Cacg Apr Document

College Access Challenge Grant Program (CACGP) Annual Performance Report (JH)



OMB: 1840-0802

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OMB Approval No.: 1840-NEW

Expiration Date:



Annual Performance Report

1. PR award Number: _________________________________________________________

(Located in block 5 of your grant award notification)

2. Name of Grantee: ___________________________________________________________

3. Address: __________________________________________________________________

4. Name of Project Director/Contact Person: ________________________________________

Phone Number: ______________________ Fax: ______________________________

E-mail Address: _____________________________________________________________

5. Name of Certifying Official: ___________________________________________________

Phone Number: _______________________ E-mail Address: ______________________

6. Report Period: _____________________________ to ________________________________

Month/Day/Year Month/Day/Year

We certify that to the best of our knowledge, the information reported herein is accurate and complete.

_____________________________________ ______________________________________

Name of Project Director (Print) Name of Certifying Official (Print)

_____________________________________ ______________________________________

Signature and Date Signature and Date

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1840-0777. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 35 hours per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data sources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC 20202-4651. If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of the form, write directly to: The GEAR UP Program, U.S. Department of Education, 1990 K Street, N.W., Suite 6101, Washington, DC 20006-8524.


College Access Challenge Grant (CACG) Program grant recipients are required to submit an Annual Performance Report (APR). This report is used by the U.S. Department of Education (ED) to determine if projects funded under CACG are making substantial progress in meeting goals and objectives of the grant, as outlined in grant applications. Please read the following instructions thoroughly to assist you in filling out the required report:

The APR consists of a Cover Page and Two Parts:

The cover page along with Parts 1 and 2 of the APR must be e-mailed to [email protected] in Microsoft Word (.DOC). The actual submission deadlines for Parts 1 and 2 are presented below. Please send a coversheet, signed by both the project director and certifying official, to the following address:

College Access Challenge Grant Program

U.S. Department of Education

Attn: Karmon Simms-Coates

1990 K Street, NW, Suite 6132

Washington, DC 20006

Ten days prior to the APR submission deadline, you may request permission to mail your APR by e-mailing [email protected]. In your request you must include the reason why you are unable to submit the APR electronically.

Part 1 – includes the five sections listed below, which address the implementation of services and activities, project administration, and fiscal administration. Part 1 of the APR must be completed and then submitted on or before _______.

Section I – Executive Summary

Section II – Goals and Objectives

Section III – Administration

Section IV – Budgetary Information

Section V – Services and Activities

Part 2 – collects data relating to CACG program performance measures. Grantees must fill out and submit Part 2 of the APR only if they offered activities and services directly to students in secondary schools and/or provided scholarships to college students. Part 2 must be submitted on or before _____.

Grantees are expected to provide clear and concise responses to the APR questions. Please write “Not Applicable” or “N/A” if a question does not pertain to your project. Tables can be expanded to accommodate additional information, however, the contents of the report cannot be modified.




1. Please provide a brief description (1-2 pages) of the current status of your project. Describe the

extent to which you have implemented all program activities and components planned for this

reporting period. Highlight your major outcomes, successes, and challenges.


1. Describe the progress that your project has made towards accomplishing the objectives of your

project for this reporting period as outlined in your grant application. Please list your objectives in

the table below, and indicate what activities have taken place, the quantitative results of those

activities, and actions required (what, if any, changes do you intend to make in response to the

results that you have seen). You may extend this table on to another page as needed.

Objectives: List the approved objectives from your grant application or work plan. Where applicable, provide baseline data.

Activities: List the activities that have been conducted to meet the objective.

Results: Has the objective been met? If not, what progress have you made in reaching the objective?

Actions required: Are you planning to make changes to the grant in response to the results?

Example: 1. Enrollment in 7th grade pre-algebra, 8th grade algebra, and 8th grade advanced science classes will increase by 5% by next year.


Pre-algebra 7th grade -- 10%

Algebra 8th grade -- 5%

Adv. Sci. 8th grade -- 20%

Example: Instructional support services, staff development to improve instruction, and articulation with elementary schools

Example: Enrollment changes from 2000/01 to 2001/02: 1) 7th grade pre-algebra: +65%

2) 8th grade algebra: +5%

3) 8th grade advanced science: -6% (due to increased standards for enrollment).

Example: Continue to identify students needing intervention services based on achievement scores. Add science component to after school tutoring program.








2. Describe any significant changes in your project design since the approval of your grant application

(e.g., changing from individual tutoring to group tutoring or placing more emphasis on enrichment

activities rather than remediation). Do you anticipate making changes to your project design in the

coming year? If so, please describe. How have any changes or anticipated changes affected your

budget? How will these changes impact quantitative outcomes and your ability to meet the

project’s goals.


1. Organizational Structure/Capacity

a. How does CACG fit into your organizational structure?

  1. What barriers or problems have you encountered in administering your grant, and how have you

addressed these problems?

c. Please list the names and titles of key personnel that are paid by CACG Federal or matching

funds, and indicate the percentage of time each individual spends working on the grant. If the

percentage of time is not available, you may indicate the number of hours in which the

individual was paid.



% of Time



  1. Describe any changes to key personnel of this grant that have come about over the past year,

including changes in titles, changes in percentage of time that a person is devoting to the

project, hiring of a key staff person, departure of a key staff person, or addition or elimination of

a position. Discuss any significant changes to key personnel proposed or anticipated for the

coming year. (Please remember that a change in key personnel or the addition or elimination of

position(s) requires prior approval from the Department of Education. To request a change,

please request an administrative action separate from this report. Your response to question

1d. should be a summary of approved and completed changes that have taken place during this

reporting period.)

2. Coordination

  1. How did you coordinate CACG activities and services with other programs in your state that assist students in preparing for and graduating from postsecondary education?

3. Sub-Grants

If sub-grants were issued to non-profit organizations, please answer the following questions:

a. How many subgrants did you issue?

b. Briefly describe any changes that were made to the grant award-making process, from what

was outlined in your application.

c. Did you develop written guidelines for subgrantees to use in implementing grants?

d. How do you monitor the subgrants?

4. Financial Aid

  1. If your project has obligated funds for future distribution of scholarships, loan cancellation or

repayment, or interest rate reductions, please specify a) the purpose, b) the amount of funds that

were obligated, c) whether the funds are Federal or matching contributions, and d) the place where funds are being held pending distribution (e.g., are the funds in a trust account?)


Amount Obligated




Placement of Funds



  1. If any funds have been disbursed to students for scholarships, loan cancellation or repayment, or interest rate reductions, please specify a) the purpose, b) the amount of money disbursed, c) whether the funds are Federal or matching contributions, d) the method of distribution, and e) the number of students who benefited.







Method of Disbursement

Number of





1. In the following table, please provide information about your actual and anticipated Federal

expenditures for the current budget period. You do not need to fill in the shaded boxes, but please

indicate total amounts in line D for all columns.

Federal Budget Summary

Federal Funds Awarded

Actual Federal

Expenditures for ? - ? of Current Budget Period

Anticipated Federal

Expenditures for ? –? of Current Budget Period

Anticipated Carryover to Next Budget Period (if applicable)

  1. Salaries and Wages

  1. Employee Benefits

  1. Travel

  1. Materials & Supplies

  1. Consultants & Contracts

  1. Other

  1. Total Direct Costs:

(Lines 1 – 6)

  1. Total Indirect Costs:

  1. Equipment

D. *Scholarships/ Tuition Assistance

D. Total Costs (A+B+C+D)

* The scholarships/tuition assistance line item also includes loan cancellation, loan repayment, and interest rate reduction.

2. In the following table, provide information about your actual and anticipated non-Federal matching

contributions for the current budget period:

Non-Federal Matching Budget Summary

Matching Contributions Proposed For Current Budget Period


Actual Matching Contributions for September-March of Current Budget Period

Anticipated Matching Contributions for April –August of Current Budget Period

Anticipated Carryover to Next Budget Period, if applicable

1. Salaries and Wages

2. Employee Benefits


4. Materials & Supplies

5. Consultants & Contracts

6. Other

A. Total Direct Costs:

(Lines 1 – 6)

B. Total Indirect Costs:

C. Equipment

D. *Scholarships/ Tuition Assistance



* The scholarships/tuition assistance line item also includes loan cancellation, loan repayment, and interest rate reduction.

3. Please fill out the table below representing “actual” federal and matching expenditures for the first

year. If you are reporting on the first year of implementation, you do not need to fill out this table.

Actual Federal Expenditures

Year 1

Actual Matching Contributions

Year 1

1. Salaries and Wages

2. Employee Benefits

3. Travel

4. Materials & Supplies

5. Consultants & Contracts

6. Other

A. Total Direct Costs:

(Add lines 1-6)

B. Total Indirect Costs

C. Equipment Purchase

D. *Scholarships/

Tuition Assistance



* The scholarships/tuition assistance line item also includes loan cancellation, loan repayment, and interest rate reduction.

4. Please describe any changes made to your budget with respect to either Federal or matching funds.

5. Please describe how you plan to expend any carryover funds.

  1. Please provide a list of matching sources, such as State appropriations, non-profit organizations,

local government entities, institutions of higher education, other public or private organizations.


Amount Contributed

Briefly describe the type of contribution

















1. Please enter the number of students who participated in CACG activities or received services.

Number of Students: ________

2. Services Provided to Students: In the following table, place an “X” in the first column next to the

types of services or activities provided by your project with Federal or matching funds. For each

type of service provided, indicate the number of students who received the service during the

reporting period.

Place an “X” in this column if your project provides this type of service

Type of Service/Activities

Number of Students

Information for students and families (i.e., postsecondary education benefits, opportunities, planning, financial options, and college preparation)

Outreach activities

Assistance in completion of FAFSA or other financial reporting forms

Need-based grant aid

Academic enrichment

Loan cancellation, repayment, or interest rate reduction

Other (please specify)

3. Professional Development

a. Please enter the number of guidance counselors at middle and secondary schools, financial aid

administrators, and/or college admissions counselors at an institution of higher education that

participated in professional development activities.


Number of Participants

Middle or High School Counselors

Financial Aid Administrators

College Admissions Counselors

b. Please describe briefly the type of professional development activities that were implemented

(e.g., workshops and/or materials).



Grantees must fill out and submit Part 2 of the APR only if they offered activities and services directly to students in secondary schools and/or provided scholarships to college students. Part 2 must be submitted on or before ______.

1. If your project offers activities and services directly to students in secondary schools:
a. Please provide the number of high school seniors who received services as a result of the CACG
grant in the FY 200__ academic year. Note: If secondary school guidance counselors were
provided professional development in applying for federal student financial assistance, include
all of the high school seniors at the guidance counselors’ target school(s).

Number of Students

b. Please provide the number of high school seniors who completed a Free Application for Federal
Student Aid (FAFSA) in the FY 200__ academic year.

Number of Students

2. If your project has a scholarship (need-based grant aid) program, please provide the following

information for the 200__ - 200 __ academic year .

a. Number of high school seniors who were offered a CACG scholarship with Federal

funds. ______

  1. Total cost of CACG scholarships offered to high school seniors with Federal funds for their first year of postsecondary education with federal funds. _________

  1. Number of high school seniors who were offered a CACG scholarship with Federal funds and

enrolled in postsecondary education within one year of high school graduation. _______

d. Number of college freshmen who received a CACG scholarship with Federal funds. ________


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleAnnual Performance Report for Partnership and State Projects under the GEAR UP Program (MS Word)
Last Modified Bydoritha.ross
File Modified2008-09-29
File Created2008-09-29

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