Form OINV-Sunset-Foreig Foreign Producer (Sunset Investigations)

Information collections for import injury investigations (producers, importers, purchasers, and foreign producer questionnaires and institution notices for 5-year reviews)

Sunset Foreign Producer Questionnaire

Sunset Investigations Foreign Producer

OMB: 3117-0016

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OMB No. 3117-0016/USITC No. xx-x-xxx; Expiration Date: 6/30/08

(No response is required if currently valid OMB control number is not displayed)



This questionnaire must be received by the Commission by no later than INSERT DATE

See page 4 of the Instruction Booklet for filing instructions.

The information called for in this questionnaire is for use by the United States International Trade Commission in connection with its review of the countervailing duty/antidumping duty order concerning PRODUCT from COUNTRY (inv. No. 701/731-TA-xxx (Review)). The information requested in the questionnaire is requested under the authority of the Tariff Act of 1930, title VII.

Name of firm      


World Wide Web address      

Has your firm produced or exported PRODUCT (as defined in the instruction booklet) at any time since January 1, 2002?

NO (Sign the certification below and promptly return only this page of the questionnaire to the Commission)

YES (Read the instruction booklet carefully, complete all parts of the questionnaire, and return the entire

questionnaire to the Commission so as to be received by the date indicated above)


I certify that the information herein supplied in response to this questionnaire is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and understand that the information submitted is subject to audit and verification by the Commission.

By means of this certification I also grant consent for the Commission, and its employees and contract personnel, to use the information provided in this questionnaire and throughout this review in any other import-injury investigations or reviews conducted by the Commission on the same or similar merchandise.

I acknowledge that information submitted in this questionnaire response and throughout this review may be used by the Commission, its employees, and contract personnel who are acting in the capacity of Commission employees, for developing or maintaining the records of this review or related proceedings for which this information is submitted, or in internal audits and investigations relating to the programs and operations of the Commission pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Appendix 3. I understand that all contract personnel will sign non-disclosure agreements.


Name of Authorized Official Title of Authorized Official Date

      Phone: (   )           

Signature Fax (   )      E-mail address

The questions in this questionnaire have been reviewed with market participants to ensure that issues of concern are adequately addressed and that data requests are sufficient, meaningful, and as limited as possible. Public reporting burden for this questionnaire is estimated to average 30 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering the data needed, and completing and reviewing the questionnaire. Send comments regarding the accuracy of this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to the Office of Investigations, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436.

I-1a. Please report below the actual number of hours required and the cost to your firm of preparing the reply to this questionnaire and completing the form.

      hours       dollars

I-1b. We are interested in any comments you may have for improving this questionnaire in general or the clarity of specific questions. Please attach such comments to your response or send them to the above address.

I-2. Provide the name and address of establishment(s) covered by this questionnaire (see page 3 of the instruction booklet for reporting guidelines). If your firm is publicly traded, please specify the stock exchange and trading symbol.


I-3. Please provide the names, street addresses (not P.O. boxes), contacts, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of the FIVE largest U.S. importers of your firm’s PRODUCT in 2007.


Importer’s name

Contact person

E-mail address

Area code and telephone number

Share of your 2007 exports
































I-4. In Parts II and III of this questionnaire we request a copy of your company’s business plan. Does your company or any related firm have a business plan or any internal documents that describe, discuss, or analyze expected future market conditions for PRODUCT?

No Yes–Please provide the requested documents. If you are not providing the

requested documents, please explain why not.


I-5. Does your firm or any related firm produce, have the capability to produce, or have any plans to produce PRODUCT in the United States or other countries?

No Yes--Please name the firm(s) and country(ies) below and, if U.S. producer(s), ensure that they complete the Commission’s producer questionnaire (contact NAME for copies of that questionnaire).


I-6. Does your firm or any related firm import or have any plans to import PRODUCT into the United States?

No Yes--Please name the firm(s) below and ensure that they complete the Commission’s importer questionnaire (contact NAME for copies of that questionnaire).


Further information on this part of the questionnaire can be obtained from INVESTIGATOR (202-xxx-xxxx, [email protected]). Supply all data requested on a calendar-year basis.

II-1. Who should be contacted regarding the requested trade and related information?

Company contact:      

Name and title

(   )            

Phone number E-mail address

II-2. Has your firm experienced any change in the character of its operations or organization relating to the production of PRODUCT since January 1, 2002?

Plant openings Relocations

Expansions Acquisitions

Consolidations Closures

Prolonged shutdowns1 Revised labor agreements2

Other (please identify)      

1 Reasons include strikes or equipment failure; curtailment of production because of shortages of materials; or any other

change in the character of your operations or organization.

2 Changes in wages, benefits, work rules, or other changes in labor agreements.

Please supply details as to the time, nature, and significance of any such changes, and provide underlying assumptions, together with relevant portions of business plans, public corporate filings, or other internal documentation that address this issue.


II-3. Does your firm anticipate any changes in the character of your operations or organization (as noted above) relating to the importation of PRODUCT in the future?

No Yes–Supply details as to the time, nature, and significance of such changes

and provide underlying assumptions, along with relevant portions of business plans or other supporting documentation that address this issue. Include in your response a specific projection of your firm’s capacity to produce PRODUCT (in SPECIFY UNITS) for 2008 and 2009.


II-4. Would your firm anticipate any changes in the character of your operations or organization (as noted above) relating to the production of PRODUCT in the future if the countervailing duty/antidumping duty order on PRODUCT from COUNTRY were to be revoked?

No Yes–Supply details as to the time, nature, and significance of such changes

and provide underlying assumptions, along with relevant portions of business plans or other supporting documentation that address this issue.


II-5. Does your firm have any plans to add, expand, curtail, or shut down production capacity and/or production of PRODUCT in COUNTRY in the future?

No Yes–Please describe those plans, including planned dates and capacity/

production quantities involved, and the reason(s) for such change(s). If the plans are to add or expand capacity or production, list (in descending order of importance) the markets (countries) to which such additional capacity or production would be directed. Provide relevant portions of business plans or other supporting documentation that address this issue.


II-6. Describe the production technology used in the production of PRODUCT in COUNTRY and identify major production inputs. Also discuss any significant changes in production technology since YEAR OF ORDER (the year the countervailing duty/antidumping duty order(s) under review became effective).


II-7. Has your firm since YEAR OF ORDER produced, or does your firm anticipate producing in the future, other products on the same equipment and machinery used in the production of PRODUCT?

No Yes--List the following information and report your firm’s combined

production capacity and production of these products and PRODUCT in the periods indicated.



Basis for allocation of capacity data










(Quantity in SPECIFY UNITS)






















II-8. Please describe the constraint(s) that set the limit(s) on your production capacity.


II-9. What percentage of your firm’s total sales in its most recent fiscal year was represented by sales



II-10. Is your firm able to switch production between PRODUCT and other products in response to a relative change in the price of PRODUCT vis-a-vis the price of other products, using the same equipment and labor?

No Yes---Please identify the other products, the approximate time and cost

involved in switching, and the minimum relative price change required for your firm to switch production to or from PRODUCT.


II-11. Has your firm, since 2002, maintained any inventories of PRODUCT in the United States (not including inventories held by firms identified in question I-3)?

No Yes--Report the quantity of such end-of-period inventories below.

(Quantity in SPECIFY UNITS)















II-12. (a) Are your firm’s exports of PRODUCT subject to tariff or non-tariff barriers to trade (for example, antidumping or countervailing duty findings or remedies, tariffs, quotas, or regulatory barriers) in any countries other than the United States?

No Yes--List the products(s), country(ies), the year each such barrier was

imposed, and the type of barrier.



Year imposed

Barrier (if tariff, give rate)





















(b) Are your firm’s exports of PRODUCT subject to current investigations in any countries other than the United States that might result in tariff or non-tariff barriers to trade?

No Yes--List the products(s), country(ies), and type of investigation.



Type of investigation
















II-13. Identify export markets (other than the United States) that you have developed or where you have increased your sales of PRODUCT as a result of the countervailing duty/antidumping duty order on PRODUCT from COUNTRY. Please identify and discuss below.


II-14. Describe the significance of the existing countervailing duty/antidumping duty order covering imports of PRODUCT from COUNTRY in terms of its effect on your firm’s production capacity, production, home market shipments, exports to the United States and other markets, and inventories. You may wish to compare your firm’s operations before and after the imposition of the order.


II-15. Would your firm anticipate any changes in its production capacity, production, home market shipments, exports to the United States and other markets, or inventories relating to the production of PRODUCT in the future if the countervailing duty/antidumping duty order on PRODUCT from COUNTRY were to be revoked?

No Yes–Supply details as to the time, nature, and significance of such changes

and provide underlying assumptions, along with relevant portions of business plans or other supporting documentation for any trends or projections you may provide.


II-16. (a) Report production capacity, production, shipments, and inventories of PRODUCT produced by your firm in COUNTRY during the specified periods. (See definitions in the instruction booklet.)

Quantity (in SPECIFY) and value (in $1,000)








Average production capacity1 (quantity)







Beginning-of-period inventories (quantity)







Production2 (quantity)







Home market shipments:

Internal consumption/transfers:








Commercial shipments:















Exports to the United States:3















Exports to the European Union:4















Exports to Asia:5















Exports to other markets:6















End-of-period inventories7 (quantity)







1 The production capacity (see definitions in instruction booklet) reported is based on operating       hours per week,       weeks per year. Please describe the methodology used to calculate production capacity, and explain any changes in reported capacity.


2 Please estimate the percentage of total production of PRODUCT in COUNTRY accounted for by your firm’s production in 2007:       Percent

3 Please estimate the percentage of total exports to the United States of PRODUCT in COUNTRY accounted for by your firm’s exports in 2007:       Percent

4 Identify your principal European Union export markets:       .

5 Identify your principal Asian export markets:       .

6 Identify your principal other export markets:       .

7 Reconciliation of data.--Please note that the quantities reported above should reconcile as follows: beginning-of-period inventories, plus production, less total shipments, equals end-of-period inventories. Do the data reported reconcile?

Yes No--Please explain:       .

II-16. (b) Report production capacity, production, shipments, and inventories of PRODUCT produced by your firm in COUNTRY during the specified interim periods.

Quantity (in SPECIFY), value (in $1,000)


January-March 2007

January-March 2008

Average production capacity (quantity)



Beginning-of-period inventories (quantity)



Production (quantity)



Home market shipments:

Internal consumption/transfers:




Commercial shipments:







Exports to the United States:







Exports to the European Union:







Exports to Asia:







Exports to other markets:







End-of-period inventories (quantity)



Further information on this part of the questionnaire can be obtained from ECONOMIST (202-xxx-xxxx, [email protected]).

III-1. Who should be contacted regarding the requested market factors information?

Company contact:      

Name and title

(   )            

Phone number E-mail address

III-2. Approximately what share of your firm’s sales of PRODUCT to U.S. customers in 2007 were on a (1) long-term contract basis (multiple deliveries for more than 12 months), (2) short-term contract basis (multiple deliveries up to 12 months), and (3) spot sales basis (for a single delivery)?

Type of sale

Share of sales (percent)

Long-term contracts


Short-term contracts


Spot sales


III-3. If you sell on a long-term contract basis, please answer the following questions with respect to provisions of a typical long-term contract.

(a) What is the average duration of a contract?      

(b) Can prices be renegotiated during the contract period?      

(c) Does the contract fix quantity, price, or both?      

(d) Does the contract have a meet or release provision?      

III-4. If you sell on a short-term contract basis, please answer the following questions with respect to provisions of a typical short-term contract.

(a) What is the average duration of a contract?      

(b) Can prices be renegotiated during the contract period?      

(c) Does the contract fix quantity, price, or both?      

(d) Does the contract have a meet or release provision?      

III-5. What is the average lead time between a customer’s order and the date of delivery for your firm’s sales of PRODUCT?


Share of sales,


Lead time

From inventory



Produced to order




100 %

III-6. To what extent have changes in the prices of raw materials affected your firm’s selling prices for PRODUCT during January 2002-March 2008? Also discuss any anticipated changes in your raw material costs in the future, identifying the time period(s) involved and the factor(s) that you believe would be responsible for such changes. Provide any underlying assumptions, along with relevant portions of business plans or other supporting documentation that address this issue.


III-7. Have any changes occurred in any other factors affecting supply (e.g., changes in availability or prices of energy or labor; transportation conditions; production capacity and/or methods of production; technology; export markets; or alternative production opportunities) that affected the availability of COUNTRY-produced PRODUCT in the U.S. market since YEAR OF ORDER?

No Yes--Please note the time period(s) of any such changes, the factors(s)

involved, and the impact such changes had on your shipment volumes and prices.


III-8. (a) Do you anticipate any changes in terms of the availability of COUNTRY-produced PRODUCT in the U.S. market in the future?

Increase No change Decrease

(b) If you anticipate changes in supply, please identify the changes, including the time period and the impact of such changes on shipment volumes and prices. Provide any underlying assumptions, along with relevant portions of business plans or other supporting documentation that address this issue.


III-9. Describe how easily your firm can shift its sales of PRODUCT between the U.S. market and alternative country markets. In your discussion, please describe any contracts, other sales arrangements, or other constraints (including any third-country trade barriers such as tariffs, quotas, or other non-tariff barriers) that would prevent or retard your firm from shifting PRODUCT between the U.S. and alternative country markets within a 12-month period. Provide any underlying assumptions, along with relevant portions of business plans or other supporting documentation that address this issue.


III-10. Is the product range, product mix, or marketing (including sales over the internet) of PRODUCT in your home market significantly different from the product range, product mix, or marketing of PRODUCT for export to the United States or to third-country markets? Have there been any significant changes in the product range, product mix, or marketing of PRODUCT in your home market, for export to the United States, or for export to third-country markets since YEAR OF ORDER?

No Yes--Please describe and quantify if possible.


III-11. Please discuss any anticipated changes in terms of the product range, product mix, or marketing (including sales over the internet) of PRODUCT in your home market, for export to the United States, or for export to third-country markets in the future, identifying the time period(s) involved and the factor(s) that you believe would be responsible for such changes. Provide any underlying assumptions, along with relevant portions of business plans or other supporting documentation that address this issue.


III-12. (a) Can other products be substituted for PRODUCT?

No Yes--Please list these substitute products in order of importance.

(1)       (2)       (3)      

(b) For each possible substitute product, please give examples of applications and end uses for which they are substitutes.


(c) Have changes in the prices of these products affected the price for PRODUCT?

No Yes--To what degree do changes in their prices affect the price for

PRODUCT? Does this effect have a time lag? If so, how long is the time lag for each substitute product? Does this vary by type of PRODUCT or final end use?


III-13. Have there been any changes in the number or types of products that can be substituted for PRODUCT since YEAR OF ORDER?

No Yes—Please explain.


III-14. Do you anticipate any changes in terms of the substitutability of other products for PRODUCT in the future?

No Yes—Please describe. Provide any underlying assumptions, along with relevant portions of business plans or other supporting documentation that address this issue.


III-15. Is the PRODUCT produced by your firm and sold in its home market interchangeable

(i.e., can be used in the same applications) with your firm’s PRODUCT sold to the United States and/or to third-country markets?

Yes No—Identify the market(s) and any differences in the products.


III-16. Describe the end uses of the PRODUCT that you manufacture and sell to your home market. If these end uses differ from those of the PRODUCT you sell to the U.S. market or to third-country markets, explain.


III-17. Have there been any changes in the end uses of PRODUCT since YEAR OF ORDER?

No Yes—Please describe.


III-18. Do you anticipate any changes in terms of the end uses of PRODUCT in the future?

No Yes--Please describe and identify the time period. Provide any underlying assumptions, along with relevant portions of business plans or other supporting documentation that address this issue.


III-19. How has demand within your home market and the United States and, if known, the rest of the world, for PRODUCT changed since YEAR OF ORDER?

Increased No change Decreased

What principal factors affect changes in demand?


III-20. Do you anticipate any future changes in PRODUCT demand in your home market and the United States and, if known, the rest of the world?

No Yes--Please describe and identify the time period. Provide any underlying

assumptions, along with relevant portions of business plans or other supporting documentation that address this issue.


III-21. Please compare market prices of PRODUCT in your home market, the United States, and third-country markets, if known. Provide specific information as to time periods and regions for any price comparisons.


III-22. Describe briefly your home market for PRODUCT, including the number of, and competition between, producers.


III-23. Do you face competition from imports of PRODUCT in your home market?

No Yes--Please identify the country sources of any imports of PRODUCT into your home market.


III-24. Please provide as a separate attachment to this request any studies, surveys, etc. that you are

aware of that quantify and/or otherwise discuss PRODUCT supply (including production capacity and capacity utilization) and demand in (1) the United States, (2) each of the other major producing/consuming countries, including COUNTRY, and (3) the world as a whole. Of particular interest is such data from YEAR OF ORDER to the present and forecasts for the future.

III-25. Does your firm sell PRODUCT over the internet?

No Yes--Please describe, noting the estimated percentage of your firm’s total

sales of PRODUCT in 2007 accounted for by internet sales.


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleForeign producer questionnaire - sunst
Last Modified ByUSITC
File Modified2008-03-27
File Created2008-03-11

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