Attachment F Radio Scripts

ATTACHMENT F Radio Scripts 5-19-08.doc

Generic Clearance to Conduct Formative Research

Attachment F Radio Scripts

OMB: 0584-0524

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During the focus groups, participants will listen to at least one radio PSA. The script for each possible PSA is provided.

The radio scripts will be translated and recorded in Spanish after OMB approval for this package has been obtained. A FH/GMMB subcontractor will translate all materials.




Food Stamp Program


Radio :60


Surprise” (Senior)


April 3, 2008 (Final Scratch Track)

Radio Script #1: “Surprise”

Senior Audience ONLY

This concept is about how you never know who is on the Food Stamp Program, and you might be eligible if you apply.

WOMAN #1: Would you look at Margie; she looks amazing. (3.5)

WOMAN #2: She sure does. (1.5)

WOMAN #1: I wonder how she stays so fit. What’s her secret? (3.5)

WOMAN #2: There’s no secret. She tells everyone that the Food Stamp Program helps her eat right. (5.5)

WOMAN #1: Really? She stays active and eats healthy foods like fruits and vegetables?

WOMAN #2: Ahem. Lots of people our age are getting help from the Food Stamp Program. (4)

WOMAN #1: You too? (2)

WOMAN #2: Yep. With all my bills, it’s a big help. There’s no reason to stop eating right. (6)

MALE ANNCR: The Food Stamp Program helps keep good food within reach, like fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains. You or someone close to you may have low-income and be eligible for this nutrition assistance. So give it a try. Call today. Dial 1-800 221-5689. That’s 1-800 221-5689. (23)

MALE ANNCR: Food Stamps. Eat right when money’s tight. A message from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. (6)




Food Stamp Program


Radio :60


Retired” (Senior)


April 3, 2008 (Final Scratch Track)

Radio Script #2: “Retired”

Senior Audience ONLY

This is spot is about an adult daughter talking with her father about his recent retirement. The daughter is concerned her parents won't have enough money during her dad’s transition from his old career to a new part-time job.

SFX: Doorbell, steps, door opening

ADULT DAUGHTER: Hi, Dad. How’s retirement treating you? (2)

DAD: Good. Takes some getting used to… (3)

SFX: Steps, door shutting

DAUGHTER: So are you and Mom going to be OK with money? (3)

DAD: Yeah, I picked up a part-time job. It starts in a couple months. (3.5)

DAUGHTER: But what about now? I don’t want you guys skimping on food. (4)

DAD: Nah. We got it covered. We're getting some help from the Food Stamp Program. (5)

DAUGHTER: Oh, that's great! But you know, since you're retired, Mom might actually expect you to cook some. (7)

DAD: (laughs) I know, I had it coming… (2)

FEMALE ANNCER: The Food Stamp Program helps you keep healthy, nutritious food on the table without spending a ton of money. You or someone close to you may have low-income and be eligible for nutrition assistance. But you’ll never know unless you call 1-800-221-5689. That’s 1-800-221-5689. (22)

FEMALE ANNCER: Food Stamps. Eat right when money’s tight. A message from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. (6)




Food Stamp Program


Radio :60


Food Talk”


April 3, 2008 (Final Scratch Track)

Radio Script #3: “Food Talk”

General Market Audience

If you Google “food jokes,” you’ll find a million entries that will make you groan and laugh all at the same time. In the spirit of this timeless adolescent humor, this concept will use as many puns and clichés as possible to communicate: 1) FNS understands your situation, and 2) good food is essential to every day life, including helping little brothers make bad jokes.

SFX: A soft bell rings each time a food is mentioned.

TWEEN GIRL: The following commercial was written by my annoying little brother... (4)

BOY: Ahem. Before you go bananas trying to stretch your budget at the grocery store, lettuce help you. Heh. Get it? (7.5)

TWEEN GIRL: Uh, yes. Is there more? (3)

BOY: When you’re up to your nectarine in bills, you should check out the Food Stamp Program. It’ll help keep you cool as a cucumber. (6)

TWEEN GIRL: (groans) (1)

BOY: Now I don’t mean to annoy you with corny clichés, but sometimes people need a little more bread to pay for great food, like fresh fruits and vegetables. So don’t be chicken. Call about the Food Stamp Program. It’s grape! (13)

TWEEN GIRL: That was totally cheesy. (ding) Hey! (3.5)

FEMALE ANNCR: You or someone you know may have low-income and be eligible for nutrition assistance. Call today to learn more about the Food Stamp Program. Call 1-800-221-5689. That’s 1-800-221-5689. (16)

FEMALE ANNCR: Food Stamps. Eat right when money’s tight. A message from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. (6)




Food Stamp Program


Radio :60




April 3, 2008 (Final Scratch Track)

Radio Script #4: “Interruption”

General Market Audience

Not only do lots of people have misconceptions about who’s eligible for food stamp benefits, but they also have lots of questions. Thus, this concept attempts to bring some clarity through a playful interaction between a serious announcer from USDA and an everyday mom.

Music underneath

MALE ANNCR: (clears throat) The following is a message from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Did you know millions of low-income Americans can get nutrition assistance through the Food Stamp Program? (8)

MOM: Wait. Excuse me! What’s nutrition assistance? (2.5)

MALE ANNCR: (taken out of his rhythm) Well, it means your family can get a little extra help buying healthy, nutritious food at the grocery store. (6)

MOM: (slightly sarcastic) Can I get a lil’ extra help with the laundry, too? (3)

MALE ANNCR: Uh, no. Sorry. (laughs, resumes announcer tone) Now, as I was saying, the Food Stamp Program offers assistance to all sorts of people… (6)

MOM: So, wait… can I be eligible if I have a job?

MALE ANNCR: Yes. Yes you can.

MOM: How ‘bout a car?

MALE ANNCR: Yep. Sure.

MOM: Can I own a house?

MALE ANNCR: Yes. Anything else? (8)

MALE ANNCR: Ok. (announcer tone) To learn more about Food Stamps… (3)

MOM: (earnestly) So, who do I call? (2)

MALE ANNCR: To learn about the program and how to apply, call 1-800… (4)

MOM: Hang on for me. I gotta get a pen. (2.5)




Food Stamp Program


Radio :60


My Food – Crunchy”


April 3, 2008 (Final Scratch Track)

Radio Script #5: “My Food-Crunchy”

General Market Audience

Kids. Adults. Seniors. No matter who you are, good things come from eating good food. This concept emphasizes this message by featuring real people talking about a nutritious food they love, while using an announcer to position food stamp benefits as a way to keep it on the table during tough times.

SFX: plastic bad rustling

SFX: crunching

YOUNG BOY: My fav-o-rite food is crunchy stuff (big crunch). See, that’s pretty neat, huh? (6-8)

FEMALE ANNCR: Introduce your kids to foods they may not know. And you may learn something new about them. (5)

YOUNG BOY: I like carrots, celery, apples, cereal… they’re all super crunchy. And I feel like I have superpowers. I’m not kidding. Look at my muscles! (9-12)

FEMALE ANNCR: With nutrition assistance from the Food Stamp Program, you can provide healthy, nutritious foods for your family without spending a ton of money. So if you or someone you know has low-income, check out the Food Stamp Program to see if you’re eligible. You’ll never know unless you call today. Call 1-800-221-5689. That’s 1-800-221-5689. (25)

FEMALE ANNCR: Food Stamps. Eat right when money’s tight. (3)

YOUNG BOY: (Crunching) Yum. That’s good. (2)

FEMALE ANNCR: A message from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. (3)




Food Stamp Program


Radio :60


¿Conoces a alguien?” (“Know Someone?”)


April 3, 2008 (Final for Scratch Tracks)

Radio Script #6: “Know Someone?”

Hispanic Market ONLY

This spot is meant to reach individuals who know someone who may be eligible for food stamp benefits, or may be eligible themselves. The spot encourages them to learn more about the Food Stamp Program and to view their current situation with a positive outlook for the future.

ANNOUNCER: ¿Conoce a alguien que está pasando por tiempos difíciles? ¿Conoce a alguien que no puede pagar la compra de comida nutritiva para su familia?

(Do you know someone who is having a rough time trying to make ends meet? Do you know someone who can’t afford to buy nutritious food their family?)

ANNOUNCER: Muchas personas de bajos ingresos no saben que pueden recibir cupones para alimentos. Es una ayuda para comprar comida nutritiva para que todos estén más sanos y fuertes.

(Many people with low income don’t know that they may qualify to receive food stamp benefits. Buying nutritious food helps keep everyone stronger and healthier.)

ANNOUNCER: Si conoce a alguien de bajos ingresos dígale que llame al 1-800-221-5689 para saber más acerca del Programa de Cupones para Alimentos y cómo solicitar estos beneficios. Repetimos el número: 1-800-221-5689. Los Cupones Para Alimentos. Nuestra salud. Nuestra fuerza.

(If you know someone of low income, tell them to call to 1-800-221-5689 to learn more about the Food Stamp Program and how to apply. That’s 1-800-221-5689. Food Stamps. Our health. Our strength.)

ANNOUNCER: Un mensaje del Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos.

(A message from the U.S. Department of Agriculture).




Food Stamp Program


Radio :60




April 3, 2008 (Final for Scratch Tracks)

Radio Script #7: “Hero”

Hispanic Audience ONLY

This spot is about a mother and father who bring home food from the grocery store and become heroes to their son.

SFX: Car arriving at home, doors opening and closing

CHILD: Abuelita, ya llegaron papi y mami!

(Daddy and mommy are here!)

MOTHER: Hola Miguel, ayúdame con esto.

(Hi Miguel, give me a hand with this.)

CHILD: ¿Y qué es todo esto? (excited) Es un montón de comida.

(What’s all of this?! It is a lot food!)

SFX: Taking food out of paper bags

MOTHER: Tío Mike nos contó sobre el Programa de cupones para alimentos. Llamamos y, sorpresa, nos aceptaron.

(Uncle Mike told us about the Food Stamp Program. We called and to our surprise, we qualified.



MOTHER: Miguel ayúdame a poner las zanahorias, naranjas, brócoli, frijoles y… mira lo que te compramos.

(Miguel, help me put away the carrots, broccoli, beans... and look what we bought you.)

SFX: taking a bite out of fruit

CHILD VOICE: Mi fruta favorita Mami comó te quiero

(My favorite fruit! Mommy, I love you very much.)

FEMALE ANNCR: Usted, o alguien que conoce, podría tener bajos ingresos y calificar para recibir asistencia nutricional. Para saber más acerca del Programa de Cupones para Alimentos y cómo solicitar estos beneficios, llame al 1-800-221-5689... 1-800-221-5689. Los Cupones para Alimentos. Nuestra salud. Nuestra fuerza. Un mensaje del Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos.

(You or someone you know may have low income and be eligible for nutrition assistance. To find out more about the Food Stamp Program and how to apply, call 1-800-221-5689. Food Stamps. Our health. Our strength. A message from the US Department of Agriculture.)




Food Stamp Program


Radio :60


Secreto” (“Secret”)


April 3, 2008 (Final for Scratch Tracks)

Radio Script #8: “Secret”

Hispanic Audience ONLY

This spot is about a nosy friend who is trying to find out how her girlfriend is always able to fill up her refrigerator.

SFX: Lively music, and moving noise around the kitchen

WOMAN #1: ¿Cómo lo haces?

(How do you do it?)

WOMAN #2:¿Cómo lo hago? A qué te refieres.

(How do I do it? What do you mean?)

WOMAN #1: A que siempre tienes el refri lleno.

(You always have the refrigerator full.)

WOMAN #2: ¿Y?


WOMAN #1: ¿Y… cómo te alcanza?

(And you don’t earn enough.)

WOMAN #2: Ya comida nunca puede faltar.

(You know… you can’t go without food.)

WOMAN #1: Cuenta, ¿cuál es tu secreto?

(You are right, what’s your secret?)

WOMAN #2: El programa.

(A program.)

WOMAN #1: ¿Cual programa?

(Seriously, what is your secret?)

WOMAN #2: El Programa de Cupones para Alimentos.

(The Food Stamp Program.)

FEMALE ANNCR: El Programa de Cupones para Alimentos le da una tarjeta que puede usar para comprar comida saludable como frutas, verduras, y cereales integrales. Usted, o alguien que conoce, podría tener bajos ingresos y calificar para recibir asistencia nutricional.  Para saber más acerca del Programa de cupones para alimentos y cómo solicitar estos beneficios, llame al 1-800-221-5689. 1-800-221-5689.

(The Food Stamp Program gives you a card that you can use to buy healthy food like fruit, vegetables and whole grains. You or someone you know may have low income and may be eligible for nutrition assistance. To find out more about the Food Stamp Program and how to apply, call 1-800-221-5689. 1-800-221-5689.)

FEMALE ANNCR: Los Cupones para Alimentos. Nuestra salud. Nuestra fuerza. Un mensaje del Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos.

(Food Stamps. Our health. Our strength. A message from the US Department of Agriculture.)


File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified ByRgreene
File Modified2008-05-21
File Created2008-05-21

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