OMB Control No.: 0584-0524
Food and Nutrition Service (FNS)
HealthierUS School Challenge
Recognizing Excellence in Nutrition and Physical Activity
Application Cover Sheet
Application for: _______Bronze Award ______Silver Award
School Name |
School District |
School Address |
Grades in School |
Contact Person’s Name and Title |
Contact Person’s Phone Number & Email |
Date Submitted to State Agency |
Approved by State Child Nutrition Director: __________________________________________
Signature Date
Regional Office
FNS Region _________ Reviewed by: ____________________________________________
Approved by Child Nutrition Director: _______________________________________________
Signature Date
FNS Headquarters (HQ)
Application received HQ_____________ Reviewed by _______________
Decision/Date ______________ Award period _______________
HealthierUS School Challenge
Recognizing Excellence in Nutrition and Physical Activity
Application Check-off Sheet
Please include the following information in your Application:
_____ Cover Sheet (pg 1)
_____ Check-off Sheet (pg 2)
_____ Application Form (pg 3)
_____ The monthly menus for reimbursable school lunches served in your school.
(Menus must reflect four consecutive weeks, where each week has at least three days and the total number of days over the 4-week menu is 16 days or more. For example: 3 days week 1; 3 days week 2; 5 days week 3; 5 days week 4 = 16 days)
_____ 4-week Lunch Menu Worksheets (pg 4-7)
_____ Production records for the 4-week Lunch Menus
_____ Documentation including recipes, food product ingredient statements and/or Nutrition
Facts Labels to verify that the criteria have been met for the following:
Whole-grain products
A la carte and vended items sold in the foodservice area(s) during meal periods
_____ Nutrition Education Worksheet (pg 8)
_____ Physical Education/Activity Worksheet (pg 9)
_____ Competitive Foods Worksheet (pg 10)
_____ School Policies and Practices Checklist (pg 11)
_____ Review Committee Verification Form (pg 12)
_____ Copy of Your Wellness Policy and Team Nutrition Verification
Place all materials in a 3-ring binder.
Multiple schools applying in one District that use the same menu and the same foods, may submit one 4-week lunch menu, one set of menu worksheets and one set of recipes, food product ingredient statements, and/or Nutrition Facts Labels. However, each school must have their own cover sheet, application form, review committee verification form, food production records, competitive foods worksheet that includes a la carte information and vended items (unless they are the same throughout the district), nutrition education and physical education/activity worksheets, as well as school policies and practices checklist and wellness policy (unless it is a district policy).
HealthierUS School Challenge
Recognizing Excellence in Nutrition and Physical Activity
Application for Bronze or Silver Award
Criteria |
Yes |
No |
1. Are you a Team Nutrition School? (Include print out of Team Nutrition verification from Team Nutrition website:
2. Have all of your corrective actions from the most recent School Meals Initiative (SMI) review been completed?
4. Do your reimbursable lunches meet or exceed the criteria in the worksheets? (Include forms on pages 4-7 and documentation for menus served.)
5. Is nutrition education provided to students in multiple grades and does it meet or exceed the criteria in the worksheet? (Include worksheet on page 8.)
6. Is the opportunity for physical education/activity provided to students that meets or exceeds the criteria in the worksheet? (Include worksheet on page 9.)
7. What is your student Average Daily Participation (ADP) for reimbursable lunches? List ADP: _________ Month: ________ (Must be 62% of enrollment or higher for Bronze and 70% of enrollment or higher for Silver.)
8. Does your school serve/sell a la carte foods, extra milk or have foods or beverages available in vending machines in the school cafeteria and/or other designated school meal area during meal periods? If yes, do these foods and beverages meet the competitive foods criteria listed in the worksheet? (Include worksheet on page 10, Nutrition Facts Labels and/or recipes.)
9. Does your school meet the School Policies and Practices criteria listed on page 11 of this application? (Include worksheet on page 11.)
The State Agency and FNS reserve the right to verify all information on the application and reject applications that are incomplete or otherwise fail to provide factual information.
Lunch Menu Worksheet – Bronze or Silver Award
Dates Week 1 Menu was served: __________________________
Week 1
Menu Planning Approach Used: ____Traditional ____Enhanced ____NSMP |
Vegetables: Offer a different vegetable every day of the week (at least ¼ cup serving size). Note that various preparations of the same vegetable are considered the same, i.e. mashed potatoes and tater tots are both potatoes.
M T W T F |
M T W T F |
Dark green or orange vegetables: Offer dark green or orange vegetables on 3 or more days per week. (Of the 3, at least 2 must be different. All must be at least ¼ cup serving size)
1 2 3
1 2 3
Cooked dry beans or peas (legumes): Offer at least once a week (at least ¼ cup serving size).
1 |
Fruits: Offer a different fruit every day of the week (at least ¼ cup serving size). Note that various preparations of the same fruit are considered the same, i.e. fresh apples and applesauce are both apples.
M T W T F |
M T W T F |
Fresh fruit: Offer fresh fruit at least 1 day a week (at least ¼ cup serving size).
Whole grain foods: Offer whole grain food at least 3 days/week, and may not be the same one each day.
1 2 3 |
In oz or grams: 1 2 3 |
Does your menu only offer low-fat (1% or less) and fat-free (skim) milk, flavored or unflavored, each day? |
How many side items can a student take each day (excluding milk) for a reimbursable meal? |
Do students have the opportunity to select each of the required food items of the HealthierUS School Challenge (HUSSC)? |
Does this week’s menu meet the HUSSC menu criteria? |
Lunch Menu Worksheet – Bronze or Silver Award
Dates Week 2 Menu was served: __________________________
Week 2
Menu Planning Approach Used: ____Traditional ____Enhanced ____NSMP |
Vegetables: Offer a different vegetable every day of the week (at least ¼ cup serving size). Note that various preparations of the same vegetable are considered the same, i.e. mashed potatoes and tater tots are both potatoes.
M T W T F |
M T W T F |
Dark green or orange vegetables: Offer dark green or orange vegetables on 3 or more days per week. (Of the 3, at least 2 must be different. All must be at least ¼ cup serving size)
1 2 3
1 2 3
Cooked dry beans or peas (legumes): Offer at least once a week (at least ¼ cup serving size).
1 |
Fruits: Offer a different fruit every day of the week (at least ¼ cup serving size). Note that various preparations of the same fruit are considered the same, i.e. fresh apples and applesauce are both apples.
M T W T F |
M T W T F |
Fresh fruit: Offer fresh fruit at least 1 day a week (at least ¼ cup serving size).
Whole grain foods: Offer whole grain food at least 3 days/week, and may not be the same one each day.
1 2 3 |
In oz or grams: 1 2 3 |
Does your menu only offer low-fat (1% or less) and fat-free (skim) milk, flavored or unflavored, each day? |
How many side items can a student take each day (excluding milk) for a reimbursable meal? |
Do students have the opportunity to select each of the required food items of the HealthierUS School Challenge (HUSSC)? |
Does this week’s menu meet the HUSSC menu criteria? |
Lunch Menu Worksheet – Bronze or Silver Award
Dates Week 3 Menu was served: __________________________
Week 3
Menu Planning Approach Used: ____Traditional ____Enhanced ____NSMP |
Vegetables: Offer a different vegetable every day of the week (at least ¼ cup serving size). Note that various preparations of the same vegetable are considered the same, i.e. mashed potatoes and tater tots are both potatoes.
M T W T F |
M T W T F |
Dark green or orange vegetables: Offer dark green or orange vegetables on 3 or more days per week. (Of the 3, at least 2 must be different. All must be at least ¼ cup serving size)
1 2 3
1 2 3
Cooked dry beans or peas (legumes): Offer at least once a week (at least ¼ cup serving size).
1 |
Fruits: Offer a different fruit every day of the week (at least ¼ cup serving size). Note that various preparations of the same fruit are considered the same, i.e. fresh apples and applesauce are both apples.
M T W T F |
M T W T F |
Fresh fruit: Offer fresh fruit at least 1 day a week (at least ¼ cup serving size).
Whole grain foods: Offer whole grain food at least 3 days/week, and may not be the same one each day.
1 2 3 |
In oz or grams: 1 2 3 |
Does your menu only offer low-fat (1% or less) and fat-free (skim) milk, flavored or unflavored, each day? |
How many side items can a student take each day (excluding milk) for a reimbursable meal? |
Do students have the opportunity to select each of the required food items of the HealthierUS School Challenge (HUSSC)? |
Does this week’s menu meet the HUSSC menu criteria? |
Lunch Menu Worksheet – Bronze or Silver Award
Dates Week 4 Menu was served: __________________________
Week 4
Menu Planning Approach Used: ____Traditional ____Enhanced ____NSMP |
Vegetables: Offer a different vegetable every day of the week (at least ¼ cup serving size). Note that various preparations of the same vegetable are considered the same, i.e. mashed potatoes and tater tots are both potatoes.
M T W T F |
M T W T F |
Dark green or orange vegetables: Offer dark green or orange vegetables on 3 or more days per week. (Of the 3, at least 2 must be different. All must be at least ¼ cup serving size)
1 2 3
1 2 3
Cooked dry beans or peas (legumes): Offer at least once a week (at least ¼ cup serving size).
1 |
Fruits: Offer a different fruit every day of the week (at least ¼ cup serving size). Note that various preparations of the same fruit are considered the same, i.e. fresh apples and applesauce are both apples.
M T W T F |
M T W T F |
Fresh fruit: Offer fresh fruit at least 1 day a week (at least ¼ cup serving size).
Whole grain foods: Offer whole grain food at least 3 days/week, and may not be the same one each day.
1 2 3 |
In oz or grams: 1 2 3 |
Does your menu only offer low-fat (1% or less) and fat-free (skim) milk, flavored or unflavored, each day? |
How many side items can a student take each day (excluding milk) for a reimbursable meal? |
Do students have the opportunity to select each of the required food items of the HealthierUS School Challenge (HUSSC)? |
Does this week’s menu meet the HUSSC menu criteria? |
HealthierUS School Challenge
Recognizing Excellence in Nutrition and Physical Activity
Nutrition Education Worksheet
Grades in which nutrition education is provided (circle all that apply) K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Is nutrition education provided in at least half of the grades? _____ Yes _____ No
Briefly describe how nutrition education is provided to students in multiple grades and:
Is part of a structured and systematic unit of instruction such as MyPyramid lessons from Team Nutrition (explain below)
Involves multiple channels of communication, including the classroom, cafeteria, and home/parents (explain below)
Grades |
Description of Nutrition Education Efforts |
HealthierUS School Challenge
Recognizing Excellence in Nutrition and Physical Activity
Physical Education/Activity Worksheet
Grades in which physical education classes are provided (circle all that apply): K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Does your school provide physical education classes to all full-day students throughout the school year? _____ Yes _____ No
Do the physical education classes cover a minimum average of 45 minutes per week? _____ Yes _____ No
List the average number of minutes/week that physical education is provided throughout the school year for each grade circled above. |
Describe any additional daily physical activity opportunities provided to students (such as recess). Indicate time allotted for any routine activities. |
HealthierUS School Challenge
Recognizing Excellence in Nutrition and Physical Activity
Competitive Foods Worksheet
Does your school sell/serve a la carte foods or beverages during meal periods in the foodservice area in competition with reimbursable meals? (Including vending machines or a school store.)
____ Yes ____ No
If YES, attach a list of foods and beverages sold as competitive foods, complete the following table and provide food product ingredient labels, Nutrition Facts Labels and/or recipes for each item.
Exempt from competitive foods criteria: Second servings of entrees on the reimbursable lunch menu for the day. |
Criteria |
Meets |
Doesn’t Meet |
Total Fat |
Calories from total fat must be at or below 35% per serving. Excludes nuts, seeds, nut butters, and reduced fat cheese. |
Trans Fat |
“Trans fat free” or less than .5 g trans fat per serving. |
Saturated Fat |
Calories from saturated fat must be below 10% per serving. Excludes reduced fat cheese. |
Total sugar per serving must be at or below 35% by weight (includes naturally occurring and added sugars). Excludes fruits, vegetables and milk. |
Portion Size/Calories
Must not exceed the serving size of the food served in the school lunch program. For other items, the package or container must not exceed 200 calories. |
Milk |
Must be low-fat (1% or less) and/or fat-free (skim), flavored or unflavored, milk meeting State and local standards for pasteurized milk and/or USDA approved alternative dairy beverages. |
Milk serving size |
Must be limited to maximum of 8 fluid ounces. |
Other Approved Beverages |
Juice serving size |
Must be limited to maximum of 6 fluid ounces. |
HealthierUS School Challenge
Recognizing Excellence in Nutrition and Physical Activity
School Policies and Practices Checklist
School Policies and Practices |
Yes |
No |
Fundraising |
Physical Activity |
Does your school demonstrate a commitment to neither deny nor require physical activity as a means of punishment? (For example, students who misbehave are not denied recess.)
Nutrition |
Does your school demonstrate a commitment to prohibit the use of food as a reward? (For example, teachers do not offer candy as a reward to students for good behavior, or for the completion of an assignment.) |
Wellness Policy |
Does your school have an approved Wellness Policy included in this application? |
HealthierUS School Challenge
Recognizing Excellence in Nutrition and Physical Activity
Review Committee Verification Form
Please read the following statement and sign below if you agree:
We have reviewed this application, and we agree that our school meals are healthy and appealing to our students. We attest to the accuracy of the information provided, including the criteria for school policies and practices specified on page 11 of this application. We agree to maintain the nutrition excellence and physical education/activity standards and procedures indicated in this application for the duration of our certification as Bronze or Silver awardees. Furthermore, we agree to cooperate with USDA and other organizations, upon request, to publicize our efforts.
Foodservice Manager’s Name Signature Date
Team Nutrition Leader’s Name Signature Date
School Food Authority’s Name Signature Date
Representative of the School’s Parent Organization Signature Date
Physical Education/Health Teacher Name Signature Date
Principal’s Name Signature Date
Thank you for applying for the HealthierUS School Challenge.
For more information, visit the Team Nutrition Website:
Please submit your completed application and documentation to your
State Child Nutrition Agency.
reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to
average 3 hours per response, including the time for reviewing
instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and
maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the
collection of information. An
agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number.
Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of
this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing
this burden, to: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition
Services, Office of Research and Analysis, Room 1014, Alexandria, VA
22302 ATTN: PRA (0584-0524). Do not return the completed form
to this address.
School Name_____________________ Bronze/Silver Award Application
File Type | application/msword |
Author | ITD |
Last Modified By | Rgreene |
File Modified | 2008-12-05 |
File Created | 2008-12-05 |