When burden was initially calculated for this collection, it was calculated on the basis of 3 hours per effort by every AmeriCorps program that would be using our online grants management system for any purpose during the year. This includes grantees and subgrantees. Since the system was then being used for member timekeeping, the calculation included this function in this information collection. Since then, we have separated out progress reporting from the other member management functions. Only grantees—54 state grantees and 100 national grantees—will be responding to these progress reporting questions.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | When burden was initially calculated for this collection, it was calculated on the basis of 3 hours per effort by every AmeriCor |
Author | lshelton |
Last Modified By | lshelton |
File Modified | 2007-09-27 |
File Created | 2007-09-27 |