Administration for Native Americans
ANA Consultant and Evaluator Qualifications Form
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995: Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB number.
Date of completion of form:
1. General Information
1.1 Please Check which position you are applying for: T/TA Provider Grant Evaluator |
1-2. First Name: |
1-3. Last Name: |
1-4. Mailing Address: |
1-5. City: |
1-6. State: |
1-7. Zip Code: |
1-8. Physical Address if different from above. (FedEx or Courier Delivery): |
1-9. City: |
2-0. State: |
2-1. Zip Code: |
1-12. Home Phone: |
1-13. Cell Phone: |
1-14. Work Phone: |
Extension: |
1-15. Fax: |
1-16. Email: |
Office Use Only |
Date Received by Master Key Consulting: |
Last Updated: |
2. Grant Evaluator Experience
2-1. Have you previously Served as evaluator for ANA? (If yes, please answer questions 2-2 and 2-3 otherwise skip to question 2-4) Yes No |
2-2. What Fiscal Years did you serve as an ANA evaluator (Mark all that apply): 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 |
2-3. What Program Areas served as an ANA evaluator (Mark all that apply): SEDS NL NR NM NI |
2-4. Have you ever served as a grant evaluator for organizations other than ANA (If yes, answer 2-5 otherwise skip to section 3? Yes No |
2-5. Fiscal Year(s): |
Agency or Organization: |
Type of Grant/Contract (specify program if known): |
Reference: Name of contact person at this agency: |
Reference: Phone |
Reference: Email |
Population served by Grants/Contract (Mark all that apply): American Indian Alaska Native Native Hawaiian Native American Pacific Islanders Other (please describe): |
2-5. Fiscal Year(s): |
Agency or Organization: |
Type of Grant/Contract (specify program if known): |
Reference: Name of contact person at this agency: |
Reference: Phone |
Reference: Email |
Population served by Grants/Contract (Mark all that apply): American Indian Alaska Native Native Hawaiian Native American Pacific Islanders Other (please describe): |
3. ANA Areas of Interest or Expertise
3-1. Identify the areas that you consider yourself qualified to serve as an ANA Proposal Reviewer (Mark all that apply): SEDS: Governance SEDS: Social Development SEDS: Economic Development Native American Language Preservation and Maintenance Environmental Regulatory Enhancements Environmental Mitigation Native American Healthy Marriage Initiative |
4. Demographic Information
4-1. Native American Heritage (Mark all that apply): Enrolled member of a federally recognized tribe (specify): Enrolled member of a non-federally recognized tribe (specify): Native Hawaiian Native American Pacific Islander (specify): Other Native American (specify): Other: Caucasian Other: African American Other: Hispanic
Other: Asian, other than Pacific Islander and Native Hawaiian |
4-2. Current Place of Residence: Living on reservation Living near reservation (within 10 miles) Non-reservation (urban) Non-reservation (rural) Indian territory Alaskan Native Village Pacific Island, living on homestead Pacific Island, living off homestead |
4-3. Number of years at this residence: |
5. Experience and Skills
5-1. Check the areas in which you have 3 or more years of experience. |
Agriculture Crops Dairy Fisheries Livestock/poultry Other:
Arts/Language Music Tribal culture/traditions-general Tribal Languages Visual Arts Other:
Communications Media (Radio/TV) Public Relations Other:
Education Education Administration K-12 Teaching Higher Education
Teaching Vocational or Technical Education Other:
Environment Conservation Forestry Land Management Recycling or Waste Management Water Management Other: |
Financial/ Administration/Legal Accounting Banking or credit union Contracts or grants management Economics Financial management/analysis Human Resources/training Import/export Insurance Investment Legal Services Organizational development – private sector Organizational development – public sector Tax Code Uniform commercial codes Other:
Manufacturing/Production Handicrafts Other:
Public Administration Federal Government State Government Local Government Tribal Administration Tribal Legislature Tribal Courts Tribal, other: Other:
Service Sector E-commerce Food Service Health Care Hospitality/tourism Marketing/promotion Personal Services Wholesale/retail
Social Services Child Welfare Child Care and Development Disability Services Head Start Violence Prevention Youth Development
Technical Architecture Automotive Basic Sciences/research Construction Trades Engineering Graphic Arts Library Sciences Printing Transportation Utilities Other:
Technology Computer Hardware Computer Software Electronics Energy Public Services Telecommunications Other:
6. Experience in Providing Training and Technical Assistance
6-1. Have you ever provided technical assistance and or training (T/TA) to the Native American community (If No, skip to section 7)? Yes No |
6-2. In what capacity did you provide T/TA? Individual Consultant As part of fulltime employment Other (please specify): |
6-3. Identify the recipient of the T/TA: Individual members/group of a tribe or tribes (e.g., Tribal Legislature) Individual Tribe(s) generally Cluster of Tribes Other (please specify): |
6-4. Identify the funding sources for the T/TA you provided: ANA IHS BIA DOJ State Agency Tribal Organization Other Federal Agency (please specify): Other DHHS Agency (please specify): Other (please specify): |
6-5. Are you currently providing T/TA to the Native American Community? Yes No |
7. Computer Capability
7.1 Please mark all the computer software programs with which you have at least one year’s experience: Microsoft Word Microsoft Access Microsoft Excel Other (please specify):
Note: A current resume must be submitted with this application to be considered for an ANA proposal reviewer position. Email resume to [email protected] or mail to Administration for Native Americans Mail Stop 8th F1. West Aerospace Center 370 L'Enfant Promenade Washington, D.C. 20447-0002
OMB Approval Number xxxx-xxxx
Expires xx/xx/xxxx
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Administration for Native Americans |
Author | drecord |
Last Modified By | pdunn |
File Modified | 2007-05-03 |
File Created | 2007-05-03 |