board before formal
commitment can be offered.
Once oral confirmation of study participation is received, a Memorandum of
Understanding (see Appendix C) will be sent to each district outlining the support they
will receive for participating in the study, the roles and responsibilities of research staff
and school site staff, and estimates of the time required to collect data from students and
teachers. The letters will include language that assures students, parents, and teachers that
participation is voluntary. A list of eligible students, i.e., those for whom individualized
data (e.g., English language proficiency level, standardized test scores) are available, will
be drafted in conjunction with district staff. Our research teams will request referral to

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district information systems specialists for extraction of student-level data. School staff
will be informed about the study so they may encourage student participation.
Prior to the week of testing, a researcher will ensure that all students who are
eligible for testing have returned parental/guardian consent forms to the school. A
researcher will arrange for a reminder notice to be sent home from the school with any
student who has not yet returned a signed parental/guardian consent form. Up to three
reminders will be sent home every other week with the student prior to the day of testing.
On the day of testing, no student will be tested without a signed parental/guardian
consent form on file. If on the day of testing the sample of eligible students at any school
is reduced by more than 15% due to absenteeism or missing consent forms, researchers
will request permission to return to the school site within one week for one make-up
session. Once all data are collected from schools, students will receive a T-shirt to
recognize their participation and schools will be provided with copies of the final report
for use in instructional planning.
We will use a combination of sound research design, strategic recruiting of
participating districts and/or schools, and administration of relatively short tests (30
items) and surveys (12 questions) to ensure high rates of participation. Data structures
have been developed to track recruited districts, carefully acknowledging that once a
district or school has expressed interest to be in the study, it is possible that they will drop
out of the study at a later date. We will closely monitor the test administration procedures
and make quick and decisive adjustments to the administration protocol if participation
rates fall below key targets. Such flexibility requires high-level attention to study
progress. Extensive experience in administering and managing large-scale test
administration efforts enables us to anticipate when and where problems may occur and
to take pre-conceived steps to address them if they occur.
B-4. Tests of Procedures and Methods
A pre-pilot test cognitive interview process will be used as a field test for test
administration protocols, the language background survey questions, and 40-50 math
items from both test forms (one with modified items and one with original items).
Through this "think-aloud" procedure (Appendix H), a convenience sample of eight
California middle-school student volunteers (four ELL and four non-ELLs/non-SDs) will
provide feedback about the ways in which they access and comprehend each prospective
test item and their interpretations of the language background questions. Of particular
interest will be the length of time required for participants to respond to each test item.
We will observe and take written notes on their strategies for answering each test item
and responsiveness to test administration protocols. The rich descriptive data from these
interviews will be used to refine test administration procedures, finalize item selections
for the pilot test, and improve the student survey.
In addition, during pilot testing, researchers will administer approximately 25-30
linguistically modified and original items (selected from the initial pool of 40-50) that
measure math achievement to a convenience sample of 50 middle-school ELLs and 50
middle-school non-ELL/non-SDs (pooled high and low reading ability). Performance
data collected from the pilot test will be used to ensure that the items are accessible to
and appropriate for the range of students included in this study. The item-level statistics
produced will include p-values, standard deviations, and omission rates. The small

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samples for this pilot test are justifiable because 1) the released NAEP and state items
already have undergone extensive statistical analysis; 2) we are seeking to minimize the
testing burden by not collecting unnecessary information.
During the pilot test, students also are administered the language background
survey (Appendix A). For both the item and survey administrations, students are
reminded that participation is voluntary but appreciated and that they may refuse to
answer any item or question. Parents of sampled students receive a letter about the study
(Appendix B) and are asked to sign and return the attached informed consent form. This
data collection strategy is intended primarily to help answer Research Question 3: If
properly implemented, can the use of linguistically modified items strengthen the
technical quality (validity and reliability) of assessments of mathematics achievement for
ELL students without modifying the technical adequacy for non-ELL/non-SD students?
Released NAEP and state test items are used in this study because these items
have undergone thorough review by educators at the state- and national-levels for content
and grade-level appropriateness and for sensitivity to bias. Assessment administrators
considered these items to be exemplary and thereby fitting for release to the public. And
because these items were deemed appropriate for use on operational assessments, all
items have been thoroughly tested by large samples of students.
B-5. Individuals Consulted on Statistical Aspects of the Study Design
Neal Finkelstein, PhD, serves as the Project Director for this study. Dr. Finkelstein is
currently the Co-director for Research Studies for the Regional Educational Laboratory-West
(REL-W). As a Senior Research Scientist, he develops research and evaluation designs that
study the impact of program implementation in K–12 public schools. He ensures that
evaluation designs feature high standards of evidence, and oversees the implementation of
randomized field trials in education settings, including site recruitment, data collection and
Prior to WestEd, Dr. Finkelstein worked on large-scale program evaluations and policy
analyses encompassing K–12 and higher education, and the bridge between them. His areas of
expertise include K–12 school finance, academic preparation programs for high school youth,
school-to-work, and early childhood education. Each area involves the collection,
management, and analysis of large quantitative data sets as well as questions of cost, costeffectiveness, and the marginal cost of policy decisions in education at the state and federal
Dr. Finkelstein served as Director of Educational Outreach Research and Evaluation for the
University of California Office of the President. There he implemented research and evaluation
designs that studied the effectiveness of K–12 student and school academic programs initiated
by the University of California on 10 campuses throughout the state. These programs
emphasized the connections between K–12 education and postsecondary education
opportunities for students.
Dr. Finkelstein can be reached by phone at (877) 938-3400, ext. 3171.

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Andrea Lash, PhD, with 30 years of experience in social science research, brings to the
project expertise in research methodology, psychometrics, and statistical analysis. Her recent
experience with experimental research includes preparing, for the Institute of Education
Sciences, the design of a national impact evaluation of teacher induction; conducting, with
colleagues, an examination of the instructional sensitivity of NAEP test items in an NSF
sponsored study, Validities of Science Inquiry Assessments; and designing methods to assess
implementation fidelity in a national experiment of early mathematics instruction. As a
psychometrician, Dr. Lash recently co-led a team examining the application of evidencecentered design to performance assessments. She also has conducted research into educational
applications of Item Response Theory, served as psychometric advisor to research projects, and
guided local educational agencies in the development of educational tests.
Dr. Lash has led the statistical analysis for large-scale program evaluations, such the evaluation
of Title I accountability systems and a national evaluation of Charter Schools, using complex,
multivariate methods to examine how the federal programs may influence student
achievement. She received her MA in Educational Evaluation from Ohio State University, her
MS in Statistics from Stanford University and her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from
Stanford University.
Dr. Lash can be reached by phone at (877) 938-3400, ext. 3103.
Chun-Wei (Kevin) Huang, PhD, serves as a Senior Data Analyst responsible for instrument
design and data analysis for this study. As a Senior Research Analyst at WestEd, he works
with other researchers to design and implement rigorous experimental trials within WestEd’s
Regional Educational Laboratory-West) (REL-W). Dr. Huang ensures that the instruments
used in these studies are reliable and valid and is responsible for conducting statistical analyses
during all phases of the research. In addition to his work with REL-W, he provides assistance
to colleagues with statistical and measurement modeling for other WestEd projects.
Prior to WestEd, Dr. Huang worked at CTB/McGraw-Hill as a Research Scientist. He was
involved in several projects including two statewide testing programs. His main responsibilities
as a Research Project Manager were to lead and conduct data analyses (e.g., test equating and
scaling) in accordance with customers’ requirements. He has taught statistics at both the
undergraduate and graduate level.
Dr. Huang can be reached by phone at (877) 938-3400, ext. 3162.

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v 3 August 8, 2007


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