Form 1122-0011 Semi-Annual Progress Report for Grants to Support Tribal

Semi-annual Progress Report for the Grants to Support Tribal Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions

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Semi-annual Progress Report for the Grants to Support Tribal Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions

OMB: 1122-0011

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DRAFT OMB Clearance # 1122-0011

Expiration Date: / /

U .S. Department of Justice

O ffice on Violence Against Women

Semi-Annual Progress Report for

Grants to Support Tribal Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions

Brief Instructions: This form must be completed for each Grant to Support Tribal Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalition (Tribal Coalitions) grant received. The grant administrator or coordinator must ensure that the form is completed fully with regard to all grant activities.

All grantees should read through each section to determine which questions they must answer based on the activities engaged in under this grant during the current reporting period. Sections B, D and subsection A1 of this form must be completed by all grantees. In subsection A2 and section C, grantees must answer an initial question in each subsection about whether they engaged in certain activities during the current reporting period. If the response is yes, then the grantee must complete that subsection. If the response is no, the rest of that subsection is skipped.

For example, 1) if staff funded under this grant only provided training and technical assistance during the current reporting period, you would complete A1, A2, B, C1, C6, and D (and answer ‘no’ in C2-C5 and C7); or, 2) if staff funded under this grant provided training and technical assistance and developed products with staff funded under this grant during the current reporting period, you would complete A, B, C1, C4, C5, C6, and D (and answer ‘no’ in C2, C3, and C7.)

The activities of volunteers or interns should be reported if they were coordinated or supervised by Tribal Coalitions Program-funded staff or if Tribal Coalitions Program funds substantially support their activities.

For further information on filling out this form, refer to the separate set of instructions, which contains detailed definitions and examples, illustrating how questions should be answered.

SECTION Page Number

Section A: General Information 11

A1 Grant Information 1

A2 Staff Information 33

Section B: Purpose Areas 4

Section C: Function Areas 56

C1 Training 56

C2 Education 810

C3 System Advocacy 102

C4 Policies 1315

C5 Products 147

C6 Technical Assistance 158

C7 Organizational Development and Capacity Building 1820

Section D: Narrative 1921

A. General Information

A1. Grant information

All grantees must complete this section.

1. Date of report ____________________

2. Current reporting period January 1- June 30 July 1-December 31 (Year)

3. Grantee name

4. Grant number (the federal grant number assigned to your Tribal Coalitions Program grant)

5. Type of grantee organization (Check one)

  • Established tribal coalition

  • Individual

  • Other non-profit

6. Type of coalition

  • Sexual assault coalition

  • Domestic violence coalition

  • Dual sexual assault and domestic violence coalition

7. Point of contact (person responsible for the day-to-day coordination of the grant)

First name MI Last name

Agency/organization name (If different from grantee name)


City_________________________State___________________Zip Code_____________________

Telephone Facsimile


8. What percentage of your tribal coalition operating budget is funded by this Tribal Coalitions Program


9. What tribal population(s) is(are) served by your Tribal Coalitions Program grant?

10. Did this tribal coalition exist prior to receiving Tribal Coalitions Program grant funds?

  • Yes

  • No

11. Coalition members (Report the total number of organizational members, including sexual assault programs, domestic violence programs, other victim services agencies, and other organizational members. Report the total number of individual members of your tribal coalitions, if any. Individual members are individual persons, not programs.)

Coalition members


Sexual assault programs/rape crisis centers

Domestic violence programs

Dual sexual assault and domestic violence programs

Tribal victim services agencies

Other organizational members

Total number of organizational members

Total number of individual members

A 2. Staff Information

Were Tribal Coalitions Program funds used to fund staff positions during the current reporting period? Check yes if Tribal Coalitions Program funds were used to pay staff, including part-time staff and contractors.

  • Yes--answer question 12

  • No--skip to Section B

12. Staff (Report the total number of full-time equivalent [FTE] staff funded by your Tribal Coalitions Program grant during the current reporting period. Report staff by the function(s) performed, not by title or location. Include employees who are part-time and/or only partially funded with these grant funds as well as consultants/contractors. If an employee or contractor was employed or utilized for only a portion of the reporting period, prorate appropriately. For example, if you hired a full-time administrator in October who was 100% funded with Tribal Coalition Program funds, you would report that as .5 FTEs. Report all FTEs in decimals, not percentages. One FTE is equal to 1,040 hours—40 hours per week x 26 weeks. See separate instructions for examples of how to calculate FTEs.)



Administrator (executive director, fiscal manager)


Communication specialist (public awareness, media relations)

Information technology staff

Program coordinator (training coordinator, outreach coordinator)

Support staff (administrative assistant, accountant, bookkeeper)

System advocate

Technical assistance provider


Tribal cultural specialist




All grantees must complete this section.

13. Purpose Areas (Check all purpose areas that apply to activities supported with Tribal Coalitions Program funds during the current reporting period.)

Check ALL that apply

Purpose Areas

Increasing awareness of domestic violence and sexual assault against American Indian and Alaska Native women

Enhancing the response to violence against American Indian and Alaska Native women at the tribal, Federal, and State levels

Identifying and providing technical assistance to coalition membership and tribal communities to enhance access to essential services to American Indian women victimized by domestic and sexual violence

13a. Program priority areas addressed by your grant (In addition to the purpose areas identified above, the Tribal

Coalitions Grant Program Application and Program Guidelines may have identified several program priorities that would

receive priority consideration. If your project addressed any of these priority areas during the current reporting period,

list them below.)

14. Culturally-specific activities (List all culturally-specific activities that your tribal coalition engaged in during the current

reporting period in the community(ies) you serve. Check the box in the first column if the activity was funded with Tribal

Coalitions Program funds)

Tribal Coalitions funded








15. (Optional) Additional information (Use the space below to discuss the effectiveness of culturally-specific activities funded or supported by your Tribal Coalitions Program grant and to provide further explanation on how these activities increase the safety of American Indian/Alaska Native women.)


C 1. Training

Were your Tribal Coalitions Program funds used for training during the current reporting period? Check yes if Tribal Coalitions Program-funded staff provided training or if Tribal Coalitions Program funds were used to directly support the training.

  • Yes--answer questions 16-19

  • No--skip to C2

For the purposes of this reporting form, training means providing information on sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking that enables professionals to improve their response to victims/survivors as it relates to their role in the system. Education means providing general information that will increase public awareness of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. In this subsection, report information on training activities. Education should be reported in subsection C2.

16. Type and number of training events provided (Report the number of statewide, regional, and tribal-based training events by the type of training that were either provided by Tribal Coalitions Program-funded staff or directly supported with Tribal Coalitions Program funds. Staff development training provided to Tribal Coalitions Program-funded staff should not be counted. Use the Sexual assault/Domestic violence columns if training events focused on both sexual assault and domestic violence.)

Type of training

Total number of training events


Intra-state regions


Sexual assault

Domestic violence

Sexual assault/
Domestic violence

Sexual assault

Domestic violence

Sexual assault/
Domestic violence

Sexual assault

Domestic violence

Sexual assault /
Domestic violence

Computer-based training






Other (specify): __________

1 7. Number of people trained (Report the number of people trained during the current reporting period by Tribal Coalitions Program-funded staff or training supported by Tribal Coalitions Program funds. Use the category that is most descriptive of the people attending the training event. Tribal Coalitions Program-funded staff attending training should not be counted. If you do not know how many people to report in specific categories, you may report the overall number in “Multidisciplinary.”)

People trained


Attorneys/law students (does not include prosecutors)

Batterer intervention program/offender accountability staff

Child protective service workers

Children’s advocates (not affiliated with CPS)

Correction personnel (probation, parole, and correctional facility staff)

Court personnel (tribal—judges, clerks)

Court personnel (non-tribal—judges, clerks)

Domestic violence program staff (tribal)

Domestic violence program staff (non-tribal)

Educators (teachers, administrators, etc.)

Faith-based organization staff

Federal agency staff (BIA, IHS, FBI)

Health professionals (doctors, nurses; does not include forensic examiners)

Law enforcement officers (tribal)

Law enforcement officers (non-tribal)

Legal services staff (does not include attorneys)

Mental health professionals

Military command staff

Multidisciplinary (various disciplines at same training)

Other government agency staff (vocational rehabilitation, food stamps, TANF)

Prosecutors (tribal)

Prosecutors (non-tribal)

Sexual assault forensic examiners/sexual assault nurse examiners (SAFE/SANE)

Sexual assault program staff (tribal)

Sexual assault program staff (non-tribal)

Social service organization staff (non-government—food bank, homeless shelter, etc.)

Tribal community groups

Tribal elders

Tribal government/Tribal government agency staff

Victim assistants (governmental, includes victim-witness specialist/coordinator)


Other (specify):


18. Training content areas (Indicate all topics covered in training events provided with your Tribal Coalitions Program funds during the current reporting period. Check all that apply.)

Sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking

  • Advocacy for American Indian and/or Alaska Native women

  • Child custody in the context of violence against women

  • Child witnesses in the context of domestic violence/dating violence

  • Confidentiality

  • Cultural issues specific to American Indians and/or Alaska Natives

  • Dating violence overview, dynamics, and services

  • Domestic violence overview, dynamics, and services

  • Drug facilitated sexual assault

  • Dynamics and history of violence against American Indian and/or Alaska Native women

  • Historical trauma

  • Indian Child Welfare Act

  • Safety planning for victims/survivors

  • Sexual assault overview, dynamics, and services

  • Stalking overview, dynamics, and services

  • Supervised visitation and exchange

  • Other (specify):

Organizational community response

  • Coalition development

  • Collaboration

  • Coordinated community response

  • Discrimination and oppression issues

  • Evaluation

  • Federal agency response to sexual assault and domestic violence/dating violence (IHS, BIA, FBI, USAO)

  • Outreach

  • Program accessibility

  • Program rules

  • Public benefits (TANF, disability, food stamps, unemployment, etc.)

  • Response teams (DART, DVRT, SART)

  • Strategic planning

  • Technology

  • Tribal strategies to address sexual assault or domestic violence/dating violence, or stalking

  • Victim service administration and operations

  • Other (specify):

Other underserved populations

Issues specific to American Indian and Alaska Native victims/survivors who

  • are elderly

  • are homeless or living in poverty

  • are isolated or institutionalized

  • are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or intersex

  • have disabilities

  • have mental health issues

  • have substance abuse issues

  • live in rural areas

  • live in urban areas

  • Other (specify):_______________________

Justice system

  • Court procedures

  • Decreasing dual arrests/identifying predominant aggressor

  • Domestic violence statues/codes

  • Evidence analysis, collection, and preservation

  • Evidence-based prosecution

  • Firearms and domestic violence/dating violence

  • Judicial response

  • Law enforcement response (including protocols, arrest policies, and evidence collection)

  • Mandatory reporting requirements

  • Pro-arrest policies

  • Prosecution response

  • Protection orders (including full faith and credit)

  • Sex offender registry(ies)

  • Sexual assault forensic examinations

  • Sexual assault statutes/codes

  • Stalking statutes/codes

  • Tribal jurisdiction and Public Law 280

  • Other (specify)::

19. (Optional) Additional information (Use the space below to discuss the effectiveness of training activities funded or supported by your Tribal Coalitions Program grant and to provide further explanation on how these activities increase the safety of American Indian/Alaska Native women.)

C 2. Education

Were your Tribal Coalitions Program funds used for education activities during the current reporting period? Check yes if Tribal Coalitions Program-funded staff engaged in education activities or if Tribal Coalitions Program funds were used to directly support education activities.

  • Yes--answer questions 20-23

  • No--skip to C3

For the purposes of this reporting form, education means providing general information that will increase public awareness of sexual assault, domestic violence/dating violence, and stalking. Training means providing information on sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking that enables a professional to improve her/his response to victims/survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. In this subsection, report information on education activities. Training should be reported in subsection C1.

20. Education events (Report the total number of education events provided during the current reporting period.)

Total number of education events provided _________

21. People educated with Tribal Coalitions Program funds (Report the number of people attending education events during the current reporting period. Use the category that is most descriptive of the people who attended the educational event.)

People attending event





Child care providers

Community businesses (retail stores, pharmacies)

Community groups (service or social groups)

Community members


Faith-based groups

Men’s groups



Tribal elders

Tribal government/tribal government agency staff

Victims/survivors (do not count psycho-educational support groups)

Women’s groups

Other (specify)


2 2. Topics of education events provided with Tribal Coalitions Program funds (Indicate all topics covered in education provided with your Tribal Coalitions Program funds during the current reporting period. Check all that apply.)

Sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking

  • Dating violence overview, dynamics and services

  • Domestic violence overview, dynamics and services

  • Historical trauma

  • Indigenous awareness programs

  • Mandated reporting of child victimization

  • Safety planning

  • Sex offender registry(ies)

  • Sexual assault overview, dynamics, and services

  • Stalking overview, dynamics, and services

  • VAWA

  • Youth awareness of sexual assault, domestic violence/dating violence and stalking

  • Workplace violence

  • Other (specify):

How to help American Indian or Alaska Native victims/survivors who:

    • are elderly

    • are homeless or living in poverty

    • are isolated or institutionalized

    • are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or intersex

    • have disabilities

    • have mental health issues

    • have substance abuse issues

    • live in rural areas

    • live in urban areas

    • Other (specify):

23. (Optional) Additional information (Use the space below to discuss the effectiveness of education activities funded or supported by your Tribal Coalitions Program grant and to provide further explanation on how these activities increase the safety of American Indian/Alaska Native women.)

C3. System Advocacy

Were your Tribal Coalitions Program funds used for system advocacy during the current reporting period? Check yes if Tribal Coalitions Program-funded staff engaged in system advocacy or if Tribal Coalitions Program funds were used to directly support system advocacy. (System advocacy is an activity intended to effect policy and/or procedural change in order to improve institutional response to sexual assault and/or domestic violence.)

  • Yes--answer questions 24-27

  • No--skip to C4

24. System advocacy activities (Indicate the system advocacy activities convened or participated in with Tribal Coalitions Program funds during the current reporting period. Check all that apply.)

System advocacy

Sexual assault

Domestic violence

Appointed tribal and state commissions

Community, regional, statewide task force/caucus

Multidisciplinary working groups

Project-specific interagency working groups

Tribal systems advocacy

Other (specify): _________________________

2 5. Improved system response (Report the total number of statewide, regional, and local meetings convened and/or attended by Tribal Coalitions Program-funded staff during the current reporting period. Report based on the primary group in attendance. If there were multiple agencies or organizations at the meeting, count the meeting as a multidisciplinary meeting. Each meeting should be counted only once.)


Number of meetings convened

Number of meetings attended

Sexual assault

Domestic violence

Sexual assault

Domestic violence

American Indian or Alaska Native women

Batterer intervention program/offender accountability staff

Child advocacy organization (not affiliated with CPS)

Child welfare agency

Corrections (probation, parole, correctional facility)

Court (tribal)

Court (non-tribal)

Crime victim compensation

Domestic violence program (tribal)

Domestic violence program (non-tribal)

Dual sexual assault and domestic violence program (tribal)

Dual sexual assault and domestic violence program (non-tribal)

Educational institution/university/school

Faith-based organization

Federal agency staff (IHS, BIA, FBI)

Government agency staff (state and local)

Health/mental health organization

Law enforcement agency (tribal)

Law enforcement agency (non-tribal)

Legal services organization (legal services, bar association, law school)

Multi-disciplinary group/task force

People representing other underserved populations

Prosecutor’s office (tribal)

Prosecutor’s office (non-tribal)

Sexual assault nurse examiner/sexual assault forensic examiner program (SANE/SAFE)

Sexual assault program (tribal)

Sexual assault program (non-tribal)

Social services organization (food bank, homeless shelter)

Substance abuse services

Tribal community groups

Tribal elders

Tribal government/Tribal government agency


Other (specify):


2 6. Coordination activities (Indicate other methods used during the current reporting period to coordinate tribal victim services activities and/or to collaborate and coordinate with federal, state, and local entities engaged in activities to reduce or end violence against women. Check all that apply.)

  • E-mail

  • E-mail listserv

  • Fax

  • Newsletter

  • Telephone/conference call

  • Toll-free telephone number

  • Tracking availability of victim services

  • U.S. Mail

  • Web site

  • Other (specify):

27. (Optional) Additional information (Use the space below to discuss the effectiveness of system advocacy activities funded or supported by your Tribal Coalitions Program grant and to provide further explanation on how these activities increase the safety of American Indian/Alaska Native women.)

C4. Policies

W ere your Tribal Coalitions Program funds used to develop or substantially revise policies or protocols during the current reporting period? Check yes if Tribal Coalitions Program-funded staff developed or substantially revised policies or protocols or if Tribal Coalitions Program funds were used to directly support the development or substantial revision of policies or protocols.

  • Yes--answer questions 28-29

  • No--skip to C5

28. Types of policies and/or protocols developed or substantially revised during the current reporting period. (Check all the policies or protocols developed or substantially revised with Tribal Coalitions Program funds during the current reporting period. Use the SA column for policies and/or protocols addressing sexual assault and the DV column for those addressing domestic violence.)

Victim services



Appropriate response to underserved populations


Procedures for anonymous, confidential, or Jane Doe reporting of sexual assault

Training standards for staff and volunteers

Staff, board, and/or volunteers represent the diversity of your service area

Standards of service

Victim/survivor informed about Crime Victims Compensation and Victim Impact Statements

Other (specify) : ______________________

Law enforcement



Appropriate response to underserved populations

Identifying primary aggressor/discouraging dual arrest

Immediate access to protection order information

Mandatory training on sexual assault, domestic violence/dating violence, and/or stalking

No charge to sexual assault victims/survivors for any cost associated with forensic exam

No victims/survivors polygraphed

Pro-arrest/mandatory arrest

Procedures for anonymous, confidential, or Jane Doe reporting of sexual assault

Protection order enforcement (including full faith and credit)

Providing information to victims/survivors about victim services

Sexual assault response and protocols

Stalking response and protocols

Other (specify): ______________________




Appropriate response to underserved populations

Mandatory training on sexual assault, domestic violence/dating violence, and/or stalking

No charge to victims/survivors for any costs related to the prosecution of sexual assault, domestic violence/dating violence and/or stalking

No victims/survivors polygraphed

Protection order enforcement (including full faith and credit)

Sexual assault response and protocols

Stalking response and protocols

Vertical prosecution

Victim witness notification

Other (specify): _____________________




Accelerated trial schedules

Appropriate response to underserved populations

Dedicated sexual assault or domestic violence/dating violence docket

Full faith and credit for protection orders

Immediate access to obtain protection orders

Judicial monitoring of sexual assault, domestic violence/dating violence, and/or stalking offenders

Mandatory training on sexual assault, domestic violence/dating violence, and/or stalking

No charge to sexual assault victim/survivor for any cost associated with forensic exam

Policy against mutual restraining orders

Procedures for courtroom security

Other (specify): _______________________




Mandatory training on sexual assault, domestic violence/dating violence, and/or stalking

Strategies to assist and protect victims/survivors during probation

Perform checks on police logs, criminal and civil databases

Special procedures for cases involving diverse, underserved populations

Offender monitoring

Other (specify): ________________

Health care



Advocate response in emergency room

Appropriate response to underserved populations

Forensic evidence collection and documentation

Forensic exams not billed to victims/survivors

Mandatory training on sexual assault, domestic violence/dating violence, and/or stalking

Routine screening and referrals for sexual assault, domestic violence/dating violence, and/or stalking

Other (specify): ____________________

29. (Optional) Additional information (Use the space below to discuss the effectiveness of policies you have developed or implemented that were funded or supported by your Tribal Coalitions Program grant and to provide further explanation on how these policies increase the safety of American Indian/Alaska Native women.)

C 5. Products

Were your Tribal Coalitions Program funds used to develop, substantially revise, or distribute products during the current reporting period? Check yes if Tribal Coalitions Program-funded staff developed products or if Tribal Coalitions Program funds were used to directly support the development, revision, or distribution of products.

  • Yes--answer question 30

  • No--skip to C6

30. Use of Tribal Coalitions Program funds for product development, substantial revision, or distribution (Report the number of products developed, substantially revised, or distributed with Tribal Coalitions Program funds during the current reporting period. Report the number of new products developed or substantially revised during the current reporting period; the title/topic; the intended audience for each product developed, revised, or distributed; and, the number of products used or distributed. If a product was created in or translated into a language other than English, including Braille, indicate the language. Report on products that were newly developed or substantially revised during the current reporting period whether or not they were used or distributed, and on products that were previously developed or revised but were used or distributed during the current reporting period. Do not report the number of products printed or copied; only report the number developed or revised—in most cases that number will be one for each product described—and/or the number used or distributed. See separate instructions for examples of how to report under “developed or revised” and “used or distributed”.)


Number developed or revised


Intended audience

Number used or distributed

Other languages




Training curricula

Training materials


Web site (report number of page views in the used or distributed column)


Other (specify):

C6. Technical Assistance

W ere your Tribal Coalitions Program funds used to provide technical assistance during the current reporting period? Check yes if Tribal Coalitions Program-funded staff provided technical assistance or if Tribal Coalitions Program funds were used to directly support the provision of technical assistance.

  • Yes--answer questions 31-33

  • No--skip to C7

31. Number of technical assistance activities (Report the total number of technical assistance activities provided to programs during the current reporting period, indicating whether they were site visits or other types of consultations. Consultations may include in-person, telephonic, electronic, or other types of contact. Each contact should be counted as one activity.)

Recipients of technical assistance

Number of site visits

Number of other technical assistance consultations

Batterer intervention/offender monitor program

Child welfare agency (Child Protective Services)

Corrections (probation, parole, correctional facility)

Court (tribal)

Court (non-tribal)

Disability organization

Domestic violence program (tribal)

Domestic violence program (non-tribal)

Dual sexual assault and domestic violence program

Elder organization

Faith-based organization

Federal agencies (BIA,CIA,FBI,IHS)

Health/mental health organization

Law enforcement (tribal)

Law enforcement agency (non-tribal)

Legal services organization (legal services, bar association, law school)

Military command staff

Other tribal coalition

Prosecutor’s office (tribal)

Prosecutor’s office (non-tribal)

Sexual assault forensic examiners/sexual assault nurse examiners (SAFE/SANE)

Sexual assault program (tribal)

Sexual assault program (non-tribal)

Tribal community groups

Tribal government/Tribal government agency


Youth program

Other (specify):


3 2. Topics of technical assistance (Check the topics that apply to technical assistance provided with Tribal Coalitions Program funds during the current reporting period. The technical assistance provided may be categorized by more than one topic. Check all that apply.)

Topics of technical assistance

Sexual assault

Domestic violence

Coordinated community response

Court response

Curricula and training issues

Developing or enhancing culturally appropriate services for underserved populations

Developing or enhancing appropriate services for elder victims/survivors

Developing or enhancing appropriate services for victims/survivors who have disabilities

Forensic evidence collection and documentation

Law enforcement response

Probation response

Program development

Program evaluation

Prosecution response

Response to dating violence victims/survivors

Response to domestic violence victims/survivors

Response to sexual assault victims/survivors

Response to stalking victims/survivors

Safety planning

Sex offender registry(ies)

Standards of service

Technology and technology capacity (data collection systems and confidentiality)

Technology safety and security

Tribal codes


Victim service administration and operations

Other (specify): _____________________________________

Other (specify):

33. (Optional) Additional information (Use the space below to discuss the effectiveness of technical assistance activities funded or supported by your Tribal Coalitions Program grant and to provide further explanation on how these activities increase the safety of American Indian/Alaska Native women.)

C 7. Organizational Development and Capacity Building

Were your Tribal Coalitions Program grant funds used for organizational development and/or capacity building during the current reporting period? Check yes if Tribal Coalitions Program-funded staff engaged in organizational development and/or capacity building activities, or if Tribal Coalitions Program funds were used to directly support organizational development and/or capacity building.

  • Yes--answer questions 34-35

  • No--skip to section D

34. Coalition development and capacity building (Check all activities that were engaged in with Tribal Coalitions Program funds during the current reporting period.)


Board member development

Communication (TTY, language lines, etc.)

Develop personnel policies

Emergency preparedness

Equipment purchase (computers, printers, faxes, telephones, cell phones, etc.)

Evaluation/outcome measures, development or tracking

Identify gaps in service

Internet/e-mail/listserv development

Office space (opening/maintaining)

Outreach to underserved populations

Software purchase or development

Staff development

Strategic planning

Technology security and safety

Toll-free telephone line operation

Web site development or enhancement

Other (specify):______________________

35. Do you consider system privacy and/or security when purchasing or developing software?

  • Yes

  • No


All grantees must answer question 36

Please limit your response to four pages for this question.

36. Report on the status of the goals and objectives for the tribal coalitions (Report on the status of the goals and objectives for your grant as of the end of the current reporting period, as they were identified in your grant proposal or as they have been added or revised. Indicate whether the activities related to your objectives for the current reporting period have been completed, are in progress, are delayed, or have been revised. Comment on your successes and challenges, and provide any additional explanation you feel is necessary for us to understand what you have or have not accomplished relative to your goals and objectives. If you have not accomplished objectives that should have been accomplished during the current reporting period, you must provide an explanation.)

All grantees must answer questions 37 and 38 on an annual basis. Please submit this information on the January to June reporting form only.

Please limit your response to two pages for each question.

37. What do you see as the most significant areas of remaining need, with regard to improving services to victims/survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking; increasing victims/survivors safety; and enhancing community response (including offender accountability for both batterers and sex offenders)? (Consider geographic area served, service delivery systems, types of victimization, jurisdictional issues, and challenges and barriers unique to the tribal communities served by your tribal coalition.)

38. What has the Tribal Coalitions Program funding allowed you to do or maintain that you could not do without receiving this funding? (For example, has the funding enabled you to identify and eliminate gaps in services; improve services to tribal populations; or, improve criminal justice response to American Indian and/or Alaska Native women? Provide specific examples in your answer [e.g., opened an office with two full-time staff].)

Questions 39 and 40 are optional.

Please limit your response to two pages for each question.

39. Provide additional information regarding the effectiveness of your grant-funded program. (If you have other data or information that you have not already reported in answers to previous questions that demonstrate the effectiveness of your Tribal Coalitions Program grant, please provide it below. Refer to separate instructions for a fuller explanation and examples.)

40. Provide any additional information that may provide explanation about the data submitted. (If you have any information that could be helpful in understanding the data submitted, please answer this question. For example, if two grant reports were submitted, you may explain how the data was apportioned to each report; if you funded staff but did not report any activities, you may explain why; or if you did not use program funds to support either staff or activities during the reporting period, please explain how program funds were used, if you have not already done so.)

Public Reporting Burden

Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. We try to create forms and instructions that are accurate, can be easily understood, and which impose the least possible burden on you to provide us with information. The estimated average time to complete and file this form is 60 minutes per form. If you have comments regarding the accuracy of this estimate, or suggestions for making this form simpler, you can write to the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice, 810 7th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20531.


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleDRAFT
Last Modified Bycatherine m. poston
File Modified2008-04-28
File Created2008-04-25

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