Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) Loan Guaranty Service (LGY) Customer Statisfaction Surveys

Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) Loan Guaranty Service (LGY) Customer Satisfaction Surveys


Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) Loan Guaranty Service (LGY) Customer Statisfaction Surveys

OMB: 2900-0711

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Loan Guaranty Service OMB Number 2900-New

Lender Survey Respondent Burden: 15 minutes

xperience (M&L Industry & VA)


Did your company close at least twenty-five VA home loans in the past 12 months? (MARK only one)




Do you work for: (MARK only one)

A headquarters/corporate office

A branch office


Approximately, how many VA loans did your company close in the past 12 months? (MARK only one)

Fewer than 25

25 to 50

51 to 150

151 to 500

501 to 1000

More than 1000


What is your primary job responsibility? (MARK only one)

Loan originator



Office manager

Quality control personnel

Upper/middle management


Insurance or guaranty personnel



How long has your company been in the mortgage industry? (MARK only one)

Less than 1 year

1 to 3 years

3 to 5 years

5 to 10 years

10 to 15 years

More than 15 years

Contact & Customer Satisfaction with VA


Which Regional Loan Center has your company dealt with most frequently over the past 12 months (your primary Regional Loan Center)? (MARK only one)

<Use pull down list>

Atlanta, GA

Cleveland, OH

Denver, CO

Honolulu, HI

Houston, TX

Manchester, NH

Phoenix, AZ

Roanoke, VA

St. Paul, MN

St. Petersburg, FL


Has your company contacted VA personnel at this Regional Loan Center in the past 12 months? (MARK only one)


No (SKIP to Q11)


Why did you contact them? (Mark all that apply)

I had a problem with an appraisal

I had problems related to the loan number

I had underwriting questions

I had general loan processing questions

I had questions on the funding fee

I had a question with a Loan Guaranty computer application (e.g., TAS, WebLGY, the Funding Fee System)

I needed help with the Loan Guaranty Certificate

To order an appraisal

Other (Please specify):__________________


What was the primary method you used to contact VA during the last 12 months? (MARK only one)






For {Q9}, how responsive was VA to your contact through this method? (MARK only one)

Very responsive

Somewhat responsive

Neither responsive nor unresponsive

Somewhat unresponsive

Very unresponsive


How satisfied are you with the professionalism of VA personnel? (MARK only one)

Very satisfied

Somewhat satisfied

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

Somewhat dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied


How knowledgeable do you feel VA staff is with respect to the laws and regulations governing the VA loan guaranty program? (MARK only one)

Very knowledgeable

Somewhat knowledgeable

Neither knowledgeable nor unknowledgeable

Somewhat unknowledgeable

Very unknowledgeable


What is the best way for this Regional Loan Center to communicate to you changes in its policies or procedures? (MARK only one)







Overall, how satisfied are you with your experiences contacting VA personnel at this Regional Loan Center? (MARK only one)

Very satisfied

Somewhat satisfied

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

Somewhat dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied



How do you usually get information on VA policies and procedures? (List top 3 in order of frequency of use)




Telephone VA

E-mail VA

Fax VA

Walk-in to VA

Access VA Web site

Access to another Web site

Access Lender Handbook


Attend VA-sponsored training session


For {Q15a,Q15b,Q15c}Looking back, how much of what you needed to know did you get from this source? (MARK only one)







In general, how satisfied are you with the amount of time required to obtain information from VA? (MARK only one)

Very satisfied

Somewhat satisfied

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

Somewhat dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied


How satisfied are you with the clarity of the information provided by VA? (MARK only one)

Very satisfied

Somewhat satisfied

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

Somewhat dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied


Have you used the VA home loan program web site ( in the last 12 months? (MARK only one)


No, I did not need to use it (SKIP to Q21)

No, I did not know there was one (SKIP to Q21)


How helpful has the web site been in performing your job? (MARK only one)

Very helpful

Somewhat helpful

Neither helpful nor unhelpful

Somewhat unhelpful

Very unhelpful


Have you used the Lender Handbook within the last 12 months? (MARK only one)


No, I did not need to use it (SKIP to Q24)

No, I did not know there was one (SKIP to Q24)


How helpful has the Lender Handbook been in performing your job? (MARK only one)

Very helpful

Somewhat helpful

Neither helpful nor unhelpful

Somewhat unhelpful

Very unhelpful


How could VA improve the Lender Handbook? (Mark all that apply)

Timely updates

Provide an easy-to-follow format

Provide a sufficient amount of content

Clarity of information provided

Improve ease of navigation

Include FAQs on the site

No improvements needed



Have you been to a VA-sponsored training session in the last 12 months? (MARK only one)


No (SKIP to Q29)


How many VA training sessions have you attended in the last 12 months? (MARK only one)


Two to three

Four to five

Six or more


How effective was this training in preparing you to perform your job? (MARK only one)

Very effective

Somewhat effective

Neither effective nor ineffective

Somewhat ineffective

Very ineffective


What type of VA training have you had? (Mark all that apply)


New Underwriter

General program information and updates


How satisfied have you been with the quality of these training sessions? (MARK only one)

Very satisfied

Somewhat satisfied

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

Somewhat dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied


How satisfied are you with how often VA offers training sessions? (MARK only one)

Very satisfied

Somewhat satisfied

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

Somewhat dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied


Overall, how satisfied are you with the information and the informational resources (e.g., web site Lender Handbook) provided by VA? (MARK only one)

Very satisfied

Somewhat satisfied

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

Somewhat dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied


What would be the best way to provide you with training on the VA loan guaranty program? (MARK only three or less)

VA-classroom training

Company-sponsored training

Print-media (pamphlets, fliers, booklets)

On-line training (Internet, Web-based)

Training videos

Informational materials (e.g., handbook)



Do you encourage your eligible veteran customers to use the VA home loan program? <If answer choice is 1 or 2, go to 33 and 34; if answer choice is 3 or 4 go to 37a>:

Yes, I encourage all veterans looking for a home loan to use the VA home loan program (Go to Q33)

Yes, encourage some veterans looking for a home to use the VA home loan program (Go to Q33)

No, I generally try to encourage use of another loan program (e.g., FHA, conventional, subprime) (SKIP to Q37a)

No, I never or mostly never encourage veterans to use the VA home loan program (SKIP to Q37a)


Currently, which VA materials do you use to market the VA home loan program?



In addition to these materials, what other resources could VA provide you?



Which program aspects are MOST attractive for drawing in eligible veterans to obtain a VA home loan? (MARK only one)

VA loan program is offered only to U.S. veterans

No down payment

Program offers flexible credit underwriting standards


Other: _______________________


In your opinion, how frequently do lenders misperceive the VA loan program? (MARK only one)

Very frequently



Rarely [Skip to #39]

Never [Skip to #39]


In your opinion, what aspect(s) of the VA loan program discourages lenders and real estate professionals from recommending the program to their veteran customers? (List top 3 in order of significance)




Length of time it takes to obtain a loan

Amount of paperwork (process is not streamlined)

The VA Funding Fee

VA residual income requirement (underwriting process)

Availability of other market products

VA's rotational appraiser assignment system (inability to self-select an appraiser)

Ability to process loans electronically


In your opinion, can the VA alter these perceptions?



No (SKIP to Q39)

How can the VA alter these perceptions? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


In your experience, what is the most frequent reason that a VA application does not reach closing?


Eligibility Determination and LGYS Systems/IT Applications


Which of the VA home loan program's systems does your firm use to process VA loans? (MARK ALL THAT APPLY)

The Appraisal System (TAS) (SKIP to Q42)

WebLGY (SKIP to Q42)

E-Appraisals (SKIP to Q42)

Funding Fee System (SKIP to Q42)



IF NONE: Why don't you use the VA home loan program's systems? (MARK only one)

I was unaware they existed (SKIP to Q44)

Other (SKIP to Q44)





(a) The Appraisal System (TAS)

(b) WebLGY

(c) E-Appraisals

(d) Funding Fee System

For each response marked:

To what extent do you find this system (a,b,c,d) easy to use? (MARK only one)

Very easy


Neither easy nor hard


Very hard





(a) The Appraisal System (TAS)

(b) WebLGY

(c) E-Appraisals

(d) Funding Fee System

For each response marked:

How helpful has this system (a, b, c, d) been to you in performing your job? (MARK only one)

Very helpful

Somewhat helpful

Neither helpful nor unhelpful

Somewhat unhelpful

Very unhelpful


How could these systems be improved or enhanced? (MARK only one)

System reports should be provided to lenders

System downtime needs to be minimized

Screen functionality needs to be improved

No improvements needed

Other _______________________________________________________________________________________


Compared to other, similar online government systems (e.g. FHA, USDA), how EASY are the VA home loan program's systems to use? (MARK only one)

LGY systems are superior to similar government systems

LGY systems are much better than similar government systems

LGY systems are the same as other similar government systems

LGY systems are somewhat worse than other similar government systems

LGY systems are far worse than other similar government systems


Compared to other similar online government systems (e.g. FHA, USDA), how FUNCTIONAL are the VA home loan program's systems? (MARK only one)

LGY systems are superior to similar government systems

LGY systems are much better than similar government systems

LGY systems are the same as other similar government systems

LGY systems are somewhat worse than other similar government systems

LGY systems are far worse than other similar government systems


Overall, how satisfied are you with the VA home loan program's online systems? (MARK only one)

Very satisfied

Somewhat satisfied

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

Somewhat dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied


Do you use WebLGY to obtain Certificates of Eligibility (COEs)? (MARK only one)

Yes (SKIP to Q50)



IF 'NO' on Q48 THEN: Why do you not use WebLGY to obtain COEs? (MARK only one)

I wasn't aware of the system

I tried to use the system but it was not user-friendly

I tried to use the system but it was 'down'

I knew the system existed, but I never tried to use it


In obtaining a COE, have you ever interacted with the Eligibility Center (located in Winston-Salem, NC)?

(MARK only one)


No (SKIP to Q52)

Don’t know (SKIP to Q52)


IF 'YES' on Q50 THEN: Please rate your overall satisfaction with that interaction. (MARK only one)

Very satisfied

Somewhat satisfied

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

Somewhat dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied


When you use WebLGY, how long does it typically take for you to receive a Certificate of Eligibility? (MARK only one)

Immediately upon request, or the same calendar day

1-6 calendar days

7-10 calendar days

More than 10 calendar days


When you apply for a Certificate of Eligibility through the mail, how long does it typically take for you to receive a Certificate of Eligibility? (MARK only one)

Immediately upon request, or the same calendar day

1-6 calendar days

7-10 calendar days

More than 10 calendar days


How reasonable is the length of time it typically takes for you to receive a Certificate of Eligibility? (Mark only one)

Very reasonable


Neither reasonable Nor unreasonable


Very unreasonable


In your opinion, how long should it typically take to receive a Certificate of Eligibility? (MARK only one)

Immediately upon request, or the same calendar day

1-6 calendar days

7-10 calendar days

More than 10 calendar days

Appraisal Process


How satisfied have you been with the timeliness of VA appraisers? (MARK only one)

Very satisfied

Somewhat satisfied

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

Somewhat dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied


How satisfied have you been with the courtesy and professionalism of VA appraisers? (MARK only one)

Very satisfied

Somewhat satisfied

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

Somewhat dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied


How satisfied have you been with the quality of work of VA appraisers? (MARK only one)

Very satisfied

Somewhat satisfied

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

Somewhat dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied


Does your company participate in the Lender Appraisal Processing Program (LAPP)? (MARK only one)



Overall Impressions of the LGY Home Loan Program


Overall, how satisfied are you with the process of completing a VA home loan? (MARK only one)

Very satisfied

Somewhat satisfied

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

Somewhat dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied


Overall, how satisfied are you with the VA loan guaranty program? (Please evaluate the Regional Loan Center that you contact most often). (MARK only one)

Very satisfied

Somewhat satisfied

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

Somewhat dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied


Would you recommend this program to veterans in the market for a home? (MARK only one)




Other than the City, State Office you contact most often (your selection in question #6), have you contacted other Regional Loan Centers in the past 12 months? (MARK only one)


No (SKIP to Q65)


In your interaction with different VA offices, do you feel that the offices consistently interpret VA policy and procedures? (MARK only one)

Yes, they are always consistent

Yes, they are usually consistent

Sometimes they are consistent

No, they are rarely consistent

No, they are never consistent


Other than the {City, State} Office you contact most often, which of the following Regional Loan Centers have you also contacted? (Mark ALL that apply)

{List does not include answer from Q6}

Atlanta, GA

Cleveland, OH

Denver, CO

Honolulu, HI

Houston, TX

Manchester, NH

Phoenix, AZ

Roanoke, VA

St. Paul, MN

St. Petersburg, FL


Please rate your overall satisfaction with the quality of service you received when contacting the {City, State} Office?

{Answer for each selection in Q64}

Very satisfied

Somewhat satisfied

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

Somewhat dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied


Do you have any additional comments concerning how VA could improve its loan guaranty program? If your comments apply to individual Regional Loan Centers, please be sure to identify the offices. (To maintain confidentiality, please do not include your name, address, affiliation, or any other identifying information)


OMB Control Number: 2900- – Public Reporting Burden Statement

VA may not conduct, sponsor, or require the respondent to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB Control Number. All responses to this collection are voluntary. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time necessary for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Failure to furnish the requested information will have no adverse affect on any VA benefits to which you may be entitled. The information you supply will be confidential and protected by the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 522a) and the VA's confidentiality statute (38 U.S.C. 5701) as implemented by38 CFR 1.526(a) and 38 CFR 1.576(b). Disclosure of information involves releases of statistical data and other non-identifying data for the improvement of services within the VA benefits processing system and for associated administrative purposes. If you have comments regarding this burden estimate or any aspects of this collection of information, call 1-800-827-1000 for mailing information on where to send your comments.


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleExperience (M&L Industry & VA)
File Modified2008-03-10
File Created2008-03-10

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