Attachment F FRN 60-day

Attachment F FRN.pdf

Pulmonary Function Testing Course Approval Program

Attachment F FRN 60-day

OMB: 0920-0138

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Attachment F.


Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 221 / Friday, November 16, 2007 / Notices

Obtaining Copies of Proposals:
Requesters may obtain a copy of the
information collection documents from
the General Services Administration,
Regulatory Secretariat (VIR), 1800 F
Street, NW., Room 4035, Washington,
DC 20405, telephone (202) 501–4755, or
by faxing your request to (202) 501–
4067. Please cite OMB Control No.
3090–00XX, Tangible Personal Property
Report, in all correspondence.
Dated: November 9, 2007.
Casey Coleman,
Chief Information Officer.
[FR Doc. 07–5735 Filed 11–15–07; 8:45 am]


GA 30333 or send an e-mail to
[email protected].
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the agency, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including through the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of information
technology. Written comments should
be received within 60 days of this
Proposed Project

Centers for Disease Control and

Proposed Data Collections Submitted
for Public Comment and
In compliance with the requirement
of section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 for
opportunity for public comment on
proposed data collection projects, the
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) will publish periodic
summaries of proposed projects. To
request more information on the
proposed projects or to obtain a copy of
the data collection plans and
instruments, call 404–639–5960 or send
comments to Maryam Daneshvar, CDC
Assistant Reports Clearance Officer,
1600 Clifton Road, MS–D74, Atlanta,

Pulmonary Function Testing Course
Approval Program, 29 CFR 1910.1043
(OMB No. 0920–0138)—Extension—The
National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health (NIOSH), Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
NIOSH has the responsibility under
the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration’s Cotton Dust Standard,
29 CFR 1920.1043, for approving
courses to train technicians to perform
pulmonary function testing in the cotton
industry. Successful completion of a
NIOSH-approved course is mandatory
under the Standard. To carry out its
responsibility, NIOSH maintains a
Pulmonary Function Testing Course
Approval Program. The program
consists of an application submitted by
potential sponsors (universities,
hospitals, and private consulting firms)

who seek NIOSH approval to conduct
courses, and if approved, notification to
NIOSH of any course or faculty changes
during the approval period, which is
limited to five years. The application
form and added materials, including an
agenda, curriculum vitae, and course
materials are reviewed by NIOSH to
determine if the applicant has
developed a program which adheres to
the criteria required in the Standard.
Following approval, any subsequent
changes to the course are submitted by
course sponsors via letter or e-mail and
reviewed by NIOSH staff to assure that
the changes in faculty or course content
continue to meet course requirements.
Course sponsors also voluntarily submit
an annual report to inform NIOSH of
their class activity level and any faculty
changes. Sponsors who elect to have
their approval renewed for an additional
5 year period submit a renewal
application and supporting
documentation for review by NIOSH
staff to ensure the course curriculum
meets all current standard requirements.
Approved courses that elect to offer
NIOSH-Approved Spirometry Refresher
Courses must submit a separate
application and supporting documents
for review by NIOSH staff. Institutions
and organizations throughout the
country voluntarily submit applications
and materials to become course
sponsors and carry out training.
Submissions are required for NIOSH to
evaluate a course and determine
whether it meets the criteria in the
Standard and whether technicians will
be adequately trained as mandated
under the Standard. The estimated
annual burden to respondents is 196
hours. There will be no cost to


mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES

Number of

Number of

Forms for respondents

Average burden/
(in hrs)

Total burden
(in hrs)

Initial Application ......................................................................
Annual Report ..........................................................................
Report for Course Changes ....................................................
Renewal Application ................................................................
Refresher Course Application ..................................................





Total ..................................................................................





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Attachment F.


Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 221 / Friday, November 16, 2007 / Notices
Dated: Novmeber 9, 2007.
Maryam I. Daneshvar,
Acting Reports Clearance Officer, Office of
the Chief Science Officer, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention.
[FR Doc. E7–22418 Filed 11–15–07; 8:45 am]

Centers for Disease Control and

Agency Forms Undergoing Paperwork
Reduction Act Review
The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) publishes a list of
information collection requests under
review by the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) in compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
Chapter 35). To request a copy of these
requests, call the CDC Reports Clearance
Officer at (404) 639–5960 or send an email to [email protected]. Send written
comments to CDC Desk Officer, Office of
Management and Budget, Washington,
DC or by fax to (202) 395–6974. Written
comments should be received within 30
days of this notice.
Proposed Project
Evaluation of the Safe Dates Project—
New—National Center for Injury
Prevention and Control (NCIPC),
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC).
Background and brief description of
the proposed project: The specific aims
of this study are to describe the
implementation and drivers of
implementation of the Safe Dates
program (implementation evaluation); to
evaluate its impact on desired
outcomes, including prevention of and
reduction in dating violence
victimization and perpetration
(including psychological abuse,
stalking, physical violence, and sexual
violence) among ninth-grade students
(experimental effectiveness evaluation);
and to evaluate its cost-effectiveness,
including cost-utility (cost evaluation).
The evaluation will require

participation from staff and students at
54 schools (18 treatment schools
receiving the Safe Dates program with
teacher training and observation, 18
treatment schools receiving the Safe
Dates program without teacher training
and observation, and 18 control schools
not receiving the Safe Dates program).
Implementation evaluation data will
be collected primarily through Web
questionnaires completed by principals,
school prevention coordinators, and
teachers delivering the program;
effectiveness evaluation data will be
collected via classroom scannable forms
with ninth-graders who attend treatment
or control schools; and cost evaluation
data will be collected via a Web survey
of teachers delivering the program who
receive training and observation. High
schools that agree to participation will
be matched into sets of three.
Characteristics that will be considered
in the matching process include
demographics and urban/rural county
type. Large schools will be given the
option to invite a census of ninth grade
students to participate in the study or to
invite a subset of ninth grade students
(in certain classes) to participate.
Schools within a set of three will be
matched on census versus subset
selection of ninth graders to ensure that
all schools in a set use the same
selection process. Eighteen matched sets
of three schools will be selected. One
school from each matched set will be
assigned randomly either to receive the
Safe Dates program with teacher
training and observation, to receive the
Safe Dates program without teacher
training and observation, or to serve as
a control group.
Approximately 10,158 students at the
54 schools will complete a baseline
effectiveness evaluation scannable
survey. During the classroomadministered survey, information will
be collected from students about how
they feel about dating, communicating
with a dating partner, and attitudes and
behaviors related to violence, including
violence between preteen and teen
dating couples. Informed written
consent from parents for their child’s
participation and informed written
consent from ninth graders for their own

participation will be obtained. During
Web surveys, school staff will be asked
about implementation and costs of the
Safe Dates program.
Effectiveness evaluation baseline data
collection will span the period from
October to November 2007, and followup data collection will occur during
January and February 2009. Assuming
an 80 percent response rate at followup, it is anticipated that a total of 8,126
students will complete follow-up
effectiveness evaluation surveys.
To evaluate the implementation and
implementation drivers of the program,
principals and prevention coordinators
at all 54 schools will be asked to
complete a series of Web surveys from
October 2007 to February 2009.
Assuming a 91 percent response rate for
all school staff surveys, it is anticipated
that 48 principals and 48 prevention
coordinators will complete baseline
implementation questionnaires, 32
principals and 32 prevention
coordinators at treatment schools will
complete mid-implementation
questionnaires, 49 principals will
complete end-of-school year
implementation questionnaires, and 49
prevention coordinators will complete
follow-up implementation
questionnaires. In addition, 98 teachers
at treatment schools will complete Web
baseline implementation questionnaires,
49 teachers at treatment schools
receiving training and observation will
complete cost questionnaires, and 98
teachers at treatment schools will
complete two mid-implementation
questionnaires each. Students at
treatment schools (n= 4,515) will also
complete two mid-implementation
questionnaires each.
It is anticipated that study results will
be used to determine the Safe Dates
program’s effectiveness, economic and
time costs, cost-effectiveness, costutility, feasibility of implementation,
dissemination facilitators, and needed
improvements for implementation with
There are no costs to respondents
except their time to participate in the
interview. The total estimated
annualized burden hours are 14,112.

mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES

Type of respondent

Instrument name

Student ................

Effectiveness baseline survey ....................................................................
First mid-implementation survey ................................................................
Second mid-implementation survey ...........................................................
Effectiveness follow-up survey ...................................................................

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Number of responses per

burden per
(in hours)

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2007-12-18
File Created2007-11-16

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