Form 2010 Census Monito 2010 Census Monito 2010 Census Monitoring & Tracking Survey

Generic Clearance for 2010 Census Communications Campaign Testing Activities

Monitoring Tracking Qux 09 03

2010 Census Monitoring & Tracking Research

OMB: 0607-0950

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2010 Census Monitoring & Tracking Areas of Inquiry:

  • Familiarity/understanding of the Census

  • Relevance of the Census to self and community

  • Attitudes towards the Census

  • Motivators towards participation

  • Barriers towards participation

  • Campaign messaging effectiveness

  • Benefits of participating in the Census

  • Participation intent

  • Exploratory Section (rotated weekly)


S1. What is your gender?

  1. Male

  2. Female

S2. What is your age?

  1. Under 18 years old TERMINATE

  2. 18 - 24 years old

  3. 25 - 34 years old

  4. 35 - 39 years old

  5. 40 - 44 years old

  6. 45 - 50 years old

  7. 51 - 55 years old

  8. 56-64 years old

  9. 65 years old or older TERMINATE

S3. Do you live in the USA most of the time?

1 Yes


98 Don’t know TERMINATE

S4. What state do you live in?

[Show drop-down menu]

S5. What is the highest grade or year of regular school you completed?

1 Less than grade school

2 Some high school

3 Less than high school graduate

4 High school graduate

5 Some college

6 College graduate

7 Postgraduate

98 Don’t Know TERMINATE

99 Refuse to answer TERMINATE

S6. For last year- 2008- what was the total income of your household BEFORE TAXES?

1 Less than $25,000

2 $25,000 to less than $50,000

3 $50,000 to less than $75,000

4 $75,000 or more

98 Don’t know TERMINATE

99 Refuse to answer TERMINATE



A1. Have you ever heard of the Census of the United States?

  1. Yes

  2. No

98 Don’t Know

[If A1=2 OR 98]

A2. The Census is the count of all the people who live in the United States. Have you ever heard of that before?

  1. Yes

  2. No

    1. Don’t know


B1. If the Census were held today, how likely are you to participate? By participate, we mean fill out and mail in a Census form. Would you say you…?

  1. Definitely will

  1. Probably will

3 Might or might not

2 Probably will not

  1. Definitely will not

  1. Don’t know

B2. How likely are you to recommend participating in the Census to a family member or friend? Would you say you…?

  1. Definitely will

  1. Probably will

3 Might or might not

2 Probably will not

1 Definitely will not

98 Don’t know

B3. Thinking about the Census overall, how important do you feel it is for you to participate in the Census? Would you say it is…?

4 Very important

3 Somewhat important

2 Not too important

1 Not at all important

98 Don’t know


C1. Have you seen or heard anything recently—within the last month or so—about the Census?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Don’t Know

C2. Overall, how would you describe your general feelings about the Census? Do you feel…?

5 Highly favorable

4 Moderately favorable

  1. Neutral

2 Not too favorable

1 Rather unfavorable

98 Don’t know

C3. In general, how familiar are you with the way Census data impacts you and your community. Would you say…?

4 Very familiar

3 Somewhat familiar

2 Not very familiar

  1. Not familiar at all

  1. Don’t know

C4. People have different ideas about what the Census is used for. Below are some ideas that people have. As you read each one, please indicate yes or no whether you think that the Census is used for that purpose. Is the Census used…?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Don’t Know


  1. To decide how much money communities will get from the government?

  2. To decide how many representatives each state will have in Congress?

  3. To see what changes have taken place in the size, location and characteristics of the people in the United States?

  4. To determine property taxes?

  5. To help the police and FBI keep track of people who break the law?

  6. To help businesses and governments plan for the future?

  7. To locate people living in the country illegally?

  8. To determine state income tax rates?

  9. To count both citizens and non–citizens?

  10. To determine the rate of unemployment

D. Attitudes

D1 Below are some opinions that some people may have about the Census. As you read each one please indicate if you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree.

4 Strongly agree

3 Agree

  1. Disagree

  1. Strongly disagree

98 Don’t know


  1. The Census is an invasion of privacy.

  2. It is important for everyone to be counted in the Census.

  3. The Census Bureau would never let another government agency see my answers to the Census.

  4. People’s answers to the Census cannot be used against them.

  5. Taking part in the Census shows I am proud of who I am.

  6. Filling out the Census form will let the government know what my community needs.

  7. I just don’t see that it matters much if I personally fill out the Census form or not.

  8. It is a civic responsibility to fill out the Census form.

  9. The Census Bureau’s promise of confidentiality can be trusted.

  10. I am concerned that the information I provide will be misused.

  11. I prefer to stay out of sight and not be counted.

  12. The government already has my personal information, like my tax returns, so I don’t need to fill out a Census form.

  13. I’ll never see results from the Census in my neighborhood.

  14. It takes too long to fill out the Census information, I don’t have time.

  15. I don’t like to fill out paper forms or use the mail because I prefer to do everything online.

  16. The Census is only for people who speak English.

  17. Computer “hackers” could obtain Census information about you if they really tried.

E. Motivators

E1. The following are true statements about the Census. We would like to know the degree to which these facts affect your likelihood to participate in 2010 Census. Does knowing each of the following make you more likely to participate, less likely to participate, or wouldn’t affect your participation? The first one is…

3 More likely to participate

2 Less likely to participate

1 Wouldn’t affect your participation

  1. Don’t know


  1. Census counts decide a community’s share of $400 billion in federal funds for schools and other programs

  2. The Census determines the number of representatives in Congress each state gets

  3. The law requires everyone to participate in the Census.

  4. Filling out the Census provides an opportunity to help people in your local community get certain benefits, such as healthcare, school programs, day care and job training

  5. Information from the Census helps the government plan for the future improvements to schools, roads, fire and police stations

  6. If you don’t fill out your Census form, your family and local community might not get their fair share of benefits

  7. To see what changes have taken place in the size, location and characteristics of the people in the United States

  1. The Census 2010 form doesn’t ask for sensitive information, it only asks a few questions such as name, sex, age, date of birth, how people are related, race and origin

  2. The Census is more accurate if everyone participates

  3. U.S. Census employees are subject to jail term, a fine, or both, for disclosing personal information

  4. Mailing your Census form early helps the government save millions in taxpayer dollars that would otherwise go toward following up with you if you don’t mail it back


F1. Your participation in the Census helps determine funding for a number of programs and services. Below are a list of programs and services. Please rate how important funding of each one is to you, using a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is not at all important and 5 is very important.

5 Very important




  1. Not at all important

98 Don’t know


    1. Schools and the education system

    2. Hospitals and healthcare

    3. Care for the elderly

4 Roads and highways

5 Job training programs

6 Daycare for children

7 Public transportation

8 Fire and police stations

9 Political representation in Congress


For each of the following statements, please indicate whether you Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree or Strongly Disagree.

4 Strongly agree

3 Agree

2 Disagree

1 Strongly disagree


When I think of the Census 2010 ad campaign, I think...

G1. filling out the form is easy and quick

G2. it is important for everyone to be counted

G3. the Census form needs to be mailed back

G4. the form will come in mid-March

G5. it's just 10 simple questions and takes about 10 minutes

G6. the Census can have a positive impact on your neighborhood

G7.the Census provides an opportunity to help create more jobs

G8.the Census provides an opportunity to secure funding for future

generations is your civic responsibility to participate

G10.let's government know what your community needs

G11. your answers are confidential

G12.mailing back the form helps the country move forward

G13.I can make a difference

G14.returning the form helps communities get better healthcare, education and job training








I1. Please tell me if you agree a lot, a little, neither, disagree a little, or disagree a lot with the following statements…

  1. Agree a lot

  1. Agree a little

  1. Disagree a little

  1. Disagree a lot

98 Don’t Know


    1. I like to go to websites I have never been to before

    2. I like websites that protect my privacy

    3. I spend less time watching television on my television set because of the internet

    4. When I need information the first place I look is the internet

    5. I try to keep up with developments in technology

    6. My friends often ask for my advice before buying electronic equipment

    7. I keep up to date with the latest fashion trends


J1. Including yourself, how many people live in your household?

J2. Do you have children in school who are under 18 living at home with you?

  1. Yes

  2. No

J3. What is your marital status?

1 Now married

2 Widowed

3 Divorced

4 Separated

5 Never married

98 Don’t Know

99 Refuse to asnwer

J5. Are you Hispanic or Latino?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Don’t Know

  2. Refuse to answer

J6. What is your race?


1 White

2 Black or African American

3 Asian

4 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

5 American Indian or Alaska Native

6 Other

98 Don’t Know

99 Refuse to answer

J7. What language is spoken most often in this household?

    1. English

    2. Spanish

    3. An Asian or Pacific Islander language (e.g., Chinese, Japanese, Tagalog, Vietnamese)

    4. Other

  1. Don’t Know

  2. Refuse to answer

J8. Were you born in the United States?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Don’t Know

  2. Refuse to answer

J9. Do you rent or own your house/apartment?

1 Rent

2 Own

3 Other

98 Don’t Know

99 Refuse to answer

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleSelected attitudes and beliefs items from the CICPE questionnaires
Last Modified Bynewbu001
File Modified2009-09-03
File Created2009-09-03

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