G-28I Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited

Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative; Notice of Entry of Appearance of Foreign Attorney

G-28I DRAFT 07-14-08

Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative; Notice of Entry of Appearance of Foreign Attorney

OMB: 1615-0105

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OMB No. XXXX-XXXX; Expires 00/00/00

G-28I, Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney

Department of Homeland Security

In Matters Outside the Geographical Confines of the United States

What Is the Purpose of This Form?
An attorney appearing before the Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) in matters outside the geographical confines
of the United States must file Form G-28I in each case. Form
G-28I must be properly completed and signed by the
petitioner, applicant, or respondent to authorize
representation for the appearance to be recognized by U.S.
Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), U.S. Customs
and Border Protection (CBP), and U.S. Immigration and
Customs Enforcement (ICE). Under 8 CFR 103.2(a)(3), a
beneficiary of a petition is not a recognized party in a
proceeding before USCIS. Form G-28I will be recognized
by USCIS, CBP, or ICE until the conclusion of the matter for
which it was entered.

Who May Use This Form?
Appearances for Immigration Matters
This form is used only in matters filed outside the
geographical confines of the United States by an attorney,
other than one described in 8 CFR 1.1(f), who is licensed to
practice law and is in good standing in a court of general
jurisdiction of the country in which he or she resides and who
is engaged in such practice of law, and with the permission of
the DHS official before whom he or she seeks to appear.
Acceptance by a DHS entity of a completed G-28I does not
itself constitute permission by the DHS entity for the attorney
to represent an applicant or petitioner in the matter for which
the G-28I was filed.
This form may not be filed with matters in offices within the
United States.
An attorney who seeks to withdraw his or her appearance in a
proceeding before DHS must file a written request with the
DHS office with jurisdiction over the pending matter. An
attorney who seeks to be recognized by the DHS office as the
new representative for an applicant, petitioner, or respondent
must file a properly completed Form G-28I with the DHS
office with jurisdiction over the pending matter. An attorney
who is appearing for a limited purpose at the request of the
attorney of record must file a properly completed Form G-28I
as noted on the form.
When a person acts in a representative capacity, his or her
personal appearance or signature shall constitute a

representation that under the provisions of 8 CFR sections
103.2(a)(3) and 292.1(a)(6), he or she is authorized and
qualified to represent the individual. Further proof of
authority to act in a representative capacity may be required.
The DHS official has the discretion to determine whether to
allow the attorney filing Form G-28I to appear.

General Instructions
Part 1. Notice of Appearance as Attorney Admitted
to Practice Outside the United States
A. Check one block to indicate the DHS agency
where the matter is filed. If it is USCIS, then fill
in the form number(s) filed with Form G-28I. If
it is CBP or ICE, then state specific matter in
which appearance is entered.
B. Fill in all information. The mailing address of
the applicant, petitioner, or respondent is
required in this part of the form. The applicant,
petitioner, or respondent must sign the form,
preferably in dark blue or black ink.

Part 2. Information About Attorney
A. Attorneys admitted to practice in a foreign
country as defined in 8 CFR 292.1(a)(6):
Check the box and provide the required
information regarding the country(ies) of
admission. If you are subject to any order of
any court suspending, enjoining, restraining,
disbarring, or otherwise restricting you in the
practice of law, you must disclose this
information on Form G-28I.
B. Attorneys associated with the attorney with a
Form G-28I previously filed in this matter:
Check the box and fill in the name of the
attorney who has previously filed a Form G-28I
in this matter. A new Form G-28I must be filed
by each attorney associated with the attorney.
You must also check Box A and provide the
required information.

Form G-28I (07/10/08)

Part 3. Name and Signature of Attorney
Fill in all information and sign the form, preferably
in dark blue or black ink.

Individuals appearing as attorneys are subject to the rules of
Professional Conduct for Practitioners in 8 CFR 292.3.

Freedom of Information/Privacy Act
This form may not be used to request records under the
Freedom of Information Act or the Privacy Act. The
procedures for requesting such records are contained in 6
CFR Part 5.

Paperwork Reduction Act
An agency may not conduct or sponsor an information
collection, and a person is not required to respond to a
collection of information, unless it displays a currently valid
OMB control number. The public reporting burden for this
collection of information is estimated at 20 minutes per
response, including the time for reviewing instructions and
completing and submitting the form. Send comments
regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this
collection of information, including suggestions for reducing
this burden, to: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services,
Regulatory Management Division, 111 Massachusetts
Avenue, NW, 3rd Floor, Suite 3008, Washington, DC 20529,
OMB No. XXXX-XXXX. Do not mail your application to
this address.

Form G-28I (07/10/08) Page 2

OMB No. XXXX-XXXX; Expires 00/00/00

G-28I, Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney

In Matters Outside the Geographical Confines of the United States

Department of Homeland Security

Part 1. Notice of Appearance as Attorney Admitted to Practice Outside the United States
A. This appearance is in regard to immigration matters before:
CBP (State specific matter in which appearance is entered):

USCIS - Form(s) :
ICE (State specific matter in which appearance is entered):

B. I hereby enter my appearance as attorney at the request of:

List principal Petitioner, Applicant, or Respondent first. Add additional sheet(s) of paper, if necessary, for others being represented.
NOTE: Provide the mailing address of Petitioner, Applicant, or Respondent being represented, and not the address of the attorney.

Principal Petitioner, Applicant, or Respondent
Name: Last

A Number or


Receipt Number, if any



Address: Street Number and Street Name

Apt. No.


Mailing Code


Pursuant to the Privacy Act of 1974 and DHS policy, I hereby consent to the disclosure to the named Attorney of any record pertaining to me that
appears in any system of records of USCIS, USCBP, or USICE.
Signature of Petitioner, Applicant, or Respondent


Part 2. Information about Attorney (Check applicable items(s) below)

I am licensed to practice law in

(name of country(ies) authorized to practice law), and I am

in good standing in a court of general jurisdiction of

(name of country(ies)) where I reside

and am engaged in the practice of law.
I am not


am subject to any order of any court or administrative agency disbarring, suspending, enjoining,
restraining, or otherwise restricting me in the practice of law (If you are subject to any order(s), explain fully on reverse side).



I am associated with
The attorney of record previously filed Form G-28I in this case, and my appearance as an attorney is at his or her request. (If you check
this item, also complete item A above in Part 2).

Part 3. Name and Signature of Attorney
I have read and understand the regulations and conditions contained in 8 CFR 103.2 and 292 governing appearances and representation
before the Department of Homeland Security. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the information I
have provided on this form is true and correct.
Attorney Bar Number, if any
Name of Attorney
Signature of Attorney


Complete Address of Attorney (Street Number and Street Name, City, Country, Mailing Code)
Phone Number (Include country code)

Fax Number, if any (Include country code)

E-Mail Address, if any
Form G-28I (07/10/08)

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleG-28
AuthorRachel McCarthy
File Modified2008-07-17
File Created2007-12-05

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